• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 907 Views, 8 Comments

An Equestrian Freedom - FullMetalFurbee

When the king of a faraway nation invades Equestria, Twilight must rethink everything she knows about trust and freedom.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Every muscle in her body throbbed with pain. She tried to lift her head, but the motion only made her nauseous. An unknown lapse of time passed before she attempted to move again. Whatever poison had ravaged her body was made to linger. She lay her head against the cool stone floor, which relieved a bit of her pounding migraine. Another lapse of time transpired and she heard a gruff voice echo nearby.

“I'm sorry ya got dragged into this, young one. A pretty young thing like you shouldn't have to witness any of this fetid political garbage.”

Twilight lifted her head and squinted her eyes. She was in the castle's dungeon and her conversational partner was none other than the old stallion from before. Something about his demeanor had changed. His bitterness had dispersed. The fires of his rage had since dwindled until only a quiet desperation remained. He spoke with the same peculiar accent as the pony who tried to kill –

Oh damn! Twilight thought. Princess Celestia!

She quickly bolted to her hooves, but at the cost of her balance and stomach. She gagged as her vestibular sense struggled to do its job.

“Did they hit ya with one of them darts?” asked the foreigner. “Mm. Looks like it wasn't a very powerful one. You'll be disoriented for a while and you're magic won't be operable, but you'll be fine.”

“What is all this?” Twilight moaned. “This must be some kind of awful dream.” She attempted to walk but wobbled and nearly took another spill.

“Careful, young one. They took extra care in makin' sure ya wouldn't be escapin',” warned the other pony. “They got ya chained up pretty good. All four legs.” He whistled. “That's harsh.”

“I don't need your comments,” muttered Twilight spitefully. “I don't take advice from spies. Besides, you're the reason Princess Celestia was attacked! You'd better hope she's alright!”

“Spy?” questioned the pony. “Is that what they told ya? Oh no my dear, I was simply hidin' out here with your people. I never disturbed a soul. But my story ain't important right now. We need to get ya out of this cell.” He made his way toward her. “May I see your shackles? I may be able to remove 'em.”

Twilight frowned. “I don't know. I have no reason to trust you, but I guess so. Just don't try and pull anything. I'm not as powerless as I look.”

“I never said ya look powerless,” the elderly stallion said as he carefully examined the metal shells encasing Twilight's legs. After a moment he furrowed his brow and sighed. “Well I can't remove 'em, but I'm fairly certain I can break the chains. If you let 'em go slack on the floor, I bet I can smash 'em.”

Twilight was filled with silent reproach. “Why should I do what you say?”

He shrugged. “Ya don't have to. But that's the only way you're gonna get out of here. Besides, don't ya think that I'd have harmed ya by now if that was my intention?”

She pondered the thought for a minute and eventually gave in to the old pony's logic. “Fine.” She backed up against the wall which allowed the chains to lie on the floor.

The old stallion trotted back to his corner and retrieved a large piece of stone. “Whoo, heavy,” he breathed. He came back to Twilight and lifted the stone over his head.

“Wait,” said Twilight. “Why is it exactly that you're helping me?”

“Because,” replied the stallion. “You're not my enemy. I don't take too kindly to your leader, but I take to mine even less.”

This puzzled Twilight greatly. “What? I don't understand.”

As if right on cue, an earth-rending explosion detonated outside in the city, sending tremendous quakes through the cell's very foundation. Screams of peril appeared simultaneously outside the walls. The two ponies cringed from the tremor. The elder dropped his stone in surprise.

“Was that a bomb!?” screamed Twilight frantically. Her ears rung from the monstrous boom.

The stallion nodded, his eyes wide. “They've begun! Quickly now, we must hurry!”

“Who is doing this? Why is this happening?” Twilight cried desperately.

Her cellmate looked to her sadly. “My people.” He hefted the stone up and brought it down with herculean force against each of the chains. They gave easily and splintered into fragments. “You're free now, young one.” he said with a pant. “Don't waste any time. Ya gotta leave now if ya value your life. Run far away from here. It's not safe.”

Twilight was on the verge of tears. “Can't you at least tell me what's happening? Are we being invaded?”

“Yes,” he whispered. “There's no time for details. It'll all make sense soon. I promise ya that.”

