• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 2,071 Views, 21 Comments

A New Moon Is Rising - Jinxed

Equestria is at war. The New Lunar Republic vies for control against the Solar Empire, and the land has fallen into anarchy.

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Flash And Thunder

Her grip on the tough oak was more than strong enough to splinter the wood, shouting in frustration as the edge of the table split apart under her palms. With a grunt she threw it behind her, the piece breaking up when it collided with the wall in a shower of shards. Mcintosh was thankful he'd been a few seconds later as he came in the room, as he warily eyed the mess his sister was making in the barn, tutting at the numerous broken barrels and storage crates, she'd even twisted up the rake like it was made of paper. It'd been hours since she'd been at Twilight's, and it seemed she was still furious at the information she'd been given, he was never pleased when she got like this.

"Breakin' Granny's table aint gonna help none."

Applejack sighed heavily, her shoulders a coiled spring with how tense they were. She stood back from the damaged furniture and glanced back to her sibling. She knew she was overreacting, always did when it came to the subject of their home being threatened. When those snakes Flim & Flam had tried to con the Apple family out of their business of cider making and drive them out of Ponyville she'd been very close to simply beating the two to within an inch of their sorry hides, before Twilight had intervened and offered to help her produce the beverage in greater quantities, subsequently causing the two scammers to hightail it out of there when they failed in their plans.

But this time, it wasn't a pair of two-bit crooks trying to take what was theirs, but the damned Princess herself.

"Ah know that, Mac." She huffed at him, facing him properly as he leant against the doorway. "Just needed to vent is all, aint needin' Applebloom seein' me all kinds o' pissed off."

He raised an eyebrow at the profanity. Not only did Applejack not tend to break things, but she didn't tend to swear either unless she was seriously ticked about something, he shook his head in a dismissive manner, beckoning her to follow him as he exited the room. When she got like this, only two things mulled the fiery temper the mare had that so very few ponies knew about. The first was cider of all things, he'd seen ponies get violent and angry from drinking too much of the stuff, but she always calmed down and relaxed. The second was work, having something to take her mind off her troubles kept the bad thoughts at bay, allowing her time to think it all through while not completely focusing on it.

He looked over his shoulder at her, she was diligently following, likely knowing what he was up to. She nodded her understanding when they reached their destination outside the barn, standing beside a massive pile of logs next to a tree stump, a worn but heavy looking axe buried in its centre. Wordlessly, she trudged on over and clasped the handle, yanking the tool free of its confines as well as hefting a large piece from the stack.

"Ah gotcha, Mac." She said, rolling her eyes in annoyance. But he saw a crack of a smile on her muzzle.

Mcintosh left her to the task as the sun was setting on the horizon, walking away as he heard the clear whistling of the axe travelling through the air, and the sudden crack of wood being cleaved in two. Making his way into their home, he went upstairs and checked on their elder as she slept, the older woman snoring away peacefully. While he was at it, he poked his head through his little sister's door to check on her, but she too was sound asleep, unperturbed by Applejack's outbursts in the barn, which was actually rather audible within the homestead.

Going to the kitchen then, he made a point of snagging an old bottle of their best spiced zap-apple cider from the storeroom, pleasantly chilled too. Normally they'd save these bottles that had been from the first brewed batch for special occasions, but he wanted his sister with a level head in the morning, and this stuff was potently numbing in just a glass or two. They needed to make a plan together for the approaching chaos that was going to reign down on everypony in the near future. Not only would ponies require more supplies to make a stockpile, but they'd start to panic further and likely buy what they wouldn't need as well, when such other items could help other ponies build their own emergency stashes. He'd have to make preparations for even distribution, and they'd both need to watch their crops too in the upcoming months as even though it was rare that somepony stole from them, it would probably occur more now as time went on.

All this in mind, he carried a large mug of the special cider in hand for Applejack, but he gave pause for the moment, his ear flicking to a growing noise outside that didn't bode well at all. Quickly putting the mug down he rushed to the exit, pulling the door open, and heading immediately to his sister. As he'd guessed, she was already walking towards the source of the noise coming down the road. He placed a hand on her shoulder when he came up beside her, compelling her to stop for the moment, but the dark look on her face said it all. He was just glad she hadn't brought the axe along with her, and together they went to meet with what they knew was approaching.

There was a detachment of the Royal Guard advancing on the farm.

Mcintosh felt her shake under his palm already, he just hoped she wouldn't do anything rash that would get them arrested. He could see her knuckles went white with how much she was clenching her fists. She'd told him what she'd heard from Twilight, he knew this might be a possibility, and he understood the reason why it had to happen, he didn't like it anymore than Applejack, but he knew it was out of their control.

