• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 8,904 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Koopalings: Friendship is Obnoxious - LordSiravant

The Koopalings are banished to Equestria by Cackletta. Now the citizens of Ponyville must put up with the seven fire-breathing menaces while Celestia looks for a way to send them back.

  • ...

Ain't No Party Like A Koopa Party

Chapter Four: Ain't No Party Like A Koopa Party

That evening, all the Koopalings and their respective hosts sans Morton and Pinkie Pie gathered outside the Golden Oaks Library. The lights inside the library were out, and all was quiet.

"So…what're we all doing here anyways?" Larry inquired suspiciously, glancing around.

The ponies didn't appear inclined to respond, only sharing a knowing smile among each other.

Ludwig rubbed his forehead. "You're all dumb as a box of rocks," he said. "This is obviously meant to be a surprise party."

The ponies' jaws all dropped at his response. "H-how did you know?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Octavia smiled sheepishly. "Ehrm…I may have told him there was going to be a party."

Everypony glared accusingly at Octavia, while the other Koopalings glared at their eldest. "What? I assumed you were all told in turn," Ludwig said. "Octavia never mentioned the nature of the festivities, only that we were having them."

"It came as no surprise to me," Iggy stated, adjusting his glasses. "I saw the decorations being put up long before Morton and that pink one kicked us out."

"Well I, for one, ain't gonna look a gift Yoshi in da mouth," Roy spoke up, walking up to the door. "I say we get dis party started right!"

Roy opened the door and was immediately greeted by the sounds of party horns and a chorus of "SURPRISE!"

The guests of honor all stepped inside the library and beheld what appeared to be the entire town all crammed into the bottom floor. Streamers, balloons, and various other decorations were displayed everywhere, with a large banner that read "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE" hanging up in the very middle of the ceiling.

"Welcome to Ponyville! I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you!" Pinkie Pie cried from the front.

"Were you surprised, guys?" Morton cried beside her. "It's the first party I had a hand in planning and I wanted everything to be perfect, so what do you guys think? Were you surprised, were ya? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"Sorry, big guy," Wendy apologized. "Luddy spoiled it just before we got here."

Morton gave Ludwig a nonplussed look, while Pinkie pouted with a puppy-dog stare. "Why would you do that, man?" Morton whined. "We wanted to see the looks on your faces…"

"Dude, who even cares?!" Roy spoke up. "A party's a party, man! Ooh, is that pie?!"

Roy immediately sauntered over to the food and drink tables and immediately took a plate and began piling it high with various pies and cakes. This prompted the others to immerse themselves in the festivities in various ways. Iggy and Twilight went over to the buffet tables and helped themselves to some food, with Twilight taking a more generous serving, as Iggy was more conscious of his health. "So…let's talk technology," Iggy started.

Twilight eagerly nodded. "Okay," she replied. "What would you like to know?"

"Well," Iggy said, once more adjusting his glasses. "I realize I failed to mention this before, but I am also an inventor, Miss Twilight."

Twilight giggled. "No no, Twilight will do just fine. Miss Twilight makes me feel old."

Iggy chuckled. "Of course."

"Now, what was this about you being an inventor?" Twilight asked.

"The reason I'm saying this now is because, before the…well, the incident, shall we say, I was working on a battlemech, of sorts."

Twilight's eyes widened. "A battlemech? As in, like a robo-suit from all those science fiction books?"

Iggy nodded and grinned. "I was only just beginning the preliminary stages of building the thing when Cackletta attacked the castle. Thus, I was unable to get very far before I was put to work on stopping the Mario Brothers."

"And why are you telling me this?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Firstly, what's the most advanced piece of technology in your world?"

"Well, I can tell you the purely-technological construct you're talking about building is something beyond our level so far," Twilight explained.

Iggy looked slightly crestfallen at that. "I'd have to build every single component from scratch then. Too much time, too much time…"

"Hey, not all hope is lost, though," Twilight interrupted. "While these aren't very common, there's always golems, though I'm not sure if one could make a decent substitute for an outright battlemech. It's why they're only in fiction for now."

