• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 3,913 Views, 61 Comments

The God of Shipping - cattoy10

Hearts and Hooves day is coming up and Discord has decided to take Fluttershy's advice to start doing something good for ponies. So he decides to pair each pony from the main 6 up with somepony, but when it comes Fluttershy things get a bit diff

  • ...


Discord decided to walk to Twilight's place, instead of just teleporting there. As usual, ponies ran and hid from him, but he didn't mind. He walked through the marketplace, where he decided to have a little fun, turning the celery into lollipops, oranges to birds and making pepper shakers appear above every marketer, making them sneeze uncontrollably, and every time they sneezed, the customers bits just floated away. That kept him entertained for a while, until he reached the library. He arrived at the door and lifted his claw, as he was going to knock, and then just walked through the wooden door, never opening it.

"Hellooo!? Is anypony home?" He called out.

He then noticed Twilight in one corner of the library, making notes and reading a thick book on a table. She was so caught up in her studying, that she didn't even notice him until he made the book melt away.

"Huh?" She took a step back, utterly confused and shocked when the melted blob, that was left from the book, changed into something tall, scary and annoying. Discord.

"Discord, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked, clearly displeased and emphasizing 'you' with an angry tone, picking up all the notes that had dropped from the table.

"What? I just came to visit a friend" He answered, dragging out the last word to annoy the princess
even more.
"Discord, I don't have time for this, I need to study!" She set the notes on the table and shot him a stern look.

"Oh, reasons, reasons," he sighed, strolling around in the library, rummaging in her drawers, making a mess of everything as usual.

"You're the reason we have reasons." She stated flatly. "Now give me my book back!" She ordered, stomping a hoof on the ground.

"Oh, Twilight, you're no fun at all like that." He said whining. "Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go water skiing." He said, gleefully.


"Ice skating?"


"Fashion show?"


"Spa day?"

"NO!" She screamed. "Don't you have anything better to do? Fluttershy should be home, go bother her." She said, clearly steamed-up by the draconequus. "She's been talking about yo..." She was cut off by Discord, who was still searching through her stuff, climbing into a book and teleporting out from another. "Fluttershy's in the spa with Rarity. Hey, where's your diary?" He asked, not really paying any attention.

"What!? Why do you need my diary?"

"Oh, It's a surprise. Now where is it?"

"Never telling you. Now give me my book back!" She demanded.

"All in good time," he waved a paw, still messing about everywhere. "Did you know Hearts and Hooves day is in a few days?"

"Yea, so?" She wasn't expecting that question.

"Oh, nothing much. I just thought I'd take Fluttershy's advice and try doing some good for ponies. And what better time to do it, than on the day dedicated to friendship and kindness"

"If you want to do some good, then why not start with leaving me and my stuff alone?" She had grown really tired of him messing about all the time. "And why in the name of Celestia do you need my diary for that?"

"Oh, forget about it." He said, making a round table appear in the middle of the room

"Discord, what are you doing?" She asked, flatly.

"Helping you out!" he said, covering the table with a maroon cloth, and placing two pillows on both sides of the table, wich matched the tablecloth.

"Discord, seriously. Just stop whatever you're doing and let me study." She walked over the her table, where she had put all her notes and ran through them.

"Haven't you done enough studying for a lifetime? You've read more books by youself than all the ponies in Equestria combined. You've already spent most of your time here in your library." He said, making goofy glasses appear on her, along with a golden medal and a framed diploma, titled 'The World's biggest egghead'. He also pulled the curtains down, so the entire library was dark, aside from the table he had set, where he lit two candles.

"Come, sit." He motioned towards the table, which he had set with plates and champagne glasses, filled with apple juice.
She raised an eyebrow at him, but since there was no use fighting with him, she slowly trotted and took her seat on the soft pillow.
He made salad appear on the plates, with some mexican sauce. It was very romantic, but Twilight's expression didn't change.

"What are you..." She was rudely interrupted by Discord, who, as usual, didn't really pay attention to her. He was observing from afar.

"Who were you planning on spending Hearts and Hooves day with?" He asked.

She was more annoyed than ever, and stated with a deadpan expression, "my book, wich you stole."

He snapped his talons and made the book appear opposite to her, on the other pillow. He shook his head and made it disappear again, "No, no, no. You two simply don't fit together." He brushed his beard with his claws, thinking.

