• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 771 Views, 30 Comments

Discorded - Slendermare

Loneliness. That's all Crimson feels after Discord reverts back to his chaotic self. Everypony she knows is gone. All she can do is try to save them, or give up. And giving up looks pretty good right now...

  • ...


Lonely. The only word I can use. I sit in my room, a little safe haven. I glance out my window at Ponyville. It's in chaos. The ground is checkered, there's cotton candy clouds, and the house across the street is upside down. I sit crying, feeling the emotional toll beginning to set in on me. The world may have been in ruins, but that's not even the worst part. The worst part, is what happened to everypony I knew. I tried to stay happy, because I don't want it to happen to me.

I soon figured out that if you let yourself give into your opposite personality, that you start turning grey. I don't want to turn grey, and start acting opposite to myself, because then there'd be nopony to save Equestria. Maybe I can save everyone! There was that one guy with the cool, flying blue box, but now he wouldn't even leave it. I expected Diamond Tiara to act nicer, maybe even hoped, but instead, she's all mopey, talking about her horrible life. I was feeling really bad for her, and I was glad. If I didn't lose my empathy, then I wouldn't turn grey. That's what kept me going, keeping me happy. But as I thought of the last few day's events, I was starting to lose all hope.

I never had many friends to begin with, but now I didn't even have my sister. Even the Elements of Harmony weren't available. The elements were taken by that tree, and now nopony could stop it. I tried acting my normal, bubbly self, but it was getting hard. One of my only friends, Nyx was acting all evil and yelling about how the night will last forever. She was acting like Nightmare Moon, and I was hoping that I might figure out a way to save her. The Cutie Mark Crusaders weren't crusading at all. They were arguing and refused to see each other. Scootaloo was against the entire world, and was certain that nopony cared about her. Sweetie Belle refused to leave her room, convince that she'd ruin something. And Applebloom was acting like a background pony, not wanting to take charge at all. Miss Cherilee just sat around, not wanting to teach us anything. It was like she'd given up hope on us learning! Even the Elements were grey.

Pinkie was mean, and didn't like anything. I tried to tell her a joke, but she scowled, and told me she hated jokes. I think cynical is the word. I tried to talk to Rainbow, even though I didn't know her that much. She was just sat around, doing nothing. She just lounged around on a cloud, telling me it wasn't her problem. I don't get what being lazy has to do with loyalty, but then again everything was different. I went all the way to Sweet Apple Acres and asked Applejack if she would help me try and fix it all, but she lied and told me that she had to take Applebloom to school, although it was four in the afternoon, I think. Besides, Applebloom was in town last I saw. But either way, I couldn't tell about the time, night and day were messed up, even my hoofwatch was messed up, oddly enough. I didn't want to push her if she wasn't gonna give it to me straight, though, and left.

Twilight didn't care about having friends, and just hung out alone. She was just reading all the time, and I doubt she'd run out of books. She did live in a library after all. Rarity was to busy hogging all of her stuff to care. She said she had finally found Tom again, or something like that. After them, I realized Fluttershy was really nice! She could help me, right?

I walked over to her cottage to ask her, but she was being really mean. She called me really mean names, and when I didn't leave the third time she asked, she hit me! Fluttershy! I ran away crying, but not because I was hurt. I can't feel pain. It was because even the nicest pony in Ponyville, possibly Equestria, was grey. Eventually, I went to my sister, hoping that she would be ok.

She wasn't there, though. Arrow was. Apparently, it caused her split personality to be forced to stay, and she looked grey, too. Usually Arrow didn't turn her grey, but then again nothing made sense anymore. I tried reasoning, but it wasn't a good result.
"Hey, Arsonya!" I called to her smiling.
"It's Arrow, stupid." She rolled her eyes at me.
My smile faltered a bit, but not completely.
"Oh, sorry... Hey, do you know what's going on?"
"Why would I? Do I look like a newspony to you or something?"
"No, but, I just thought that you-" She cut me off.
"Sorry, what's that? I don't speak stupid, you idiot. Why don't you go off and do what your good at... Oh wait, you're a stupid little blank flank! Well, I'll tell you exactly what you're good at, since you apparently STILL don't know. It's being a boring background character, a waste of space. It's no wonder you only have one friend."
I walked off, crying silently. I knew it wasn't good to cry around Arrow, it'd just encourage her taunting.

But that was earlier. I now sat here in my room alone.
Now, I had nowhere to go, and I couldn't stop it. Only the Princesses would be able to stop all of this, not me.
Wait a second...

