• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Sir Hat

Comments ( 385 )

I love it! :rainbowlaugh: Since he seems to not have any inter-species hang-ups you'd think he'd have settled down with a (few) nice mare(s) by now.
I would totally abuse that power though. I'd make tons of bits from peep shows :pinkiecrazy:

Oh fuck...that was a long time ago, but I do remember that now.

This pleases me for some reason. It scratches my comedic itch, you could say

*nudge nudge* comedic...*nudge-nudge-punch*

I loved that show. Too bad it ended.

Not yet. Expect her soon (Cadence) and the others will be there in time.

How amazingly odd, to have the power the make mares cream by just looking at them. Also I never really got who Amber is, I assume she's a griffon?

Your assumptions are correct! See...implications work....

This fucking story. Element of Hat is best element.

Sir Hat, your name reminds me of Mr. Hat from South Park. I'm gonna call u mr. Hat now.

lol this is hilarious, just the whole scene where amber keeps taking the bag off and putting it back on, then pinkie shows up with maud :rainbowlaugh:

That is the most applicable thing I've seen all day.:rainbowlaugh:


Hello. My name is FashionablyHospitable. You killed my ability to even. Prepare to be facepalmed at.

I am neither a lady, nor containing my orgasm.

I just... what? :rainbowlaugh:

4184967 I don't even know where that's from...

I love crude humor, Especially with ponies.
Thank you for making this a thing.


... Where do you get these ideas? :rainbowderp:

Most interesting. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

i facepalmed and got a nosebleed....HAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!

So...are the princesses immune, or only griffins? Hell, are changelings affected?

Cassandra has the same problem as this man.

ooooh...changelings would be fun. Especially Chrysalis!
Think of all the CHAOS! :pinkiecrazy:

Ohhhh! As much as I love sex, this would get anoying after awhile.

I get the feeling (By just reading the description) that this story was inspired by the flapjack episode where there was the family who sold combs and were too beautiful so they had to wear bags or something over their faces... right?

No. I saw a picture of a guy with a paper bag over his head and thought. "How can I make that funny...but also have an excuse to write sexual humor." The rest is history.

I completely forgot about that episode after I stopped watching TV. That was...two years ago?

4187917 the last time I watched Tv was probably about... 5 mins

A crystal vagina will cut you up.

I see this story as half parody and half deconstruction on the HiE genre. But none of that maters as it is hilarious as fuck. :moustache:

Nothing like traveling with a troll.

Oh dude, beating up a courier just to deliver the mail anyway. That is just too freaking low, damn depraved ponies.
Awesome story, hope to see more soon.

I find this so damn hilarious, yet so weird haha. xD

Don't see many OC griffons and I like her shes pretty damn awesome. :D :rainbowwild:

It just feels wrong spelling it like that!

Is this man, by any chance, Michael Myers' most popular character?


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