"Unit halt!" The Captain shouted, the Unicorn stepping out in front of his soldiers when they instantly froze. He marched towards the farmhands in standard military fashion, his eyes forward and his strides powerful. His horn flared as he brought out a scroll from the saddlebags on his sides, unfolding it as he stopped a short distance before the two, he spoke in a high voice befitting of his station. "By Order of Her Grace, the Royal Majesty, Ruler of Canterlot, now Empress to the Solar Empire, Celestia Sol Invictus; this written declaration is officially addressed on record to Green Smith or her grandchildren, delivered by Captain Onyx Dusk of the twelve regiment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Royal Guard. It is hereby decreed that the property known as Sweet Apple Acres, its land in its entirety, all facilities within, all livestock, and all crops are now requisitioned by Her Grace, fully granted to Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Royal Guard in their duty to protect the magical land of Equestria against all of Her enemies, until such time that said threats have been vanquished, so shall Her will be done."

He neatly finished the speech and rolled up the scroll with a curt nod to the duo, his features sullen. Mcintosh could see the regret and sympathy in the stallions eyes, no doubt he recognised Applejack as the Element of Honesty, an extraordinary mare that had done much for her country, and yet here he was having to give them this order, this ultimatum.

"Ms. Jaqueline, I'm truly sor-" He began, having even removed his decorated helm, but he was cut short as Applejack's fist collided with a meaty smack into the stallions muzzle, having crossed their distance in a swift flurry of dirt. He stumbled back only for a moment, setting his weight on the back foot, practically unfazed if but for the clear mark on his left cheek by her heavy right-hook. Mcintosh had already restrained his sister even though she thrashed angrily, he himself sharply motioned his troops to cease their actions as they bristled from their commander being attacked so outright. "Stand down! It's alright. Just a punch."

"Only mah daddy called me Jaqueline!" She growled, Mcintosh offered a sincere apology to the Captain as Applejack struggled with his arms as he managed to pin her own to her sides, it didn't take long before she started to relent however, only attempting half-heartedly to shrug him off, she was still fuming, her face red with anger as tears formed in her eyes. "Don't ya... don't ya dare say yer sorry! Y-y’aint... s-s.."

The Captain remained silent with his head bowed solemnly as the mare before him continued to slow down in her brother's grip, sinking to the ground as her other emotions entirely overcame her and the tears rolled down her face in despair. The brother met his eyes with a consideration he'd not expected, a pained nod of his own given. He bore this woman no ill will, her reaction was more than understandable, if a bit overzealous. By Luna's moon, she was a damned hero, he should be honoured to have met her under better circumstances, and here he was under orders to strip her of everything she had?

"I surely am, madam." He said in a hush. Speaking over her sobs, he spoke to the other farmhand, who was still keeping his gaze level with him with his arms clenched around his sibling. "Mr. Mcintosh, Her Grace has allowed you and yours twenty-four hours to collect your essential belongings and dearest possessions, at the end of this time period you all must have vacated the premises to make way for Her Majesty's Army so they may occupy and make use of this location, the Guard will be as unobtrusive to your belongings as possible."

With one last sympathetic dip of his head, he smartly faced about, marching back towards his men. With a shout, they went back to moving the way they'd come from. Mcintosh watched them slowly disappear over the hill as he held a distraught Applejack, her crying the only thing he heard among the rustling of leaves in the wind. Celestia's sun was almost entirely sunken under the land when her despair started to subside, but he remained there holding her still.

Turning his head back he cast his gaze over their farm. It was a beautiful land, it had a rich history spanning generations back before Granny Smith, her ancestors had helped establish the farm and Ponyville itself. But he supposed in the end it didn't matter. After all, it was Princess Celestia herself who'd granted them the land long ago.

Ponies forgot the times when the Apple clan were wandering nomads, travelling all across Equestria to sell their food for any and all that wanted to share in their craft, and they had been looking to settle to plant the many different seeds they'd gathered on their journey. Being such a massive group they'd caught the attention of the Princess, who'd graciously allowed them the land next to the Everfree forest for it was known to have been unclaimed and wild, until the Apple clan had settled what they knew as Sweet Apple Acres, then moving on to found Ponyville itself in time.

In the end, Princess Celestia still had the biggest right to the territory, and she could take it from them as she was want to do, even after all these many years. Regardless of if they'd written up a legitimate deed to the region, he'd no doubt have thought the Princess would still retain the ability to repossess the land whenever she saw fit. So really that was the end of the issue, they had no ground to stand on.

He knelt there on the soil, gently smiling to himself at the futility of it all. The cold breeze rushed by them as a hush settled around them upon the coming nighttime. He looked to Applejack, the tears on her face having dried, but her eyes red from the ordeal. Her look was downcast as she quietly stroked her hand through the earth they grew up on.

They dwelled in silence for a time.

Until there was a whistle.

It was high-pitched, long, drawn out, and it made their ears flick automatically atop their heads. Curiously, Mcintosh glanced around up into the dimming twilight, seeing something flash almost instantly and very clearly against the gloomy sky, at first he thought it a large firework, but at this time of year it seemed odd, it didn't seem like one and it was much too bright. He heard Applejack shift about as she too stared upward to the strange object.


"Ah see it." He patted her shoulder reassuringly, helping her to her feet, both their boots squelching in the soft mud. He squinted to focus on whatever it was. "Aint rightly sure just what it is, but ah don't think it's gonna be good."

