• Published 6th Apr 2014
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Doctor of the Lance - Silver Page

Sixty years. A long time for anyone. Even longer for a mad scientist who desires to learn everything about the world to be trapped in another world. And Equestria, a land of magic, is the perfect place for his studies...

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Chapter 6 – The Doctor is in / Der Arzt ist in

Chapter 6 – The Doctor is in / Der Arzt ist in

“I assure you, I am fine,” Spell insisted, limping slightly as he walked the halls of the Royal palace, an overly attentive maid fussing over him as he headed towards his appointment with the Lunar princess.

“You got thrown into a wall! You need to take it easy!” The maid protested. She had been sent by Princess Celestia to help Spell Pact with his check-up on Luna, and to help him with anything he needed.

“I’ve had plenty of sleep, and used enough magic to perform a temporary healing. I will be fine.” The maid humph’ed yet continued to walk, leading the doctor to the medical room. Spell sighed, but ignored her as she was no longer talking. He shifted the position of the straps to his doctor’s bag, wondering what he’d use on the Alicorn.

“Here we are,” she announced, stopping in front of a door. It looked like almost every other door in the hall, but for a bronze number 1 on the mantel, and a tag with the name “Princess Luna” near the door knob. The maid opened the door, letting Spell Pact in. The interior was very clearly the receiver of an impromptu medical upgrade, tables, benches, and trolleys set up with various tools and charts upon them. Some of the benches and tables had heavy machinery upon them, dials, buttons, and gauges all over, designed for obscure medical purposes. The room also had four occupants already within. Two were Royal Guards, one male and one female, standing stiffly at attention, while a nurse, judging from her attire, was organizing the supplies.

What stood out was the small blue Alicorn who was trying to look like a dignified adult, but failing due to her being in a child’s body. It was almost cute.

“It seems everyone is here,” Spell noted, pleased. “Though some are unfamiliar to me.”

“I’m Nurse Straight Feather,” the cap-wearing Pony said. She was a Pegasus, with an auburn colored coat and baby blue mane and tail. “I’m here to oversee the Pegasi related portions of the procedure.” Spell Pact nodded. It made sense, as Alicorns were a mixed breed. Of course, he knew all about Pegasi, probably more than a Pegasus did, in all honesty. His experiments were nothing if not thorough.

“I’m Lacy White,” the maid said, speaking up. He didn’t care, but it was polite to listen. “I’m not medically certified, but I’m here to help in any ways you require.”

“Guardsmare Winter Shard. Protection and Security Detail,” the female guard, a Unicorn, saluted.

“I’m…” the stallion guard started to speak, but Spell Pact cut him off with a hand.

“You are a random guard, and of no use for the medical side of this. Your job is to guard us. So do it. Shoo.” There was a short, stunned moment of silence. It disappeared as the stallion Guard spluttered indignantly, and Winter Shard held back her giggles.

“Having male, non-medical personnel, in the room of an intimate examination of a female is highly improper. Unless, you’re trying to catch a glimpse of your liege lady in the nude.” More silence fell, and the Guard, face beet red in spite of his enchanted armor, quickly rushed out the door to stand outside.

“That was … effective,” Feather said, soft chuckles escaping, despite her best efforts not to laugh. The mare Guard and Lacy had no reservations, and laughed together. Luna was not amused, however, as one part of Spell Pact’s words had stuck out.

“Thou were simply joking about us being naked, were thou not?” she asked, and the mares quickly stopped laughing.

“I don’t joke. Laughter may be therapeutic, but in a proper medical procedure, it has no use.” He turned his gaze onto her, his grey eyes boring into her from behind his glasses.

“Strip.” That one word was given with the force of an order, and from his expression, he would take the clothes off her himself if she did not comply.

“…Turn around,” Luna pleaded, and Spell Pact nodded, then turned to face the wall. He heard the rustle of fabric, the sound of a zipper, and the pop of buttons. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the guard give him a deadpan look.

“Your bedside manner could use some work,” she said, while Spell Pact shrugged and remained silent.

“We have undressed,” He heard Luna say, and he turned back.

With her clothes removed, he could see that she was indeed a mere child. Small breasts, skinny arms and legs, overall the very picture of filly not yet to puberty. She still wore her silver tiara, and sported a very fierce blush, her arms and wings feebly attempting to cover herself.

“Why must we be nude?” she demanded, and from the looks of it, the other mares wanted an answer as well. Spell stepped over to her, and lead her to a medical table.

“I need to give a full exam. That includes a physical. Besides, if you are worried I might try something while you are so exposed, do not worry.” He helped the princess up, and laid her down facing the ceiling. He then looked at her, and smirked. “I have no interest in a child’s body.”

Princess Luna’s face flushed red with both anger and embarrassment, and the other mares had trouble deciding if they should be amused or affronted by this. Wisely, they kept their mouths shut and their expressions neutral.

