• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 1,746 Views, 65 Comments

JAWS in Equestria - SoulofLegend

The Mane Six (and Spike) take a much-needed summer vacation to the popular and luxurious seaside destination, Maretha's Vineyard. However, a large and hungry great white shark just might ruin their fun, not to mention the tourism business.

  • ...

Another One Bites the... Surf?

Spike finally succeeded in opening the cumbersome beach umbrella he'd been wrestling with for the last fifteen minutes and planted it into the soft sand beside Rarity's beach towel. He wiped the beads of sweat trickling down his brow away and gave a satisfied grunt. "It's all set, Rarity!" he called.

Rarity turned from the line to the cotton candy stand she and Fluttershy were standing in and raised her sunglasses. "Thank you ever so much, Spike darling," she replied with a dainty wave. "Do be a dear and fetch my fan, please."

Eager to please, the little dragon grinned and started rummaging through the bag Rarity had packed for the beach that day. "Sandwiches, hoof filer, sunscreen... ah, here it is!"

He snatched the paper fan up in his claws and raced to the nearby cotton candy stand, just happy to be of service to the elegant fashionista.

"Thank you, slav- I mean, darling," Rarity cooed as Spike handed her the fan.

"Goodness, it is really warm today," Fluttershy observed, fanning herself with a hoof. She couldn't help but stare at the cool surf a short distance away with a twinge of longing.

Of course, nopony on the beach dared to enter the water after the events of the previous day. The atmosphere was noticeably less jubilant and there was a smaller crowd gathered than expected.

For the most part though, the ponies there seemed to be having a good enough time. It seemed such a waste for all of that cool ocean water to go unappreciated...

"Here you go, Fluttershy dear," Rarity said, snapping Fluttershy back from her thoughts and passing her a cone of cotton candy. The pegasus gratefully accepted the freshly-made confection and the two began trotting back to their beach towels.

Fluttershy's eyes kept wandering to the surf splashing the shoreline and she thought of how nice it would feel just to go in for a bit. Turning back to Rarity, she saw her companion giving a perplexed expression from behind her sunglasses.

"Darling, you aren't thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" Rarity asked, concern drenching her voice.

"Oh no, I... well," Fluttershy stumbled, racking her brain for words.

"You mustn't think of going in there, dear," Rarity chided, "After what happened yesterday, I mean."

"I know... I'm being silly." Fluttershy lowered her head.

They reached their towels and Rarity plopped down with a sigh. Fluttershy swept her mane back and quietly munched on her cotton candy, remaining standing and gazing at the water with a transfixed expression.

Rarity lowered her sunglasses and looked at Fluttershy. "Aren't you going to have a seat, darling?"

Fluttershy kicked her hoof in the sand and squirmed. "I... I think I might go in the water, just for a bit."

"Oh no, you mustn't!" Rarity cried, bolting upright. "What if that... thing is still out there?"

"I'll stay in the shallows, I promise," Fluttershy replied. "It's just so hot, I can't stand it."

Astounded, Rarity stared at Fluttershy for a moment before hesitantly replying, "at least take Spike with you so you aren't alone down there."

Fluttershy nodded and smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Rarity sighed and called for Spike, who was off to the side making a sand castle with Pinkie Pie. She gave Fluttershy a worried look as the two made their way to the shoreline. "If anything happens to you, I shan't be held accountable!" she called after them.

- - - - - - - -

Twilight's pulse raced at a million miles a minute as she fought to keep up with Chief Brave Badge. Judging by the wheezing close behind her, City Slicker wasn't doing much better.

The clatter of three sets of hooves against the smooth pavement was deafening and many tourists were giving the little group befuddled stares.

"Out of the way!" the chief barked as they rushed through the confused crowd.

Beyond the white picket fences and storefronts, Twilight could see the beach in the distance. She only hoped that they would make it before something else did.

- - - - - - - -

"You're cheating, Rainbow!"

"Am not!"

"And I say you are so!"

Rarity groaned through gritted teeth at the banter between Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they shared yet another argument. The argument in question was over whether or not Rainbow had been using her wings to her advantage in a nice, friendly game of volleyball... and it had been going on for ten minutes.

"It's not my fault I'm so awesome! You're just jealous 'cause you can't fly!"

