• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 3,286 Views, 32 Comments

Magic Mishap - TheFaceofMercy

The Cutie Mark Crusaders will Discover the perks and the problems of being adults while they take care of an alicorn filly and her friends, but dont worry, they can handle it... Right?

  • ...

Practical Joke

The six fillies, three mares, and a dragon. Had reached the edge of the Everfree Forest without any major inconveniences, until Rarity and Applejack started a very annoying game of tag that resulted in a mud-covered yelling Rarity, and 5 fillies laughing their heads off.

"Awww come on Rarity; you can't stay mad forever, it was your idea anyway" Twilight groaned, looking at the white flustered filly.

"I didn’t expected Applejack being so rude, look at me I look dreadful!!" Rarity said, while Rainbow Dash stuffed a giggle, "and this isn't a matter of time laughing Rainbow, it’s going to take me forever to remove the mud from my mane!" Rarity complained.

"Come on sugarcube, T'was an accident, I didn't mean anythin'" Applejack apologized again, looking expectantly at Rarity, while the alluded replied with a frown.

Spike groaned, clutching his claws in his head, trying to suppress the splitting headache that was pounding down his skull. He didn’t expect, the sudden tantrum from Rarity, but in retrospective it was the first thing that he should’ve expected and not that it mattered now. Since, Rarity didn’t stop her wailing he was about to say something, but Scootaloo had beat him to it.

"Could you please SHUT YOUR MOUTHS UP!?" Scootaloo yelled, as she stomped her left hoof to the dirt ground and creating puffs of dust clouds around her hoof. She then continued, "You’re driving me crazy with your little fight here!” Giving both Rarity and Apple Jack a frustrated look.

The reactions from the fillies, were immediate like a speed of light.

"Sorry Scootaloo" Rarity mumbled, her ears plastered to her head.

"Ah'm sorry, Ah wasn't thinkin' " Applejack said kicking the ground underneath her hooves.

“okay girls, apologies accepted" Applebloom said watching as the fillies walked away from them, noticing, as well, the muffled laughs of Twilight and Rainbow Dash,"Somethin' funny girls?"

"No, nothing Applebloom" Twilight replied fastly, while the yellow mare eyed the blue Pegasus.
"Yeah, nothing to see here 'bloom" Rainbow replied, with a dismissive shake of her hoof.

Both Twilight and Rainbow where hoping that Applebloom, wasn't onto their plans.

Applebloom hummed a tune, while eyeing at the two nervous fillies, "Ah'm watching ya'll", she then walked toward her friends, at the front of the mismatched group.

But something was off about them, they were all walking slowly, with their heads hanging low
"So girls, what's wrong?" Applebloom asked the nearest mare.

"Don't you see it 'Bloom?" Sweetie replied with a questioning glance at the other mare, who shook her head in confusion.

"You're kidding right?" Scootaloo asked looking annoyed, “They’re losing it. Don't you see it, they're all acting more and more like little fillies. I didn’t even realize that we acted like that, and… come on dear Celestia listen to me..." The orange coated mare replied, shocked not only but the sudden behavior of their turned-fillies friends, but her own behavior. She was feeling rather strange, but she couldn’t put a hoof on it and the way she talked about their friends had something to do with it. She started to sound like Cherilee when she explained something to the Crusaders, demure, and somehow more mature.

Spike continued, with a soft voice for the fillies not to listen. "I fear that we won't be able to change the girls back if they keep behaving like this... What if they stay like this forever? ... I-I can't be a big brother for Twilight, she already has one." The dragon said, tears forming at the edges of his eyes.

"Spike, are you- are you crying?" Applebloom asked looking confusedly at the sad dragon.

"No, no I'm not" Spike said rubbing his eyes repeatedly, "I just got dust in my eyes." Spike lied. He was really sad and yet happy at the same time. The sad part was that, he didn't want Twilight to be a filly forever and yet he gets to become a 'big brother' and show her how thankful he was, when she took care of him ever since, she had hatched him from a purple and a green polka doted egg.

Applebloom chuckled at the sight of the sobbing dragon, "Don't worry Spike, Ah'm sure that we'll be able to sort this out, Ah promise" Bloom reassured, "Sure they're acting more like children, but there's nothin' that we can't do together" She added. She was pretty confident, that Zecora or somepony else was going to solve their predicament, and hoping that everything will turn fine at the end.

"Aww Bloom, don't get sappy on us" Scootaloo replied wiping her eyes with her now-large feathery wings.

