• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 1,260 Views, 19 Comments

Vinyl and the Changeling - Majin Syeekoh

Vinyl goes out with a changeling.

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Dinner and a Movie

Vinyl and Nineteen-sixty-nine trotted up to l’Moutoun d’Or, a high class restaurant in Upper Canterlot with a stone face and a green awning above the door. Several couples were waiting outside, both ponies and griffons. Vinyl trotted up to the Maitre’D, a griffon. “Two for Vinyl Scratch and Nineteen-sixty nine, please.”

The griffon, upon hearing the changeling’s designation, rose to his paws and grabbed two menus. “Right zis way.” He then motioned to the couple and led them to a table, the Matrie’D pulling out two seats which Vinyl and the changeling took.

Nineteen-sixty-nine nodded. “Thank you, but why the special service?”

The griffon nodded as he handed them the menus, which they grabbed in their magic. “Eet is no special service, Vinyl here just made reservations in advance.” The griffon headed back to the podium. Nineteen-sixty-nine looked around, taking in the pegasus-inspired architecture of the stone columns that were evenly spaced among the seating area.

“Nice place.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said, scanning the menu.

“Yeah, I know, right?” Vinyl agreed. Another griffon walked up to them.

“Bonsoir to you, pony and honored guest,” the griffon, apparently female, said in a lilting, musical voice, “My name is Geneva, and I will be your server this fine evening. Now what can I get you lovely couple to drink?”

“I’ll have an espresso martini, shaken, not stirred.” Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow at that.

“I’d just like a glass of water, please.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said. “And may I ask what all this ‘honored guest’ business is about?” The griffon’s eyes widened at that.

“We at l’Moutoun d’Or just appreciate a fellow restaurateur gracing our fine establishment is all. I will be right back with your drinks.” The griffon nodded and walked away. Nineteen-sixty-nine rested its forehead on one of its hooves. Vinyl glanced at Nineteen-sixty-nine, then back at her menu.

“What’s the problem?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed, then lifted its head and looked over its menu. “I just wanted a nice quiet meal. Now I’m going to have the chef come over and ask me how my meal is, not to mention having the serving staff wait on me claw and paw.”

“Well, isn’t that a good thing?”

“I suppose it’s better than being hunted. By the way, why did you ask for your martini to be shaken, not stirred?”

Vinyl giggled. “A character in a book I read said that it ‘doesn’t bruise the gin’”

The changeling raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Why not?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed. “Wouldn’t shaking the concoction cause the gin to bruise more? In fact, I think you just ordered a weak martini.”

Vinyl shook her head. “It’s not about what’s inside the martini, it’s about the flash of ordering it that way.” The griffon came back with the drinks, Vinyl grasping the martini in her magic and took a sip. “This is perfect, ma’am.”

The griffon nodded. “Have you decided on any appetizers yet?”

“I have. Have you?” Vinyl said.

“Give me a minute, I’ll be ready when you’re done.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said. Vinyl nodded.

“Alright, Geneva, I’ll have a chef salad, hold the meat.” The griffon nodded and looked at Nineteen-sixty-nine.

“And you, sir?”

“Hold on a minute...ah, got it! I’ll have a caprese salad!” The griffon nodded and took their menus, walking away briskly. Vinyl then stared at the changeling in front of her.

“So, um…” she started, “how old are you?”

“Twelve solar years.” Vinyl sat up, clearly taken aback by that.

“So, we have a real May-December romance thing going on here, huh?” Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow.

“May-December? Explain.”

Vinyl giggled. “Well, May-December refers to relationships that have an eleven year age gap between them, and seeing as how I’m twenty-eight…” The changeling nodded in understanding. “So...you changelings must grow up really fast.”

Nineteen-sixty-nine nodded. “Yes, the average changeling reaches maturity at eight solar years.”

“Cool. So, Nineteen-sixty-nine, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

“Ask away.”