Twilight didn't budge. “Wait, why aren't you coming too? You can break your own chain. You could have escaped a long time ago, so why didn't you? On top of that, why didn't your friends rescue you when they threw me in here? That doesn't make any sense.”

“The ponies wagin' war on your land are not my friends. We're from the same place, but they're not like me. No... not like me...” He paused, lost in thought. “It's an insane world out there. I've known this day was comin' for a long long time and I never tried to stop it. I tried to escape the inevitable, but now I'm tired of runnin'. I can't hide from fate any longer.”

“No!” said Twilight. She tugged on the stallion's tunic. “That's – that's stupid! Come with me! You don't have to sit here and wait to die! Everypony has the right to live! If you're not really a spy like you claim, we'll just tell the royal guards and we can keep you safe! What's your name?”

“My name is Neeson. I would just slow ya down, and you've already wasted too much time. That's final,” he stated. “Smash the lock and run. It'll be a few hours before your magic becomes usable again.”

“I... Neeson, that's just... so unfair...” Defeated, Twilight picked up the stone and swung it hard against the rusty lock. With a final glance at the foreign pony in a hat, she exited the cell. A slew of emotions fought for supremacy inside her as she bounded up the stairs and through the narrow hallways of the castle. Fire flared in her gut, filling her with anger and lust for revenge and fear and confusion. She ran faster, fueled by the maelstrom of raw feelings raging deep inside.

Where am I going anyway? I'm so confused...

The castle was a beehive of constant motion. Seething masses of ponies ran every which way, fearful for their lives and the unknown status of their princess. Twilight swerved wildly to avoid hitting any of the chaotic politicians. It was absolutely imperative that she find someone -anyone- who knew what was happening. Her stable world was cracking.

“Watch out!”

A green mass smashed full throttle into Twilight, launching the her straight into the wall. She yelped in surprise as she tumbled violently to a halt.

“Sorry! Sorry!” the same voice apologized. Twilight felt a strong hoof lift her to her feet, where she was met by a pair of emerald eyes. They belonged to a colt that looked to be roughly her age. His short mane was the color of chocolate, and his coat that of mint.

“Sorry then. My bad, wasn't watching where I was goin',” he mumbled sheepishly.

His voice... Twilight thought.

“You're one of them!” she shouted in realization. “Get back! Don't touch me!” She shoved him back, nearly knocking him off balance. “Guards! Somepony, help!”

The colt reacted in surprise, looking around wildly. “Shh! Shut up!” he whispered like a kindergartener about to be ratted out. “I got no intention of harmin' ya! Just shut up! Look, look! I'm just here to rescue my granddad!” He produced an old photo from a small pouch around his neck and jammed it in Twilight's hoof. “I heard he was taken captive, and this is the only other place for miles that he could possibly be. I don't mean any harm. Really!”

Twilight stared at the photograph for several seconds. Her mind screamed at her to leave the colt and run, but something in her heart simply refused to allow it. “This is your grandfather?” she asked.

“Yes!” he said, nodding quickly.

Twilight sighed and handed the photograph back. Never in her life had she been more scared. However, her conscious was undeterred. “I know where he is.”

“You do! Really?” exclaimed the green pony gleefully.

“Mhmm. I can't believe I'm doing this but, I'll take you to him.”

The colt was jittery. “Oh thank ya! Thanks a million! Alright let's go! We're wastin' time!”

Moments later they were bounding down the path leading to the cell.

“Name's Cian,” panted the colt as he galloped behind Twilight.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle,” she responded.

“Twilight huh? Well, thank ya again. I realize ya ain't got reason to help a stranger like me. I appreciate it.”

The two descended the staircase. More bombs boomed in the distance.

“Your grandfather helped me out not three minutes ago, so it's only fair I return the favor. Here, he's right in this cell,” Twilight said as she forced the wooden door open and entered.

The old stallion looked up. “You again? I told ya to -” He stopped mid-sentence as Cian joined the group.

“Granddad!” Cian cried in happiness. He ran to Neeson and threw his hooves around him.

“In the name of Claimh Solais, Cian! What are ya doin' here?” Neeson exclaimed with a confused smile. He looked almost regretful.

Cian laughed. “Ya old codger! I'm here to rescue ya! I'm gonna get ya out of here!”

“Oh yeah? Then what? We gonna' lay in the streets and wait for the bombs?”

