• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 3,644 Views, 33 Comments

Titan of the Depths - Blackdragn18

What do you do when your crew leaves you to die? What do you do when the news keeps getting worse and you're now a monster in a mysterious world?

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First Contact

“I feel that if we move some extra bits into the royal kitchen that will solve the problem.” Princess Celestia looked over a sheet of paper that told her how the money of the royal treasury was being spent. “Yes, if I take some out of the gardening department I should be able to increase the cake efficiency.” She took out a quill and began to scribble on the sheet. Adding to the budget of the bakery and subtracting from the gardens.

“Princess!” The doors to her study suddenly slammed open. She looked up as a guard ran in breathing heavily. “Forgive the intrusion but we have a problem.”

“No need to apologize.” She gestured in front of her. “Sit.” The guard nodded before taking a seat in front of her. “Now what is wrong?”

“A monster.” The unicorn had begun to catch his breath. “A monster has appeared.”

“What kind of monster?” Celestia asked. She wasn’t too concerned, the guards were always prone to overreactions. It was probably just a pony in a costume.

“It was huge, easily taller than you. It seemed to be made out of metal, it had two glowing eyes, and was carrying a giant ship anchor.”

“Really?” The princess’s curiosity was now peaked.

“But the worst part was its strength. It threw the anchor like it was nothing, and when one of my comrades took a punch they were instantly killed.” The guard began to shiver. “Even when we hit it with powerful stun spells the creature brushed them off like they were nothing.”

“Interesting.” Concern was now entering Celestia’s voice. If even parts of this were true it meant something dangerous was on the loose.

“What are we going to do princess?” The guard was beginning to panic.

“Calm down.” Celestia attempted to soothe her worried pony. “I’ll send some ponies to investigate, we’ll find this creature and bring it in.”

“I killed them,” The sailor turned monster looked at his hand in shock, the knuckles had small patches of blood on them. “I can’t believe it.” He was currently sitting on a large rock along the coast. He had moved a safe distance from the scene of the deaths and was currently thinking. “Am I a monster?”

He sighed, staring out to the sea. The sun was setting, turning the blue waves a wonderful orange, it was calming. But still so many questions ran through his head. Who is he? Where is he? What is he? The only thing he could remember was that ship, watching as it sailed away, leaving him to die.

“I suppose answers won’t come to me if I sit around all day.” Hopping off the rock he grabbed the anchor, the last thing he had from his past life and began to walk inland. There was no direction on where to go, he was going to do the one thing that he knew. Move forward, it had served him well so far.

“Over here, I found something,” a Pegasus shouted back to his team. Princess Celestia had sent her best ponies out to find this supposed monster.

“What’ve you got?” The captain came up, he had a larger helmet with decorations on his chest plate. In front of them there was a massive footprint in the sand. “Looks like that unicorn wasn’t lying.”

“And look.” The first guard pointed ahead of them, there were several more tracks. “We have our trail.”

“First squad to me!” The pegasi that had been scattered around the coast all ran to circle the captain. “Alright, here is our trail. We’re going to find this monster.”

“Forward, forward,” the sailor muttered to himself as he forced his way through some foliage. After an hour of walking the coast had given way to a marsh. Slowly lifting his right foot he stepped over a root, nearly tipping from the balance shift. The anchor may be weighing him down but it was all he had left. He had to find something, if he could make contact with some people he could figure out where he was, and how to get home. Wherever that was.

“This thing isn’t too good at stealth is it?” One of the guards asked as they moved through the marsh. It was easy to follow the creature since it left massive foot prints and crushed foliage in its wake.

“Quiet,” the captain hissed. “We don’t know where it is, for all we know the freak is right in front of us.”

“Forward, forward.” A deep voice boomed.

“What was that?” One guard asked.

“Let’s find out,” the captain said before silently moving forward and up a tree. His squad followed until they were all perched. They then poked their heads out of the leaves to see. Many gasped at what they saw.

Just ahead there was a massive creature it had to be at least 8 feet tall. Like the report said it was mostly brown metal, with some parts being a darker leather. It had a large anchor resting on its shoulder, they were able to hear it muttering.

“Forward, forward.” The monster was saying as it walked, completely ignoring some brambles it walked through.

“Looks like we found our monster.” The captain whispered.

“What do we do now sir?”

