• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 1,732 Views, 37 Comments

Gatekeeper: Prince of Darkness - InfiniteBrony

A man becomes Connected to King Sombra with a bond that is soul deep, changing him inside and out. With his newfound magic and ambition, he has forged himself an empire, and one day, it shall span the globe. Maybe then, he will be able to save us all

  • ...

Call of Allgiance

The hour was late, and I was tired. I’d forgone sleep entirely for the last several days in order to see to it that all the needed preparations for the near future were completed, and even with my supernatural stamina, my exhaustion was beginning to catch up with me. With a weary sigh I stretched my arms above my head and twisted sharply to the side, my vertebrae giving a series of rippling pops, and groaned with relief. Reaching for my now stale coffee I took a large drink, grimacing at the temperature, and once again read over the documents sitting on my desk in front of me. Ever since my meeting with the changelings last week, my workload had skyrocketed, and internal security had become paramount, at least within my inner circles. The papers currently on my desk where only the latest draft of some of the recent changes, outlining some of the new security protocols to prevent any sort of changeling infiltration into a secure area.

This latest document referenced some of the new tests administered to all personal as they handled sensitive information, scanners to detect changeling magic, a method of lacing an area with highly concentrated caustic negative emotions to prevent any sort of changeling from entering or sensing beyond a certain point, and even a new method of storing data in enchanted crystals keyed to specific individuals with a combination of mental and even soul magic. Skimming over it one final time, I signed it with a flourishing script and placed it upon the towering stack of the ‘Out’ tray on my desk. Reaching to the other end of my desk, I took the final piece of paper from my ‘In’ tray and began reading it over, the corners of my mouth curling into a tired grin as my eyes slipped over the page. It seemed that my architects in Research and Development had finally come through.

The document outlined the revised plans and blueprints for the proprietary SpyreShades Towers, currently undergoing construction around the world in various places. The revision hadn’t changed much, leaving most of the skyscraper untouched, but towards the top several floors, the building began to curve inwards, and extended upwards several dozen feet more than previous. At the top of the building, just below the roof but above the tower’s top floor, there was a new room, only about twenty feet long by twelve feet wide and ten feet high, completely closed off from the rest of the building. None of the power lines ran to it, and none of the utility lines went through it, there were no windows and didn’t even touch any of the structural supports. It didn’t even show up on any of the official blueprints, save the one I held in my hands. There was no way into the room and now way out. Officially, the room did not exist. It was perfect. With a small grin, I wrote a note stating that I wanted the new blueprint design to be implemented in the ongoing construction projects in Seattle, Dubai and Hong Kong effective immediately, and signed my name before placing it into the outgoing pile of paperwork as well. Leaning back in my chair, I let out a small yawn and a tired grin, happy that for the moment at least, my work was done.

My reprieve was broken by a knock at my office door, and Rosaline sticking her blonde head inside. “Sire, you’ve received a personal message from a mister Vincent Forgazzio,” she said, holding up a small sheet of paper. “He said that you had requested some pertinent information.”

I felt myself perk up and my grin spread a little wider. Vincent Forgazzio, or “Vinnie the Peach” as he was known was in charge of working the streets and was one of the head members of The Family, having served loyally for decades now, having even helped my own father back when he was still The Don. When I had taken my old man’s place he and I had become fast friends, and to this day we still occasionally went out to drinks together and had an active betting pool on which corrupt politician would be next to miss their third protection payment in a row and would meet with an unfortunate “accident”. I quickly waved Rosaline inside and took the paper from her as she approached my desk. My eyes rapidly scanned the words on the page, taking the facts and figures, well as the many personal asides, and my grin only seemed to cement itself all the more firmly on my face.

It seemed the Venom I had received from the king of the changelings a week ago had been met with a huge and resounding success. Over the course of the last week the product had taken off and sales were sky-high. In just a few days, it had already turned in a profit of over half a million dollars on just word of mouth alone. Even better, nearly everyone who had tried it had come back for more and more, easily becoming addicted, but best of all, there had been not a single overdose. With just a little bit more tweaking to the formula, I should be able to use my contacts in the FDA to push it through and begin marketing it with my pharmaceutical department as a wonder drug, and a cure to impotency everywhere. If the masses accepted it as readily as the page in front of me said they did, then stocks could double and I stood to make more money than Viagra and Cialis combined.

I chuckled as I set down the paper on my desk and set about writing my reply, telling Vinnie to keep pushing the Venom as well as start giving out the first hit for free in order to hook more people and draw in more repeat buyers. As I was finishing though, I was interrupted by my desk phone ringing. Wondering who could have been calling me directly at this hour, I looked over at it, only to see that the number was registered simply as ‘Unknown’. I turned to Rosaline beside me with a sidelong glance, raising a questioning eyebrow. She only looked back at me with a shrug and a shake of her head. With a sigh, I set down my pen, hit the answer button on the phone, turned it to speaker, and wearily said, “Speak.”

The voice that came out the other end of the line was husky and rich, deeply feminine and sounded strangely like Rosaline’s. “Hello, big man. How are you, hmmm? I’m sure you remember me; you gave me such a big jewel. I wonder... no, you’d never let me suck your royal jewels. Still, a queen can dream, can’t she?”

I let out a deep sigh and rubbed the space between my eyes, a large frown on my face. My previous good mood was gone and I found myself growing quickly irritated. I was too tired to deal with some vulgar trollop. “Stop playing games; why have you called me?” I asked, my tone belying my lack of patience.

“Straight to business, mmmmm? Very well. Roxanne the 'ling queen, at your service.” The voice said, losing its seductive edge and becoming a bit more playful. “I want to discuss that alliance we talked about,” it continued, shifting into a serious demeanor.

