• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 10,797 Views, 463 Comments

I Am Not Gay - DisneyFanatic23

After hearing that her friends think she's gay, Rainbow Dash starts to question her sexuality, worrying that the truth might jeopardize her relationship with Soarin. A story about uncovering one's sexual identity and coming out.

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"What the hay is an asexual?!"

She read the line beneath the word, telling her what page to go to. Turned out there was a whole chapter on the subject.

"An asexual (slang term: "ace") is some pony who experiences no (or very little) sexual attraction," Rainbow read. "That does not necessarily mean they cannot be attracted romantically. Asexuals can be heteroromantic, homoromantic, biromantic or aromantic.

"Like all sexual orientations, asexuality is not a choice, but a way of being. Most asexuals have no problem with sex, nor are they unable to have it, but have very little interest in it. Asexuals will have sex for the sake of having children or pleasing their partner..."

As she read on, Rainbow felt the uneasiness that had been building up inside her melt away.

"Many asexuals grow up believing they are homosexual and while some are homoromantic, there is no physical part of them that desires sex. Some might experience sexual arousals, but not feel the need to act upon them. Aces usually favor strong platonic relationships over sexual ones, even with their partners..."

Rainbow put the book down for a moment and stared up at the ceiling.

It explained everything.

Since she was a teenager, she had known there was something that set her apart from the other fillies, not just her tomboyish attitude. She never quite understood why all her female friends in Cloudsdale could talk about were boys and why every conversation would lead to sex. At one point, she could not even mention the word "banana" around them.

Maybe that was why she had grown fond of Fluttershy. The shy pegasus was always too embarrassed to talk about such things, so her mind did not seem as messed up. Rainbow could see why ponies had interpreted their relationship differently with all the time they spent together. She and Fluttershy were close, but only because she was her oldest friend and, for a while, had been her only flying buddy. She was willing to protect her at all costs, but her feelings did not run any deeper than that.

Now that she thought about it, she had strong ties with all five of her friends and while others had seen them the wrong way, they were purely platonic. Rainbow Dash had never seen them as anything more. Were best friends not supposed to be close?

Then she thought of Pinkie Pie. She had apparently thought they should be something more.

"Oh, dang," Rainbow said, putting her hoof to her forehead. "I ran out of there in such a huff, I probably hurt her feelings!"

Perhaps her pink friend would understand after she explained things to her.

The idea made Rainbow smile. She was not gay. She was ace. For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of belonging. The sexual part of heterosexuality never quite did it for her and she was not interested in girls. Being ace also meant she could stay in her relationship with Soarin! They could go back to the way things were: casual and non-sexual!

Then her face fell as another thought occurred to her. Did Soarin or her friends even know what asexuality was? She had not even heard of it before today. Twilight was sure to know, as there was no doubt she had read this book from cover to cover. What about Pinkie? Had she looked it up while using this? Fluttershy, as she was shy anyway, was sure to understand, right? And Applejack, who was understanding about almost anything, there would be no problem telling her, right? And what about Rarity?

"Maybe not," Rainbow uttered. "She's so colt-crazy she probably wouldn't get it."

She looked back at the open book and stiffened once she read the next paragraph:

"It is harder for asexuals to come out than it is for homosexuals. As they only make up one percent of the pony population, most ponies do not know about asexuals. They are even discriminated by members of the LGBTQ community. It may seem like a respectable orientation, but as sex is considered a natural desire in creatures, asexuals may seem to sexuals as incomplete or unnatural. The same can be said for demisexuals, who only experience sexual attraction towards those they have strong emotional connections with.

"There are many things said about those who identify themselves as asexuals, that it is not a "thing," that they are cold and insensitive, that they are too afraid to admit they are homosexual, that they are going to die alone, that they like cake (though really, who doesn't like cake?), or that they simply have not found the right pony yet. Some think there is something wrong with asexuals and they need to fix that with corrective rape..."

Rainbow Dash closed the book, not being able to read further.

Was that true? Were asexuals really so discriminated? She was confused. Did they not put a strong emphasis on abstinence in Health Class? Did parents not want their daughters to get knocked up? Did being asexual not make things easier?