Iggy tapped his chin. "I see. Hmm…do you have any books concerning golems?"

"I certainly do!" Twilight replied, then blinked as Iggy stared at her. "Wait, you want to read it now? During a party?"

Iggy looked around and scoffed. "Never really been one for parties or major social interaction."

"Well, let's at least finish eating first. I hate the idea of food getting on any of my books."


Meanwhile, Roy busily went about stuffing his face while Fluttershy wasn't looking. Larry was trying to ignore an increasingly inquisitive Applebloom, who had been bothering the Koopaling since she had met him, bombarding him with incessant questions about what he was and all sorts of other things he was too irritated to answer. Wendy was getting to know Sweetie Belle so that the poor filly would stop thinking that Wendy was going to eat her and Rarity in their sleep. Lemmy was showing Dinky and several other fillies, including Scootaloo, all of his various ball tricks, with even a few adults looking on. Ludwig and Octavia were sitting together at a table, chatting away amicably.

"How are you enjoying the party so far?" Octavia asked, the earmuffs she and Ludwig were wearing enchanted so that they could clearly hear one another over the music.

"With these earmuffs you provided, I can't complain," Ludwig commended, tipping his cup towards her before sipping on it. "The food is good, the company is sublime…"

He raised his glass as Octavia giggled, trying to suppress a blush. "Oh, stop that, you."

"I speak only the truth," Ludwig replied. "It was so very kind of you to invite me graciously into your home, despite the fact that I am but a stranger to you and your world. I never did thank you properly."

Octavia waved her hoof dismissively. "Oh no, it wasn't any trouble at all. You all intrigued me, and discovering that one of you was a fellow practitioner of the musical arts…well, who could pass up an opportunity like that?"

Ludwig sighed. "Anyone who knew of our reputation back home."

Octavia gave him a concerned look, to which Ludwig glanced aside. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

Ludwig shook his head. "No, it's something I'd rather not discuss in pleasant company."

Octavia nodded. "I understand."

Ludwig smiled. "Now, if I remember correctly, you said you were a professional cellist?"

Octavia returned his smile. "Mmhmm, for the Royal Canterlot Symphony. They're normally stationed in Canterlot, but I prefer to live in Ponyville, where it's quieter. Plus, this house was my childhood home; living anywhere else just seemed…unthinkable."

Ludwig quirked an eyebrow. "Childhood home, you say? Normally parents remain in such homes, yet your only roommate besides myself is your cousin. If it isn't too much to ask, what became of your parents?"

A saddened look creased Octavia's features, and Ludwig immediately understood what it implied. "My parents…my father was a famous cellist by the name of Keystroke Philharmonica. He died when I was young, complications from heart failure. My mother cared for me until I was old enough to strike out on my own. I moved to Canterlot to go to college and become an official musician, eventually achieving my dream of joining the Royal Symphony. Unfortunately, my pursuits led me to…fall out of contact with my mother. I wrote her less and less as my life became busier." Ludwig noticed with worry that tears were starting to run down Octavia's grey-coated cheeks. "The…*sniff*…the last letter I received from her…she had developed cancer, a-and had only a few weeks to live."

She sniffed again as she fished a kerchief out of her dress and began dabbing her eyes with it. Ludwig, despite himself, gently wrapped his hand around Octavia's hoof to comfort her. She started slightly at the sudden contact, but somehow, the act seemed to soothe her enough to continue her tale. "I hadn't talked to her in s-so long, and I-I felt guilty…*sniff*…I immediately returned to Ponyville to see her…t-to apologize. By the time I got there, she w-was already confined to her bed."