“We have orders to not engage. All we can do is return to base and report,” the captain said before turning and flying off. The others looked at each other before following.

“Twilight, why do we have to go to the bog?” A purple dragon groaned as he followed the young alicorn towards the marsh.

“Because Spike,” Twilight smiled. “This is the only time of year a rare plant blooms in the bog.” She levitated a note pad out of her saddlebag.

“Ugh,” Spike sighed. “How much further is it?”

“Not too far.” Twilight shook her head. “If my research is correct we should be there very soon.”

“Hopefully.” Spike said as he shook some mud off his arm. After brushing some branches aside the two spotted a large rock. On it there were several orange flowers sprouting similar to moss.

“There it is!” Twilight ran up to the rock. The alicorn began to look at the plants closely and draw a sketch, after that was done she began to take notes. “Interesting, I’ve never seen a plant this shade.” She looked at ones stem. “It seems to be almost fused with the rock.” Then the sound of sticks breaking came from behind her. “Spike, be careful.”

“It wasn’t me Twilight,” Spike said, he was standing next to her looking at one of the plants.

“Left to die.” A voice echoed from behind them. The two slowly turned to see a brown bipedal monster come through the tree line.

“Twilight, what is that?” Spike asked in fear.

“I don’t know.” Twilight shook her head. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“You,” the two jumped as the monster looked at them and spoke. “Let me talk to you.”

“Twilight, we should run.” Spike pulled at the alicorn’s leg.

“Hold on Spike.”

“Twilight, that thing could be dangerous.” Spike pointed at the large metal anchor in its grip. “It has a weapon.”

“Please.” The monster said, despite the echo in its voice there was clear sadness. It followed Spike’s finger to the anchor. Nodding it slowly placed the metal weight on the ground and took a few steps away.

“See Spike, it doesn’t want to hurt us.” Twilight smiled but still kept her distance. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Hello.” The monster waved a large hand.

“What’s your name?”

“I don’t know.” The creature shook its metal head.

“Oh.” Twilight looked at it in surprise. “Well, what are you?”

“I was a sailor. Now, I’m not sure.” The monster looked at its hands before clenching them into fists.

“Really?” Twilight raised an eyebrow, this thing was very cryptic.

“Where am I?” The creature asked, looking around. “Are we along the Guardian’s Sea?”

“The what sea?” Twilight looked at the metal beast in confusion. “You’re in the land of Equestria.”

“Equestria?” The former sailor said the name slowly.

“Equestria.” Twilight nodded. “Have you really never heard of it?”


“Wow, I had thought Equestria was known all over the world.”

“That does not matter.” The creature shook its head. “I need to get back to the Institute of War. Can you direct me?”

“Institute of War? Never heard of it,” Twilight said. “Is that some kind of club?”

“How do you not know of it?” The monster asked. “You must not have discovered it.”

“Well actually, we have explored the entire world.” Twilight stood up straighter. “I can assure you that there is nothing called the Institute of War. There is also no Guardian’s Sea.”

“How is that possible?” The monster sighed. “I will just have to keep searching.” grabbing the anchor and resting it on its shoulder the creature turned and began to walk away. “I will find them.”

“Well that was weird,” Twilight said as the figure vanished into the brush. Looking into the sky she saw the moon beginning to rise.
“It’s getting late, we better head home.” The alicorn and dragon then turned and began to walk back to town. Then there was a roar.

“What was that?” Spike asked.

“I’m not sure.” Twilight ran towards the sound.

“Twilight!” Spike shouted before running after her, eventually he caught up with her. She was sitting on a hill looking ahead.

“Spike look.” She whispered, following her gaze Spike’s eyes widened.

The strange monster was currently pulling its anchor out of a hydra’s eye socket. When he finally freed the anchor the head dangled lifelessly. The other two heads looked in shock before turning to face the metal monster. As one prepared to lunge it took an anchor to the face. There was a sickening crack as the metal projectile lodged itself deep into the hydra’s skull. Before the armored creature could retract the anchor the final head swooped down and grabbed it in its mouth.

“Aagh!” The creature cried out as the hydra began to bite down.

“We have help,” Twilight said before running down the hill.

“Twilight, wait!” Spike shouted.

“Hey, put him down.” The hydra flinched as a purple bolt hit it in the face. The creature turned its head to face the alicorn, still holding the other monster in its mouth.

