• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 6,373 Views, 196 Comments

The "Death" of Button Mash - Rated Ponystar

Button Mash fakes his death to avoid getting in trouble. Naturally, things go wrong.

  • ...

Patient Button Mash: Part 2 (Aka very late Halloween chapter)

Author's Note:

Normally this would be on the bottom, but I wanted to mention this note now. If you find this chapter to be different from the other ones its because I had originally planned this to be uploaded on Halloween. Obviously that didn't work. So if things seem a bit weird or different, it's because I really didn't want to redo this chapter.


Needless to say things didn’t get easier for Scootaloo and Rumble after the whole room of blood deal. They actually had to face giant cockroaches in the hall, flying surgical tools that almost impaled them, a moving display skeleton, and a vending machine that only sold peanut M&M’s and ranch flavored Doritos. It was literally the hospital from hell.

“Good Sweet Celestia!” shouted Scootaloo as she and Rumble slammed the door of another room behind them. “What the hay is with this hospital?! Was it built over an indian burial ground or something?!”

“Look! We’re almost close to the stairs! We can talk about the supernatural existence of a haunted hospital, however cliche that sounds, later!” screamed Rumble as he pushed a draw to the door and made sure it was tightly pressed.

The two took a few deep breaths before continuing down the hallways, which was covered in black muck and fungi. It looked like the place hadn’t been cleaned in years. Despite the horrible smell and gross decoration, they were more determined to get out of the hospital; death certificate or no death certificate. Turning the corner, they came upon a room filled with multiple rooms that seemed to be endless.

“So do we open these or what?” asked Rumble as he eyed the doors on the left.

“What have we got to lose?” asked Scootaloo shrugging.

“We almost drowned in blood, got our faces surgically removed, attacked by a plastic skeleton that almost bit my flank off, and more. I think our lives would be the very thing we lose if we try anything stupid,” pointed out Rumble.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash said to me that when things get tough you go forward and never stop until you’ve conquered what you're facing!” said Scootaloo, proudly puffing out her chest.

Rumble’s response was a raised eyebrow. “Didn’t she say that before trying to take on an army of undead dragons ruled by a necromancer and nearly died from it? The one where she spent months of agonizing and painful surgeries and physical therapies just so she could even eat solid food again?”

“Yeah, so?” asked Scootaloo, tilting her head.

“Never mind.”

The two decided to split up and search the rooms on opposite ends of the hallway. Scootaloo went first and slowly put her hoof on the first door. Sweat dripped down her face as she wondered what insane horrors she would find behind it? Creepy nurse monsters? A rocket launcher wielding super zombie? The Mighty Lu Bu? With one final deep breath, she opened the first door which revealed... a white bunny rabbit with red eyes.

“Awww, its so cute,” whispered Scootaloo as she smiled at the adorable bunny. An adorable bunny which then proceeded to slowly twist its neck around a full three hundred and sixty degrees and barfed purple puke.

Scootaloo’s pupils shrank as it spoke to her in a demonic voice. “You’re mother sucks cocks in hell.” Pointing to his right, Scootaloo looked and indeed there was her mother, eyes pure white like she was possessed, sucking a giant chicken like a baby with a pacifier.

She spat the chicken out and then smiled at her daughter before giving a wave. “Hi, sweetie!”


Scootaloo’s right eye twitched before she slowly made her way to another door.

Meanwhile, Rumble had opened one door which revealed a giant tunnel or something. It was mostly pitch black except for a growing white light that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Wait a minute... It wasn’t getting bigger. It was getting closer.

A loud train whistle and the sound of tracks being railed made Rumble’s eyes widen as a large train was just only seconds away from crashing into him. He quickly slammed the door shut and held a hoof to his heart in order to calm it down. “I think... we entered... the twilight zone...”

“Or a bad episode of Scooby-Doo,” muttered Scootaloo as she went to another door.

Taking a deep breath, she opened it but instead of a monster or another train, it was a zebra. A red and black zebra. He wore strange face paint and what looked like a heart around his chest. Scootaloo just froze as she stared at the creepy smiling zebra who gave a whispy laugh. He then grabbed the heart around his neck and started squeezing it. “London Bridge is falling down... falling down... falling down.” He sang this as he held up a giant alarm clock. He laughed a bit more before shouting, “I’m the boogyman! And I’m coming to get ya! Ah ha ha ha!”

