• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,917 Views, 66 Comments

The Loser's Booth - Pickleless

A pegasus filly, a bipolar unicorn, and a changeling walk into a bar.

  • ...

Nostalgic Blues

"Ow! Why did you hit me?!?" The small white filly yelled. Her mother just happened to give her a light swat on the back of her head. Then proceeded to swat her again. "Ah, ah! Why are you still hitting me!?! Ow!"

"When you're under attack Sunshine, the enemy will not wait for you stop and take your time." The Alicorn Queen chided. "When I attack you like this, the first thing you should do is make yourself safe. Loving Frost gave her daughter another swat. "Until you do something, I will continue swatting you."

"Ahhhhh!!!" Celestia ran as fast as her legs could carry her.


The first thing Celestia saw was green. Bright green everywhere. Shielding her eyes, she tried to make out the dark shapes that surrounded her as the light faded.

They were changelings.

Without even thinking, Celestia jumped back and flew about ten feet from the group surrounding her. She began to charge her horn. At least, that's what she tried to do. What actually happened was she jumped backwards and landed flat on her back, hitting her head. She made almost no distance at all. Taking a second to see what went wrong, she noticed five things.

All the changelings were three times her size.

EVERYTHING was about five times it's original size.

Her horn was missing.

Her wings weren't responding.

All of them were staring at her in shock.

Taking advantage of the lull, Celestia did what she felt was the best choice available at the moment. She ran like heck. With a scream of outrage, the changelings quickly gave chase. Celestia very quickly found out that the Changelings were somehow much faster than her. Looking around for anything that could get her out of this situation, her thoughts were interrupted by a scream.


Celestia looked back and saw...the air become a burst of colors. All the changelings were now stumbling around with wide eyes and a strange look on their face. Some of the colorful air headed towards Celestia and got in her mouth. It's very rare for something new to happen to Celestia. If she wasn't scared for her life, she would be amused to say she can now tell you what the color green tasted like.

And then everything became purple for about five seconds.

The next thing Celestia knew, she was being carried by a changeling away from the fight. Shifting around in it's hooves, she bucked it's underbelly with all four of her legs. The changeling dropped Celestia in surprise. She saw the maze nearby and ran right towards it.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!!!" The changeling yelled after her.

Hiding in a nearby bush, Celestia stopped and caught her breath. How did this happen? Yesterday she was preparing for the summer sun celebration. She was setting up entertainment for the night before, when... When... Everything's a blank spot after that. The next thing she could remember is bright green. Which leads up to now. Something must've happened to her body. She can't fly, she can't use magic, and she's much weaker than she was before. Remembering a pool nearby in the maze, she headed towards there.

Moving quietly, but quickly, Celestia hurried along the maze. Twisting and turning with years of experience navigating the labyrinth. She stopped when she saw a royal guard. Celestia's first reaction was to call out for help, but then she remembered what she was dealing with. Celestia examined the path the guard . A straight line for a good deal ahead. Taking a moment to form a plan in her head. She clutched a small amount of dirt in her hoof and ran forward in a panicked manner.

"Mister! Mister!" Celestia said, sounding like a scared child.

"Are you alright?!?" The guard asked with concern, more importantly, sincerity. Celestia smiled.

"I was just assaulted by changelings. Please inform the rest of your squad and Princess Luna that changelings have invaded Canterlot."

"Changelings?!? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am certain. I had a clear look at them."

The Guard's horn lit up a sickly green. "Alice, Jessica, this is Bob. Get over here, I found the decoy."

"A shame." Celestia mused, throwing dirt into the guard's eyes.

The guard reared up with a startled cry. Celestia ran back about a foot and then jumped into the hedge nearby, staying perfectly still. After clearing out his eyes, the guard ran past her down the maze. Celestia jumped out the bush and proceeded to head in the opposite direction. Luckily, as she planned, the direction happened to be heading towards the pond. She shortly found herself in front of the water. She looked down and stared at her reflection. She closed her eyes a took a slow, deep breath.