"You take that back!"

"Enough!" Rarity shrieked, jumping up from her beach towel so quickly she sent a wave of sand flying.

All eyes within fifty feet snapped to the enraged unicorn as she stomped over to Rainbow and Applejack, fumes of steam puffing from her nostrils.

Rarity forced herself into her comrades' terrified faces and yelled at the top of her lungs, "I have had just enough of this! You two will cease and desist with this prattle at once, do I make myself clear?! I have had it!"

With a swish of her finely groomed tail, she stomped back to her beach towel and left the two standing frozen in shock.

Applejack finally mustered up the courage to kick her hoof about in the sand after a few minutes and cautiously whispered, "So... uh, my serve?"

Rainbow slowly nodded. "Sure."

The two resumed their game, gingerly striking the volleyball over the net and casting nervous glances in Rarity's direction.

The fashionista however, removed the incident from her memory, as it is quite unladylike to hold a grudge. She instead turned her attention to Fluttershy and Spike, who were laughing and splashing in the surf not far from where she sat.

Rarity took a deep breath and sipped from a cool glass of lemonade as she watched the two. She couldn't help but feel a teensy bit nervous for them, despite how unworried Fluttershy appeared to be.

It seemed that others on the beach had begun to make their way into the water as well, their fears somewhat relieved by Fluttershy's bold decision.

Rarity shrugged and reclined back onto her soft towel, trying her best to relax under the shade of the large umbrella.

She closed her eyes and let the calming sound of crashing waves sooth her. The waves, the gulls, all so relaxing. The whisper of a gentle breeze, band music...

Her moment of bliss was interrupted by a spray of sand pelting her from the side.

"Oh, for Celestia's sake!" Rarity shrieked as she sat up and immediately began brushing herself off. She felt hooves firmly grab her shoulders and spin her about, bringing her face to face with a rather desperate-looking Twilight.

"Rarity," Twilight wheezed, gasping for air, "have to leave... where are the others?"

"Leave? Whatever do you mean, darling?"

"No time... shark out there... where are the others?"

"You're not making any sense, dear," Rarity said, a quizzical expression plastered on her face. "A shark?"

The sharp screech of a whistle shattered the air, followed by the Chief of Police shouting at the top of his lungs, "Get everypony out of the water!" Rarity looked beyond the frantic Twilight before her and saw the chief darting back and forth in front of the surf, clumps of wet sand being thrown every which way in the commotion. A rather nerdy-looking, younger unicorn stallion galloped up to where the chief was and proceeded to join him in urging ponies out of the water.

Turning back to her frazzled friend, Rarity asked, "Twilight, what's going on?"

Before the alicorn could answer however, a sound nopony wanted to hear split the air. Screaming.

- - - - - - - -

Fluttershy was screaming. She was being yanked back and forth in the surf like a rag doll, the bloody water beneath her churning as though it was boiling. Spike was clinging desperately to her hooves as she was pulled through the water, a look of utter terror upon his face.

The crowd of ponies gathered on the beach began running about and screaming in panic, grabbing their loved ones and clinging them tightly.

Twilight let go of Rarity and bolted down towards the surf to join the chief and City Slicker, both of whom had charged into the water and were paddling to Fluttershy as quickly as they could. As she frantically tore into the cold ocean, Twilight felt the adrenaline course through her body, her heart threatening to tear through her chest as it ferociously pumped.

"Fluttershy!" she called out as she paddled to get to her friend.

Suddenly, Fluttershy was pulled under, leaving only Spike.

"No!" the dragon shouted. He thrashed about in the blood and clumps of fur that still floated on the surface, looking for the pegasus.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, "Where is she?!"

As if in response, Fluttershy lunged back up from the abyss, blood and various pieces of internal organs spewing from her screaming mouth. Spike latched back onto her flailing hooves and yelled, "I've got you, I've got you!"

"Help me!" Fluttershy managed to gurgle out as she was ripped through the water.

"Give me your hoof!" Chief Badge shouted as he reached her, extending his hoof out to her.

She reached out to him, desperation in her terrified eyes, before she was once again pulled underwater.

"Help!" Spike cried out as he fought to remain above, before he was dragged under as well.