Scootaloo just calmly closed the door and slowly turned to an equally confused Rumble who just shook his head. Too curious for her own good, she opened the door again as the zebra shouted, “My! Fair! Lady! HAHAHA!” And then proceeded to smash the alarm clock on his head, breaking it and sending glass everywhere.

Properly closing the door shut this time, Scootaloo did of the few breathing exercises she had seen Twilight do then turned around. “Well, I’m never sleeping again.”

“Same,” said Rumble as he got up. “Why don’t we skip a few doors?”

“Good idea,” said Scootaloo as she proceeded to follow Rumble.


He was going to die. Forty-eight hours and that was it. He was dead. Game over. No saves. No continues. No extra lives. Dead as a doornail.

It was ironic that in his attempts to fake his death to avoid being killed by his parents for ruining their kitchen he was going to die anyway from an illness he hadn't known even existed. Was this karma for all the bad things he had done in his life? Was this payback from some deity he had managed to anger? Or was this destiny from the very moment he was born, to be cursed with such a short life.

All Button Mash could do was lay in his bed and stare at the ceiling. He had to admit to himself, he was taking this better than he normally would. Of course, he had still spent the last ten minutes crying and rocking back and forth in a fetal position, but he was doing better now. What am I going to do?! I only got two days to live! That’s not enough to play all the video games I’ve always wanted?! That’s not enough time to even finish my homework?! I’m doomed and I all have done is wasted my life! Wasted my life by not getting that Dreamcast I always wanted because I was too focused on PS2!

Burying his face into his pillow, he moaned at the thought that his entire life was now going to end in such a boring way. Why couldn’t I die fighting a monster? Or die in mortal kombat and have my heart ripped out of my chest? Or stealth killed by ninjas?! Everypony has always wanted to die by ninjas at some point in their lives!

He had to do something to make the remaining moments of his life mean something before he went into the dirt. Something exciting and adventurous that will be told by his friend’s children for ages to come. “That’s it! I need to go on a quest!”A final quest before death itself claims me! And I shall do it with the help of my merry team of fellow adventurer! What say you team?!”

All he got was silence.

“Oh, right. They’re off trying to steal that death certificate now,” he sighed as he took out his phone. “I guess I better call them and tell them the whole thing is off before they get into trouble.”

However, a message came up on his phone that made him gasp. “Oh boy! A new Pewdiepie video is up on Youtube! Eeeek! I gotta watch it!”

And with that he went on to watch a loud stallion who makes silly voice, and also makes millions, just because he can’t get a real job.


The elevator dinged, and Apple Bloom was more than happy to have Dinky off her shoulders as they walked into the morgue. The moment they did it made Apple Bloom realize that she had actually walked into a room full of real dead bodies. All of them were locked in storage or covered in white sheets, but that didn’t stop her from nearly losing her lunch.

“How are ya not shiverin’ like Ah am?” asked Apple Bloom, amazed that Dinky wasn’t shivering in fear like she was.

“I’ve seen death before. Comes with traveling with my Dad. Heck I even died once,” said Dinky with a shrug.

“R-really? But yer standing right here? Alive and all,” pointed out Apple Bloom.

“Well, yeah that was because my Dad stopped The Master from sucking everypony’s soul from the afterlife in a vain attempt to gain power,” said Dinky. “I died, but thanks to my Dad and Mom they were able to bring my soul to my body as well as everypony else on the planet. Not our planet, but a different one. Planet Enoia, which we colonize in one thousand, six hundred, and sixty years from now.”

“... yer pullin’ mah tell right?”


“Well, did ya remember what it looks like? The afterlife and all that?” asked a curious Apple Bloom.

“I do, but I can’t tell you. They made us sign all Non-Disclosure Agreements before we were sent back to our bodies. But I did see you there,” said Dinky with a smile while Apple Bloom went white. “Oh don’t worry. That was the future you... although when I learned how you died, oh man I laughed for hours.”

Apple Bloom began to question her friend’s sanity, as well as her own choice in friends, while Dinky just laughed it all off. It made her also double make sure she didn’t die from some silly reason. “So where can we find the papers for this death certificate thing?”

“Must be a bunch of them in a filing system if we can find it,” said Dinky, walking over to some desks and checking them out. “Huh, who would have thought so many ponies die in Ponyville considering our population. Wait a minute...” Dinky picked up a piece of paper and glared at it. “Okay, this is fishy.”

“What?” asked Apple Bloom walking over.

“Check who is listed dead on this piece of paper from yesterday,” said Dinky, handing it over.

