• Published 10th Apr 2014
  • 740 Views, 10 Comments

Queen Chrysalis takes Manehattan - Ponyess

It all started with Pinkie Pie diverting her shopping trip, only to stumble upon Chrysalis, and a few of her followers. The crushed and defeated Changeling was strangely happy to see a pink pony coming her way. This is how the fate changed.

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A Day In Ponyville: 2

Apparently no Ponies had raised as much as an eye over the Ponies in tow. I know they are used to see me talking to Ponies they don't know, I always talk to any Pony.

The walk through town had only been interrupted with a few greetings, friends of mine, then we reached the Carousel Boutique.

“Hiya, Rarity. I hope you have a moment since a few friends of mine would need casual vests and skirts!” I exclaimed as I had entered the boutique.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie. What a coincidence, I happened to be low on commissions this week, so I should be able to help your friends right away!” Rarity responded cheerfully.

“Let me introduce you properly. This is Rarity, she creates beautiful suits like dresses. Rarity, this is Ruby, Flames, Nimbus, Wind, Hitomi, Chihiro and Riku. Ruby owns a restaurant in Manehattan, Flames will cook at her restaurant, the others will serve at the restaurant. I just show them Ponyville on my way to the train. Knowing you, you could create an ensemble for them, while we go to the Scratchers Inn to have a meal, while you work!” I explained.

“I think Ruby's suit should be black with golden embroideries. Flames suit would be Silver with blue borders!” Rarity started, as she took measurements on Pony after Pony, assigning colours to their respective suit as she measured them up in order to make their respective suits.

“Since you have the measurements, and the colours down, maybe it would be better if we leave you to do your work, I would hate to be in the way here!” Ruby suggested.

“That would most likely be for the best, I'll just hang the suits out in the left window, then you can easily see when I'm ready!” Rarity pointed out.

“Then I have another matter to attend to. Would you come with me, I'm sure you're starved. I would love to show you what I suggested for you earlier!” I pointed out, smiling widely.

“I can't deny being hungry, and if you have an idea to help us out, I'm with you!” Flames declared.

“I sure am starving, if you have a meal lined up, what are we waiting for?” Nimbus enquired.

“Then we had better be going. I know I love this place, so I think you should enjoy it too. If you enjoy it the same way I enjoyed it or not, but there is something special to it. They truly know how to make you feel special!” I stated, leading Ruby and her loyal subject out of Rarity's Boutique, keeping quite about the specific details.

“Scratchers Inn? Flames enquired with a curious smile on her face.

“Lovely, is the word I'd describe these Scratchers with, if you see what I mean!” I told her, winking meaningfully towards her.

“You can't mean, what it sounds like?” Ruby enquired.

“And you're treating us to this meal?” Flames pointed out.

“That is exactly the point I was trying to make!” I responded.

“Sounds only too enticing!” Wind mused, half in half out of disbelief, as if she couldn't quite grasp or believe in what I was telling them.

“Maybe the best part of it all is that you will be serving the same, when we get to Manehattan!” I pointed out.

“I'm not used to being around that many Ponies. If you can fix a home for us, and help us with a means to feed, I guess it may be worth it. I may not be a big city pony, but I can enjoy the comforts of an organised community!” Wind pondered.

“We're here!” I exclaimed, opening the door for my new friends.

They all filed in while I kept the door open, then waited for me to lead them inside.

“This is Scratchers Inn?” Ruby enquired curiously.

“Pinkie Pie, how delightful to see you here. What section would you like to sit at today?” the Waitress enquired warmly, in her usual manner.

“A VIP would be preferable today!” I responded, waiting for her to lead us to the small room.

“I'll find a VIP for you and your friends!” she simply chirped delightedly.

“Right this way, we'll have a VIP experience here. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!” I said, as I followed the Waitress to the VIP.

“If this is anything like what it sounds like, I'm certain I will love this!” Ruby announced.

“Here's your VIP suite, step right in and I'll take your orders!” the Waitress announced as she opened the double doors for us to enter.

