• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 4,764 Views, 32 Comments

Heated - not the real VAV

Big Macintosh is excited to see his soon-to-be wife but he soons find out, she had a big problem. One she can't deal with alone.

  • ...



Mac walked happily down the dirt trail, excited to see his fiancée. Their wedding was coming up and any moment he had off from work, he wanted to spend it with her.

The dirt path was a shortcut to her cottage from Mac’s home and let him walk close to nature without any disturbances. The red pony had actually combed his mane and gotten clean before decided to visit her. He wanted to look nice and wanted to show her how much he cared. Mac knew it wasn’t necessary, Fluttershy knew how much he loved her and he knew how much she loved him.

Seeing his fiancée made him smile. He loved her on the outside: her long, silky pink mane, her soft yellow fur, her beautiful teal eyes, and her wonderful feathery wings. He loved her on the inside: a golden heart that made his swell, her gentle soul that could tame any beast, and how much she cared about everypony. They had been together for a total of two years, five months, two weeks, and three days. Not that any pony was counting.

But as much was getting closer to a house, something came barreling out to stop him, a certain white rabbit, to be exact. The white fluff bounced off his muscular fore legs and landed on the ground. Angel looked up and motioned for him to not go any further.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

He made a few more motions.
“She doesn’t want to see me?” He asked sadly. Angel shook his head. He made a few more motions.
“She doesn’t want me to see her? What’s wrong?” Mac was concerned something was wrong in their relationship. They both loved each other…didn’t they?

Angel thought for a moment. He tried to act like a certain yellow Pegasus.
“Is that supposed to be Fluttershy?” He asked. Angel nodded. “Okay.” Mac said. Angel thought for a moment before using his hand like a fan. Mac raised an eyebrow.
“She’s hot?” He asked, tilting his head in confusion. The bunny shook his white head.

He thought for a moment once again. He grinned and flopped on the ground. His eyes were half-lidded, his tongue stuck out, and he had a certain look in his eyes. Mac’s eyes widened in surprise as leaned closer to the rabbit. Even though no one was nearby, Mac felt like if he didn’t whisper he’d been ruining Fluttershy’s privacy. “She’s…in heat?” He asked. Angel nodded.

Mac blushed. They had made a promise to wait until they were married to try any shenanigans. Mac knew Fluttershy was sweet and innocent. But he also grew up in a household dominated by mares. He knew every mare would end up in heat.

It seemed absurd to picture Fluttershy acting sex-crazed. But he believed Angel and knew Fluttershy would have told him she didn’t want to see him in person if it wasn’t important. Before Mac turned around he asked, “Can’t Ah stay with her, though. I know she’s a little… dazed…right now but Ah want to be there with her.”

Angel shrugged. He hopped off to the front door and got through his own rabbit door. Mac walked closer as the door swung open. Angel gestured for him to follow. Mac walked in. The house was dark and fairly quiet. It didn’t look like any of the animals were here except Angel.

“Where are all of Fluttershy’s critters?” Mac asked. Angel made a motion suggesting they had left. Angel hopped off to the kitchen and returned with a note.

Dear Mac,
I’m very sorry but I can’t spend time with you today. If you’re looking at this note I’m sure you already know why. I really don’t want you to see me like this. I’m sure you know what it’s like, being the only stallion in a house full of mares. My animals leave when this sort of thing happens; they all know very well that I love each and every one of them. But they know I can’t take care of them when I’m like this. I’ll make it up to you I swear,

Mac placed the note on the coffee table when he heard a disturbing noise. A fairly loud moan had come from upstairs. It wasn’t too loud, not the decibel you’d hear from other mares in heat, but this confirmed it was Fluttershy. He began walking to the stairs. Angel stood in his way like a guard.

The crimson pony looked down at him. The rabbit gestured at the note, pointing upstairs, then at Mac.
“Ah know, Ah know, Ah just want to make sure she’s alright.” Angel gave him a look saying: that’s my job. “Come on, please Angel?” He asked. Angel shook his head. “Alright…you leave me no choice.”