Apple Bloom looked at it and here eyes widened. “What the? Roseluck? Ms. Cheerilee? Blues? Fluttershy? Mah brother? None of these ponies are dead! We’ve seen them in the streets earlier today! And Ah would have known if mah brother was as dead as a doornail.”

“Exactly, this doesn’t make sense. Death counts aren’t that big here in Ponyville. Maybe we should check these so called stiffs,” said Dinky as she and Apple Bloom made their way to another room. A long row of closed refrigerators for the dead bodies.

“What do you think it's like sleeping in one of these things?” asked Apple Bloom, shivering at the temperature.

“Chances are you would be dead since no normal pony body can survive such cold temperatures for such a long time,” said Dinky as she used her magic to open one.

Apple Bloom gave a little yipe when she saw Fluttershy's body rolled out. It was pale as a ghost and her eyes were shut tight. Her entire body was rigor mortis as she laid on her back with her hooves to her side. Apple Bloom didn’t need to be a doctor to tell this was one dead pony, even more disturbing that it was one of her sister’s friends.

“It looks like Fluttershy,” said Dinky, lifting her hoof and touching her. “But we both know Fluttershy isn’t really dead.”

“So who is this then?” asked Apple Bloom, deciding to poke the corpse. However, when she did she blinked upon feeling how... smooth and metal the body was. “What the? That’s aint fur or flesh!”

Searching around, found a scalpel which she used to peel off a bit of the flesh... only it wasn’t flesh it was plastic. “Plastic skin? Oh, no...” whispered Dinky as she turned to Apple Bloom. “We have to get out of here!”

Suddenly, the Fluttershy corpse opened its eyes and, with robotic like movements, she stood up which frightened the two bodies. The fake Fluttershy turned to the two with cold eyes and raised its right hoof, which opened up like a panel and revealed a gun barrel aiming at them.

“Duck!” shouted Dinky bringing Apple Bloom down with her just as it fire, exploding a part of the wall of behind them. “Run!”

The two fillies ran like their tails were on fire as Apple Bloom shouted, “What are they?! Zombies?!”

“Worse! Autons!” shouted Dinky.


Sweetie was sure she was sweating so bad that her oversized outfit was drenched in it. The nurse continued to drag her through the halls while Spike was following her. “Look, maybe you can get another surgeon! I just graduated and I’m not sure I’m ready for this!” shouted Sweetie Belle.

“You’re the only doctor we have available! Now quit your complaining and remember your training! A stallion’s life is at stake!” shouted the nurse, but this only made Sweetie Belle sweat even more.

“S-Spike! Get help! Get Rarity! Get Princess Celestia! Get even Button Mash if you have to, just save me!” shouted Sweetie Belle before she went through a double set of doors with a door that said “Surgery Room.”

“Oh man, oh man, oh man,” muttered Spike as he bit his fingernails. He looked around trying to find someone to help him but there was only hospital staff. “If I tell anypony Sweetie Belle is pretending to be a doctor then I’m going to get in trouble for going along with it, Twilight will ground me and then kill me, and worst of all, Rarity will hate me for letting her sister get in trouble! That will be the worst!” Spike then blinked and said, “Oh, and something bad will happen to Sweetie Belle too.”

He puffed up his chest and pointed into the sky. “Okay, I know what to do first!”

Spike dumped the bag of Ranch Doritos into the trash as he licked the cheese residue off his hands. “Ah, that’s better. I was getting hungry.” He then pointed into the air again. “Now to help save Sweetie Belle!”


“Heh, his voice is so funny,” said Button Mash, turning off his phone. “Now what was I doing? Oh right, I’m going to die soon.” He cleared his throat as he got off the bed and calmly check his beanie to make sure it was still. “Right, now then. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” screamed Button Mash as he ran around the room in a frenzy. “I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die! Moooooooommmm!”

“Button!” shouted Spike, running inside and slapping the colt in the face. “Stop screaming and help me!”

“Oww! What is with everypony trying to hit me today!” shouted Button. “What did I do to deserve this?!”

Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, right. The blackmail,” said Button as he got up. “Look, I just found out that I’m dying for real here so whatever is the problem it can wai—”

“Sweetie Belle is in trouble,” said Spike, simply.

“Sweetie Belle is in trouble?! We gotta save her!” shouted Button Mash quickly as he dashed out of the room to go save his cru-best friend. Only he soon came back inside to a waiting Spike who was tapping his foot. “Um, which way again?”


“So these Autons are robots?” asked Apple Bloom as she and Dinky were hiding in the closet. All the other corpses started coming to life and searching for them. Of course, according to Dinky, they weren’t corpses, but automatons controlled by something called the Nestene Consciousness.

