• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 4,891 Views, 60 Comments

A Mile In Her Regalia - Foals Errand

It's Neighpril foal's day and Discord wants to play with his two favorite princesses.Whether they want to or not.

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Discord 1

“Ah. Now this. This, is living.”

With another wave of my paw, I slowly turned half of the room into cream pie, whilst the other half turned into something approaching a tentacle monster. They didn’t seem to get along very well.

A small ringing started coming into my ear, trying to drown out the perfectly nice music that was blaring around my chambers. I put my paw in front of my face, pulling a small antenna out of my thumb, and checked my contact list.

Great. Celestia. Pfft. Not talking to her at the mo-

Ooooh, waaait. That’s right. The switchy thing. They must have figured it out. That, or they just wanted to spend some quality time with good ol’ Discord.

Yeah, I know, I am a fascinating, smart and reserved individual. And yes, I am aware that those terrible, rude, inconsiderate princesses don’t like to spend much time around me.

The ringing noise got louder, and my paw started to vibrate. Its screen is flashing and practically shouting the name CELESTIA! at me as loudly as it can. Oh, no, wait, it was shouting ‘Celestia’ as loudly as it can. Oh boy, she must really want to speak to me.

I tried to close my paw and deny her any chance of talking to the one, the only, the legend; Discord, but there seemed to be some force stopping me from declining.

Well, I thought, let’s just get this over with.

I tapped on the screen and was promptly sucked through my paw and into the headlights of the oncoming truck of a nervous and frustrated wreck that was the body of Celestia. She didn’t look that happy to see me.

I slowly propelled myself through the air, kicking my legs every so often to keep myself circling around their heads.

“Ahoy-hoy! You called?” I asked, booping Celestia’s… Luna’s… Celestia’s body with a paw. Her eyes crossed and she set a firm frown on that dial.

“Discord, now tis not the time for silly parlour tricks and annoyances such as these. We would very much like it if thou were to remove such enchantments that are currently in place upon thy sister and mine self. Please, put everything in its rightful place.” She had this look on her face that was just soooo cute! It was like she thought she could boss me around or something!

“Yes,” Celestia echoed. “I understand that you like to prank, and I know that today is neighpril fools day, but these sorts of pranks are simply not allowed around the castle. The potential to completely disrupt any sort of order is simply too damn high!” She placed a hoof over her mouth in shock. “Where did that come from?”

I was in a bit of shock. Neighpril Fools? Already? Hmm… this simply was not enough. I need more. I need to really tear lose on this one. I need to do something that no one would ever expect.

“Discord? DISCORD! Listen to us!” Both of them shouted. I shook my head, displacing a rubber duck and six very expensive antique records. As they clattered to the ground I promptly flew into a wall and appeared out of Celestia’s ear.

“You called? Again?”

I could practically hear Luna’s teeth grinding as she said, “Just turn us back. Both of us are getting headaches, and this tis getting very foalish.”

“Hmm… No.”

“Just like I said. No.” I raised a paw to forestall any argument. “You’re going to have to work for this one. Somewhere in the castle I have made…” I thought for a second, “SOMETHING!”

They didn’t look to enthusiastic. “Something?” Celestia asked.

“Yes,” I said, nodding wildly. “Something.” I disappeared and waltzed out of a nearby wall, waving my paws in the air. “Something. Something that will reverse the effects. Don’t worry, I’ve made a little trail for you to find it.”

“But how will we know what it tis?” Luna queried.

I winked. “Believe me, you’ll know.”

“And just how did you have enough time to make all of these plans?”

I started to simply vanish from my tail upwards. “Now, I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to get some other things in place for Neighpril Fools! HAVE FUN ON THE CEILING GIRLS!”

Both of them just groaned in painful response.

And with that, I left them. I immediately appeared in my chambers and was forced to break up a full-scale war that had broken out between some baked goods and a republic of tentacle monsters.

Yeah, I’d catch up with them later. For now… I had some traps to make.

I also wondered how ponies would react to their princesses walking along the ceiling and falling down suddenly? Hmm… Maybe I could watch…