Immediately, before Luna could respond, Spell began. Poking, prodding, measuring, inspecting. His hands, covered in surgical gloves, carefully explored her body. Some of the places Spell touched caused blushes on all the mares, but he himself had no expression, just clinical detachment. It was extremely invasive, but mercifully short.

As soon as he stepped away, Luna levitated her clothes over to her and pressed them against herself, as if to use them like a shield. Spell ignored her, and was busy jotting down everything he’d gleaned from the physical onto pieces of paper.

“Fascinating,” Spell muttered to himself. This was overheard, and the Alicorn looked at the doctor with an anxious expression.

“Is… is there something wrong?” she asked, a quaver to her voice, which coupled with her young body was absolutely adorable. Even stones have cracks, and Spell smiled in spite of himself.

“I was right in my earlier assessment of your physical condition. You are, to all outwards appearances and purpose, a child. I’ve cross-referenced and correlated some basic statistics from other fillies and colts, provided here, and it seems you are not just young looking, you have reverted back to fillyhood. Until I look at the magic in you, I won’t be sure as to the reason, but I have theories.” He placed his pencil down, and turned to look the Alicorn.

“I need to know everything that happened during the Summer Sun Celebration.”

Luna’s face fell, a look of deep shame clouding her features.

“A thousand years ago, we went mad. We were possessed by something, and it amplified my jealousy towards my sister to a breaking point. We… I became a monster. Nightmare Moon. Celestia had no choice but to seal us away onto the Moon for a thousand years. It weakened our evil form, but kept us in a state of limbo. And three days ago, we returned. Celestia’s student found the Elements of Harmony and used them to purify us. What you see before you is the result.”

Silence. Luna looked away, unable to meet any of their eyes. The Guardmare looked shocked, while the nurse and maid had expressions of fear. Spell Pact had a neutral expression, but he soon broke the silence by sighing.

“I see. So I’m dealing with possession, or the aftereffects at least, as well as a millennium of seals and wards keeping you on the moon. Add to that the powers of some unknown mystical force and artifacts, all which results in the fact I’ve got a lot of work cut out for me.” He began to gather some apparatus from one of the nearby trolleys. A large magnifying glass made out of silver and a chunk of opaque crystal, a band of plastic and rubber with small runes on the outer surface, and a what looked like a steampunk thermometer.

“Thou, thou art not disturbed by this revelation?” Princess Luna gasped.

“On the contrary, my dear. I am positively trembling with excitement!” The mares all stared at the doctor, his shoulder starting to shake. He turned to Luna, and she recoiled from him.

His eyes shone bright, like they had last night. Madness and terror, but overwhelmingly of inquisitiveness and a desire to learn. What was worse was the grin he wore. Both predatory, and genuinely cheerful; the smile of a psychopath.

The expressions on his face vanished quickly, but a sense of excitement still emanated from him.

“To think I can study the effects of possession, as well as uncover secrets on one of the oldest mysteries of Equestria! And with the body of an Alicorn to boot! I have never been so excited for a medical exam!” Spell Pact’s Germane accent broke through strong during his speech, and the mares stared at him. They hadn’t expected such levels of enthusiasm from him, ever.

“Nurse Feather, can you please prep the fluid samples Princess Luna provided from last night? I want to do some tests while I work on her.”

The nurse snapped out of her stunned state and hastily turned on one of the bulky, clunky looking machines. It was designed to be a portable blood tester and analyzer, though “portable” only seemed to infer that you could fit it through a doorway in one piece. The damn thing was unwieldy and heavy, but gave results on par with a standard, cheaper, non-mobile one. It seemed Princess Celestia had obtained all that was on Spell Pacts list, regardless of cost or availability.

As the Fluid Tester Mark III whirred and clunked to life, Spell Pact began to work on his own project.

He attached the band to her forehead, making sure it fit, and then stuck the thermometer like device into her right ear, finishing by raising the magnifying glass to his eyes.

“I want you to channel your magic now. Just enough for a simple act of levitation or telekinesis.” Luna complied, and her horn flickered to life. The runes on the band lit up as well, flashing in time to some unknown rhythm. Spell took a quick note of the pattern, and then checked the thermometer. He blinked. That couldn’t be right!

It was reading four hundred mana! Levitation should only generate fifty! He quickly raised his magnifying glass and looked at her head through it, but instantly recoiled.

Instead of enlarging an object under the lens, this created an x-ray view of sorts that displayed magical flow. Normally a Unicorn while actively using magic had a few strands here and there, but the Alicorn’s whole damn head was lit up like a Christmas Tree!
He hastily recorded the information, his unease not doing anything positive for Luna.