“Yeah, they must be pretending to be dead corpses for some plan of theirs. Mostly in some complex yet also questionable way on ruling the earth,” said Dinky as she poked her head out and hummed to herself.

“And you and your family deal with these Autons... often?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Not as often,” answered Dinky. “Usually we’re facing Daleks, Cyberponies, Silurians, Weeping Angels, The Master, The Rani, The Silence, and such. Although we do face them more often between the Ice Warriors, Zygons, Draconians, Omega, Yeti, The Toymaker and The Black Guardian.”

“Ya don’t make many friends around the galaxy do ya?” muttered Apple Bloom to which Dinky shrugged. “So how are we gonna get past them?”

“I don’t know, we need some kind of distraction... if only I didn’t leave my sonic screwdriver back home,” grumbled Dinky. “Mom always says I need to keep it on me at all times and I guess she was right...”

“So what do we do?” asked Apple Bloom, nervous about being vaporized by aliens. Not the way she wanted to go at all, especially before getting her cutie mark.

Dinky sighed and took out her cellphone. “I’ll send Button Mash a text. He’s the closest to the us so he might be able to do something.”

“Wait, yer gonna rely on Button to save us?” asked Apple Bloom with wide eyes.

“Pretty much...”

“... At least we die in a morgue...”


Rumble and Scootaloo were now less afraid of the hallway of doors, and more annoyed. Already they had opened doors that showed Jar Jar Binks, a bunch of flamingos doing the can can, a singing frog, ponies with butts for faces, a mechanical fox trying to bite their heads off, and the movie setting of Pixels.

“I swear if this is another Neighpon Pop group I’m going to burn this entire hallway,” muttered Rumble as he opened the next door... and saw himself... opening a door on the opposite side. The two looked at each other, blinked, and slowly closed the door.

“Any luck?” asked Scootaloo, walking over.

“Let’s just say I don’t discuss theoretical physics before noon,” muttered Rumble moving to the next door.

He opened it only to suddenly scream and cover his eyes in disgust upon what he saw. Scootaloo was curious and peeked inside only to do the same thing. Discord, who was busy taking his shower, heard the screams and shrieked while covering himself with a shower curtain.

“Close the door!” shouted Discord in disgust.

Rumble proceeded to do as he continued to scream. “Auuugh, why pure innocent eyes are ruined! Somepony get me bleach!”

Scootaloo was about to agree with him until her eyes went wide upon realization. Discord is here... wait a minute...

Slamming the door open, she spotted the spirit of chaos drying himself off with a towel before she pointed at him. “Discord! Are you behind this!?”

“Behind what, my dear chicken pony?” asked Discord with a smirk.

“One, call me a chicken again and I’ll remove that other tooth of yours,” growled Scootaloo. “Second, I mean all this scary and creepy stuff we’ve been experiencing for the past half hour or so!”

“Well...” Discord had a sly smirk on his face. “Okay, yes I am behind it, but it wasn’t meant for you. At least not until next Nightmare Night.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Rumble, seeing it safe to open his eyes despite the mental images still clear in his subconscious.

“Well, since Nightmare Night is coming up, Twilight asked me if I would be willing to make a haunted hospital. Since the third floor was in repairs, I’ve been experimenting on it to see if I could make this a real nightmare of a place. When I saw you two come up I figured this might be as good a time as any to test it out,” explained Discord.

“Well, thanks for the fun, but we’d like to just have a death certificate and get out of here,” said Scootaloo, rolling her eyes.

“Why would you want a death certificate?” asked Discord, raising his eyebrow.

“Our friend, Button Mash, is trying to fake his death so he doesn’t get in trouble with his parents,” explained Rumble.

“Ah, the old fake your death to get out of trouble gag. I’ve used that myself a few times to avoid Celly’s wraith,” chuckled Discord as he snapped his figures and low and behold a death certificate appeared before them. “Tell Button he has my complete approval for the chaos he’s doing. Ta Ta!”

And with a snap of his fingers, the two vanished in a speck of light.


Button Mash ignored the constant ringing on his cellphone that indicated he got a message and just continued to follows Spike. The two were about to turn around the corner and head into the surgery wing when they stopped and pressed their backs against the wall. A security guard was on stand by the entrance, keeping a close eye for anything suspicious.

“Great, now how do we get rid of Big,Tall, and Ugly?” asked Spike.

