• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 4,902 Views, 43 Comments

Opposites Attract - DJ_Bron3

RariJack... Need I say more?

  • ...

Chapter 1

The sun was casting a pale orange light as it set on Sweet Apple Acres. It was getting late, but a certain group of six friends were still very hard at work. Applejack had asked them all to help out with an especially difficult Applebuck season, and they had all readily agreed to aid their close friend.

“How do you expect me to work in such barbaric conditions? There is dirt in my hair!” Rarity was, as usual, whining.

“Dirt washes out, Sugarcube. Everypony else is pullin’ their weight jus’ fine.” Applejack was always quick tempered when it came to Rarity’s prissiness.

This was typical of the two. They were always arguing about the other's way of life. Rarity believed Applejack to be dirty and uncouth, whereas Applejack thought Rarity cared too much about her appearance and too little about the value of a hard days work. These fights sparked often, but were usually quickly resolved. They had their differences, but they were still the best of friends.

"Why don'tcha jus' go on home, Rare? It's gettin' late anyway, an' we can wrap things up here jus' fine without ya." There was a very condescending tone to Applejack's voice.

"One simply musn't abandon her friends in their time of need. Of course I'll stay and help. I just wish it all wasn't so dirty." Rarity threw her hoof over her face, covering her eyes in mock horror.

Applejack gritted her teeth, seething with indignation. She tried to calm herself and come up with a reply to end the dispute so they could get back to the work at hand. Before she could speak, they were interrupted by somepony trying frantically to get their attention.

"Look out!" They both turned to see Big Macintosh yelling at them from the top of a nearby hill. Speeding down the hill in front of him was a runaway apple cart, loaded down with several bushels. It was headed straight for Rarity, who was frozen with shock at the sight in front of her.

Without thinking twice, Applejack dove towards Rarity, knocking her out of the way just before she was trampled by the cart. Rarity landed with a thud, then dizzily got to her feet.

"You saved my life, Applejack. How can I ever thank y..." She stopped mid-sentence as she gazed upon the unconscious and oddly contorted form of Applejack lying on the ground before her. Rarity quickly rushed to her friend's aid.

"Applejack! Are you alright? Please say something, Applejack. Please get up!" Hearing the commotion, the others rushed over to see Applejack lying on the ground.

"What happened?!" Twilight was first to reach them, followed by Big Mac. Big Mac looked upon his sister with serious worry. When the other three reached them, they were just as concerned.

"She pushed me out of the way of that apple cart, and she must have been run over in the process." Rarity's voice was full of concern and a little guilt. "If I hadn't frozen up, I could have simply jumped out of the way, and she would be fine."

"It's too late to think about that now. We have to get her to a hospital." Twilight carefully lifted Applejack with her horn, placing her on Big Mac's back.

"I'm so sorry, AJ." Big Mac was looking over his shoulder at his injured sister. He quickly rushed her into Ponyville to see the doctor.


"She has a mild concussion, and she's badly bruised, but she'll be fine. She just needs rest now." The doctor had just finished examining Applejack and was explaining her condition to her friends.

"Wh... What happened?" Applejack groaned groggily.

"Applejack! You're awake! I absolutely cannot thank you enough. You saved my life, and I am forever in your debt." Rarity excitedly hugged her friend tightly, momentarily forgetting about Applejack's injuries. Applejack tensed and grimaced in pain.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Applejack." Rarity immediately pulled away from her pained friend.

"S'alright, Rare, really. And it weren't nothin' savin' ya. It's what any good pony would do."

"It most certainly was something. I would have been crushed if that cart had rolled over me. Just look what it did to you, and you aren't nearly so delicate as I am." Rarity meant it as both a thanks and a compliment, but it came out sounding more than a little insulting. Applejack just brushed it off.

"Ideeeaaaa!!! You'll stay with me while you recover. Caring for you while you heal is the very least I can do." The ecstatic smile on Rarity's face was matched by everypony else in the room scowling and covering their ears in reaction to her loud outburst.

"I dunno, Rare. I don't wanna be any trouble." Applejack funneled as much uncertainty into her voice as she could. She didn't really want to stay with Rarity, but she didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings either.

"Nonsense. You'll be absolutely no trouble at all. It's settled. You're staying with me." Rarity cast a triumphant smile in Applejack's direction.

"Well alright, I guess." Applejack put on her best fake smile, but she looked awfully nervous. She was less than thrilled with the aspect of spending an extended amount of time with the one pony she disagreed with on a regular basis. This was going to be interesting, to say the least.