He did not address her, instead walked over to the fluid checking machine to see the results. The blood pouch had been emptied into it, and it was whizzing and clicking away, analyzing all sorts of data. Spell tapped a few buttons on its surface, and a deep ‘thrum’ went through it. But nothing happened. A frown crossed his features at the delay.

“While we wait for this machine to finish, I want to check something else,” Spell Pact said, removing the tools from Luna.
Without waiting for a reply, he reached over and grabbed Princess Luna’s horn by the base with his thumb and index finger, while pulling out a small mirror made of a polished silver disc from a pocket with his free hand. He quickly rubbed his hand up and down her horn, the three other mares starring open mouthed at him openly molesting the princess’ horn!

A moan burst from Luna, and she panted at the stimulation. All of a sudden, her horn sparked, and a few jolts of magic leapt forth. He deftly caught the emission sparks on the silver mirror and let her go, the doctor staring intensely at the artifact while Luna recovered from the sudden pleasure and the others just gawked, having just witnessed a Goddess orgasm.

“Umm…” Lacy White muttered, but a ding from the machine cut her off. Spell pact grabbed the sheaves of paper spilling out, and looked them over, balancing the mirror in the other hand.

“Princess Luna, I believe my tests are done for the day. However, I need time to go over these results. I will call for you and your sister when I am ready.” Nodding wordlessly, and slightly breathlessly, Luna slid off the examination table and put her clothes back on. Winter Shard escorted her out, while Nurse Feather and Lacy White remained behind to help correlate and organize the doctor’s findings.

It was noon before they finished, and the diarchs were busy having lunch. With them was their niece, Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadence to friends, who was being given the world shattering news that not only did she have another aunt, but was magically shrunk after being purified. She sat there, slack jawed, at the end of the retelling of a thousand year old family feud. Standing at the far end of the room was the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, guarding the Princesses while they ate. His expression was default stoic, but his eye had twitched more than once. Sure he’d heard it already, but still. Winter Shard stood some distance behind Princess Luna, while the guard who had been outside the medical room was behind Princess Celestia.

“So, you don’t know why she’s, um, tiny?” Cadence inquired, casting a glance at Luna.

“No, that’s why I asked Doctor Spell Pact to take a look at her. Hopefully he’ll know something,” Celestia said, taking a bite of salad. Luna sat staring at her own food, a blank, yet dreamy look on her face.

“Sister, why are you so silent? Were Doctor Pact’s tests too strenuous?” the Solar Goddess asked her sister, worry on her brow.

“NO! Um, I mean, he doth had a… unusual manner and personality,” Luna said, hiding a blush. Shining Armor snorted a bit at that.
Spell Pact was well known, or rather, infamous, for being cold and logical, never displaying many emotions around other Ponies. His cold attitude and Germane accent gave him the feel of a two-bit villain from a spy novel. But, he was a genius. He was one of the youngest professors ever to have tenure at the Canterlot Institute for Applied Magic and Studies, one of few to earn the World Medicine Advancement Award, published a dozen essays and journals, and, what made Shining Armor personally dislike him, was he had once given Twilight an F. he’d tutored her briefly on medicine and anatomy while the lavender Unicorn had been a live in student at the palace, and found her “rude, foolish, and utterly lacking any comprehension of the true meaning of science and research.”

Needless to say, they were not on good terms.

Musings were interrupted however when the doors to the dining hall were thrown open, and the doctor in question briskly waltzed in, a trial of agitated Royal Guards behind him, as well as a nervous Nurse Feather and Lacy White.

“Good, you’re all here. I have the test results.” He had at his side his carrying bag, the material bulging with all sorts of things, while a thick stuffed file was in his hands.

“Any good news?” Princess Celestia asked, waving a hand a silencing the protests of the Guards.

“Depends on your definition of ‘good.’ I believe I know what is wrong, what is causing it, and how to fix it.” He cleared his throat, lifting up some papers from a file.

“Princess Luna has been reverted back to fillyhood. That much is obvious. However, it goes much deeper than the skin. She has physically returned to this state, and all her organs, including her brain, are that of a child. Her memories and mental capacities are still adult though, which will likely cause headaches as she adjusts.” He flipped a page but Cadence interrupted him with a question.

“How can you tell she is a filly?”

“Besides the outward appearance? Her hymen is intact, and the hormonal glands which control her pheromones and Heat are underdeveloped like a filly’s. Muscles, tendons, and bones also show signs of juvenile weaknesses, though as an Alicorn, her bones and muscle mass are already denser than a teenaged Earth Pony’s.”

Awkward, embarrassed silence filled the dining room, Luna unable to look at anyone, and all the staff and Guards shifting uneasily around. Celestia and Cadence both had bright red flushed features and jaws open at Spell Pacts brazen announcement.

“What? You asked,” Spell said, raising an eyebrow to Cadence. Celestia’s horn glowed golden and the doors slammed shut, cutting off the guards, but leaving Spell, Nurse Feather, and Lacy within.