Peering from behind the wall, Button Mash noticed a nearby light switch and smirked. “Okay, see that light switch over there? I’m going to make it go dark, then we sneak in before anypony is the wiser. Sound good?”

“That’s... actually a smart plan coming from you,” said Spike with surprise.

Button Mash ignored him and rolled commando style to the switch where he put his hoof on it. Turning to Spike, he nodded to which the dragon gave a thumbs up and Button Mash pulled down the switch. The lights went off like he had planned... but what was unexpected was that all power in the hospital had suddenly come off.

Like a symphony choir, every patient on life support suddenly flatlined as staff rushed around in chaos, screaming and shouted “Code Black”. Ponies panic and banged into walls or crashed into each other. Those who lost their TV’s started complaining and throwing the bad hospital food around. Some of the mental patients got loose from their open doors and started running around. Some barked and bit staff members, others started making out, and there was one that was dressed in jelly who danced around and splashed it everywhere.

“We’re all gonna die!” shouted one mare in a straight jacket before she jumped out a window. The security guy quickly had numerous requests coming in from his radio and he panicked on what to do. Unable to deal with the pressure, he shouted, “Screw this!” and ripped off his uniform before running with his tail between his legs.

Button and Spike were so stunned by the chaos that they almost forgot about the switch.


Down below the power went off in the morgue which caught the attention of the Autons. Dinky, seeing their chance, shouted to Apple Bloom to run as they rushed out of the closet. The autons sensed that there were ponies around and aimed their guns, but without any light all they did was end up shooting each other.

The two fillies dodged and weaved through the self-destroying robots until they made it to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. However, it wasn’t working. “Oh horse apples, the power is still out!” shouted Dinky, banging against the controls. She and Apple Bloom looked in horror as one of the Autons noticed them and aimed it’s gun.


Sense finally came to Button as he switch the lights back on. Power was instantly restored to the hospital as everyone stopped acting crazy for a second to see this and sighed in relief. Life support was back and those who had temporarily passed on were now back in the realm of the living and asking for dinner. Those who had their TV missing were now quiet now that their shows were back. Staff members were heading back to work and complaining on how much they hated their jobs, and even the insane folk were sent back into their cells.

Button just shook his head and looked at Spike. “Who the heck puts all their power into a single unlabeled light switch? That just seems crazy.”


The moment the power came back on, Dinky slammed her hoof on the button and the doors closed just as a shot went off. The girls closed their eyes and winced, but upon feeling no pain and sensing the elevator rising, they relaxed. “Well, that was a close one,” said Apple Bloom, sighing in relief.

“Yeah, I doubt they’ll follow us though. Autons don’t like to attack until the time is right,” said Dinky, wiping sweat from her brow. “I’ll just notify my dad and he’ll take care of it.”

“How did yer Ma ever fall in love with your Pa despite all the danger he brings?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Simple, he took her to a planet made out of muffins.”


With nopony left to stop them now, Spike and Button Mash courageously made their way through the halls of the operation wing and, upon seeing an “occupied” sign in use, bashed threw the doors with karate poses in action.

“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle! We’re... here... to... um,” Button Mash lowered himself from his stance as he tried to take in what he was seeing.

“Congratulations, Dr. Belle, that was an amazing surgery!” said one of the nurses shaking the little filly’s hoof.

“Why thank you!” she said with a smile.

“Amazing! Brilliant! Revolutionary! A method I never would have dreamed would work,” proclaimed another doctor.

“Ah, shucks,” replied a blushing Sweetie Belle.

She turned around and noticed the stunned Button Mash and Spike. “Oh, hey guys. You here to congratulate me on a job well done?”

“Wait... you mean you did it?” asked Spike, eyes blinking in disbelief. “You actually performed surgery?”

“Yup!” said Sweetie Belle, proudly as she pointed to a unicorn on the operation table with their vitals still strong according to the machine. “Managed to save his life and everything! Didn’t get a cutie mark for it, but still it was kinda fun!”

“How did you do it? You don’t know anything about being a doctor!” shouted Spike, pointing at her.

“I know, but I played as one in one of Button’s video games he let me borrow. Trauma something...”

“Trauma Center?” asked Button, tilting his head before his eyes went wide. “Uh, Sweetie. You didn’t use the Healing Touch did you?”

“Of course I did! Who would have thought that slicing a pentagram on a body over and over again would help somepony!” said Sweetie Belle with a gleeful smile.

“You made sure to do it right side up, too right? Not upside down?” asked Button, sweating bullets.

Sweetie Belle’s smiled faltered.