Mac leaned down and picked Angel gently up by the neck. The bunny threw a fit and started throwing punches his way.
“Ah’m thorry bhut iht’s for your ohwn ghood.” He spoke, his mouth full of fur. He placed the rabbit on a coat rack, leaving him dangling from the carved wood. He made sure the rabbit was okay, Mac didn’t want to harm the poor guy, just make sure he was out of his way.

Mac nodded and started to walk upstairs. The moans were getting slightly louder as he approached. He tried to see which room they were coming from but a loud one told Mac she was in her bedroom. He placed his head against the door. They only got louder. Mac blushed as he realized he was getting a little…excited by these noises. ‘Keep it together, Mac.’ He told himself.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?” He asked. The moans stopped briefly. It sounded like something got off the bed and barreled into the door. Mac jumped back as something crashed into the wood. He heard a quiet, “Ouch,” and smiled.

“Are you okay, sweetums? Did you just run into the door?” Mac pictured his fiancée blushing.
“Uhm…maybe…but Mac, t-the note! I-I thought you k-knew. I c-can’t go today because-,” “You’re in heat?” Mac finished.

Fluttershy didn’t answer. He pictured his fiancée glowing red by now. “…y-yes.” She quietly stuttered.
“It’s okay, sweetie. Like you said in the note, Ah grew up with my mom, grandma, and two sisters. Ah know what yer going through.” It was quiet before Fluttershy spoke up. “T-thanks…um…but why did you come up here?” She asked.

“To make sure yer okay, Ah don’t want you to hurt yourself-,” he was interrupted by a bang against the door and a squeal. Fluttershy would most definitely, by now, be as red as Mac’s coat. The red stallion chuckled quietly. “It’s alright. We’re going to be married soon. Ah ain’t ever going to be ashamed or embarrassed of you.” The words were comforting to Fluttershy.
“Thanks, Mackie.” Mac grinned at the pet name.

“You want me to help you? Ah know you just crashed into this door.” He could hear hooves scoffing at the wood. He knew very well by now that that was one of Fluttershy’s mannerisms. She did it when she was nervous.

“Ah’m never going to judge you. Ah know what yer going through.” Mac repeated but not in annoyance.
“…o-okay.” A quiet voice said. Mac smiled. The door creaked open. Fluttershy stepped back.

Her mane was tangled and knotty and damp with sweat and something else. Her wings were ruffled, feathers jutting out. Her coat was damp with sweat just like her mane. Her ears were flattened against her head in shame. Fluttershy’s eyes were glued to the ground, too abashed to look up at Mac. And her hind legs were clamped together, her tail tied around them. She was trying to hide any evidence of what she was doing.

The room wasn’t squeaky clean, either. Her covers were partly on the bed, the other half on the floor. The pillows were flung about the room. One was close to Mac and he could see it was damp as well. He knew Fluttershy would have had this clean in a jiffy but under different circumstances.

Mac looked back to his fiancée. She still wouldn’t look him in the eyes. Even though she was disarrayed and messy, Mac though she looked absolutely breath-taking. He lowered he head to try to look her in the eyes. She saw him and blushed, hiding behind her mane.

The red earth pony used his massive hoof to push away her mane. “Hey…hey…it’s okay, Shy. No need to be ashamed.” She still didn’t look any better.
“B-but…look what I’ve done,” she gestured around the room with a blush. “I’ve made a complete mess.” Mac chuckled.
“So? All mares are that way…at least the Apple ones.” Fluttershy looked up with a smile. “Really?” The mare asked. Mac nodded.

“Don’t tell AJ Ah told you. She’ll turn as red as an apple: from embarrassment and from anger. Then she’ll kill me.” He joked. The Pegasus giggled. Mac smiled; glad he could get her mind off of the situation. He walked next to her and lay down. He patted the ground next to him, beckoning her to lay with him. She smiled and lay down. Fluttershy snuggled into his neck. Mac smiled, ear to ear, goofily.