“Well,” Vinyl started while fiddling with one of the forks in her hoof, “I kinda noticed that you’re a little different than your friends.”

“How do you mean?” Nineteen-sixty-nine asked, resting its chin on a hoof.

“Um, well, the changelings that you were hanging out with that night...they really didn’t have much of a personality.” Nineteen-sixty-nine lifted its head and giggled.

“You noticed that.”

Vinyl smiled. “Well, it’s kind of hard not to notice when someone has no personality.”

The changeling nodded at that. “Well, you see, those changelings are referred to as ‘gammas’, drones that mind-link with the nearest Alpha Changeling, which would have been me at the time.”

Vinyl nodded. “So...these Alphas...what do they do?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine shrugged. “Back in the old days, we’d run point on military operations.” The changeling then looked down. “In fact, I was the Alpha that ran point for the Canterlot Event debacle.”

Vinyl stared a Nineteen-sixty-nine, hanging on to its every word. “What made it a debacle?”

“You know, the whole bum rush tactic.” Nineteen-sixty-nine threw its hooves up into the air in emphasis.

Vinyl shook her head. “No, I don’t. I was in Ponyville packing up my stuff during the invasion. I only came up to DJ the Royal Wedding and saw the aftermath. Octy was pretty shaken, though, so it must have been bad.” Vinyl then smiled. “So, what was the original plan?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine shook its head. “Well, for one, Princess Cadance was never supposed to come out of the caves. She should have been killed on sight, therefore enabling Queen Chrysalis to stay as Cadance and enact legislation to allow changelings in Equestria.” Nineteen-sixty-nine then clapped his hooves together sharply. “Unfortunately, our glorious Queen had a bit of a sadistic streak at the time and wanted Cadance to suffer, therefore enabling her to escape. When Cadance revealed herself, it botched the whole thing and we had to attack to try and take Canterlot. We would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it ironically wasn’t for Cadance and Shining Armor’s love.” Vinyl stared at Nineteen-sixty-nine, entranced in its words, when their salads were served to them. Vinyl smiled, picked up a fork in her magic, and dug in. Nineteen-sixty-nine stared at the mozzarella and tomato slices in front of him, sighed, and picked up a fork in its magic. It cut a bit off with the fork and put it into its mouth, savoring the flavor. It looked over to Vinyl, who was shoveling the salad in her mouth like it was going to run away at any second. Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed, then cut off another bite and ate it.

“So,” Vinyl said between bites, “it’s was Chrysalis’s fault that the invasion failed.” Nineteen-sixty-nine shot straight up at that.

Choose your next words very carefully, Alpha...echoed the voice of Queen Chrysalis in Nineteen-sixty-nine’s mind. Nineteen-sixty-nine gulped.

“Not exactly. We simply didn’t have enough contingencies in place.”

Vinyl nodded while wolfing her salad down, apparently satisfied with the answer it had given her. Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed in relief and made quick work of its salad. Geneva then came over and scooped up their plates, placing them on a nearby tray.

“So, have you decided on your main course yet?”

Vinyl and the changeling both nodded. “I’ll have the carrot-ricotta quiche.” Vinyl said.

“And I’ll have the beef bourguignon, extra potatoes please.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said. Geneva nodded and walked away.

“So, sources tell me you’re a Knight Commander, Vinyl,” the changeling said, wishing to change to subject so as to not risk blaspheming the name of Queen Chrysalis.

Vinyl nodded. “Yes, I am.”

“How did that come about?”

Vinyl chuckled. “I created the loudest sound in recorded Equestrian history.” Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow, then shook its head. It really didn’t want to hear that story. “So, military commander, pornstar, and restaurateur, not to mention laying a Knight Commander of the Order of the Equestrian Empire and a sweet DJ to boot! What do you plan on doing next?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine shook its head. “Listen, about that, I’m really sorry I took advantage of you like that—”

Vinyl shook her head while smiling. “No need. Half of my relationships start as random hookups anyway. So, this is par for the course for me. But we’re getting off subject. What do you plan on doing next?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine nodded. “Well, I’m planning on expanding my restaurant to new locations. I have my eyes set on a property in the Crystal Empire. Apparently a lot of changelings have flocked there.” The changeling inhaled, then exhaled. “So, what are your plans for the future?”