Octavia paused and looked down, mustering the willpower to say her next words. Finally she looked up at Ludwig once more, her voice cracked, but not wavering. "But she still remembered me…she wanted t-to tell me how proud she was that I finally began to follow in my father's footsteps. I spent the next few days telling her about everything I'd done…what I had accomplished in my life…everything. And then…one day…she asked me to play our favorite song for her again. That was the first song my father had taught me, when had tutored me personally in the cello…I hadn't played it in years, but I remembered it by heart. W-when I was finished, I looked over at her…and she was gone. She had a smile on her face…"

Octavia choked back a sob, trying hard not to draw attention to herself in order to not ruin the cheerful mood around them. "A-after the funeral…I-I decided to move back to Ponyville, s-so I could stay close to her memories. *sniff* That was three years ago."

Ludwig quietly waited for her to calm down, smiling at her sympathetically. "I am sorry for your loss. I understand the pain of losing a parent."

Octavia looked up at him curiously as she dabbed her eyes relatively dry. "My own mother died after she gave birth to Junior. After having eight of us, one after the other each year, her body just couldn't take it anymore."

"I'm sorry," Octavia answered.

Before Ludwig could voice a response to that, he felt a scaly hand clap him on the shoulder, while Octavia felt a hoof on her shoulder. "C'mon, guys!" Pinkie Pie cried, coaxing Octavia eagerly out of her seat. "Turn those frowns upside-down!"

"Come on, Luddy!" Morton exclaimed as he did the same with a protesting Ludwig, with him and Octavia being dragged towards the dance floor. "We're puttin' out a special number for everyone!"

Ludwig glared irritably at him. "What number?"

Morton grinned. "You know the one."

Ludwig's eyes widened before he groaned in realization. "Oh, sweet Stars, not THAT song."

Octavia gave him a look. "This song brings back unpleasant memories," Ludwig flatly explained.

As he and Octavia found themselves on the dance floor with a number of other ponies, he looked up to see Wendy, Iggy, and Lemmy up near the speakers where Vinyl Scratch was situated, putting a disc provided to her by the ever-ready Morton onto her device. They were joined by Morton as they each grabbed a microphone. "So, is this a party or is this a party?!" Wendy cried into her microphone, the crowd of ponies cheering in response. "But now we think it's time to spice things up a little! Tonight, we're gonna party like Koopas were made to party!"

The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves as Morton looked over his shoulder and said, "Hit it, Scratch!"

Vinyl grinned and started playing the disc. A tune that was terribly familiar to Ludwig boomed from the speakers, as his crazy siblings began to sing. As they sang, Ludwig and Octavia began to awkwardly dance, thinking they might as well do so to rid themselves of the melancholy mood from earlier. As it got further along, the two of them began to put more energy into their movements, until they were cutting a rug with gusto.

"Do the Koopa

Rip the hoopa

Do a loop de loopa

Or you'll be a party poopa!" they all chorused.

"Everybody do the Koopa!

Everybody shout and pout!" Morton sang.

"Everybody do the Koopa!

Everybody shake your snout!" Wendy sang.

"Everybody do the Koopa!

Everybody shake your scales!" Iggy sang.

"Everybody do the Koopa!

Everybody wag your tails!" Lemmy sang.

"Do the Koopa

Rip the hoopa

Do a loop de loopa

Or you'll be a party poopa!" they all chorused again.

"Everybody do the Koopa!" Morton sang.

"Once you start you can't stop!" Lemmy sang.

"Everybody do the Koopa!" Wendy sang.

"Bop, hop, flop and slop," Iggy sang.

"And rock, rock, rock until you drop, drop, drop!

Do the Koopa!

Rip the hoopa!

Do the Koopa!" they all finished together.

Once the song was done, everypony began stomping the ground in applause, while the Koopalings that had not joined in clapped for their more expressive siblings. Ludwig and Octavia, panting and having worked up a sweat from the dancing, smiled at each other. Noticing this, Vinyl took a break and stepped away from her equipment and sauntered up to them. "So, you're the dude that's gonna bunk with us, right?" she inquired, eyeing Ludwig up and down.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Ludwig, meet my cousin, Vinyl Scratch."