“Oh hush, ya old fool.” said Cian jokingly. “Let's get ya out of these chains.”

Twilight had a creeping suspicion that this rescue effort would turn out relatively similar to hers. She hoped the sight of his grandson would snap the old pony out of his mental gloom.

“Cian,” said Twilight. “I already tried convincing your grandfather to leave, but he wouldn't have any part of it. I was chained up in here just a little bit ago and he helped me escape. But he outright refused to come with me.”

Cian gave his grandfather a look of bafflement. “What's all this then?” he questioned. “Is she right?”

“Aye.” Neeson replied.

Cian huffed. “You're not gonna leave? We can break ya out easily. Don't be stupid, Granddad. What are ya talkin' about 'not gonna leave'?”

Neeson muttered something in his native tongue.

“Twilight,” said Cian after a sigh. “You've helped both of us enormously and for that we thank ya deeply. We're not asking ya to stay and wait for us. If ya want to, go ahead. But I gotta talk to this fool.”

Twilight nodded. “I'll leave you two alone for a minute.”

Am I really staying and waiting on these two foreigners?

She trotted into the dungeon hall and closed the door. The voices inside the cell sounded incredibly odd to her ear. It was fascinating to hear a completely new language be spoken fluently with all the native inflections. Although none of it made sense, she pressed her ear to the door so she could hear more clearly.

"An bhfuil tú scanraithe?"

"Ar ndóigh. Mo chumas chun a chreidiúint i aingeal i gcroí na capaillíní neamhiontaofa sa chás is fearr."

"Céanna anseo. Sin é ach nádúrtha-"

They conversed back and forth for several minutes. One more than one occasion, their dialogue escalated into angry shouting. At long last the door swung open, startling Twilight. She jumped backward. Cian emerged with victory apparent on his face.

“I managed to talk some sense into him. He finally agreed to leave. Sometimes he gets himself into these doom and gloom moods. At least he's stopped broodin'.”

“That's wonderful,” Twilight said. “I'm glad he's listening to reason.”

“By the way, is eavesdropping more fun when it's in another language?” asked Cian with an obvious smirk.

Twilight blushed and kept her mouth shut. She followed the mint colored pony back into the cell where he freed his grandfather. Neeson shook his limbs loose and collected himself. He looked to Twilight. “What's your name, young one?”

“I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she stated formally.

Cian looked at her in amazement. “You're a princess!?”

Neeson made for the door. “Nice to meet you, Your Highness. Now that we're all properly acquainted, we need to get to safety. Like ya shoulda' done the first time.”

“Well excuse me for risking my life to show your grandson where you were!” Twilight shot back, pouting.

Neeson laughed as he left. “Bah. You're a lot kinder than many folk. Come on then. It was time to leave an hour ago.”

The three ascended the stairwell together.

“We can leave through the window I snuck in through.” offered Cian.

Twilight tried to summon her magic. Still nothing.“Assuming we know where we're going in the first place, what's wrong with the main doors? Nopony would notice us in all this chaos,” she said.

“No way,” Cian replied. “Guards up there ain't lettin' anypony in our out. It's a strict lockdown. It's the apoalypse outside and there's no way they'll let the castle be compromised. Especially with your ruler, uh...”


“Right. Especially with Celestia recovering from her bullet wound.”

“Is that what that awful noise was?” Twilight shuddered at the memory. “She got attacked with a bullet?”

Neeson looked at her like she'd said the sky was red. “She got shot is what happened! Are ya alright in the head there, lass?” He knocked on her head with his hoof. “Ain't ya ever seen a gun before?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. I've never read about them. A lot of weapons are banned in Equestria - I assume that's one of them. Wait, are we talking about a bullet or a gun?”

Neeson couldn't believe what he was hearing. “A bullet is fired as ammunition from a gun. Like a mini-canon. Much nastier than poison darts, that's for sure.”

Twilight's ears perked as she processed the information. “Okay. Cian, you said Celestia is 'recovering' from a wound. That means she's alive!”

“Aye,” Neeson confirmed. “But she's in no condition to see anypony. Last wind I caught was a couple of royal guards sayin' she's just comin' out of emergency surgery upstairs. She's out of the game for a while. As for us, we need to find safety elsewhere before the invasion reaches the castle. When they arrive, they won't be generous enough to take prisoners.”