"NO!" Twilight hoarsely screamed as her assistant vanished from sight. She reached Brave Badge and City Slicker and joined them in frantically searching through the bloody surf for her friends.

Yet, no matter how many times she dove under, hoping against hope that she would find them, she would only resurface covered in blood and some strands of pink mane.

- - - - - - - -

As the crowd panicked on the beach, Rarity lay on her beach towel, streaks of mascara trailing down her cheeks as she sobbed.

"I told you not to go in the water!" she dramatically bawled.

Comments ( 22 )

OMG, you killed Fluttershy! You bastard! D:

Just kidding. In all seriousness, wow. They haven't even actually started hunting for the shark and yet two of the mane 7 {Counting Spike as part of the group} are already dead. I bet that this will be the point where the rest of the mane 5 decide to finally hunt down and kill the shark. Also, those shark teeth must be really sharp if they were able to kill a dragon.


I had to up the stakes somehow, right? :twilightblush:

Glad you're enjoying it!

I... You... There are no words with which I can adequately articulate my vast unbridled loathing of your very soul, no matter how legendary it may be! You sir, have committed a crime from which there is no recompense, no sanctuary from whence the tides of my fury cannot reach! On this day I promise, in the name of innocence lost, that there shall be more blood spilled in these waters! And it shan't come from any pony!


Okay, but in all seriousness, awesome chapter, varmint, glad to see this thing back. Also, found a few little whoopsis that you may wana go check up on, just saying. "It's set all set, Rarity," for starters, kinda stumbles off the tongue, so to speak.

Totally lost it on that whole slave line. :coolphoto:

And just one more little thing, for Pinkie. Where was your Pinkie sense this time you pink b!$ch!?? :pinkiesad2:


Thanks for pointing out that grammatical error, bro! Unlike Pokemon, I just can't catch em all...

As for Fluttershy, you have no idea how hard it was to for me to have to write that... the scars shall never fully heal. *curls up into a ball and quietly sobs*

And Pinkie Pie... we'll just blame her lack of Pinkie Sense on the fact that a massive great white defies all logic, illogical or otherwise. :derpytongue2:

Glad this chapter pleased you!

5337509 "Fluttershy!" she called out as paddled to get to her friend.

Sorry, my eye twitched. But yeah, as someone who also has a few grisly death scenes coming up, I feel your pain. Now, hold still will you, never did get this new scope zeroed in properly...


5337509 You say that a great white shark "Defies all logic". Is that how said shark was able to kill Spike {Dragons have really tough skin. I mean, he wasn't all that bothered by getting stabbed with sharp needles, and he survived falling in lava with no injuries at all}.:pinkiegasp:

Also, I'm just curious. What was it that made you decide to kill both Spike and Fluttershy off first {Out of the mane cast, anyway}, let alone in the same chapter?


Nice catch! Thanks again.


Yeah, given that (as far as this story goes, at least) sharks in general are rare in Equestria, let's just say that when you throw in a legendary, twenty-five foot eating machine, anything is possible. The same could be said of fan fiction in general. :raritywink:

As for Flutters and Spike, for lack of a better word, it just felt right... I should probably get my head examined.

So... You sir just killed Fluttershy? YOU KILLED HER? And yet I can't be mad with you for that, I have to say that this was a good chapter with a good blood bath, keep it up :pinkiecrazy: about Spike, yes he deserved it :trollestia:


Thanks! I have to say though, when I killed off Flutters I expected this:


And... I got this instead:


5351282 I am actually quite happy you killed her off. I despise her :rainbowlaugh:


Aw, poor Flutters. :fluttercry:


While I don't want to give an exact date, I hope to finish up the next chapter soon. It's been kinda hectic recently and I've just been juggling a lot of things. Never fear, though! I will not abandon this story, not while my heart still beats within my bosom!

Yes, Fluttershy is dead. Go Jaws! Fuck all those stupid bitches up!




As soon as I can, promise! :twilightsheepish:

6214863 I'll be here... :pinkiecrazy:


.....how does a 3 ton 25 foot Great White attack some one in water THAT shallow?....yes i know real great whites have done it but....how does no one see the thing? ......25 feet is NOT small!
Other than that...great story!


Thanks, I appreciate that!

This is an interesting concept, sure it could use a bit of tuning up, but I would really like to see how it ends

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