"I am," Ludwig replied, bowing grandly. "The name's Ludwig von Koopa, the oldest Koopaling. I thank you for allowing me into your humble home."

Vinyl tipped her glasses down her muzzle and looked at him over the rim. "Wow, you mean I'm gonna be puttin' up with another Octavia? Jeez, I can't catch a break!"

Octavia scrunched her nose indignantly. Ludwig noticed and suppressed an undignified giggle. She really does look cute when she makes that face, he thought, then blushed at the realization of what had gone through his head.

"I'm not that bad!" Octavia cried. "And neither is he!"

Vinyl gave her a knowing look before glancing at Ludwig. "Uh huh," she said. "So, defending a guy, are ya?"

Octavia blushed. "I-it's not what you think!"

Vinyl smirked and adjusted her glasses. "Sure it ain't. I'm goin' out for a smoke. Be back in a few."

Octavia rolled her eyes again, irritated that she hadn't been able to convince Vinyl to kick that dreadful habit of hers. Taking her leave, Vinyl weaved her way through the crowd of partying ponies and went out the door. Once she was outside, she slunk over to the side of the large tree-house and fished out a pack of cigarettes she kept in her hair with her magic. She magically ignited the stick of nicotine and tar and put it in her mouth, enjoying the flavor. She was so busy enjoying the cool night air and her cigarette that she did not notice the cloaked figure approaching her silently from behind. As Vinyl blew out a ring of smoke, she suddenly heard a withered voice speak. "Pardon me, miss…but you have something I need."

Vinyl turned around in surprise. "Huh? Who're you?"

The hooded figure chuckled menacingly. "Is he friend or is he foe, the pony wonders…I can assure you, I am no friend."

Before Vinyl could react, the figure opened its mouth, and Vinyl's body was consumed by pain. Through her agony, she could feel a sort of draining effect, barely aware that the figure was literally sucking the magic out of her body. After a moment of surprised gasping, Vinyl let out a strangled scream. But it was too late; she fell on her side, drained of all her magic, as the now-slightly larger figure quickly vanished into the shadows, leaving no sign that he had ever been there.


All noise stopped abruptly as they heard a single scream coming from outside. One pony in particular recognized that voice immediately. "VINYL!" Octavia cried in horror, bolting out the door and looking around in a panic.

Ludwig quickly followed her out, followed by the other Koopalings, the Mane Six, and a few other curious, concerned ponies. "VINYL! VINYL, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Octavia screamed, looking around.

"Oh my gods!" Ludwig cried, spotting a white, pony-shaped form lying motionless on the ground over beside the library. "Octavia, I found her!"

Octavia gasped in horror as she too saw the body of her beloved cousin. "VINYL!" she screeched, galloping over as a crowd began to gather.

Octavia and Ludwig knelt by her, Octavia shaking Vinyl desperately. "Vinyl?! Vinyl! Talk to me!" she cried hysterically.

Ludwig put his fingers on Vinyl's neck, and sighed in relief as he felt a faint pulse. "Thank the Stars, she's alive," he spoke before addressing the surrounding ponies. "Is anyone here a doctor?!"

"Everypony make way, NOW!" a voice cried as a pony pushed through the crowd. Ludwig then recognized Nurse Greyheart from the hospital.

Greyheart immediately stepped out of the crowd and said, "Move aside, let me take a look at her."

Ludwig nodded and gently took Octavia by the shoulder, pulling the distraught musician away from her cousin as Greyheart cast a diagnostic scanning spell over the unicorn DJ's body. "I'm not detecting any physical injuries," Greyheart spoke out loud. "But I still feel that something's off…" After a few more moments, she discovered why and released a horrified gasp. "Sweet mother of Celestia…h-her magic…it's gone!"

Twilight's jaw dropped. "H-how?!" she exclaimed. "Magic doesn't just disappear like that!"

Using her magic, Greyheart slung Vinyl's limp body over her back like a sack of grain. "I need to get her to the hospital. Without her magic, she's trapped in a state of catatonia. We'll do what we can for her."