“That's ridiculous,” scoffed Twilight. “This castle's defenses are impenetrable. There are more guards here than anywhere else in Equestria, and I'll bet either Princess Cadance or Luna is conjuring a magic shield as we speak. The only reason the invaders got in at all was because it was an ambush. The guards wont let that happen again.”

“That may be true,” said Neeson. “But guns out-class spears, and high tier magic takes time to prepare and requires extreme vitality to maintain. We'll probably just stake this place out until the shield fails. Our militia really took the time to learn the chinks in your armor.”

Twilight frowned and glared at Neeson with slight distrust. “How is your knowledge of these plans so extensive?”

He fiddled with his cap. “I already told ya. I've known about this day for a long time. When I came here from our homeland, I picked up a lot of extra details. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision for us. The assassin that shot Celestia – his name is Salvator. He's our King and he's leadin' the invasion. None of this would be happenin' if it weren't for his doin'. Now since I know the plan, I can tell ya with absolute certainty that the shot he fired wasn't supposed to miss Celestia's heart.”

Twilight had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time she'd hear about this Salvator character.

The trio walked the rest of the way in silence. Cian led them to the room where he'd snuck in through an unlocked window. He climbed up and out, then Twilight, and with the help of the Twilight's wings, Neeson. They'd made it outside - straight into the warzone.

Indescribable. Sheer horror. The friendly neighborhood streets of Canterlot had been morphed into a conflagration of violence and destruction. Twilight gawked sorrowfully at her former home being torn asunder by the full vengeance of warfare. The royal guard were everywhere, beating down every invader they could identify. In a surreal shock she watched as a unicorn Guard plunged a spear deep into the side of an invader, only perish in a kiss of gunpowder from another. As far as she could see, deep pools of crimson ran freely in the streets. Neither side showed mercy. Neither side showed signs of faltering. She cried lightly. This wasn't just her hometown. These were her people.

“Twilight!” came Cian's voice. “Come on! No time!”

She galloped to catch up to them, barely holding back the rest of her tears.

“Granddad, where are we going!?” Cian shouted over the clamor of bloodshed.

“I don't know! Just keep running until we get somewhere safe! Don't stop no matter what!” Neeson yelled back. His voice tinged with fear.

They crossed out of the castle boundaries and hit the streets. Twilight kept her gaze forward to avoid witnessing any more of the infernal violence. They traversed piles of rubble and lumbered over the ruins of former buildings. All of a sudden Neeson lurched to a halt in the middle of a battered street. He stood in a pool of sanguine, thereby staining his coat. A royal guard stood before him with his spear point targeting his neck. Cian looked on in alarm, afraid to make any movements.

“You don't look like you're from around here,” sneered the guard. “You're one of them aren't you?”

“Stop it!” Twilight commanded, running up beside Neeson. “He's not an enemy! I command you to back down!”

The guard glanced at her. “I'm sorry Princess Twilight. We have orders to kill invaders on sight! No exceptions!”

“No! I command you as your superior to stop!” Twilight pushed Neeson out of the way and stepped in front of the spear herself. “Let them go or kill us all!”

“This isn't some child's morality lesson, Princess,” the guard snapped. “This is war. I have no choice except force if you won't comply.” He reared back and lifted the brunt of his spear.


The ponies flinched at the thundering power of the voice. The guard lowered his spear and Twilight backed away in confusion. She looked to her hooves and noticed a great looming umbra rapidly expanding over her. Before she could pinpoint precisely what was going on, a frenetic flurry of wings and feathers overtook her senses.

Could that be-?

Blocking them from the guard's menace stood an almighty being, an intimidating force with colors of deep midnight and dominion over night itself. “Leave!” she seethed at the cowering guard. He quickly turned tail and fled. “Twilight Sparkle!” the dark pony went on. “Why are you out in the streets and who are these ponies with you? I shouldn't have to tell you how dangerous and stupid it is to be out here!” barked the ferocious ruler.

“P-princess Luna... I-” stammered Twilight. Both daunted and unfathomably thankful for her sudden arrival, she simply couldn't find the words to say.

Luna summoned her magic and looked at Cian and Neeson. “Twilight. Now is not the time for inaction. Are these two ponies friends or enemies?”