Of course! The Princesses could help me! Excitedly, I jumped up and opened my window, which melted. I shook it off, stretched my wings, and took off. I looked below me as I flew. As I flew, the ponies below me soon disappeared into countryside. For awhile, it was only low, rolling hills, and I felt happy. Without seeing them, I could pretend that nothing was wrong. I could act like I was just going for a fly, to visit the castle! I enjoyed my fantasy, but like all good things these days, it didn't last. Eventually, the serene, low hills gave way to the Equestrian capitol, Canterlot. I looked below me. All the ponies were grey here, too, which worried me. I couldn't stay worried though, I was on a mission. I landed, and I was really tired. I felt like I had flown for hours, but in reality, it was probably just a half hour. Still a long time. I walked through the opened gate. All the guards were gone, which was really weird. Maybe they didn't care anymore? I walked in, and was amazed.

The ceilings were so high up, and the windows were really pretty. Each one held a story of it's own, waiting to be told. One told about the Elements of Harmony coming together, and another told about Luna being banished to the moon. It was a sad one, and I looked at it for a minute. I walked off, wondering how many ponies noticed that Celestia was crying.

I walked to a pair of huge doors. It was golden, and I figured it was the throne room. I almost cried myself when I saw them.
Grey. How? They were the Princesses! After a moment or two, I think Celestia finally noticed me, because she said,
"What are you doing here?" She didn't sound sad, or her normal self, as more of... pissed off.
"Well, I was hoping that you and Princess Luna might know what's going on, and why all of the other ponies are grey."
She sighed, and beckoned me to follow her as she walked down the windowed hallway again.
"What is your name?"
"I'm Crimson Fang, but you can call me Crim." I smile, hoping to get her happy again. No such luck. Then I begin talking.
"This is Discord's doing. Before you ask, he's a tyrant who ruled Equestria before me and my sister stopped him." She knelt down to my level, and told me,
"You have no chance of stopping him, ok? I'd just head home and get used to it." She started to walk away.
I gasped in anger.
"But, but your a PRINCESS! The Princess in charge of Equestria! Can't you do anything?" She scowled, and said,
"Just because I'm the head princess of a country, you little ponies think that I can fix everything! I can't, not this time."
She turned around, throwing her crown to the floor.
"You know what I say to being a princess? Not anymore, filly. I don't really give a buck, ok? YOU rule a country, and then come back to me."
I sat there stunned as she walked away. I didn't see Luna after that, and I hoped for the best. I slowly walked over to the discarded tiara, and held it in my hooves. I slowly put it on my head as silent tears streamed down my face. I flew through the window that showed the Elements, all the way home. As soon as I arrived, I passed out on my floor.

I awoke to laughter. I soon recognized it as my laughter, and I grew even more confused. My room was darkly lit. I heard the laughter coming from... my mirror? I walked over to it, and gasped. A small filly sat there, looking at me. She had leathery batwings and glasses.
It was me. Undeniably me, the only difference being that she was tinged grey. What shocked me even more was when she started talking.
"Wow, you still haven't given up yet?"
I slowly shake my head no, and say,
"Why would I? I can still help everypony..."
"Oh yeah blankflank? How's that gonna happen? Smiling at everypony?"
She laughed.
"Seriously? Smiling? Wow, that's SURE to work." She rolled her eyes, as I said,
"It might!" I was crying by now, but she didn't give up.
"Who do you think you are? The new Pinkie Pie?"
After that, I look at her with a stare that can challenge even Fluttershy's. Shouting louder than the Royal Canterlot Voice, I yell,
"No, but I'm the new head Princess of Equestria, and I'm gonna save it!"
My reflection barely had time to comprehend what it was I was going to do. Angrily, I turned around and bucked the mirror as hard as I could. As soon as my hind hooves hit the glass, I really woke up.

I woke sweating, and looked around me. My mirror was still intact, so I knew that it never happened. But, in a way, it did. I saw Prin- I mean, Celestia's crown lying a few feet away. I fixed it on my head, and walked out of my room. As soon as I hopped off the last steps, I was greeted by Arrow.
"Where'd ya get the dumb crown? The dump?" She laughed as I walked to the front door, completely ignoring her.
"Hey! Talk to me when I tell you something! I'm in charge around here, not you!"
I walked out the door, not even turning around as I walked out saying,
"Not anymore."

Ponyville was still chaotic, if not even more than it was before I left. I saw Silver Spoon being mean to everyone. Wait, wasn't she usually mean? Well, it was hard to tell if she was any grayer than usual, so I'd look into that later. I look around me, not seeing that many ponies. I guess me and a few others were the only ones crazy enough to come out. By now, I was REALLY determined and mad. I wanted to find this Discord and introduce his sorry flank to-
"Why the sour face, pony?"

I turn around, coming face to face with chaos itself. It was like a foal had gotten ahold of a puzzle, and screwed everything up when putting it together.
"The one and only."
He frowned slightly.
"Hey, why aren't you discorded?"
"You mean grey?"
He scowls, and says,
"What else?"
I took my remaining courage and yelled,
"Turn everything back, this isn't right!"
He laughs.
"And what significance is your power? Teachers pet?"
I stamp my hoof on the cobblestone street. Geez, this guy was annoying!
"I'm a princess, that's why."
It took all of my will not to blush. I didn't like being in charge, but he didn't need to know that. He interrupts my train of thought.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, Celestia said so."
I was really embarrassing myself now. I REALLY hated being a leader, and I feel silly doing all of this.
"Well, PRINCESS," He draws out the word, and then continues. "Since I have chaos to reap, I'll let yourself convince yourself to become discorded."