Twilight nodded. "I'll write to the Princesses and let them know about this. I'll search through the library for anything else that could help in the meantime."

"We'll help you look!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"No, Rainbow," Twilight answered. "I suggest you organize a search party to see if anything is out of the ordinary. If Vinyl was attacked, then whoever, or whatever, did this may still be in the area."

"I can help with that," Ludwig spoke up. "Roy, Morton, Lemmy, since none of you are really into books, you'll join the search party. Larry, Iggy, Wendy, you'll join me in the library to help look for anything that might give us a clue as to what happened here."

The Koopalings all saluted in reply, even Roy, who, despite his propensity for bullying, was perfectly serious when the situation called for it. "Alright, who else is up for helpin' me search the town?" Rainbow called out.

"Ah'll go!" Applejack spoke up.

"So will I!" a mint-green unicorn named Lyra Heartstrings said. "Whatever did that to Vinyl is gonna get a righteous flank-whooping when I see it!"

"I'll go with you guys!" Derpy added. "I know the whole town like the back of my hoof!"

"I'll lend a hoof as well," a brown earth pony by the name of Doctor Whooves said.

Octavia stood up and managed to regain her composure enough to say, "I want to help too."

"Alright, we've got work to do!" Rainbow cried out, taking charge of the search party. "Let's go, everyone!"

"Party's over, everypony," Twilight proclaimed. "Go home where it's safe and stay there! We'll handle whatever's going on!"

With that, the crowd slowly dispersed as everyone either went home, went on the search party, or returned to the library. "Twilight, what's going on? What happened?" Spike asked as she returned, joined by Iggy, Ludwig, Wendy, Larry, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.

"Spike, take a letter," Twilight sternly ordered.

Spike nodded and retrieved a quill and parchment. "Dear Princess Celestia," Twilight began, pacing anxiously. "Something terrible happened during the party we were holding for the Koopalings. A unicorn by the name of Vinyl Scratch was found outside the library completely drained of her magic. We have no idea how it happened, and were hoping you had some idea. Was she attacked by something? If so, what kind of creature is capable of this and how can we get Vinyl's magic back? Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle."

"Got it!" Spike said as he finished writing and rolled up the parchment.

He then ignited it in green flames, the ashes flying out the window. "What in the world did you do that for?!" Iggy demanded, confused as to why someone would burn a letter they had just written.

"Spike has the ability to send letters directly to Celestia by engulfing them in magical flames," Twilight explained. "They reappear perfectly intact when she receives them, don't worry."

"Wow, that's pretty nifty!" Larry said. "We've gotta learn how to do that!"

"Later," Ludwig ordered. "For now, we each search a section of this library and see if we can find anything pertaining to magic-draining spells or magic-eating monsters."


Celestia had been feeling uneasy the entire day. For some reason, she felt that something was amiss in Equestria. Yet she had received no visions of any sort; nothing more than just a general bad feeling lurking within her chest. She had initially dismissed it as little more than lingering paranoia pertaining to Discord's freedom, but somehow, the feeling didn't go away no matter how she rationalized her decision to set him free.

Just as she was finally about to head to bed and let her sister take control of the night, a letter suddenly appeared to her. She let out a light gasp of surprise before unrolling it and reading the contents. As she did so, the dread in her heart rose to new volumes. Magic-draining? That wasn't Discord's MO at all. There were only a few things she knew of that had the ability to drain ponies of their magic. There were fuaths, which only lived in bodies of water and never came to shore, so that ruled them out. The only other possibility she knew of was…

No…no, please let it not be him, she thought to herself, trying to hold back a feeling of panic as she summoned a quill and parchment of her own and penned a hurried reply.

"My Dearest Twilight, I am aware of only two creatures that possess the power to drain ponies of their magic. One is the fuath, which lives exclusively in water. The other is a villain from Equestria's past who was truly a force to be reckoned with. That is all I can explain at the moment, but I strongly suggest you keep the Elements of Harmony handy, for your own safety. Though, if I know this being well enough, he will not return to Ponyville for now. I will explain more personally tomorrow. Sincerely, Princess Celestia."