"AHHHHH!!!" Celestia screamed, jumping about three feet into the air. "Why!.." Celestia stopped, and glared at Frost. "What are you trying to teach me THIS time?"

Her mother chuckled. "Even when you're not under attack my Sunshine, there will be things that will surprise you. When you are startled, try to keep a calm demeanor on your face. Instead of panicking, try to train yourself to take a deep breath whenever you're startled.

Celestia continued to stare at her Mom for a few seconds. "You just like pranking me don't you?"

"Oh Sunshine." Loving laughed. "Of COURSE I do. It runs in the family!"


Deep breath. In and out. In and out. Slowly, Celestia opened her eyes. Staring back at her was a little filly with a bright pink mane and tail. She had no horn, and her wings were small and undeveloped. A unfitting somber look was on her cute tiny face, her frown becoming more wistful as she continued to examine herself. She had a toddler like chubbiness to her, something her mother worked out of her with all her pranking. Of course if she cursed to be a filly again, she wouldn't happen to be in the shape she was as a child. That would definitely explain how tired she was feeling.

"Hey, Lil' Filly!"

Celestia turned and saw a stallion she recognized around the castle. The royal treasurer, Rusty Socket. Of course, if he was actually Rusty Socket at all. It would make absolutely no sense for Rusty to be out in the maze. Most likely a changeling. Celestia recalled Twilight's story on their fight with the Changelings. Interestingly enough, Fluttershy was able to trick them into thinking she was one of theirs. With no better idea on hoof...

"Did you find the filly?" Celestia said with a scowl.

"What?" Rusty said, looking confused.

"Then why are you bothering me?!? Keep looking!"

"Forgive me sir, but... Why are you disguised as her?"

Celestia was really hoping changelings were the mindless drone type. She groaned and slapped her hoof against her forehead to buy herself some time to think. Glaring at the changeling for second, she spoke.

"Didn't you get the order!?! There's no way she could've escaped without help! Some of us are pretending to be her in hopes of luring out her allies!"

"My apologies sir!" Rusty saluted. "I was unaware. I will continue my search!"

"Good." Celestia grunted. "Now go!"

The changeling hurried off to the left path, leading towards the castle. Celestia sighed. Changelings were invading once more. They have already infiltrated the Royal Guard. She was stuck in the body of a filly. The Summer Sun Celebration party was tonight. Worst of all, she didn't get any coffee this morning.

Celestia hated Mondays.

Going down the path the changeling went, Celestia worked her way towards the castle. She had to warn Luna. After a few more close calls, Celestia stood at a castle wall, staring a balcony opening that lead to her room. Celestia always kept her window unlocked. The idea that she could always fly away from all of this brought her some comfort. Especially on more taxing nights. Besides, it's not like there was anything anypony could do to the goddess of the sun. In hindsight, looking at herself now, she probably should've kept that window closed. She spread her wings, and leaped into the air.

And landed right on her face.

Groaning, Celestia stood up and focused.


"Some Pegasi believe that feeling your way through flying is the best way to learn. It gives you a stronger understanding of yourself and makes it easier to learn new tricks. Others believe reading and researching are the best way to learn, to have a complete understanding what is actually going on inside your wings. Tell me Tia, do you know which one is the best?" Loving asked with a smile.

Celestia didn't know the answer, but she did know her Mother. Most likely, this was some sort of trick and both answers were wrong. "Neither is right?" Celestia said, a little afraid of getting swatted for being wrong.

"Close! That was a very good guess Sweetheart. The correct answer is both of them are right! Loving puffed out her chest, pointing her hoof at her daughter. "One should probably research how their wings work, and how they use the magic within and around them. But, one should also try to get a feel and understand exactly how their wings work specifically! And now, my little Sunshine, we shall be working on feeling your way through flight!

Frost pushed her daughter off the edge of the cliff they were next to.