“Friends! They're friends! I'm sorry Princess. I'm just...this is so... I've never...” She felt hot tears escaping again. Then, quite the unexpected event happened. Luna bent down and embraced her softly.

“I am sorry Twilight. It's never easy to witness the awful brutality of warfare. Especially in your hometown. I will do everything in my power to ensure the safety of you and your friends and end this invasion as soon as possible. I'm not asking you to put your emotions aside. Just remain vigilant in this time of crisis.”

Twilight clung to Luna's neck. She could no longer hold back the floodgates of her tears. She sobbed mournfully as the cloying sense of helplessness overtook her. “This is so awful... Everything is happening so quickly. I feel so... powerless.”

“I know, but you're not.” consoled Luna. She stood back up. “Trust me Twilight. Now, would you mind introducing me to your friends?”

Twilight sniffled and tried to collect herself. “This is Princess Luna,” she voiced weakly to her foreign acquaintances. “One of the two royal sisters who rule over Equestria.”

The male ponies bowed in the presence of Her Majesty. “My name is Cian, Your Highness.” said Cian.

“I'm Neeson.” said Neeson with a tip of his hat. “That green goof is my grandson.”

The introduction was short lived however as the wail of sirens began throughout all of Canterlot. The royal guard cheered and whooped, as if the siren's advent was messianic.

“Unfortunately we don't have time to catch up at the moment,” Luna stated. “We need to leave right now. This way!” She motioned for the others to follow and took off down the street.

“Princess Luna! What do the sirens mean?” questioned Cian as he galloped behind her.

She looked back at him tensely. “It means the Air Force is almost here.”

Sure enough, dots of black speckled the azure horizon. As they neared, Twilight discovered the source of the guards' elation. There were almost a thousand pegasi – drafted from the farthest regions in Equestria. Each pegasus straddled a compact black cloud in tight formation with one another. They donned rubber suits and thick rimmed goggles. Spearheading the raid were the ponies from the prestigious pegasi capital, Cloudsdale. They bellowed into the wind in a patriotic outcry as they slowly drew closer over the city.

“Take cover!” implored Luna.

The gang dove into a tiny crumbling house that had been long since abandoned. As the pegasi blotted out the airspace over Canterlot, Twilight noticed the Wonderbolts at the very front, leading the maneuver. She wondered if her brazen multicolored friend was amongst the ranks.

“Those aren't normal clouds they're riding,” Luna warned. "They're polarized and supercharged. The pegasi are all trained to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield but nopony's safety can be guaranteed.”

Out in the street, an invader roared in victory over a fresh kill. He brandished two cleavers and laughed in a psychotic euphoria. Way up high, the formation had finished moving into place. As far as the eye could see, black clouds loomed in a checkerboard pattern. The esteemed captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, pointed at the gloating invader in the street. “Fire!”

Someone responded by hurling a terrible cannon of lightning upon the mad stallion. The energy swallowed his body and created a ghostly x-ray of his twisting shape. The stallion was dead before he hit the ground; his coat was scorched and smoldering. Without wasting time, the formation unleashed their fury as they systematically dropped white hot streaks on their ground-bound foes. One after another the vicious rays claimed the lives they were after. Even with her ears covered, Twilight winced at the untiring discharges. The pegasi were merciless, accurate, and efficient.

“How long will this last?” shouted Cian above the pandemonium.

“This is but the first wave,” Luna yelled back. “They'll soon exchange positions with those in back who have a full battery. It's a small window of opportunity for escape but it will have to work.”

“What's the royal plan, Your Highness?” asked Neeson.

“Our destination is Ponyville. So far we've had no reports of bombings there, but we can't take that for granted. Several major cities are doing just as bad as we are here. It's absolutely imperative that we find Twilight's friends and bring them with us.”

“Oh! The Elements of Harmony! Of course!” cheered Twilight. “Wait, is Rainbow Dash up there with the Air Force?”

“I have no idea. All we can do is search.” admitted Luna.

The pegasi wrought judgment from above. The air crackled from the thick streaks of electricity. After what felt hours, the bolts lessened in frequency until finally none more struck. Twilight and friends peeked out from their temporary refuge. The pegasi rode their depleted clouds away while keeping formation as they were substituted by the next wave of fliers.