He draped an arm around her and held her tight. “Let me know if you feel…anything going on…down…there.” The stallion said with a large blush. His didn’t even compare to his mare friend’s though. Her crème cheeks lit up with a bright red. She squealed a trademark ‘Eep!’ Mac rubbed his face against her face. His handsome emerald eye stared into her beautiful turquoise one.

“Yer so cute,” he kissed her gently on the cheek. She smiled as she blushed more. She kissed him on the snout. When Mac went to return the gesture, they bumped noses. Both laughed and pulled apart.

A good fifteen minutes passed without any trouble. Though, being so close to Mac, Fluttershy was starting to heat up. “M-Mac…” she said. Mac looked over to her.

Her eyes were half-lidded, she was breathing heavily, and her tongue was out. His eyes widened as a blush grew. His soon-to-be wife had a certain look in her eyes. “Mac…” She let go a hot breath on his neck. Mac’s blush grew as she got closer to him. The stallion was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Um…hey, Shy. Ah’m…Ah’m gonna’ go for now. Ah’ll…Ah’ll just be downstairs…” He said, fighting the urge to stay with her.

Mac started to get up when a hoof touched his side. Mac spun around to see Fluttershy pleading him to stay. He couldn’t look Fluttershy in the eyes. If he did, he knew he’d fall under her spell. She wasn’t using the Stare, but Fluttershy’s eyes’ had other ways to convince people. He gulped.
She gave a sly grin as she said, “Oh won’t you stay? I’d love some company, big boy.” The canary mare said seductively. His mouth was open and his eyes looked longingly at her.

Macintosh shook his head roughly, beating the urge. “Shy, Ah can’t. We promised we’d wait till after marriage. This ain’t you speaking. Ah know you wouldn’t want me to do it.” He said. His fiancée groaned in annoyance and tried to leap onto Mac. Mac caught her but quickly laid her back down.
“Ah’ll be downstairs.” He walked out of the room.

His mare friend groaned loudly.

“Go fish,” Mac said. Angel Bunny placed down a card. Mac looked at his deck. “Sev-,” He was interrupted by an angelic voice. “M-Mac?” That didn’t sound like the Fluttershy Mac had left an hour ago. That sounded like the regular Fluttershy. Mac placed down his deck and started upstairs.

A sweet mare’s head was jutting out from a doorway. She looked concerned. “Yes?” He asked. “M-Mac? What’d I do?”
She asked scared. Mac walked closer, his head tilted. “What do you mean?” He asked.
Mac stopped in front of her. Fluttershy ducked back into the room. He stuck his head inside. Some feathers from the pillows were tossed around but otherwise, it was the same as he left it.

“Um…did I…well…I mean…you weren’t there…when I…woke up.” Fluttershy stuttered. Mac nuzzled her neck.
“Ah thought it’d be best if Ah went downstairs.” He tried to comfort her. However, that only seemed to scare her more
“W-why? What did I do?” she asked. “Nuthin…” He lied. Mac could tell she wasn’t buying it. “Well…you just went through the phase again. You tried to make me stay.” He said. She blushed.

“D-did I do anything more? It’s okay Mac, you can tell me.” She said.
“Well…you just leaned close to me and said, ‘oh won’t you stay? I’d love some company, big boy.’” Fluttershy dove to the ground and covered her face with her pink mane. “D-did I really say that?” She questioned.
“Fraid so, sweetie. It’s okay.” Mac petted her soft head. A teal eye revealed its self. “Ah told ya that Ah’m not going to judge ya.” He sat next to her. He nuzzled her cheek and gave her a peck.

She looked up at him with a horrified look. Mac’s ears flattened against his head. He hated seeing Shy like this. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Mac, you know when our wedding is, right?” She inquired. Mac looked shocked. “Of course! It’s a good two weeks away. Why do you ask?”

“Because…I just started today and…the last time…it lasted a good two weeks. What if-,” Mac shared her look of horror. “-it lasts that long? We’ll…we’ll have to reschedule.”
Mac looked scared, too. “Um…well…we could…no, never mind.” He shook his head.
“What? What is it?” She asked anxiously.