Celestia sent the scroll away with her magic and went to go find Luna. If Tirek has escaped from Tartarus, then we are all in danger.


Meanwhile, Tirek hurried along the road, having left Ponyville far behind already. As he traveled, he glanced at the dark purple metal cuffs clamped to his arms. As much as he hated them, he was glad of one side-effect they provided. The Shadow Queen's power allowed them to mask his presence, preventing the Princesses from sensing him in their prophetic dreams. Even if they did manage to figure out who he was through his methods of draining magic, they still could not magically pinpoint his location. Even the mighty Discord would have trouble finding him.

Tirek silently cursed that unicorn for screaming. That had alerted the town to his presence, meaning he couldn't drain any more magic before he had to leave to avoid capture. Still, it was good to have some magic flowing through his veins again. He couldn't wait to gain more, though; with every little bit of magic gained, the closer he came to revenge against the Shadow Queen and the Princesses, as well as dominance over the entire world.

"Perhaps Manehattan will provide more worthwhile prospects," he muttered to himself as he went on his way.


Everfree Castle Ruins

With little to do with herself other than plot and scheme, the crushing blackness that formed the essence of the Shadow Queen decided to do something you would not expect from an eons-old demon; read. The old castle's library was miraculously still intact after a thousand years. The Shadow Queen could sense even in her weakened state that the books all had a preservation spell set into their pages.

"Hmm…perhaps this place can help broaden my knowledge of this infernal world," the Shadow Queen mused to herself.

Ethereal fingers emerged out of the pitch-black miasma, trailing along the spines of the books, scrutinizing the title of each tome. Many were simply outdated history books and spellbooks, neither of which she cared much about, since she was content in her own power and cared nothing for history that did not pertain to her. Suddenly, however, one particular title caught the Shadow Queen's interest.

"History of the Elements of Harmony," the Shadow Queen read out loud, plucking the book out of its place on the old shelf and releasing a layer of dust.

The Shadow Queen opened the ancient tome and began to read. As she did so, unseen lips curled upwards into a dark smile. "Such power…the greatest ever seen in this world, so they say. If I were to obtain these 'Elements of Harmony,' they could offer me volumes of power even the Crystal Stars cannot hope to provide. I will find them, and their power shall be mine. Muh huh huh huh huh huh…"

Author's Note:

Well that went south real quick. Dammit, Tirek. And to one of my favorite background ponies too...

And to top it off, the Shadow Queen's reading up on the Elements. The Mane Six better count their lucky stars that that book hasn't been updated in a thousand years. Still, knowledge of the extent of the Elements' power and how they work is going to give the Shadow Queen a major edge against our heroes even without a physical body and her full power to work with.

For now, anyways.

Muh huh huh huh huh huh...

Comments ( 34 )

:rainbowderp:that escalated quickly.

Darn, that song... That song.

They should've played something from Mario DDR instead IMO, that one had some awesome tunes. "Minna de party time" is named and sounds appropriate for a party! Also has a badass bowser's song "Wagahai Wa Bosu de Aru!" (sorry but I only have the japanese names, that's how they were called in the soundtrack that I acquired)...

Someone suggested it all the way back in Chapter One, and I went with it.:scootangel:

4763298 Oh, I wasn't even born then I think, makes sense I'd miss it. :rainbowwild:

4763298 Aw you took my song suggestion, thank you:pinkiesad2:

My patience is wearing thin, J.:twilightangry2:

Dat Ship Tease between Ludwig and Octavia...