“Follow me!” commanded Luna.

They bolted out and ran. They ran until their chests burned and their hooves ached. None of remaining fighters payed them any heed. Just as their lungs threatened to rupture, they arrived at their destination: a small lateral building with a wide platform. Brimming with royal guards.

“The train station?” wheezed Neeson. “With all do respect Princess, I don't think the trains'll be up and runnin'.

Luna inspected the station as if looking for something. “You're absolutely right. The royal guard have shut down the rail line completely and have orders to intercept all traffic. That's why we'll be taking my chariot to Ponyville. It will be much faster and a lot less dangerous. The pegasi won't confuse it for a threat.” She kept glancing around. “I just have to figure out where it is...”

“But Princess Luna, your chariot is only big enough for you and maybe one other pony. How are we all going to fit?” asked Twilight.

“This isn't the chariot I use for public appearances. This is my chariot, and I can fly it by myself to save room.” she replied.

“Well then, we might as well help find it. No use bein' useless,” Cian rationalized aloud. He broke from the group and circled off around the platform. Immediately the guards took notice.

“No Cian!” called Luna. “Stay close to me. You and your grandfather are already under suspicion and we definitely don't need any unwanted conflict. Twilight, fly up and see if you can spot it.”

Twilight obeyed and took flight. She hovered over the roof and scanned the ground.

Ah! Behind the treeline!

“It's at the edge of the forest, Princess!”

“Great work! We'll meet you there.”

Twilight flew down and pulled the concealing vines off the chariot. The vehicle was quite impressive. It looked capable of holding ten passengers at the very least. Luna arrived hitched herself in. Cian helped his grandfather up and they all buckled themselves into place.

“By the way,” commented Luna. “It's going to be cold. There are some jackets and scarves in the storage compartment near the reigns. Now is the time to equip yourselves accordingly if you feel the need.”

Spiraling tempests whipped Twilight's mane as they flew. An onrush of wind assaulted her, chilling her to the core. She glanced at her friends on the opposite side of the chariot. Their demeanor was much the same: hunched and shuddering. However, they sported no protective clothing. In fact, they'd blatantly refused it.

Typical colts.

The poor earth ponies had probably never been more than a few meters into the air their whole lives. Twilight almost felt sorry for them. She also wondered why Luna insisted on traveling so exorbitantly high. Speed was speed regardless of altitude. She could feel ten thousand eyes peering curiously at them as they ascended past the ceiling of pegasi. At least they hadn't tried to electrocute them.

The chariot raced onwards. It was a honestly mystery to Twilight how Luna didn't get tunnel vision from hurtling through the sky at such intense velocity. Within minutes, the rooftops of Ponyville emerged and kissed the noontime sky. Luna wasn't kidding. She could fly her chariot.

Something more profound gnawed at Twilight's mind as they descended to town. The gargantuan cobalt chariot landed with a clunk in the center of town square. The district was barren. No peddlers, no laughing fillies, nothing. It was as if the townsfolk had simply disappeared. Before Luna could so much as unhitch herself from the chariot, Twilight met her with a question.

“Princess, I'm sorry to bother you but, how did you know your chariot was waiting at the train station? That seems pretty random. Why would it have been there beforehoof?”

“Simple,” said Luna. “My sister had a special operations team place it there for me so I could transport multiple passengers. That's the mission I've been given – to locate and secure you and the other Element of Harmony bearers.”

“Wait wait wait... I thought Celestia was recovering from surgery! How long has she been cogent enough to give orders!?” probed Twilight in bewilderment.

Luna shrugged. “For almost an hour. Enough to mobilize forces and instruct everypony at the castle what to do. I'm to report to her at critical points of my mission. In fact, reaching Ponyville alive was one of those points.”

Twilight watched in wonder as Luna lit her horn and summoned a small blue orb of magic.

“Celestia,” she spoke directly into it. “I've arrived in town, and I've safely secured Twilight Sparkle. We will begin searching for the other bearers at once.” With a flick of her hoof the orb vanished in a puff of ethereal mist. After a few seconds another one appeared in its place, this one white as snow.

“Very well, my sister. Be safe and best of luck to you both,” spilled Celestia's disembodied voice. The orb flickered and vanished.