“Anyways, the reason she is a filly again is intriguing; when these ‘Elements of Harmony’ were unleashed on her, they flooded her body with so much magic it burnt out her own body’s magic. Plus, as whatever possessing her was banished, the cells were torn and damaged, forcing immediate regeneration. Since her body’s magic was no longer her own, however, the foreign magic rebuilt her to a more, shall we say, early version.”

“Alright then,” Celestia said, her embarrassment quickly hidden. “How do we fix her?”

“That, there, lies the problem. We can’t.”

“WHAT?!” Luna shouted, gale force winds battering the occupants. “WE ART TO BE A FILLY FOREVER?!”

“No, don’t be ridiculous. And please, lower the volume,” Spell Pact said, wincing.

“I’m saying nothing can restore her to her old form except her own magic. As the energy in her body dissipates or is expelled, her own stores of magic will return and correct the changes to her body the Elements of Harmony did to her. I give it a year, if she does nothing more than basic things like flight and simple spells. She can accelerate the process of removing the foreign magic by performing weather manipulation and high tier spells, though these acts will tire her out quicker than normal, and possibly cause manaburn on her Thaumata, horn, and wings.”

“I see,” Celestia muttered, thinking it over. Luna too had a thoughtful look, though the discussion had gone over Cadence’s head, as evident by the confused expression. Spell Pact meanwhile was scribbling something down on a pad.

“Here is a prescription that will help with the headaches; a bitterleaf tea, with some whispering rose extract. I’ve provided the name and address of a good supplier of the stuff. Does wonders for me when I’ve exhausted my own magic. I’d recommend a double dose for yourself, Princess Luna. Alicorn metabolism and all that. Which is fascinating by the way, based on your blood and urine samples.”
Spell ripped off the prescription and handed it to a very embarrassed Lunar Alicorn, while yet more awkwardness suffused the room.

“Oh, and you’ll likely experience muscle pains as you return to full size, so try to take warm bathes at least once a day. Plus, some extra milk and dairy wouldn’t hurt. Here, let me give you the information of a wonderful dairy farm I know.” A note was hastily scribbled out, and then passed to Luna.

“In any case, I want updates on your progress. Once a week, write up a report on anything and everything you’ve gone through and experienced.”

“How will I know when my magic returns to normal?” Luna asked after a moment of silence. In response, Spell pulled out the silver mirror from earlier, the Princess of the Night’s face going red, along with Winter Shard’s, Nurse Feather’s, and Lacy White’s.
“Is that one of your grandfather’s Divining Discs?” Princess Celestia asked as she saw it, unaware of the looks of the others. Spell Pact nodded.

As he’d integrated into this world’s life, he’d needed aliases. One of them was that of Spell Graft, a reclusive eccentric who traveled the world and studied magic and medicine. As the years passed, Johan had been forced to “retire” the old form, and took a new one, that of his current identity; Spell Pact, grandson of the Mad Medic of Germaneigh.

Disguised as Spell Graft, he had developed numerous devices and magical theories, all published and all hailed as revolutions of their field. One of them was the Divining Disc. Made of polished silver, with special runes on the back, any magic placed on the mirror would change its surface, reflecting the nature of the magic as a color, or mix of colors. This Chromatic Association of Magic was used all over in many fields. Certain magical aliments and effects had certain colors, and specific schools of magic and spells had their own colors as well.

He’d made a pretty bit with the patent, and even today they were used for research purposes.

“When I checked her magic, it was a swirling mess of rainbow lights. I assume it is from the Elements’ effect. As Princess Luna’s magic returns, the rainbow mish-mash will revert to her personal color, whatever it might be. Once a week, I want you to check your Magic Color, so be sure to analyze your emission sparks, and include the data in your weekly report.” He shuffled some of his papers and notes back into his file, and nodded at the Ponies in the room.

“I’ll be returning to my room now to pack. I hope to catch the two o’clock train back to Trottingham, so I’d appreciate some food to go.”
They all blinked at the suddenness of his announcement.

“Leaving so soon?” Celestia asked, and the doctor nodded.

“Technically, the University is on Summer Break, and so am I. I’d like to spend the rest of my vacation at home, before returning to this mess you call a capitol. A pleasure seeing you again, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence. An honor meeting you, Princess Luna.” That said, Spell Pact turned to leave, and he pushed the doors open, only to pause and loom back at Shining Armor.

“Oh, and Captain Armor? My offer of a discount still stands for the scrubs who were at the gate yesterday.” With a malicious, shit eating grin, Spell Pact walked away, chuckling to himself at the expression on the captain’s face.

“Been a very productive day,” He muttered to himself. He clutched the carrying bag at his side, secretly smirking. In it were samples of Princess Luna’s blood, as well as copies of all the notes from the test. He held back a dark smile. The doctor could not wait to experiment.