Corrective rape. The term made Rainbow shiver. Did ponies really do that? If she told Soarin about her asexuality, would he...?

She shook the idea out of her head. No, Soarin would never do a thing like that. Still, how would he feel when he learned she would never go all the way with him? He had made it clear last night that he wanted to do it with her. Sure, he was cool that she did not want to do it now, but if she never wanted to do it, how would that affect their relationship?

This was even more serious than when she had discovered her love for reading. Reading was a common thing. Not wanting to do it was not. After all, that was all adult ponies talked about! Did that make her an outcast?

What about Twilight? Her situation was similar to hers. Was she an outcast too? Did the others even know she was demisexual?

And Pinkie? Well, at least she wanted it, but with every pony? Was she in love with all five of them? Rainbow remembered her reaction to Pinkie's confession. Did she face rejection all the time? Even with stallions? Not all ponies liked girls after all. That could not be easy for her.

This made Rainbow feel even more guilty.

Why had she not heard about these other sexualities before? Were they not supposed to teach you that stuff in Health Class? And what was with this discrimination against them? If society was learning to accept gays, why could they not accept aces?

The more she thought about this, the more her fear increased. How could she tell ponies about this?

She glanced at the clock and only then realized how late it had gotten.

"I should sleep on it," she said, nodding to herself. "I'll figure it all out in the morning."

She put the book on her side table, switched off her reading lamp and pulled the covers over her body. It took a while for her to fall asleep with all she had on her mind, but fatigue won the battle and she descended into Dream Land.

A single spotlight shone on her. Everything around her was dark, until another light came on, showing three judging podiums towering over her. Sitting at the highest one in the middle was Rarity, Applejack on her right and Fluttershy on her left. They were all glaring down at the multi-colored pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash," Rarity said, her sour voice echoing throughout the dark room. "You have been brought to this court on the charge of being asexual. How do you plea?"

The word escaped her lips before she could stop it: "Guilty."

Fluttershy and Applejack gasped.

"So what if I am?" Rainbow shouted. "It's not a crime! I'm not hurting any pony!"

She heard a wail to her left and turned to see Pinkie Pie, her hair flat, her hooves cuffed and chained.

"You hurt me!" she cried, fighting against her restraints. "Why couldn't you be a lesbian like we all thought you were?!"

"And what about me?!"

Rainbow turned to her right, seeing a teary-eyed Soarin standing beside her.

"We could've been happy!" Soarin exclaimed. "If you had just done what I wanted you to do, we could still be in a relationship!"

"No!" Rainbow insisted, backing away from him. "We can still have that! I just can't..."

She was interrupted as she bumped into Pinkie.

"Free me from these chains, Dashie!" the crazy mare shouted, advancing towards her. "They treat me like an out-of-control animal who doesn't know the difference between a mare and a stallion! But they'll free me if I choose!"

Pinkie was so close now that she had caused Rainbow to back into Soarin. Now she was stuck between them.

"And you must choose, Dashie!" Soarin growled. "Which one of us are you willing to go all the way with?"

"Neither!" Rainbow cried as she curled up into a ball.

"You must choose, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity called from her podium. "Every pony must pick! You don't want to end up like Twilight, do you?"

The multi-colored pegasus gasped. "What did you do to her?"

"The same thing we're gonna do to you," Applejack scowled.

"If you don't choose," Fluttershy said coldly, crossing her hooves.

"Well, Dashie?" Soarin urged.

"Who's it gonna be?" Pinkie asked with a dark chuckle.

Rainbow glanced between them, her fear spreading throughout her entire body.


She let out a cry and hid her head beneath her hooves.

"I can't! I don't wanna!"

Rarity shook her head. "Then you leave us no choice. Rainbow Dash, the court hereby sentences you to..." She paused as she banged her gavel on the podium. "Sexual correction!"

Rainbow gasped. "What?"

"Soarin, would you care to do the honors?"

The dark grin on Soarin's face made Rainbow's blood curdle. "With pleasure."

He advanced towards her and Rainbow backed into Pinkie again. The chained mare grabbed her forelegs and pinned her to the ground. Rainbow's eyes widened as she realized what they were trying to do.

"No!" she cried, trying to wriggle out of Pinkie's grasp. "Please! Don't!"

