• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 726 Views, 17 Comments

The Shadow Stallion - Ephraim Blue

What would you do if for all of your life, you couldn't exist in sunlight? Well, that is what Pitch Black has had to go through. He can't exist in sunlight. But do you know what he does? He enjoys every free moment he has in the night.

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Chapter 4 - New Line of Work

Chapter 4 - New Line of Work

Pitch's House June 22nd 7:35 PM

Pitch had walked home slowly. The two times he disappeared in the last two days was too exhausting to think about.

I'm never doing that again, he thought. I've had enough time wasted to do anything else.

His door was locked. Just like always. He grabbed his key and turned the lock. Once he was through the unlocked door, he sighed and sat at the table where he ate a couple of oats he left unattended for too long. They were slightly stale and crunched as he chewed on them. He didn't mind. It was better than not having anything to eat for the last two days.

His thoughts turned to the purple unicorn he had seen at the library. She was just so curious. Curious enough to test if somepony actually had these powers, and curious in general. She came from Canterlot, which supposed that she was probably rich in some way. He was informed by The Royal Guard that she would be coming, which would imply she was important in terms of royalty. She had also claimed that she and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon, which tells him that she was powerful in some way. Just who was she? Why had he been informed by The Royal Guard about her?

Answers formed in his head quickly. She's obviously somepony who worked at the library in the castle. She probably did so well a job, they decided to promote her to be the librarian here in Ponyville. They said that it might be temporary if she couldn't handle it. But there is still the question about Nightmare Moon. He tilted his head to the sky and then back at his oats to take another bite. I'll ask her if I see her again. For now, I need to find another job. As long as Twilight is staying at the library, I won't be able to work there anymore.

Finishing his small bunch of oats, he got up from his seat and made his way back to the door. He opened it and walked through. Before closing the door, he took a quick look at the night sky. It was the nearly the same as it ever was on any other night.

Nearly the same...

The stars that usually tracked around the entire night sky were nearly gone entirely. There was one... two... about 10 stars maximum, and then the moon in the sky. It ruined the night's beauty greatly. That beautiful night sky that nopony ever saw because they were asleep wasn't the same as it was before Nightmare Moon vanished. Back then, the sky was full of stars from the frozen north to the dry south. Now, it was just sad.

He looked at the ground beneath his hooves. I wonder if any other pony has noticed the lack of stars in the sky. Probably not, because those fools always come out during the blazing mornings. None of them wish to experience the beauty of the night. He shut his door and locked it behind him. Once done, he trotted toward Town Hall, where he could hope to find the mayor.

The streets still had a few ponies wandering the streets, but they all were headed home. A few of them were fillies, while the rest were adults. Pitch paid them no mind and continued on his path toward his destination. Once he reached it, he knocked three times and heard a voice telling him to come in. He obliged and was greeted by the pony working the front desk.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"I need to speak with the mayor about a job," he said. "My old one is no longer available to me."

"What was your previous job?"

"Keeping the pubic library clean. I can no longer do that, because there is now somepony living there and will take care of it themselves."

"What kind of job are you planning on getting?"

"Any job where it can be done at night. I'm not available during the day."

"Why not?"

"I have my own reasons."

"Suit yourself. Can I have you see the mayor tomorrow? She already went home today, I'm afraid."

"That's fine. Can you set up the meeting for about 7:00?"

"Sure thing, Mr..."

"Pitch Black, Ma'am."

"Mr. Pitch Black. Okay. I've set up your appointment, and I shall inform her about this tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Have a nice evening."

Pitch walked out the door he came in, but not before getting a quick glimpse of the clock on the wall. 8:00 it read. Loads of time left. But what would I do with the time I have? he wondered. He quickly came to a simple decision. I'm going to go to sleep. Haven't done that for a while, now have I? He stopped in the middle of the street. Then again, what actually happens when I disappear? Do I just go to sleep? If so, then why do I completely disappear without a trace? Do I turn invisible? I should be able to move then, right? He quietly shook his head. Who cares anyway? Nopony but Twilight actually knows what happens to me, and telling them would probably just make them freak out.

He continued his silent walk down the street and back to his home. He looked toward the library and saw that the light's were still on. Wonder what she's doing... He shook his head again. Not my business, he thought before once again reentering his home.

He took off his cape and hung it on a small coatrack near the door. He quickly flew upstairs to his room, buried himself in the covers, and fell asleep.