Tirek has already struck? This is not good! :twilightoops:

Another update so soon. Now you're just making me look bad.
I'm so so so so so so so so SOOOOOO SORRY that I didn't get the chapter done by your birthday!:fluttershyouch: An unexpected plague of unmotivatedness came over me. :pinkiesick:

The Quest begin................:ajbemused:

I wouldn't say quest. But everyone's gonna be a little more edgy from now on until someone figures out what needs to be done about Tirek. However, this will still focus mostly on character interactions, so this won't become a full-blown adventure story.

i hope so that what ever happen i pray god they stop before too late

Awesome story.:pinkiehappy:

Can't believe i'm only now finding this story. The koopalings are some of my favorite characters. I'm really liking how the Koopalings are interacting with the MLP characters so far.

Will you be pairing the Koopalings with anyone? Like for example maybe making Ludwig and Octavia a couple.

I'm guessing right now we're in the MLP season 3 timeline. So i'm curious will you have the Koopalings go through some of the episodes?

Firstly, yeah, LudwigxOctavia will become a thing. LemmyxDerpy is a possibility too, because he may look like a kid, but he's still the second oldest, and I don't think Derpy's much older either. I'm not planning on any other Koopaling ships at the moment, though. We'll have to see what happens.

As for whether or not they'll go through any of the Season 3 episodes?...Eh, probably not. Not much happened in Season 3 that I liked or approved of. Alicorn!Twilight, as usual, will not happen in this story. I will never write Alicorn!Twilight if I can help it. I'll figure out some things for them to do, though, so stay tuned.

This is a pretty interesting story I hope to see more of this soon:twilightsmile:

5544736 Nothing, just thinking out loud. :pinkiesmile:

Fawful annoys me, and the Dark Star has no personality of its own. It's just evil because it's made of evil. The Shadow Queen is awesome because she has a personality, she wants to conquer the world rather than destroy it, and she's fucking hard to kill. Challenging final bosses are hard to come by in video games these days.

5549608 The Dark Star was challenging.

Not really. Every video I've seen has him destroyed in about two minutes. Bros. moves are a total gamebreaker.

5562189 True, I mean, Falling Star is OP. But do you know how hard it is to mash the X button at the speeds it requires to inhale the Dark Core? I have had it for years and I can BARELY do it

Not really. Probably not as hard as timing super guards exactly right to avoid the Shadow Queen sucking up all your HP.

5565679 Honestly, Fawful has been around for the entire Mario And Luigi series leading up to and including B.I.S. since his first appearance in Superstar Saga, he rose from a SEWER HERMIT TO AN EVIL GENIUS THAT DID CONQUER THE WORLD, While short, he still did it, and also, he was the MOST SUCCESSFUL Mario villain on the fact that he had no help from other big villains, he did it ON...HIS...OWN... if he appears, (or Bowser, maybe) in this story, we could see him absorb the Shadow Queen's power, and then again he will be perhaps the most powerful villain... EVER in Mario, a title it can be said he already holds, and also, WHEN IS THE NEXT UPDATE???

Fawful annoys me, I don't like him, he is not going to appear in this story, and the Shadow Queen would not permit a little bean-rat like him to absorb her power.

As for the next update...well, this story is on indefinite hiatus until I get to a point where I am momentarily out of ideas for EWM.

5876544 Well, will Bowser at least show up?

Not for a long while, but I can tell you, that's a situation I am immensely looking forward to.

5879908 So he WILL appear, maybe in Equestria?

No, not in Equestria, though he may enter it later for reasons I haven't yet decided. What comes first will definitely be a choice tongue-lashing by Celestia on his less-than-stellar parenting methods.

Just found and read this story. Sooooo.........
Is there any chance this will continue?:applecry:

Comment posted by LopDrieuna deleted Nov 20th, 2017

So hum...I have a question if that doesnot botter you.😦If this going to continue? I really like your story for: the koopalings personality , the interaction they had with the ponies , the humour, the emotion. So Please man I suggest you to continue that story even if it was à long time ago:fluttercry: Because this One of the most awesome fanfic I have ever read:raritywink:


As for the next update...well, this story is on indefinite hiatus until I get to a point where I am momentarily out of ideas for EWM.

out of ideas yet?
it's been about 8 years, please tell me you are

Please continue it

Please continue it

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