Celestia shuddered, trying to block out that last bit. Instead focusing on her wings. The size were completely different, and the muscles were weak from never being used. But Celestia knew that with just enough skill she could get herself in the air long enough to reach her balcony. With a few experimental flaps, Celestia mentally adjusted how much she had to compensate for her new wing size and strength. Magic is everywhere. In the ground, the plants, the ponies around her, and the air. But, magic is also inconsistent. Sometimes, a little bit floated about here and there. Occasionally, a strong wave of magic would pass by, making whatever somepony was trying to do much easier. Celestia waited.


With a powerful, but controlled flap, Celestia lifted off the ground. Another flap, and another. She was halfway to the balcony when her wings gave out on her, faceplanting into the ground. Celestia calmly got up, and waited. With a push of her wings, Celestia slowly gained altitude. She made a little past halfway this time before she plummeted. Again, a little under halfway, and fell. Again, this time, about one fourth of the way there.

About an hour later, Celestia was covered with dirt and sweat. She had bruises and cuts all over from falling so much. She got up, swaying on hooves. Again. She flapped, rising a little, had her wings scream in pain, and fell. Celestia collapsed to the ground and screamed in frustration. Freezing, she stopped and took a deep breath, emptying her mind.


"AUUUUUUUUUUGH!!!" Celestia screamed, getting up. A hoof gently, but strongly, pushed her back down. Looking up, she saw her Mother's stern face.

"Stay down." She quietly said.


"Stay down, you have already failed." Her words tore at Celestia's heart. "You failed, and if you get up now and try again, as tired and frustrated as you are, you will only fail harder." She gently explained. "Failure is not acceptable, do everything in your power to succeed. But when you do fail, fall to the ground with grace. You have already failed, so make the most of it. Rest in your failure, don't think about your problems. Recover, think about what you're fighting for and why it matters so much to you. And then, when you're strong enough to stand tall. Summon your courage and try again."


'A large cup of coffee with a thick slice of cake sounds great right about now.'

'The look on Luna's face when she tasted the hot sauce in her drink was hilarious. Sure, she spat out scalding hot coffee all over my face, but it was worth it.'

'The way everypony bows to me nonstop has always been a tad annoying. But now it would be great to have anypony by my side right now.'

'I miss you Mom.'

'Somewhere, out there. There is a actual little filly in a cocoon, scared for her life.'

With one last deep breath, Celestia stood up. She already used up any strength her wings had, so there's no way it could work now. She would simply have to find another way to get in. If changelings were already inside the castle, it's possible things might be in a state of chaos. There's a chance she could sneak through one of back doors. Celestia always kept an eye on the pastry delivery, and luckily, today was the day they arrived. She knew there would be a larger order than usual due to the Summer Sun Celebration. They might be rushing to get it all in. That would hopefully make them a little careless. She hurried around the backside of the castle.

With a smile, she saw a bundle of workers lifting heavy crates from their carts into the castle. Sneaking over to the carriage, she searched inside of it looking for a screwdriver or a crowbar. Finding the former, she went over to a cart that they haven't started to unload. She quietly started to unscrew one of the larger boxes, and climbed inside. Not quite fitting, she bumped into a large cake.

Well, she was rather hungry. Celestia could use the sugar boost anyway.

After...making some room for herself, she quickly closed the lid and started to re-screw the lid closed back from the inside. The last thing she wanted was somebody peaking inside the box. It's rather funny. She had read some stories about precocious children sneaking in this way to save the day. She never thought she would be having to do this herself. After waiting for what felt like about a half an hour, she heard somepony walk up to the box.


Celestia winced.

"You should go get that cleaned up. Wouldn't want it to bleed everywhere."

"Yeah yeah..." The voice grumbled, walking away.

The box was lifted, and slowly carried into the building. After waiting for the workers to walk away, Celestia slowly started to unscrew the box. After waiting for the sound of workers to come and go again, she slowly lifted the lid, seeing no one nearby, she quickly climbed out and looked for somewhere to hide. Glancing at the crate again, she gasped.

The blood on the edge of the crate was green.

'Ponies bleed red, looks like I found a way to prove somepony's a changeling.' Celestia thought. Quietly working her way around the crates, she made her way deeper into the Castle. Celestia smirked. She was in.