"Discord, what are you..." She started, but got interrupted again

"Who was that colt you liked? You know, the one at the train station, when I was 'sick'? One of the royal guards..."


"Ha! Flash Sentry! Of course!" he said, snapping his fingers and making him appear on the other pillow.

"Who...." She was again cut off.

"Don't fight it, I saw the way you were looking at each other." He said, smiling slyly. Twilight looked at the colt, sitting across from her, who was blushing and smiling awkwardly. Her deadpan look didn't change. "I don't know you." A lavender aura surrounded the orange colt as Twilight made him teleport back to Canterlot.

"Discord, stop this. I don't want to waste my time on special someponies."

"There must be someone who's got a special spot in your heart" He thought out loud, again ignoring the Princess's requests. "But who? Comet Tail? Flash Sentry? Rainbow Dash? It's Rainbow Dash, right?"

"What!? No."

"Hmm....." He gasped loudly, "it's Princess Celestia, isn't it!" He almost shouted, making the alicorn appear on the pillow, facing her student, Twilight Sparkle. She looked about the dark room, then at the table, and then at her student. "Twilight.....What's going on?" She asked, slowly, digesting the situation.

Twilight blushed, massivly. Mainly because she was her teacher and they were in her dark library, behind a set table in the dim candlelight and...well, on a romantic date. "Uh...umm, well, " she stuttered, "I, um....It's a long story, but it wasn't my idea."
Celestia looked rather calm compared to the panicking young alicorn in front of her. She levitated the champagne glass up to her lips, took a sip and set it back on the table. "I've got plenty of time and I've always been fond of stories. Also, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." She said as she looked at the salad on her plate.

"Well, it looks like my work here is done." Discord said in the shadows, quietly clapping his paw and claw together, so they couldn't hear him, and teleporting away, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

"So, about why you're here.....umm the thing is that..." Twilight started.

"Discord?" Celestia asked with a deadpan expression.

"Yup." She replied, her expression the same as her tutor's

"Well, this is definitely something new for him. I've never found him the romantic type, but he's done a pretty good job here." Celestia commented.

"Yea, I guess so. Well, he is best friends with Fluttershy and that pony has read more romance novels than anypony ever should." She said, drinking her apple juice.

"Hm?" Celestia looked a bit suprised, since Fluttershy hadn't really struck her as the hopeless romantic type.

"Yup. She's been especially obsessed with those for the last year or so."

"Hmm...." The princess got lost in her own thoughts for a second. "I've got a pretty good idea, why." She said, a sly grin on her face.

"Why?" The lavender alicorn asked, confused.

"You said she's been obsessed with romance novels for about a year. Now think, what happened a year ago?"

"My alicornation?" She asked, puzzled.

"Before that."

Twilight thought for a moment, and then gasped, eyes wide, "Discord's reformation! But it can't be she's....."

"I think she is."

"But, Fluttershy....and him......ugh." She said, clearly grossed out.

"As weird as it might be, I think that's what's going on" Celestia said. "And I think the only reason why he's pairing ponies up like this is because he likes..."

"...Fluttershy..." Twilight finished.

"Yes?" A soft voice was heard from the door. Both alicorns turned to see who it was, although that was already obvious. Fluttershy stood at the entrance. She saw the table and the princess, and automatically shrank in her place. "Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important"

"Uhh....this isn't what it seems." Twilight said, awkwardly. "And, feel free to come in." She moved from her seat, towards the shy pegasus.

"Thank you, Twilight, but I won't be long, I just wanted to retun this book." She took a book out of her saddlebag, titled 'Love is in Bloom'.

"Of course. Is that all?" She asked, taking the book from Fluttershy and setting it on a shelf nearby.

"Yes, for now. Um...but I'll be going then. Um...bye?"

"Wait, Flutters, before you go, how much of our conversation did you hear before?" Twilight asked.

"Umm...not much, I only heard you say my name." She answered. "Was I supposed to not hear that? I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Uh...bye, then." She said as she walked out the door.

"Love is in Bloom'? Seriously?" Celestia asked.

"Yes." Twilight said as she returned to her seat.

There was a moment of awkward silence, where nothing happened. Celestia decided to break the silence in hope that it would make Twilight more at ease. "You know, I wasn't kidding about the breakfast before."

"Oh, well, bon appetit, then." And they both enjoyed a lovely breakfast.

Author's Note:

This chapter was rather fun to write :D
The next chapters will probably be longer, but I hope you enjoy these first two and let me know what you think.