"Girls... care to do it again?" Sweetie asked looking gleefully at her friends.

"Do what?" The yellow mare asked, just to be answered by a conspicuous smile by Sweetie and Scootaloo.

The all looked at each other and yelled, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, MAGIC FIXERS, YAY!!" The three mares yelled excitedly earning odd glances from the six fillies and a chuckle from the purple dragon. Soon, they all burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh gosh, it's way weirder when you're older" Sweetie said between chortles.

"Sure it is, Sweetie" Scootaloo replied, looking at her side noticing a small Pegasus filly separated from the group, the worst thing was the yellow filly's face... a water fall of tears damping the fur on her cheeks.

"Umm girls, I'm sorry to interrupt our happy moment, but why is Fluttershy crying?" she said, earning concerned glances from the reunited grown-mares.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go talk her” Scootaloo said, leaning to Fluttershy's side, where the yellow Pegasus was looking at the ground while tears fell from her face, creating small puddles of mud as she slowly trotted.

"What's wrong 'Shy?" the orange mare asked scaring the zooned off filly.

Fluttershy meep’ed in shock and fell to the ground and she soon realized that Scootaloo was talking to her.

"Nothing is wrong Scootaloo, 'sniff', what makes you think that?" Fluttershy answered quickly, while removing herself from the ground. When she got up she started wiping a whole colossal of tears from her face.

"You sure? You can tell me everything y'know" Scootaloo said eyeing the filly sternly.

Fluttershy thought for a second before answering "Well it's nothing really... is just that ‘sniff’ Rainbow Dash and Twilight are mad at me because I told on them." Fluttershy answered, her gaze still locked to the ground.

Seeing that Scootaloo didn't answer Fluttershy asked "You're not going to do them anything, are you?"

Scootaloo remained a few seconds deep in thought before answering "Well I'm going to have a looong talk with them, but don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to them." Scootaloo reassured, patting the filly’s back.

"I Pinkie Promise, cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a Cupcake in my eye." Scootaloo stated making the motions that usually accompanied a Pinkie Promise.

"Okay, it's alright then" Fluttershy answered looking slightly more tranquil.
"Now where are those little rascals?" Scootaloo said out loud searching for the missing fillies,

"Hey Spike, do you know were Twilight and Rainbow Dash are?" The orange mare asked looking at the now confused dragon.
"Whatcha mean? Aren’t they right... there?" Spike said confusedly, pointing a claw, to the missing spot that were occupied by Twilight and Dash. He then approached to the nearest filly, hoping that Pinkie would know something about them.

“Hey Pinkie” Spike said, interrupting the former bouncing, “Have you seen Rainbow, or Twilight anywhere?”

"Oh, I saw them fly around here somewhere, they looked pretty happy, I wanted to go with them, but I don't have wings, so I was like 'ohh silly Pinkie you don't have wings' and the... OH MY GOSH IT'S AN ALIGATOR!!" Pinkie stammered, bouncing in front of the mares.

"Wait, they fly away again, what's the matter with... Pinkie, wait, don't touch the alligator!!!" Sweetie yelled grabbing the hyperactive filly in her magic.

"What happened sis?" Rarity asked looking up at the white coated mare.

"Is Something 'bout Twilight and Rainbow, isn't it?" Applejack asked from behind Rarity.

"Yeah, they fly away... again and that’s-" Sweetie said being interrupted by a scream of the other mares.

"Spike please DON'T FREAK OUT!!!" Applebloom yelled, trying to calm down the hyperventilating dragon.
"Okay this day had officially gone to Tartarus" Sweetie stated and began to search for the missing fillies.
Meanwhile not so far from them, an Alicorn, and a Pegasus were flying above the foliage of the trees, making occasionally tricks and stunts.

"Do you think that they're looking for us?" Rainbow Dash asked looking at her partner.

"Nah, they're too busy to look for us. They probably haven't even noticed that we're gone" Twilight replied looking behind her.

"Yeah you're probably right, what are we looking for anyways?" Rainbow said eyeing the ground trying to find something meaningful.
"Look, over there, we're already here" Twilight stammered. Suddenly descending, which startled Rainbow Dash.

Down in the middle of the forest, laid a small hut, with potions hanging from its branches, and a couple of ritual masks at the door, said hut, was surrounded by a variety of plants most of them with a medicinal use, was there in the clearing, in front of the cottage, that the two fillies landed.