Suddenly a glow from the center of the patient pony’s chest started to erupt as everypony turned around. The lights started to flicker and the machines began to start staticing with only the number 6 appearing over and over again on the screens. Dark Latin chanting began to play from no where as everypony jumped upon seeing a flaming portal of hellfire open up from the patient’s pony chest, who was surprisingly still unconscious despite all this.

Some anesthesia, huh?

A dark red skinned, and bony arm door open from the portal, oozing with evil aura. “At last! A world of souls to devour!”

“Bail?” asked Spike as he inched closer to the door.

“Bail,” said Sweetie Belle and Button as they ran and ignored the screaming of the doctors who were being tossed around by unforeseen forces.

Thankfully, hours later, they were only found hiding in the broom closet in a puddle of their own sweat. The demon played with them a bit before dragging them into hell where he made them watch endless episodes of Fighting Foodons, Viva Pinata, Sonic X, and Aki-Sora before returning them to Equestria before returning to hell. It would take six exorcisms to finally make them eligible for therapy.

Comments ( 28 )

I think it should be appropriate to play this given the sudden circumstance...

I wonder if Doctor Whooves is going to start thinking Pinkie Pie is an auton because the hospital reports that she's dead, not knowing they've been duped.

Out of all the things in this chapter the rabbit part made my day!

The demon played with them a bit before dragging them into hell where he made them watch endless episodes of Fighting Foodons, Viva Pinata, Sonic X, and Aki-Sora before returning them to Equestria before returning to hell.

Hey! I like Sonic X. That's the show that made me become a Sonic fan in the first place.

This chapter was actually a fun read.

I agree. Great chapter, but unneeded insult to a great show. Sonic X is awesome!

6618043 Let's face it, it could have been worst. They might have been shown Generation 3 of MLP for all we know.

6618388 Honestly, G3 of MLP isn't even that bad.
I've watched a few of the specials (mostly through blind commentaries), and, while they're not nearly as good as FiM, the specials do have this sort of "feel good" charm to them that makes it impossible for me to dislike them.

G3.5 on the other hoof... *shudder*

6618417 Allow me to correct myself then. Let's face it, it could have been worst. They might have been shown Generation 3.5 of MLP for all we know.

Don't let Jar Jar sway you to the Dark Side.

With nopony left to stop them now, Spike and Button Mash courageously made their way through the halls of the operation wing and, upon seeing an “occupied” sign in use, bashed threw the doors with karate poses in action.


Nice chapter!!!!

lucky they diddint have to watch the movie food fight.

Stay far away from it if you value nice things.


I think this quote can be dropped.

continued to follows Spike

This should just be "follow".

were now quiet now

Either the first "now" or the second should be dropped. No need for both.

Good stuff! The pentagram made me crack up, and the hallway with Discord was great.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

Heh, nice jab at Sonic X as it really wasn't all that great, though to be fair, I have to side with others on that it wasn't awful either. There were worse Sonic shows (*cough*cough*Sonic Underground*cough*cough*).

The moment Dinky mentioned her life in the TARDIS again, I totally thought "this is going to turn into a mini-Doctor Who episode, isn't it?" Pleased to not be disappointed. :pinkiehappy:

An adorable bunny which then proceeded to slowly twist its neck around a full three hundred and sixty degrees and barfed purple puke.

I didn't know Angel liked to hang out in hospitals.

6623032 Don't even dare mention that abomination! It does not deserve to be recognized! It deserves to be ignored and forgotten!

...I want to see this now

By the power invested in me, myself and I, (since this hasn't been updated for about six months) I declare this story to be dead.

May it forever rest in peace.

It will update after I finish another story. Things are busy for me these days with a part time job

7197465 Until that day I see an update in the graveyard list, I will consider this dead until you decide to resurrect it.

For some reason the title of the story seems more funny some how...

Have a lovely day :3

7197522 Wait this story saids canelled but you say this will be updated when you finish a story so which is it cancelled or just incomplete?

8163758 Why, I love this SO MUCH and I'm not the only one

I might get back to it, but for now I have lost motivation

This is, sadly, more or less what has happened what with the C&D.

“Well, yeah that was because my Dad stopped The Master from sucking everypony’s soul from the afterlife in a vain attempt to gain power,” said Dinky. “I died, but thanks to my Dad and Mom they were able to bring my soul to my body as well as everypony else on the planet. Not our planet, but a different one. Planet Enoia, which we colonize in one thousand, six hundred, and sixty years from now.”

Which episode is this a reference to? And can Dinky regenerate?

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