"It's for your own good, Dashie," Rarity said, coming out from behind Soarin.

"We're tryin' to help ya," Applejack assured her.

"I don't need help!" Rainbow insisted. "I'm fine the way I am!"

"What's the matter, Dashie?" Fluttershy teased. "The toughest pony in all of Equestria is afraid of a little sex?"

"I'm not afraid! Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Don't worry, Dashie."

The new voice was Twilight's. She appeared behind Soarin with the others and she was smiling maliciously.

"This will fix you," she said. "It certainly fixed me."

"And us," said two female voices.

Rainbow then saw Lyra and Bon Bon, who appeared on separate sides of the group.

"Heck," Pinkie snickered above her. "I might have a go after this."

"Just relax, Dashie," Soarin said, firmly pressing his hooves on her shoulders, "and enjoy the ride."

"No," Rainbow uttered. "No! NO!"

Rainbow sat up, panting heavily. She quickly checked her surroundings and found she was alone in bed, exactly where she should be.

"Sweet Celestia!" she breathed. "That was the worst nightmare ever!"

She grabbed her Daring Do doll and clutched it to her chest for security.

"It was just a dream," she whispered, rocking back and forth. "Just a dream. Your friends would never do that. They would never do that. Especially Soarin. He would never do that. He would never do that."

She was still afraid though. From what she had read in the book, that kind of stuff happened to ponies like her. It was unlikely that her friends would go to those extremes, but they might not see her in the same way ever again.

And if word got out? Maybe her friends would not treat her that way, but others might. Who was to say they would not try what her friends had done in her dream?

Rainbow let out a sigh and flopped back onto her pillow. What was she to do? She could not hide this forever. What if Soarin made a move on her again? What if they got married some day? All married couples did it. He would question her eventually.

She rolled onto her side, her eyes staring into space. She did not want to lose Soarin. Guys like him were hard to find. She could marry him if he asked. She would even have his foals! Well, not at the moment, but some day, anyway.

Morning was a few hours away. She did not want to face it.

She had to talk to some pony, some pony who would understand. She considered Twilight, but she decided she had had enough technical advice on the subject. She thought of Pinkie Pie, but after yesterday's incident, the idea of talking to her felt awkward. Fluttershy was out of the question, as she did not like to talk about such things. As for Rarity...would she even understand? She was straighter than all of them put together, and she was the one who believed she was gay.

Applejack seemed like the most reasonable pony to talk to. She would not judge her right away and would give an honest opinion, and Rainbow was sure a conversation with her would have less tension.

But even the thought of talking to Applejack made her worry. The whole situation made her worry. It was for that reason she did not get any sleep the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

Yep, some of you guessed it.

Now I can explain. See, there are a lot of fanfics featuring homosexual and, of course, heterosexual pairings and while that's fine and dandy, I haven't seen anything about the other sexualities. They may be few, but they exist. So I decided to change that by writing about the sexuality I know best.

Back in high school, people (even my mom) thought I was gay, just because I didn't seem as interested in boys as they were. I started wondering if I was gay, but girls did not appeal to me as much as boys did. When I came to college, I received more exposure to other sexualities, even ones I had never heard of. I heard about asexuality, did some research, and realized that it described me perfectly. I felt both a sense of belonging and fear, after what I read about what happens to aces. I was also surprised I had not heard about this before.

Anyway, I wanted to contribute to asexual awareness by writing a fanfic. I chose Rainbow Dash to be the ace in this story because she is the character most often portrayed as a lesbian, but really she could just be ace. While writing this I thought I should include some of the other lesser-known sexualities too. Pinkie Pie seemed the most likely candidate for pansexuality, since she likes making friends with every pony she meets. Also, PinkieDash is the only slash pairing I can sort of see happening. I thought of Twilight as demisexual because while she is not boy-crazy like Rarity, she seemed to hit it off pretty well with Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls. You don't have to agree with my interpretations, but I think these sexualities deserved some representatives. Applejack and Fluttershy I'm leaving open to interpretation for this fanfic, though I think we can agree: Rarity really, REALLY likes stallions.

That nightmare turned out darker than I intended. Please remember that it was only a dream sequence and not characterizations of any pony (except Rainbow).