• Published 30th Mar 2014
  • 1,203 Views, 9 Comments

Roomates! - xmenlover592

Discord is rooming with Twi for the week.

  • ...

Day 2

"Wake up!" Discord was just waking up to a purple mare who looked ready for everything. "Where is your alarm?" I set it right here by your bed."

"I think I may have turned it into a role of duct tape." He said in a slurred and hard to understand way. "It is probably under my tail." He then rolled over back to sleep.

Twilight tried to pull Discord's tail, but-there is no easy way to say this-Discord is fat. When you have chocolate rain following you and don't have to move to get anywhere, you tend to gain a few pounds.

Twilight finally after pushing for about twenty minutes got his tail to move. Just enough for her to grab the duct tape. For some reason it was covered in a more horse like pony that looked a lot like Fluttershy. Twilight set it down and used a fail safe spell on it. Luckily it worked, this time.


Finally Discord was ready to go in public. Of course Twilight had to take his top hat, cane, and monocle. Now they had to go out and get groceries.

As soon as Discord steps his paw into the super market all the young fillies try to climb him, as if he were a play house. "

"Excuse me, but could you please get off my friend?" Twilight asked.

The foals stopped and stared at the town's new princess. "Princess." The voice trailed off into the crowd. They started to fall off.

Shoot. Twilight thought, Now they want to climb on top of me! Twilight took the chance to run out the door before the children.

"DISCORD GET OUT OF THERE!"she yelled back. As Twi turned her head forwards, to look where she is going, she noticed Discord was right beside her about to pass her.

Finally at home Twilight made sure to lock the doors and windows. "I'm just going to watch some TV." Discord slumped onto his bed/couch(but mainly couch) and watched "So You Think Your a Unicorn?" with the host Phantom Horn.


"NOOOOO! Not Lyra! She had the best magic of them-" Twilight had just turned off the TV using her magic. She turned over in her bed and mumbled something under her breath.

"You know it really isn't polite to say something under your breath," Discord yelled from his magical bed, of imaginary adventures.

"I didn't say anything."

"I'm pretty sure you did. What did you say my bestest of best friends." Discord said still on his bed but closer to Twilight's bed.

" I said nothing!"

"Oooooh come on!" Discord's bed was now right next to Twilight's.

"Fine. I said mmmphmm."


" I said it is a stupid show."

Discord leaned up. "Y-you must be joking?"

"No. When I was about 10 I entered and was immediately kicked off."

"Oh. You should enter again now and win."

"Only unicorns can enter." Twilight stayed focused on her book but leaned up to talk more.

"Oh I know how to fix that, but I'm tired so nighty night." Discord moved his bed back then fell asleep.