• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 622 Views, 11 Comments

My time in Ponyville - booscus

A 20 year old guy transported into Ponyville

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Chapter 3

I looked up at Rainbow Dash with curiosity in my eyes. My head was tilted slightly. “A-a surprise…for me?”

“Yeah, kid, and maybe on the way there, you can tell me how you made your way over to Ponyville.” I nodded a little bit, my brain going through the possibilities of what it could possibly be. She flew down stairs and was back in a few seconds. “I told Fluttershy that I was going to take you somewhere for a little bit.”

I looked back at my bandages and started unwrapping them carefully. I rolled it up sloppily and put it on the desk. I unfurled my wings and flapped them until I could feel myself lift off the ground slowly. I laughed out of pure happiness. Rainbow Dash climbed out the circular window she came in and hovered right outside of it. I went up to the window and looked at the ground below. If I hit the ground, it would hurt. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

I squeezed through and jumped. I let my wings expand and started flapping as hard as I could. I opened my eyes and saw that I was very slowly, but steadily, ascending. Dash was getting impatient. “C’mon, kid. I don’t have all day!” I started flapping slower, but getting more air with each stroke. I started going up a little faster until I was finally level with Dash.

“Are you ready, kid?” she said excitedly. I nodded and flew around in a circle, getting used to the feeling of being in the air. We flew for about half an hour until she stopped in front of a giant house, almost a mansion, but something about it was different…It was made out of clouds! I flew up to it, getting a little more confident with my flying, and laid a hoof down on the ‘yard’. When I was sure that I wouldn’t fall through, I put all four hooves on it. I looked up with my mouth wide open. Rainbow Dash flew in next to me and asked: “So? Do you like it?” “Like it? I LOVE it!”


I walked up to the front door and opened it. It opened up to a large living room. It had a very large couch with a coffee table in front of it. All of which was made of cloud. I looked to my right and saw stairs going up and to my left I saw a kitchen. I walked over to the kitchen which had an oven, fridge, and lots of counterspace. Only the counters were made of the white cloud.

I trotted over to the stairs and went up. There was a small hallway that went behind me. It had three doors in it. I turned to my right and looked in the first door to my left. It was a bathroom. It had a mirror above a sink in the counter, a toilet, and a large open area. “Hey, Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah, Kid?”

“Why is there a big empty space in the bathroom?”

“It’s the shower, squirt.”

“But there’s no shower head.” She went over to the wall inside the bathroom next to the toilet and poked a piece of cloud that stuck out. Water immediately started pouring from the ceiling. She pushed the button again and it turned off.

I mumbled “So cool” to myself. I went down further the hallway and opened the second door. There was a small bedroom with a cloud bed and two end tables on each side of it. It had a desk across the bed and a closet on the other side of the room. I walked over and laid on the bed. “Oh. My. Gawd,” I said a little louder than usual “THIS IS THE MOST COMFORTABLE THING EVER” I was almost yelling when I said this. Rainbow Dash leaned against the door frame and laughed. “HA! You don’t think this is your bedroom, do you? this is just the guest bedroom. Kid, follow me.” I got up and followed her to the last door. She opened it and I could not believe my eyes.


There was a circular bed in the middle of the room on a platform. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing right. The platform was surrounded by water. Probably about a foot and a half of water which to a pony, came up to about you neck. There was a bridge that closed the gap between the bed and door. I ran over to my bed and laid down on it. I looked up and saw the sky. I looked at Rainbow Dash. “Hey, Dash, what if it rains or snows or something? Won’t I get wet?”

“No, I had Twilight put a spell on it.”

“Cool.” I was mesmerized by all of this. “How did you build this so fast?”

“Easy, I had a little help.”

“It’s beyond amazing…”

“Of course it is. It’s an exact replica of my house…except no rainbows. I didn’t think you would like the rainbows.”

I stood up and gave Rainbow Dash a big bear hug. She flinched at first but eventually gave in and patted my back. When I let go I told her “Thank you very much.” She nodded and zoomed off. I walked out to the hallway and into the bathroom. I pushed the button that Dash had pushed to turn on the shower and watched the rain fall from the ceiling. I stepped under the water and watched the now brownish-gray water go through the floor. When I thought I was clean enough I turned off the water and shook myself like a dog would.

I looked in the mirror and my brown hair was flying everywhere. I would have to get a brush from Rarity soon. I went downstairs and out the front door. I stuck my wings out and jumped. I started flapping and stopped about a foot off the ground. I flapped harder, imagining that I was pushing the air down.

I started flying circles around my house, just to practice my flying. After flying for a few minutes the sun went down and the moon was up. I didn’t care though, I needed to practice, was so slow. Maybe if I could get good enough, I could race Dash. That would be so awesome.


Every lap around my house, I tried to go a little faster each time. By the time I decided to go to bed, an hour and a half had passed. I tried to land gracefully on my lawn, but didn’t slow down enough and ended up tumbling to my front door. I would have to work on my landing. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and pulled the blue blanket up to my chin. I was asleep within seconds.


There was a dark space. There was absolutely nothing, just…black. I tried to move my legs but they wouldn’t budge. It was like they were being held in place. The only part of my body I could move was my eyes. The more I tried to move, the more I was held in place. It was getting harder to breathe. I tried to say something, anything, but my mouth wouldn’t open. I couldn’t breathe. I could feel my heart beat slowing down.


My eyes shot open and I was covered in a cold sweat. I could barely catch my breath. My heart was beating at what seemed like a million beats per minute. I clutched my chest as I sat up. I stood up and walked out the door. I went downstairs and outside. I jumped off the lawn and went flying as fast as I could. It wasn’t very fast but it was better than walking.

I found what I assumed to be the center of Ponyville. I slowed down and tried to land as gracefully as I could which was better than last time. I shivered slightly in the night air. I found a small wooden bench and sat on it until I calmed down.

When I stood back up, I heard something behind me. It sounded like hoof-steps. I turned around to see nothing there. I opened my wings and flew up a couple of feet hoping I’d be out of their reach. I looked down and didn’t see anything. I went back to the ground. I said softly to myself “I'm probably just hearing things” I went along walking back to my house when I heard laughing.It wasn’t normal laughing though, it was like someone trying to hold it in and be quiet.