• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 1,072 Views, 30 Comments

Sweetie Belle Accidentally Becomes Famous on the Internet - bahatumay

Sweetie Belle makes a video of herself singing. If only she'd remembered to make sure she was wearing pants…

  • ...


The young white filly danced, swaying her hips as she sang loudly. There was no music playing, but that didn’t matter to her. Her voice was strong, her delivery smooth, and she hit all the high notes perfectly.

There were only a few things wrong with this picture. The third biggest thing was the fact that her style of dancing indicated that she might have been somewhat intoxicated. This was also indicated by the second biggest thing wrong, the fact that she was wearing a lampshade on her head that completely obscured her face and mane.

The first biggest thing wrong? She wasn’t wearing pants.

As if completely unconcerned with this fact, she continued to sing, really getting into the music; swinging her head, moving her shoulders, and, of course, rocking her hips.

She finished strong on the last note and at least two other fillies cheered drunkenly as well. She bowed gracefully to her audience, and then turned, showing the camera her rear end and bowing once more before the shaky video ended.

In the real world, three fillies stared at the “Replay?” button, each blushing furiously. The white one, though, was blushing the hardest; that drunken young mare had been her.

“So…” Scootaloo finally said. “That happened.”

“Yeah…” Apple Bloom agreed.

“-squeak!-” went Sweetie Belle.

“Heck of a thing t' come back to after a two week computer ban,” Apple Bloom said.

“And I thought the worst thing to come out of the whole Cutie Mark Crusaders Cider Testers thing was the headache the morning after,” Scootaloo said. After the three had hit the age of consent, they had attempted to test cider. Unfortunately, they didn't realize that higher number of proof meant more alcohol, and that's how they found that while they were considered adults in the eyes of the law, they were still considered foolish and very groundable in the eyes of their family members.

“-squeak!-” went Sweetie Belle.

“At least you're a good singer?” Apple Bloom said, wrapping an arm around Sweetie Belle's shoulders to comfort her.

“-squeak!-” went Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo narrowed an eye. “At least say something that's a real word, would you?”

Apple Bloom frowned. “Hey, this is traumatic. If all she can do is squeak, then let her squeak!”

“Um, girls?” Sweetie said, interrupting something that would likely have led to a good fight.


“Look.” She pointed at the view count.

Jaws dropped.

“That's a really big number,” Apple Bloom said.

“Last video I saw with that many likes was that cat parkour video,” Scootaloo concurred.

Both quickly reached over and pulled up Sweetie's left sleeve, but the space for her cutie mark was still bare.

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Well, it could have happened. Guess you can take it down now.”

Sweetie moved the mouse over to the corner, right-clicked, hovered over the delete option… and hesitated.


“I- it wasn't so bad,” Sweetie said. “And it got really popular…”

Scootaloo snorted. “Yeah. Naked chicks get upvoted on every website. Big deal. Delete it before somepony we know sees it.”

“Look at some of these comments, though. 'Best singer I've ever heard'. 'I'd buy any album she made'. 'Does she go on tour?' 'Came for the nekkid mare, stayed for the music'.” “She frowned. “I didn't have a cat; why does it say 'voice of an angel and a beautiful pussy'?”

Apple Bloom coughed. “Th- that means your filly bits,” she explained.

Sweetie Belle blushed again and rested a hand over her zipper.

Scootaloo was still unimpressed. “So you made a bunch of perverts happy. Good for you. Now delete it before they start asking for a sequel.”

“You can't really tell who I am with that lampshade on my head. And my tail was messy and didn't look like it normally does…”

It suddenly dawned on her friends that she was not only unsure about deleting it, but considering making a second video.

“Ya can’t be thinkin’ of showin’ your filly bits to the whole internet?” Apple Bloom asked rhetorically.

Sweetie Belle didn't say anything, but she blushed even harder.

“You’re thinkin’ of showin’ your filly bits to the whole internet!” She turned to Scootaloo. “She’s thinkin’ of showin' her…”

“Stop saying ‘filly bits’!” Scootaloo protested.

“...her… you know… to the whole internet!”

“Technically, it's my vulva,” Sweetie protested quietly, but she was ignored.

“Yeah, I know. It's stupid, isn't it?”

Apple Bloom paused. “Well…”

“You can't tell me you're on her side?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief.

“Well, Ah wouldn't do it myself; but if she wants to Ah have no right t' stop her.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, still blushing furiously. “I think I do,” she said.