"Wait a second, this is Zecora's hut, we were going over here, why do we had to fly ahead?" Rainbow asked while Twilight peeked inside.

"Well, duh we're preparing our new awesome prank, we can’t leave Spike and Applebloom out of this, can we?" Twilight said, still looking inside the cottage.

Rainbow was shocked hearing Twilight used the word 'awesome' correctly for once. She then spoke, "Wow, another one already? You're in a row Twi, I never thought that you were the prankster type." raising an eyebrow to the lavender filly, who was now, looking around the hut.

"It's not that, is just —oh! Look at that!!" Twilight said excitedly pointing at a patch of familiar blue colored flowers. She then started to rub her hooves together mischievously.

"Twi... That's Poison Joke, what are you gonna do with...oh!" Dash realized seeing the malicious glint in Twilight's eyes.
"Yeah, but I haven't figured out how to pick 'em up" Twilight explained with a thoughtful expression.

They started thinking about ways to prank their friends with the flowers, but they didn’t noticed the shadowy figure approaching from behind.

"You two fillies, please go away, from the mischievous plant, you must stay at bay” The figure said startling the fillies, who unfortunately, were too close to the patch of blue flowers, and as they jumped they fell right into the Poison Joke.

"Zecora *pant* you scared us" Twilight exclaimed trying to get out of the flower.

"Ah, my friend Twilight is who I see, another victim of the spell, it must be" Zecora said helping Rainbow out from a safe distance.
"Whatcha mean with another?" Rainbow asked ruffling her mane off the remaining petals of the flower.

"Earlier today, during my weekly visit to the town, I found two, who were acting like clowns, I tried to aid, but they continue their charade” Zecora explained.

"Wait, one of them was an earth pony with a pink coat and a Tiara for Cutie mark?" Twilight asked as Zecora nodded, "So they were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon we’ve to find them!!" Twilight said.

"Yeah and when we find them, that annoying brat of Silver Spoon will pay!” ”…Ummm Rainbow?" Twilight said.

"Not Listening Twi, SHE. WILL.PAY" Rainbow replied, pouncing her hoof in the ground for emphasis.

"I think that your quest, we’ll have to arrest" Zecora said leading the fillies inside her hut.

"Why Zecora?" Twilight asked without a clue

"Don't you remember my little foal, into a patch of Poison Joke you did fall, and for the cure I’ll have to make it, for me to be secure" Zecora explained calmly.

Twilight face hoofed realizing the highly dangerous plant that she just stepped in.

"Argh, how could I’ve forgotten that? That was Poison Joke!" Twilight groaned touching her horn with her hooves repeatedly.
"But Twilight, what about the ompf-"

"Cake! We were doing cake" Twilight intervened stuffing her hoof into Rainbow’s mouth.

Zecora eyed the fillies suspiciously before continuing "Hmm, rather confusing I found, what you were doing around that plant?"
Twilight and Rainbow shared afraid looks before Dash formulated an answer.

"We were... Umm, studying it?" Dash said stretching an awkward smile.

Twilight mentally face hooved, 'and I thought I was the egghead', then she used her best innocent smile -halo included- and prayed to Celestia that Zecora couldn't see through their lie.

Zecora hummed in reply while seeing through the distressed fillies face, "I shall aid you in your plight, but first, you’ll have to explain outright"

Twilight and Rainbow's ears came flat upon her statement, while they followed Zecora, heads hanging low into the cottage.
"We're sorry Zecora" Both fillies said at the unison.

"I hope that you are, now, please explain to me what were you -" Zecora's ears perked up as the sound of muffled screams reached the hut, then she turned around to look out for the voices.

"Twilight... Rainbow, were are you?" Called the first voice, judging by the tone it was clearly a male voice.

"Oh gosh, it’s Spike!!" Twilight said jumping out of the cottage in glee, then she came to an abrupt stop after she realized what they will do when they found her, she had escaped from them again, she could only imagine what Spike and the others will do to her, and maybe, one certain dragon might get his revenge for all that times she hadn’t let him out, or the times she didn’t let him go out with Rarity.

Rainbow, noticing the absent slightly scared look in her friend's face, tried to snap Twilight out of her daydream by waiving her hooves in front of Twilight's face.
"Umm, Equestria to Twilight? Twi, what's the matter? They’re coming for us" Rainbow stated, then stopped letting her words sink in.

"Coming... for... us... We're in Trouble, aren't we?" The cyan filly asked while the ever still Lavender filly replied with an absent nod.
They remained in shock for a few seconds until a bright pink head poked upon the bushes that surrounded the small clearing where Zecora lived.