That uneasy feeling only deepened when several more of the lights appeared, shooting high up from a fair distance beyond the skyline. Whatever the things were, the first one that Mcintosh had seen was now falling at quite an alarming speed, considering its slow ascension into the air. It was only a cause for alarm to them when the noise they made became an even louder shriek, and the object in question looked as if it was going to land right on top of them.

Quite taken aback at the realisation, the two started to move towards their home, only to turn to a source of shouting behind them. It was the Captain and a few of his soldiers, running at them as fast as their feet would carry them.

Unfortunately, all they heard from the man was half a warning of getting down before there was a horrendous deafening explosion as they were forcibly struck by a massive fiery blast that threw them both backwards into the dirt, Mctinosh shouted out in pain as fire burned over his entire half that wasn't covered in the muck he'd landed in, he'd lost his grip on his sister as they'd been pushed away, he hoped she was alright. It had ceased as quickly as it had come, but his ears were ringing to the point it sounded as if there was an alarm clock going off next to his head and he could barely see anything save for the stars in his vision whenever he blinked, he spat out a wad of mud as he didn't delay trying to get up again, only to stumble and fall back over as his head swam dangerously and the burning he felt made him falter.

He was caught and helped to stay steady by Applejack, who'd somehow recovered faster, but looked so much worse for wear, he thought he had been closer to the blast then she had, but clearly it had landed nearer to her, angry burns covered her body much the same as him, but he could only grimace as he realised a large portion of her left arm looked as if an animal had savaged it, having been somewhat shredded in the explosion, the limb in question was limp at her side, and her eye was clenched shut as well, that side of her face partially scorched, the fur having turned black or been seared away entirely. He felt a twinge of pride from their Earth pony blood that his sister was so darn sturdy, but it wouldn't last long, this was likely adrenaline keeping her upright at the moment, and that suspicion was confirmed when he immediately grabbed for her as she almost collapsed not a few seconds later attempting to take a step towards the house.

"A-apple Bloom..." She groaned, forcing herself upright through sheer willpower. Mac helped her, his arm around her waist with her good arm wrapped over his shoulders. Together they limped, trudging only a small distance closer before the next object impacted into the ground not far away. The resulting detonation thankfully wasn't near enough to harm the two this time, but the heat passed over them and still sent a shockwave that put them to their knees momentarily. Dirt flew overhead while the whine of the following battery rang to an uncomfortable degree.

It was then that their little sister came out the house with Granny Smith in tow, looking fairly annoyed at the unwelcome noise rather than disturbed by its chaos, a scowl on her muzzle as she eyed the heavens. Apple Bloom rushed to her siblings seeing their state, gasping as she got close enough to see Applejack's arm. Finally, the Captain caught up with them as Granny hobbled over, before he shouted to his men to cover the small family.

The few soldiers with him raised their shields and surrounded the group, Onyx Dusk leading them away as fast as possible without losing the integrity of their erected wall, but he also raised a magical barrier just in case. He'd been too far from the two farmhands when the first shell had hit and felt extreme guilt at their current condition, especially considering the news he had given the family, to which the older mare and the young filly still weren't informed about. He'd make damn well sure they would get the treatment needed to see them right, on his honour as a Royal Guard.

He wished he could say their homestead would be fine too, and he'd hoped as much right before a cluster of the shells struck near the centre of buildings, the multiple collisions only amplifying the resulting explosion, ripping everything within its radius to shreds. Having no protection from such offensive capabilities, the place never stood a chance. Ignoring the outcries of the family, he forced them on as a great deal of the ensuing debris smacked into the protective bubble he was maintaining, the warmth of the destruction felt even from their current distance.

This bombing had only just begun, he knew it in his heart, he could still hear blasts behind him. This family though injured were safe for now, but this was on the outskirts of Ponyville, he couldn't be sure for the rest of this small villages safety and the shelling would no doubt move further in. He'd left the rest of his men to evacuate the townspeople the second he'd seen the artillery in the air, and told them to establish a small outpost upon the precipice of the Everfree to the towns far west, just far enough that it might be excluded from being hit.

He hoped it had been enough, he hoped it had been in time, there was already a projectile arcing downward to the north side of the settlement. He wondered for a moment if the bastards leading the attack were attempting to hit fleeing ponies that might try to make their way to Canterlot. Just who was leading it? It couldn't have been Her Grace's allies, she wanted this family's farmland as a forward base for the ground forces, he'd known she was moving troops and equipment through the town because it was so remote, they'd have been notified this area was under her control. It really left only Her Grace's sister, Lady Luna.

There wasn't any question in his mind that the two sisters were now officially at war, they certainly didn't need the newspapers heralding it to make it so, but Lady Luna would not attack civilians, would she? He tried to come to a logical reason for this attack, and it must have been largely in part due to Her Grace's military activity in the town, but did that really mean the non-combatant casualties were written off as necessary?

With a grim scowl but his resolve unsullied by these events and questions, the Captain marched on.

The Apple family had suffered this day, but so many more were going to suffer worse fates.