Relief flooded Twilight upon hearing her ruler's voice again. The small snippet of speech ebbed some of her terror. “Will we be returning to the castle after this?” she pried expectantly. “I can't wait to see Princess Celestia again.”

“That's the plan so far,” Luna replied. “But we'll cross that bridge when we reach it. The only thing that matters at this moment is finding your friends. I've been informed that the residents of Ponyville have evacuated into an emergency bunker just outside of town. Unfortunately, none of the bearers were reported in attendance. That means they're either at home or missing. I don't quite understand it myself. Sweetie Belle is there, but not her sister. None of the Apple Family is there either.”

“Is there any chance we may be of assistance?” asked Neeson. “We already owe ya a ton for keepin' us out of trouble. We'd be happy to help, right boy?”

Cian nodded in agreement.

“Actually, yes. Here.” Luna opened the chariot's storage compartment and produced a rolled parchment. She unfurled it on the ground and pointed. “This is a map of Ponyville. I'm going to fly back and look for Rainbow Dash. Before any of you ask, I'm doing this now because it will save time in the long run. I may have to search the Air Force, and it's better I do that alone. Now, Neeson, you're going to head here. You'll be looking for a yellow pegasus named Fluttershy. There is zero chance she's up there fighting.” She showed him the route. “Cian, you're going to go a few streets east to a building called The Sugarcube Corner and locate an earth pony named Pinkie Pie. She'll be... easy to identify. Lastly, Twilight.” She turned to her. “That leaves Rarity and Applejack up to you. Now listen everypony. Regardless of success or failure, you come straight back here to the chariot and do not move until we're all present. Including me. Any questions?

“Just one,” said Cian. “Won't Twilight's friends be pretty adverse to followin' a couple of strangers out of their homes on the merit of trust?”

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle. “Not really. Fluttershy will likely comply out of fear, and Pinkie Pie doesn't have a concept of 'stranger danger.' She'll probably follow you without being told anything.”

Luna smiled. “Quite right. Rarity and Applejack are more down to earth, that's why Twilight will talk to them. Is everything clear now?”

“Yes Princess.”

“Aye, Your Highness.”

“Yes Princess Luna.”

“You'll all be safe. I promise.” With that, Luna took flight and hastily regressed to Rainbow Dash's dwelling.

“Meet ya two back here in a bit,” said Cian, surprised at how the day was turning out.

The three split up. The rescue was underway.

Carousel Boutique stood tall in its solitude. It was a truly fashionable feat of engineering. Twilight rapped loudly on the door in hopes for any manner of response. After several seconds without success she tried again, then once more. It was unnerving how an entire populace could evaporate straight from their homes.

She walked around the side boutique and peered through the window. The interior looked normal. Except that Rarity wasn't there. Nor was Sweetie Belle. Twilight sighed fretfully. Her a priori hopes flew out the window. She couldn’t understand where Rarity had to be in a crisis such as this anyway. Wherever she was, Twilight hoped she was safe. She hoped all of her friends were safe. If fortune smiled, she'd at least find one of them at Sweet Apple Acres.

The quiet rural road up to the farm wasn't any emptier than usual, yet somehow the silence unnerved her. With the wind whistling through the trees and the soft sound of her hooves on dirt, it created the impression of desolation.

At least the invasion hasn't touched Ponyville...

She pressed on towards the impending farm.

“Hello! Applejack! Big Macintosh! Granny Smith! Applebloom!”

Nothing. She tried the front door of the house. The wooden door wasn't locked and swung in with little effort. Not that the Apple Family usually locked their doors, but she thought it odd in spite of circumstance. Her nose picked up the lingering scent of assorted apple foodstuffs. “Anypony here?” she hollered again. Still she was met with nothing.

Where are all my friends!? she screamed inside her head.

Her mind toiled to construct possible explanations. They were helping at the bunker. They were assisting the wounded somewhere. Surely they must have been-

“T-Twilight?” came a small, frail squeak.

Twilight jumped a foot in the air and cried out in surprise. She spun in a heartbeat and stared into the frightful face of a light yellow filly. Applebloom's eyes were wide with fear and her lip quivered. “Twilight? What's goin' on?” she asked.

Slowly, slowly Twilight's heart stopped its obnoxious thudding. “Applebloom?” she said quietly. “You startled me.”