I blink, just barely following what he said. He disappears with a snap of his talons, and in his place is me. She looks like me, but I know it's not me.
I rub my eyes, not believing them. Was I dreaming again? No, this isn't a dream, I'd know it. Then, the other me talks again.
"I thought we covered this in the dreamscape. Just give up already!"
I facehoof, this whole day was confusing me. First, I have to go through yet another chaotic day, then I get slapped by Fluttershy. I then get crowned as head princess of Equestria, only to get stuck with myself.
"I've had a long day. I should. But I won't, so just go." I turn to walk away, and I feel a tug.

I turn around to find that she grabbed my tail. No pain, but it was still stopping me. I buck her face with my hind legs. I heard a crack and wince slightly. With that out of the way, I can go back home. Where Arrow was waiting. I sigh. There was nowhere I can go. Ok, now I was pissed.

I walk around town, and eventually find him.
"Discord, get your lazy flank DOWN HERE."
He rolls his eyes.
"And why would I do that, little pony?"
My eye twitches, and I fly up to his floating throne. I grab his neck and throw him to the ground. I get in his face and say,
"Change it back."
He taps his chin like he was thinking about it.
"Umm, how about no?"
Angrily, I kick between his legs as hard as I could.
"Screw you Discord!" I walk off, leaving him there.

I've been walking about the town for what feels like hours. I was really wanting to give up. I stop for a minute and sigh. No, I wouldn't give in the him. Not now, not ever. I'd do whatever it takes to remain my true self. I flew up to a cotton candy cloud and took a bite. Not bad. I continue on my way, and eventually find myself on the bell tower in town square. I look at the town. Everypony outside is discorded. I could give up...
No, not ever.

I continue to stare at the town. I've been up here about twenty minutes. I finally made a decision.
I won't give up. At this time, I turn my I-pod on, and You're Gonna Go Far Kid came on. I smile as I walk home, knowing that I'm going to be helping my sister first, above all.

Author's Note:

I'm considering a sequel, but not sure. In the comments, let me know what you think.

Comments ( 30 )

Keep it up, this is really good!

Excellent job. If there were any mistakes, I sure didn't catch any. This was simply fantastic, absolutely fantastic! I am actually curious to see what the sequel will be like.

Keep up the good work!

4269011 Thanks, I will.
4270814 Ok, thanks.
4274996 Well, you certainly aren't very subtle, now are you? :rainbowlaugh:
4275218 Give me a minute, I wanna see this a minute longer... :trollestia:

4275272 You are just now realizing this? Have you SEEN my blog posts, one in particular?

4275289 Read the comments of this one: I be trollin you. :trollestia:

I love it! The cover art is awesome! Mind telling me who drew it? I kind of need art help. :P

And those references!

There was that one guy with the cool, flying blue box, but now he wouldn't even leave it.

Anything involving Discord Whooves, I approve of. :pinkiehappy:

Scootaloo was against the entire world, and was certain that nopony cared about her.

:pinkiegasp: By chance is this a reference to the personality of Discorded Scootaloo from my "Ask Discorded Scootloo" story? Or would this just be common knowledge for a Discorded Scoots? If it is the former, than I for one am honored.

Anyway, awesome story. :twilightsmile:

4329679 I based it off your story.
Also, the artist was Jaysixx, she's good. Check her out.

4329729 awww, I feel good having my work referenced. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

4329871 Did you catch the Nyx reference?

4329944 yup. Of course. Of course she'd go back to being the whole reincarnation of Nightmare Moon if Discord got to her. :derpytongue2:

4329995 Curse you, discord!

they don't have the offspring in equestria...

4374897 Yeah, and they shouldn't have ginger batponies either, but does that matter?

4374927 sure you are a brony the answer song is join the herd, always join the herd

4374933 I am thinking about making a faster more aggresive version of that song by the way

4374933 I am a brony. To the core.

4374945 just planning on adding own vocals and screwing with the instrumental, it's a one man job, sorry, though if you do want to do something like that I am trying to learn synth

4374949 I don't think I have that. And I play EVERY instrument 1 handed.
Guitar. (Failed)

4374966 I play guitar but I don't have proper equipment to record

4374970 Me either. I'm looking for a cord to transport videos to my PC

Nice work ya did!

4397538 *Rereads comment* You're gonna go far, kid!

Discord got kicked in the nuts, ouch! :rainbowderp:
I love Discord but you made him seem bad so.... I LAUGHED SO HARD:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

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