“You both are insane!” Scootaloo said, stomping a hoof. “There's no way I'm helping Sweetie Belle flash her goods to the entire internet!”


“I can't believe I'm helping Sweetie Belle flash her goods to the entire internet,” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Quit your bellyachin',” Apple Bloom said. “You're not the one performing tonight.”

“There shouldn't be any performance tonight,” Scootaloo grumbled, but she adjusted the light with a wing and then turned to Sweetie. “You ready?” she asked, taking great care to not look below the hem of her shirt.

Sweetie nodded, still blushing at the strange cool sensation of her current wardrobe. She placed the lampshade on her head. “How's this?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Can't see anything. You're good to go.”

Sweetie swallowed nervously. Apple Bloom hit the record button and gave her a thumbs up. Sweetie then took a deep breath-

And squeaked.

Scootaloo busted up laughing so hard she fell out of her seat. Sweetie’s blush could be seen even below the lampshade; her entire face seemed to be almost glowing red.

“M- maybe one more try,” Apple Bloom said, struggling to suppress her own laughter.

Sweetie Belle managed to recover slightly, took a shuddering breath, and sang.

And wow, did she sing. Even Scootaloo had to admit that she nailed the song.

She bowed as she finished, and Apple Bloom turned off the camera. “That's a wrap!” she proclaimed. Apple Bloom then checked her left shoulder, but Scootaloo defiantly kept her arms crossed and her shirt sleeves down.

“How do you think this one will do?” Sweetie asked as Apple Bloom began uploading it to the laptop.

“Well, gee, I dunno,” Scootaloo said sarcastically. “It’s only got a barely-legal filly flashing her-”

Apple Bloom elbowed Scootaloo in the ribs, making her shut up. “Ya looked great, Sweetie. You’ll double your subscribers, Ah’d bet anythin’.”


“Triple,” Scootaloo observed dryly. “You tripled them.”

“See? It’s not just for my body!” Sweetie said excitedly, pointing at some of the comments. “They’re even making requests for songs I should sing!”

Scootaloo read some of the comments. “You do know that one’s about a mare cheating on her boyfriend with another mare?”
Sweetie hadn’t known this. “Uh…”

“That one’s about oral sex.”

Or that. “Uh…”

“Ooh, this is a good one! That one’s about having sex in a mall changing room while hoping not to get caught! What a classic!” Scootaloo’s sarcastic tone dropped. “They’re using you, Sweetie. You’re young, you’re hot, you’re prime material.”

“Not everypony,” Apple Bloom said. “This one’s saying she’s got better voice than Sapphire Shores.”

“I dunno about that,” Scootaloo said. She looked over at Sweetie Belle. “No offense.”

Sweetie shrugged. “I don't know if I've heard any of her songs. I prefer showtunes,” she said.

“They’ve even given her a nickname,” Apple Bloom observed, still reading the comments. “They’re callin’ her the Pantsless Wonder.”

Sweetie Belle squealed in delight.

Scootaloo slammed her head against the desk. “You're gonna end up regretting this, Sweetie Belle,” she warned, her voice muffled by the wood.

“Oh, lighten up!” Apple Bloom chided.

“I will not!” Scootaloo snapped. “Trust me. This is going to come back and bite you in the butt.”

“My… naked butt?” Sweetie joked, bumping Scootaloo with her hip.

Scootaloo glowered as Apple Bloom laughed. “I hate you all.”

Little did any of them guess just how right Scootaloo was.

Not the hating part, of course, but about the regretting part.


Far across town, a certain light purple filly was watching a video she would never have dared watch in the company of others. Diamond Tiara's breath caught in her throat as she watched the beautiful filly dance. She was so graceful, so wondrous... Slowly, her hands drifted down towards her belt buckle, slowly loosening and then undoing it.

And then she froze.

She quickly skipped back in the video and paused it. Her eyes widened. The image was low quality and it had only been in a couple frames, but it was enough.

Sure enough, she knew she had recognized the bottom of that poster. It was the same one hanging in the CMC clubhouse. That meant the Pantsless Wonder was one of three fillies. Apple Bloom had that awful, grating accent, and Scootaloo's singing sounded somewhat like a pig squealing, so that left only one option.

Her first thought was one of disgust. She'd gotten all hot and bothered about one of those losers? Sweetie Belle was the one who had been in her dreams all this past week? It was Sweetie Belle's fault she'd had to change her panties twice yesterday? Eww! Double eww!

But then she smiled, and her eyes narrowed. Maybe she could work with this.