• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 1,255 Views, 86 Comments

Fluttershy and Trixie, Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives - Majin Syeekoh

Fluttershy and Trixie shill drugs to doctors for money.

  • ...

A Better Future

Fluttershy and Trixie wordlessly trotted over to Carousel Boutique. Trixie gazed upon it in wonder.

“It looks like...a giant carousel,” she said.

Fluttershy giggled. “I know, isn’t it cute?”

“That’s one way of putting it…” Trixie said. Fluttershy trotted over to the door and opened it, motioning Trixie over. Trixie shrugged and entered, Fluttershy following. Inside was an absolute mess of activity, with dress parts hanging in the air, needles stitching what must have been twenty separate dresses together, and a white and purple blur that seemed to buzz around the place. Trixie’s eyes widened in shock. “What the hay is this?”

Fluttershy giggled. “You’ll see...Rarity!” The purple and white blur slowed down to reveal a white unicorn with a purple mane and a wickedly curved red horn jutting out of the top of her head. Rarity beamed at Fluttershy.

“Hello, darling, how nice of you to drop in! Is there something I can do for you?”

“AHHHH!” Trixie screamed, backing away from Rarity while pointing her hoof at Rarity’s horn. Rarity glared at Trixie.

“You know, it’s rude to point, Trixie,” Rarity said while flipping her mane, “not that I would expect somepony like you to realize that. Anyway, what are you doing hanging out with such trash, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “We’re not hanging out. We’re partners.” Rarity’s eyes widened at that.

“So you got the job?” Rarity said. Fluttershy nodded. Rarity rushed over to hug her friend. “Oh, wonderful! So how do you like it so far?”

Fluttershy smiled in Rarity’s embrace, then pulled away. “It’s...interesting.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at that. “Interesting...how?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Well, it wasn’t really what I was expecting. Apparently, being a pharmaceutical sales representative is more about the art of seduction and bribing ponies—”

“Providing incentive, Butterfly—”

“—Fluttershy. Anyway, it seems more like a job that you would like.”

Rarity shook her head. “I don’t have time to galavant off to exotic locations like that. Anyway, what are you selling?”

Fluttershy looked around shiftily. “Ideas?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “What, you mean like drug patents?”

Trixie, fully recovered from her freakout, raised to her hooves and dusted herself off. “Let me cut in. We’re selling the promise of a better future for all sapient beings through the use of our pharmaceuticals. We’re selling the idea the nopony need suffer from any neurological inconsistencies that separate them from normal pony society. We’re selling the belief that anypony, by trusting in Transpicuous Pharmaceuticals and their products, can strive to be more than who they are. In short, Rarity, we are selling the future, one pill at a time.” Rarity and Fluttershy were now staring at Trixie. Nopony said anything for a few seconds.

“Well...that’s certainly quite the pitch, Trixie,” Rarity said, breaking the silence.

“...why didn’t we tell Doctor Stable and Cheerilee that?” Fluttershy asked.

Trixie chuckled and shook her head. “Butterfly—”


“—we can’t sell the drug on nebulous promises. We need to sell them on cold, hard, facts!”

“And free meals and spa passes,” Fluttershy said with a scowl.

“And that,” Trixie said.

Rarity arched an eyebrow. “Hmm. So, anyway, why did you come here?”

Fluttershy nodded. “We wanted new blazers.”

“And you accept Equestrian Express,” Trixie said.

“That I do,” Rarity said, “as for you two...Fluttershy, I was thinking pink and red, and for Trixie...I’d go with...white and yellow. Now let me just take your measurements…” Rarity’s horn glowed a light blue, then she disappeared as Fluttershy and Trixie felt a breeze pass by them. Rarity then appeared before them carrying four blazers in the previously mentioned colors.

Trixie’s eyes widened in shock. “How...how did you do that!?”

Rarity giggled as she hung the pink and red blazers on Fluttershy’s back and handed the white and yellow ones to Trixie, Trixie grasping them in her magic. “Oh, it’s just a simple Speed Up spell.”

“Simple!? You must have broken the sound barrier!”

Rarity tapped her red horn, smiling. “Well, ever since the incident, my magic has increased one-hundred fold, so Twilight taught me the Speed Up spell, thinking I could get much more use out of it than her. Apparently, reading comprehension doesn’t really mesh with the spell.” Trixie nodded dumbly while she pulled out her wallet and pulled out the metal Equestrian Express card, handing it to Rarity who grasped it in her magic, examining it. “Hmmm...Centurion. Don’t really see these around Ponyville much,” she said as she pulled out a card reader and swiped the card, “you know these are made of anodized titanium?” Rarity then floated the card back to Trixie, who stuffed it back in her wallet and put the wallet back in her saddlebags. Fluttershy shook hooves with Rarity.

“Thank you, Rarity. I wish I could stay and chat, but Trixie wanted to turn in before, right?” Trixie nodded dumbly.

“Er, yes, that’s right. Well, goodbye, Rarity.” Trixie slowly turned to the door and trotted out. Fluttershy giggled and trotted out behind her.


Trixie was sprawled out on the couch in Fluttershy’s living room while Fluttershy was sitting in the chair, petting Angel. Trixie currently had the bottle of brandy grasped in her magic, taking swigs out of it.

“So, Butterfly—”


“—whatever. What do you like?”

“...I like animals.” Trixie rolled her eyes and took another swig out of the bottle.

“No, really?”

Fluttershy nodded, failing to pick up on Trixie’s sarcasm. “Ever since I got my Cutie Mark, I’ve always been fascinated by them. How they move, how they communicate, what makes them tick. Isn’t that right, Angel?” she said while scratching him behind the ears, Angel nodding in response. “So, what do you like, Trixie?”

Trixie took another swig out of the bottle of brandy. “Well, I don’t think I have an answer for that. Showmareship, I guess. It’s what my Cutie Mark represents, after all.”

Fluttershy looked up at Trixie. “Showmareship? I thought it was magic.”

Trixie shook her head. “You’d think that, but no. You see, I got my Cutie Mark at my first Talent Show at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns,” Trixie said, giggling, “I had managed to sneak in some fireworks and set them off for my act.” Trixie took another swig of the brandy. “Combined with my magic, it was a most marvelous show. Unfortunately, I was suspended for five days afterwards. Apparently the staff don’t take kindly to endangering the school for the sake of performance. Anyway, my Cutie Mark appeared after the end of the show.”

Fluttershy nodded. “That’s interesting, Trixie. What was it about?”

Trixie giggled. “Oh, nothing. Just about dear old me slaying a dragon. Seems silly now.” Trixie took another swig out of the bottle, then set it down next to the couch. She then stretched out and took a more comfortable position. “If you don’t mind. I’d like to get some rest.”

Fluttershy nodded, shooed Angel off her, then stood up. “Alright Trixie,” she said, yawning, “good night.”

“Good night, Butterfly.” Fluttershy opened her mouth to correct her, but stopped when she heard light snoring coming from the mare.

"Here's to a better future," Fluttershy said as she smiled, trotting upstairs while wondering what tomorrow would bring.