Vinyl shrugged. “I dunno. DJ and party hard. It’s what I do.”

Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by party hard?”

“You know, drink and do a fuckload of drugs.” Nineteen-sixty-nine sat up at that.

“Well, then, I wasn’t expecting you to be so blunt with that.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said, fiddling with a knife with its hoof.

“Hey, you asked.”

“That I did.” A griffon wearing a toque and a double breasted jacket came to their table holding their dinner orders.

“Bonsoir on zees fine evening, mes amies! Je m’appelle Gustave, and here are your deener orders!” He then placed the quiche in front of Vinyl, who beamed at the seemingly delicious yellow circle in front of her. “For ze Dame, my finest carrot-ricotta quiche!” He placed the beef in front of the changeling. “And for ze fellow restaurateur, ze beef bourguignon wees extra potatoes. Let me know eef you enjoy zem!” Gustave then bowed slightly and walked away. Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed, while Vinyl grasped a fork in her magic and started shoveling the quiche into her mouth.

“You know, it’s not going to run away.” Nineteen-sixty-nine said as it picked up a fork in its magic and put a piece of beef in its mouth.

“You sound just like Octy.” Vinyl said between bites. The changeling slowly chewed on the piece of beef, appreciating the flavor of the red wine that it was soaked in.

“About Octavia...it’s clear that the two of you are engaged in a romantic relationship, so how did this come to be?” Nineteen-sixty-nine forked a potato and put it in his mouth.

“We have an open relationship.” Vinyl said between bites. Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow and swallowed.

“Open relationship?” It stabbed another piece of beef and put it in its mouth, chewing on it delicately.

“Yeah. It means we’re in a relationship, but also pursue relationships with other beings.”

“How does that work?”

“What do you mean?” Vinyl put down her fork, having made quick work of the quiche. The changeling picked up another potato, put it in its mouth, and started chewing.

“You know, with the jealousy.”

Vinyl giggled. “Oh, we don’t get jealous. We’ve been doing this since college.”

“Hmmm.” Nineteen-sixty-nine swallowed, then picked up another potato and ate it.

“Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow.

“Late for what?”

“The movie!”

“What movie?”

“You wouldn’t have heard of it. It’s a real schlocky, low budget flick.” Nineteen-sixty-nine shrugged its shoulders and flagged down Geneva. Geneva coursed over to their table.

“Are you enjoying your meals?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine nodded. “Yes, quite. Send my compliments to the chef. We’d like the check, please, though.”

Geneva looked at the changeling’s plate. “Would you like me to wrap that up for you?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine shook its head. “No, that’s fine.”

Geneva nodded, then walked away, coming back with a small, black, leather-bound folder, which Vinyl cringed at upon seeing. Nineteen-sixty-nine picked up the folder and opened it, looking at the bill, which read seventeen-hundred bits. Nineteen-sixty-nine grunted, reached into its coat, pulling out two one-thousand bit notes and a one-hundred bit note, and slipped them into the pocket of the folder. It then closed the folder and placed it on the table. It then stood up, Vinyl standing up as well.

“Well, lead the way, Vinyl.” Vinyl nodded and led the changeling out of the restaurant and around the corner, coming to a small building that had the letters EMC emblazoned across the front. She trotted up to the ticket booth.

“Two for Tragedy of Sombra, please.”

The ticket pony stared at her like she had grown an extra head. “You sure, lady? That movie’s been getting terrible reviews.”