The southern filly began to cry. “I don't know what's goin' on. AJ and Big Mac are g-gone. They were here when I woke up this morning, but I-I think somepony took 'em...”

Twilight's heart stopped dead. “What did you say?” she whispered.

“I-I don't know for sure but, I saw some strange ponies here earlier and AJ and Big Mac were outside arguin' with 'em and then I felt somethin' pinch my neck - like a bug bite. I got real sleepy all of a sudden and then I can't remember anythin' else. I-I'm really scared. I want my family...”

Twilight carefully knelt down in front of her. “Where is Granny Smith, Applebloom? Isn't she here with you?”

“Uh-uh. She was in the hospital for some miner surgery today. We were plannin' on visitin' her this afternoon.”

“I understand.” Twilight soothed, barely holding it together herself. “Listen to me. I know that things are very hard right now, and it's not easy to know what to do, but you have to be strong. I want you to stay in the house and lock all the doors, okay? Don't let anypony in that you don't know really really well, unless it's a royal guard. Okay?”

Applebloom nodded slowly and sniffled.

“I'm going to get your family back.” Twilight promised. “I'll find AJ and Big Mac and I'll bring them right back here safe and sound, okay? Everything will be just fine. I promise.” She offered a shaky smile and held out her arms. Applebloom hugged her and wiped her wet eyes.

“I'll be back for you as soon as I can. I have to go for a bit now, but the second I can come back, I will.”

“Okay Twilight. Thanks for your help and... please find my family.”

“I promise I will.”

They hugged once again then Twilight stood and made for the door. “Will you be okay here for a while?”

“I think so.”

“Alright. I'll be back.” She exited the house with her heart torn in two for the poor filly she was leaving behind. The return to town square was long and uneventful. She couldn't quite comprehend that each one of her dearest friends was missing.

I'll bring them back. I'll bring them all back.

Three ponies greeted her as she trudged to the chariot. They all bore looks of defeat. None of them harbored extra passengers.

“I see you were not successful either, Twilight,” said Luna with a clipped sigh. “Very well. I will inform Celestia.” She summoned a magic orb. “We have finished our mission, and we have not found any of the bearers. The only one present is Twilight Sparkle.”

The orb vanished. When the next one came, there were a few moments of silence before Celestia spoke. Her tone was hushed and emotionless. “Very well. There has been a change in plans. You are to take Twilight to Neighpal and await further instructions from me. Do not return until I give the word.”

Luna looked disgruntled. Clearly something about what her sister said was bothering her. “Are you sure, my sister?

The next orb came. “Yes,” Celestia commanded impatiently. “Go now.”

“Where is Neighpal exactly?” Twilight dared to ask.

“It's north.”

“Like the Crystal Empire?”

“The Crystal Empire will feel like Saddle Arabia in Neighpal.”


“Well... if my sister wills it so... then we'd better get going.”


Applebloom pounded her hoof against the barn's rough wooden door. After a few seconds, she heard a small fumbling from the other side. The door slowly opened to reveal Applejack peering down at her expectantly. The sisters hugged and trotted into the stale air of the barn. Everyone was still there, quiet as church mice.

“I lied just like you said, Applejack,” Applebloom proclaimed as she trotted inside.

“Good. Come over this way, little sis.”

Applebloom followed her. “I don't like lyin'. It don't feel good.”

AJ sat on a bale of hay among many other ponies. “I know, sugarcube. I don't like it either. But ya did good. Ya know Twilight is smart. She is an egghead after all. She'll figure all this nonsense out in no time. Plus, now we're one step closer to getting' this whole mess over with.”

Applebloom sniffled and wiped the last tear from her eye. “I guess. Kinda.”

Applejack managed a smile. “We all have to do stuff we don't wanna do today.” She embraced her sister tightly. “Ya did good.”

“Close that door,” bade a deep voice from the depths of the barn.

Big Macintosh came into view and promptly pulled the barn door shut. He fastened a new lock onto it. “Shut and locked!” he called back.

“C'mon sis, we have to listen. I know it's wrong, but we don't have a choice.” AJ said. They trotted deeper into the barn where a large congregation of ponies had gathered around a dirty stallion. His black mane was thick and greasy, and he had a bushy mustache that covered his mouth.

“Do we finally have some privacy?” he growled. “No more damn interruptions? Good. It's time to get to work.”