“Ah was…well…y’know…” He faked a cough. “…oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a blush. The silence was crushing. “Um,” “We could.” Fluttershy interrupted him. “Huh?” Mac asked.
He faced her. She had an unsure frown. “What did you say?” Mac asked. “We…we could…try it.” She said. Her frown turned into an embarrassed smile.

“R-really?” Mac asked. Fluttershy blushed immensely but still kept her smile. She nodded.
“Ah’m willing Ah just…Ah know we wanted to wait until we were married and…well…Ah know it’d be our firsts…” He didn’t finish. Fluttershy thought about it.
“If you’re willing to…I’m willing to.” She looked to him.

“O-okay,” he said. Mac felt kind of excited. “L-let’s just be safe.” They both said in unison. They smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

The two were breathing heavily. Fluttershy was practically passed out on top of Mac. Her eyes were almost closed, glazed with love. Mac smiled as he gave her a peck on the forehead. She looked up at him. The Pegasus kissed him on the chin. Mac had a goofy smile as he nuzzled against her.

“…wonderful…” she smiled. He didn’t think it was possible, but Mac’s smile grew wider. “Wouldn’t you say, Mackie?” She asked. Fluttershy hid her head in his neck. “Eeyup!”


Comments ( 32 )

And they weren't even warmed up yet.......on Round 30.

2 weeks more 2 weeks less, it doesn't matter, she is your fiance and you got a job to do

That was adorable! :yay::heart:

Funny...wasn't actually going to post it. Just came up with the idea and wrote and thought, "Maybe I should post this?"

Too bad, Angel... :rainbowlaugh:
Oh, Fluttershy... You're so cute! :twilightsmile:
I'll wager that Big Mac and Fluttershy are now gonna have a baby. :yay::heart::eeyup:

4175152 thanks for the positive feedback! I might make a small addition = Fluttershy finding out she's pregnant, announcing it to Mac, and maybe her going through all of it. Maybe...maybe. Depending on what the audience thinks

4175266 That would be ADORABLE!!!

4175841 thanks! I'll get working on it

The literal thing wrong with this is the formatting, which needs some work (like double spacing and starting a new paragraph whenever a new person speaks), but asides from that, it made me smile:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Orrkon deleted Apr 9th, 2014

Mackie is a cringeworthy pet name. Decent story though.

No critic here.
Some grammars mistakes, but nothing more.
Good work, you made your homecountry proud.

4223132 why is home country crossed out?




Okay... Well I'm not from Russia so now I get it. 'MERICA!

:ajsleepy: I wanted to know what they did YOU RUINED TEH MOMENT :flutterrage:

4243702 funny. But I'm afraid I'm not confident nor comfortable in any sexual writing

4244074 I dont mind if your're not comfy with writing stuff like that but oh well i can just imagine...... MAYBE MY FIRST BOOK CAN BE ON THAT MOMENT :pinkiehappy:

4249009 kind of interesting in that book... *devious smile*

4249098 Very interesting *stare dad face* :pinkiehappy:

This fic could never happen. Wanna know why? Mac only said Eeyup ONCE! That is not the correct amount if he is going to speak more than once.

...But it is still a good fic. Have a like.

4258578 ha! Funny. The sequel, Big News, it out. He talks more but he still says Eeyup

4258800 It has it's flaws, but is still good writing and character development. I was never really interested in FutterShy x Mac until this fic.

4258844 Good to know I got you aboard the S.S. FlutterMac! The ship that never sinks!

Duet you would say yes but I jut want to know if it is ok if I do a cobnashin of your two story's heat and big news all the creat it go to you I will just take your story's and put all of them together with a vary little tikes but it will not even be notes a bull but if you say no I fine with that

Ps - More of a tribeut to you :twilightblush::moustache:

Everything was cute and well written...but you have all that lovely build up and chicken out right at the pay out! So unsatisfying :(

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