“I’m sure.” The ticket pony shrugged his shoulders and ripped off two tickets, handing them to Vinyl who grasped them in her magic. She handed one to Nineteen-sixty-nine, who grasped it in its magic. Vinyl walked into the theater, the changeling following.


“Die, monster! You don’t belong in this world!” Celestia bellowed on the screen.

Nineteen-sixty-nine shifted in its seat. This movie was BAD.

“It was not by my hoof I was given such tremendous power. It was granted to me by ponies who wished to pay me tribute!” Sombra countered, the wind in the Frozen wastes billowing his cloak.

The changeling looked to its left hoof, which Vinyl was gripping tightly. It made to pull it away, but Vinyl just gripped it tighter.

“Tribute!? You steal ponies' souls, and make them your slaves!” Luna said, her words echoing through the chasms.

Nineteen-sixty-nine sighed, wondering how much longer this was going to take.

“Perhaps the same could be said of all religions…” Sombra said, pacing in front of the immortal beings he dared to challenge.

Vinyl rested her head on Nineteen-sixty-nine’s shoulder, Nineteen-sixty-nine tensing up in response.

“Your words are as empty as your soul! Ponykind ill needs a savior such as you!” Celestia triumphantly proclaimed as she charged her horn, the golden glow reflecting off of the ice present.

Nineteen-sixty-nine was tired of this movie. It rested its head on Vinyl’s head, Vinyl snuggling her head in response.

“What is a pony? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!” Sombra declared before charging the alicorns with his horn glowing.


“That movie was TERRIBLE!” Nineteen-sixty-nine said as it and Vinyl exited the theater.

“I know, that’s what’s so great about it!” Vinyl said, smiling. Nineteen-sixty-nine raised an eyebrow at that.

“You watched it because it was terrible?”

Vinyl giggled, “Yeah, and I’m a sucker for a good love story.”

Nineteen-sixty-nine barked out a laugh. “Good love story? It was horrible! One minute Sombra’s making some Mexicoltan dish, and then, scene cut, Sombra and Luna are in love!”

Vinyl giggled. “Eh, anyway you cut it love it a wonderful thing. And you want to watch wonderful things, don’t you?”

Nineteen-sixty-nine shook its head. “It makes me upset that I wasted brain cells watching it. Anyway, where did he hide all the bodies? Did he just have a mysterious pile in the Frozen Wastes?”

Vinyl chuckled. “I like to think he used a chainsaw.” Nineteen-sixty-nine smarted at that.

“I don’t think they had chainsaws a thousand years ago.”

“Hey! My headcanon, my rules.” Nineteen-sixty-nine shrugged at that. They walked the rest of the way to Vinyl’s apartment building in silence. They walked up the stairs into Vinyl’s hall, reaching Vinyl’s room. Vinyl then faced Nineteen-sixty-nine, looking expectantly at it. Nineteen-sixty-nine stared at her bemusedly.

“Well, now, good night and—” Vinyl forcefully planted a kiss on the changeling’s lips, cutting it off.

Liquid electricity flowed through the changeling’s bloodstream as its head became foggy, its wings involuntarily buzzing and lifting it off of the ground. It also became weak in the knees as butterflies started flitting violently in its stomach, itching to get out. It felt the hive in Vinyl, or that Vinyl was the hive...it didn’t matter, it’d try to narrow it down later. Vinyl disengaged the kiss as Nineteen-sixty-nine gently floated down, wearing a ridiculous grin on its face.


“Well, good night, Nineteen-sixty-nine,” she said seductively, her eyes half-lidded.

“Don’t try to stuff the alfalfa down the jeffries tube…” the changeling managed to get out before it staggered down the hallway, apparently half-drunk. Vinyl looked down the hallway, smiling. She then opened the door to her apartment and shut it behind her, seeing Octavia putting her cello away.

“So how was it, Vinyl?” Octavia asked, punctuated by the locking clasps of her cello case. Vinyl slid down the door on her back, hoof to her barrel.

“I think I’m in love."