"Oh girls, you're here!!!” Pinkie squealed in delight bouncing in front of the lavender and blue fillies that hadn't managed to step out of their stupor.

"Troubles..." Twilight muttered, her left eye slightly twitching

"Whatcha mean bubbles Twi? Do you want bubbles, oh!! Do you remember the mailmare Ditzy Doo, she has bubbles as a Cutie Mark, and maybe she could help you with your bubbles troubles... Oh!!! That rhymed! I just talked like Zecora, I could do potions, wear those silly rings in my neck and-ompf" Pinkie's blabbering was interrupted by Twilight's lavender hoof while she shook her head repeatedly.
Then she turned her head noticing two other fillies, -that were currently arguing-stepping from the bushes.

"This trees are sooo sticky and muddy, they're going to stain my coat!!" Rarity whined earning a face hoof from Applejack.

"Yer drivin' me insane with your whining, could you please stop, for Faust almighty!!!?”Applejack yelled helping Rarity out of the leaves.
"That's not whining dear, this is merely complaining, a lady doesn't whine" She replied looking smugly at Applejack.

"Well ya don't look like a lady to me... Ya sound more like one of those Canterlot snobs" Applejack gasped in realization, "Ya sounded like Blueblood!!" The orange filly stated giggling madly.

Rarity gasped in indignation, "You take that back, I am not anything like that spoiled, snobby, rubbish"
"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am NOT!!"

"Are too times infinite" Applejack stated glaring at Rarity.

"Am not times infinite plus one" the white filly replied glaring at Applejack as well, until a blue blur interrupted the endless cycle.

"Girls, can you PLEASE stop?!" Rainbow groaned, and as soon as she interjected, both fillies’ expressions, turned from anger to excitement.

"RD!!" Applejack replied "Glad to see ya Ok" she said punching Rainbow's arm playfully.

"Oh yes, we were positively worried!!" Rarity stated, now completely out of the bushes, in her usual nifty tone.

Twilight having plunged her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth eyed the marshmallow filly cautiously, "You were... worried?" Twilight said with uncertainty, to finally let out a relieved exhalation, "Thanks Celestia, I thought that they were mad"

Rarity worn a confused expression before continuing, "Well yes, Spike was certainly troubled when you were missing..." Then she added in a muffled low voice, "can't say the same about Sweetie though"

"Or Scootaloo for that matter" Applejack chimed in not noticing the privacy of the conversation, not even when Rarity shot her a deathly look, "What?" she retorted missing the obvious hint.

"Do you mean that... they're mad at us?" Twilight stammered shuffling in her hooves, she couldn’t stand another scold from Sweetie Belle, she just couldn’t, and now with Spike, Applebloom and Scoots mad at her, it would be ten times worst.

As on cue, five figures stepped out of the bushes, the first one Spike, who rushed to Twilight's side and begun hugging her strongly in his arms.

"Twilight Andromeda -" Twilight winced as Spike used her middle name, while Rainbow snickered "Sparkle, don't ever do this to me again" Spike said visibly relieved by having the purple filly squirming in his arms.

"Spike...oof can't breathe" Twilight said while Spike released her from the embrace and let her on the ground.
"Sorry Twi, but I we were sooo worried"

Twilight lowered her ears, knowing the incoming scolding that was about to come, seconds passed and nothing happened, Twilight thought that she have escaped the chide, she looked up, just to lower her gaze again... there was still yelling, And Oh boy there was.

"What in TARTARUS did you think you were doing!?" The usually calm voice of Sweetie Belle boomed through the forest, startling the other ponies in the clearing, as well as a few manticores.

"We're sorry Sweetie" Both cyan and purple fillies replied with small tears in the corners of their eyes. Sweetie sighed looking at their pained expressions, "I'm not mad at you... we were just worried" Then she looked back at the filly in Scootaloo's back, remembering an important talk, "Although you own an apology to Fluttershy, and I want to hear it now!"

"But she told on us. No friends do that to-" Rainbow got quiet when she saw Applebloom's steel glare upon her.
"No Rainbow, you both hurt poor Fluttershy feelings, and acted like a couple of brats back then, now I wanna hear that apology out loud!" Applebloom stomped the ground, looking at the fillies.

"Sorry Fluttershy, you're my friend and I shouldn't have treated you like that" Rainbow apologized first, then she looked expectantly at Twilight, who now held her snoot up in a defiance pose.