Unseen, my frown lifted slightly, shifting from a grimace of irritation to a look of curiosity as I quickly caught on to just who was on the other end of the line. “I’m listening, Shifting One,” I said, my voice changing to a more neutral tone.

“We of the hive have come to an agreement regarding your proposition of a full alliance beyond our previously established trade agreement. For a few small, and I do emphasize small, conditions, we would be willing to establish a full alliance with you,” King Rex said over the phone, his voiced still disguised and feminine.

If he had piqued my curiosity already then he had my full attention now. “What are your terms?” I asked, thankful that this wasn’t a face to face meeting as my emotions were harder to control under the weight of my exhaustion. Had Rex been here in person, he would have felt just how eager I was.

“First and foremost, you must promise never to use your dark magic on one of my changelings, even for the most innocent of purposes. I cannot stress enough how catastrophic your wrath, the very core of your magic, is to our bodies; it is a toxin like no other. Second, do not even think of touching Selene; she is my daughter, under my protection, and is an adoptive royal in my hive.” He said, his voice becoming harsher and even though I wasn’t there I could tell there was a hint of defensive anger to his tone. “The third is more of a request than a true condition. I propose a pair of... friendly games, let’s say, to help us get to know one another. What do you say?”

“I know full well just how my magic would affect you; I know more of changelings than you seem to think,” I replied, once more thankful that Rex was not here in person to sense the deeper truth behind my words. “I also consider myself a man of justice, a man with laws - laws I strictly enforce, no matter the perpetrator. However, if you should so wish, even if one of your changelings should break these laws I shall leave its punishment to you, so long as I feel it fits the crime. I also have no problem with leaving Selene out of this, she was never part of my plans to begin with. I have full confidence in your ability to keep her safe. As for the games... what kind of games do you have in mind?”

Rex replied quickly, and I could almost hear him nodding over the phone. “That is acceptable. For the games, they are each a one-on-one game of wits. Every single move you can think of, every person, spell, and item you possess, you are free to use, no restrictions. I do advise not killing; it’s not that type of game. No, simply, I have two objectives I wish to complete by a finite date; let’s say... the day the Crystal Empire emerges.” Rex paused for a brief moment and seemed to consider his words before going on. “In the first game, if I fail, you will not be affected at all. If I win... well, that would be telling. It’s nothing bad for either of us, I assure you. In fact, you may even like what comes of my plan. I just know that you will resist the whole time; that’s just the way the board is set up, I’m afraid.” I frowned as he spoke, not quite likening the scenario he was implying but keeping my slight misgivings to myself. Unaware of my vague perturbence, he went on, “The second game is much simpler. I have exactly three moves to set up a situation to which you must counter. All three moves will be made at some time within the next month. You have unlimited moves afterwards. The result of this game will become clear as the Empire appears. Is that acceptable?”

Swallowing any misgivings I might have had, I answered, “I see nothing wrong with that. I accept. When would you like to get together to finalize this in writing?”

Immediately Rex switched back into a playfully seductive tone as he/she responded, “Ohhh, I would like that very much, big man. Shall I fly to you, or you to me?”

Ignoring Rex’s weak attempt at teasing, I replied, “If this is to be an alliance of equals, then let that set the precedence. Let’s meet on neutral ground this time. Cuba, perhaps?” Cuba would be a good location, it was roughly equidistant from the both of us and fell outside either of our jurisdictions.

Though I couldn’t see him, I for some reason got the distinct impression that Rex was pursing his lips and furrowing his brows with a hint of disappointment as he said, “I had thought of Las Vegas; I have external affairs with my human contacts to attend to there in a few days, as well as my hopes of spending a few days at play. Though anywhere out of the state of Georgia is beyond my territory, so Cuba definitely works. It’s your choice. Though I have to wonder, what would poker be like empath versus empath? No true poker face, after all.”

“I suggested Cuba, because it is in neither of our countries. Afterwards, perhaps we could fly to Las Vegas together to celebrate our newfound status as allies. I’ve always rather been weak to my vices, and the strip is so lovely this time of year.” I had to admit, I would be interesting to see just how a game of cards between Rex and myself would play out.

“Cuba it is then. I shall be in touch. You know, I’ve always been a bit of a gamer; play well, sir,” he said.

“Myself as well, though I play to win. I’ll be seeing you soon,” I replied, smirking and ending the call, hanging up with a loud click. Sighing deeply, I leaned back in my chair. I had been wondering when that call would come. Frankly, Rex held out a bit longer then I had expected, I had to give him props for that. If all of this was any indication, then the coming days were going to be increasingly interesting. With a groan, I twisted my head to the side, rubbing my neck. ‘I’m not as young as I used to be, all this excitement can’t be good for my health,’ I thought with a laugh.

Standing up to my full height and giving a quick stretch to loosen my stiff muscles, I picked up the almost forgotten paper on my desk and gave it to Rosaline. “Here, make sure this gets to Vinnie. Also, see to it that the changeling security measures are expedited and instituted as soon as possible. When you’re done here, feel free to go home,” I ordered.

Rosaline took the paper and gave a small bow, saying, “As you say, my king.” She quickly left to go do as I had instructed.

With a weary yawn, I made my way to the window and looked outside. Noting the hour and the position of the moon in the sky, I decided that it was about time that I left – I still had preparations to take care of elsewhere. Briefly, the room darkened, filling thickly with shadows until no light shone, and when the darkness receded, the room was vacant.

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone, sorry it took so long to publish such a short chapter. RL has been kicking me in the balls pretty hard lately, and after writing half a chapter, deleting it all and starting a completely different chapter, then deleting it again about four times in a row, I decided to just pop out this little diddy and be done with it. Hopefully, the next chapter should be longer, more exciting, and released in a more timely manner, but I wouldn't count on it.