“What are you doing?” The smaller monster asked, still trying to pry itself out of the hydra’s jaw.

“Helping,” Twilight answered before hitting the hydra with another spell. “Come and get me scaly.”

The hydra growled and released the brown creature. It hit the ground with a thud, the monster stood up as the hydra lunged at the alicorn.


The titan’s armor began glow a light blue near the joints and along the torso. In one swift motion it retracted the anchor before raising the metal weapon over its head and slamming one end into the ground. There was a tremor before a geyser of water burst out of the ground in front of it. Then another came a few feet ahead, after a few seconds there was a trail of water columns that moved straight for the hydra’s remaining head. Just as it was about to reach Twilight with an open mouth a massive geyser erupted and slammed into it, when the water subsided there was nothing but a stub.

“Wow.” Twilight looked at the bleeding neck in shock. Quickly using some magic she cauterized the wound to keep new heads from growing. She then looked to the left to see the source of the geysers kneeling on the ground breathing heavily. “That was amazing!” Twilight ran up to the monster. “How did you-”

“Why did you do that?” It asked, cutting her off.

“Do what?”

“Risk yourself to help a monster like me.”

“You needed help, if I hadn’t come in you would have been eaten.”

“Why do you care though? I am just like this thing.” It gestured towards the dead hydra. “What makes my life worth saving?”

“Well you’re obviously an intelligent creature.” Twilight said. “I couldn’t stand by and let another sentient being get killed.”

“Interesting.” The creature looked at her. “Perhaps there is still good here.”

“I’ll take that as a complement.” Twilight smiled. “We need to get you to a doctor.” Twilight pointed a hoof at the large bite marks along the creature’s waist.

“No doctors are needed.” The creature shook its head.

“At least let me get you patched up.” Twilight enveloped its hand in purple aura and began to drag it.

“Why?” The creature asked.

“You need help. Besides, I’ve never encountered anything like you, this is a rare opportunity.”

“We’re taking that thing with us?” Spike asked in disbelief as the two reached the dragon.

“Spike it’s not a thing.” Twilight glared at him.

“Then why do you still call this thing an it?” Spike crossed his arms. “Did you ask if it was a boy or girl?”

“Um, well.” Twilight looked away.

“Male.” They both jumped slightly as the booming voice of the creature spoke.

“Huh?” Spike tilted his head in confusion.

“I was male.” It told them.

“Alright, now that that’s figured out we can get going.” Twilight nodded, she then turned and began their trek to Ponyville. Closely followed by a young dragon and metal monster.

“Here we are.” Twilight gestured to the large tree she called home. By the time they had made it back to town the residents of Ponyville were asleep. Which was fine since she was sneaking a giant monster into town.

“You live in a tree?” The titan eyed the structure.

“Yeah, it’s also the local library.” Twilight smiled.

“If you say so.” The creature shrugged.

“Can we go inside?” Spike asked, shivering slightly. Twilight used her magic and opened the door leading into the building. After she and Spike entered they looked back. The monster was most of the way through the doorway, he had managed to fit his upper right half through. His left shoulder and lower body were the problem.

“I guess these aren’t built for eight foot tall giants.” Twilight looked at him. “Let me help.” She then enveloped the monster in purple aura before teleporting him into the library. Sadly Twilight had misjudged his size, when he rematerialized he ended up slamming into a nearby bookshelf. Several books fell on top of him as he fell over.

“Good one Twilight.” Spike was smiling.

“Don’t laugh Spike.” The alicorn gave him a stern look. “He could be hurt.”

“What was that?” The monster asked as he got up.

“I tried to teleport you out of the doorway,” Twilight explained. “I didn’t realize your dimensions entirely so you ended up in a wall.”

“Alright.” The monster nodded.

“Now down to business.” Twilight sat down with a hoof to her chin.

“What?” The creature looked at her in confusion.

“You need a name.”

“I told you, I can’t remember it.”

“Hmm, there has to be some kind of clue.” Twilight began to circle the creature. “Aha!” Faintly printed on the shoulder was one word. “Nautilus.” The pony read it aloud. “Could that be your name?”

“Maybe.” The creature shrugged. It was the best they had.

“Alright Nautilus.” Twilight stepped back to look at him. “Welcome to Ponyville.”