"I'm not going to apologize, because I didn't do anything wrong!", she said, now tired of the nagging scolding of the now older ponies, she was a full grown mare and her size didn’t change the way she should be treated.

Scootaloo was the first in snap while she leaned in closer to Twilight and the filly retreated back slowly, "You make Fluttershy cry, she's your friend, isn't that bad enough?" The orange mare asked carefully to not shock her passenger.

"But we were having fun, there's nothing wrong in having fun, is it?" Twilight retorted looking at the bigger pony.
"No Twilight, there's nothing wrong in having fun, but you shouldn't have fun at the expense of your friends" Sweetie said, looking sternly at Twilight.

Seeing that twilight still didn't answer Spike Interjected, "Twilight, I hoped that I didn't have to reach this level, but you leave me no choice" Spike stated looking for reactions in the lavender filly, seeing none, he continued,

"When you were studying in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, I remember that you weren't quite founded of the ponies back there",
Twilight's eyes widened in realization and she made a silent plead to Spike, "Please Spike, No, not that" she pleaded, tears leaked slowly from her eyes.

Spike ignoring the filly's protests, continued, "There were a group of older students who were in the same classroom as you" Twilight was openly crying by now.

"Ple-please Spike, no-not them, you promised me!!" Twilight pleaded hiding her face between her hooves.
"What did they did to you?" The dragon asked, crouching at the filly's eye level.

The blue maned filly answered between sobs, " The- they made fun of m-me" Twilight answered, remembering the awful situations that she had to endure during her tutelage under Princess Celestia.

"And what did you do?" Spike asked in a soft tone, He wasn’t pleased to do this to Twilight, but as she had told him while he was growing, ‘sometimes, we must be cruel, to be kind’

"I-I told my teacher" Twilight said, covering her eyes sobbing deeply.
"Finally Twi, What did they tell to you?"

"They said-" Twilight's eyes widened, "They said tha-that they were having fun... Oh, I’m so sorry Fluttershy" Twilight finished sobbing loudly, she hadn’t realize it, but she acted just like the bullies that she despised so much, her crying increased in volume until the yellow Pegasus stepped down from Scootaloo's back and embraced the filly in a hug.

"Is okay Twi, I forgive you" The timid Pegasus stated, hugging Twilight tightly.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle d’awwed at the fillies, and Scootaloo just cleared her throat.
"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but I think that we should get inside"

"You don’t worry friends of mine, you can stay there for a while, I still have to prepare the Ingredients for their affair" Zecora interrupted Scootaloo, looking sweetly at the embracing fillies.

"Affaire, whose affair Zecora?" Applebloom asked confusedly as Twilight suddenly broke the embrace

"The Poison Joke brew for Twilight and Rainbow Dash’ sough," The Zebra answered entering to her house.

The adults turned to see the fillies with both angry and concerned faces, was Sweetie Belle the one who spoke first

"I think that you own us a very long explanation"
Both fillies gulped.

Author's Note:

Ok. AN are in the bottom now, that's a good sign
[Edited 09/29/14]
More edits should be added as the story keep going.
Thanks a lot to Twilight Shine for editing this chapter.
Don't forget to comment, I recieve all kinds of advice, and suggestions.
Love you everypony...
Rainbow 085

Comments ( 11 )

I would like to cooperate with u and help u edit your story too.please:pinkiehappy:

5053104 I'll be grateful, maybe you can PM me later so we can talk :pinkiehappy:

Aaah its so adorable. I like how you set up the entire scene with Fluttershy and RD and Twi. Its good to see those two saw the errors of their ways. Twi and RD are quite the trouble makers though which is quite funny. Love this story and if you need another editor don't be scared to ring me up. I love helping out writers. Seriously though this is pretty fantastic.

i really like this story hope to read more soon:twilightsmile:

5056604 iwas wondering if I could create a cover art for u it u want me to.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash landed in poison joke? They're in big trouble now. :pinkiegasp:

5224360 That's where the inspiration comes from...

5224360 YOUR PRofile pic works perfectly with that comment

I love this story. pleas continue it. ^_^

Very, very cute. :raritystarry: I think my favorite aspect is the relationship you have going on between Twi and RD :twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh: Adorable. The fact that you included how much of a recluse Twilight was in Canterlot really ties in well. I hope you come back to this soon, even though I know you must be very busy. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Good luck. :yay:

When's the next chapter?

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