“Thanks, I'm sure we'll all enjoy it. I'll have my usual, of course. Both the salad and the girl!” I responded.

“I guess we take the same salad!” Ruby responded, after a glance at the menu.

“I'd recommend a girl from the second category. I love the once I picked, and I'm sure they will make you enjoy yourself in an entirely new way!” I pointed out.

Wind looked at her menu and nodded approval. The others found them fairly appealing, after a long stare at the strange looking girls.

After a minute sounds of hooves could be heard, walking towards the door. Shortly there after the doors opened up for a line of strange girls, not a single pony in the lot.

“Bon Apetite!” the first girl stated as she placed a plate before me.

The other girls were carrying identical plates, placing one before each and all of my friends I had invited.

“Thanks. This does look delicious, as always!” I responded with a wide grin directed towards my Scratcher.

“This looks like a salad I could be serving!” Flames pointed out as she had had the time to cast a glance at her food.

The Scratchers had all found their respective place behind the Pony who had chosen them. Their hooves planted firmly on the floor, the left hand now busy scratching an ear of the Pony she had before her. The right hand holding the fork in a firm, but light grip.

The Earth Ponies just made a dumbfounded grin, looking as if they were given a Royal Treatment. Slowly chewing the salad the girl slipped into the mouth of the Pony.

None of the girls made as much as a single comment. One hand treating an ear, the other holding on to the fork, stabbing a small portion of stylish vegetables, then slowly inserting it into the mouth of the Pony before her.

I noted that my friends were enjoying my treat. I had expected as much, but that is just that. I soon noted another detail, somewhere about half way into the meal they were starting to look absent, almost as if they were drinking. This is something I had not originally predicted. The fact that they enjoyed what I had prepared for them is all that mattered to me.

After about an hour, the salad was all gone, and my friends looked as if they were about to collapse in their respective seats. Aside from a small problem, it was an obvious success on my part, but I couldn't take them by Rarity's at this point.

“I think they had about as much scratching as they can take in a day. Though I think you could dance for us for a moment!” I suggested.

There was a short nod from my Scratcher. The other once soon moved a step back, looking at my now drunk looking friends. There was a quiet giggle from the girls before they walked up to a small scene, and performed a curious dance.

We just leaned back, looking at the girls. They moved around on the scene, hopping about, waving their tails, smiling happily at us. They were apparently humming a tune, in a strange dialect I never heard. Whatever the tune was, it feels upbeat and catchy to me.

After a few more dances, I noticed that my friends were getting back to themselves, little by little, looking more curiously at the girls before us.

These girls are all a strange pinkish hue to the skin. Wearing a suit made out of a top and skirt. The top covers the entire neck, short as it was, and half way down towards the elbows and the entire rib-cadge. The skirt covered from her hips and all the way down to her knees. They managed to move more freely than I had dreamed possible with these skimpy legs and tight fitting suits.

“Now as I had a good look, they kind of look like us?” one of the Earth Ponies suggested.

“A few small details is all that set them apart. They walk on their hind hooves, and have hands. Just look at their nails? The exactly look of the tail is not important here!” I pointed out.

“Is it the hands that set them apart?” Ruby enquired.

“Without them, they couldn't be Scratchers!” I pronounced.

“Ponies like us could get used to enjoying the service. If this is why you brought us here, I'm grateful!” Nimbus pointed out.

“Yes, exactly. This is why I chose this over any other Restaurant in Ponyville. I'll explain more on the Train!” I explained.

“I guess we should save the details for the privacy on the train!” Ruby concluded.

“Besides, I'm sure we're too full to have a serious discussion at this point!” Wind pointed out.

“Yes, and I noticed that as I saw your expressions!” I pointed out.

“Just looking at them dancing looks like the thing to do, right now. We can walk out later!” Nimbus suggested.

The girls danced for us for half an hour, before they left. I sure had enjoyed them, both the scratching, and the dance. Can't complain about the company either, they had proven to be quite nice, if you have a moment to just sit down with them in a friendly manner, just like this. I guess I had been right, they don't have to be the Monsters they had made themselves out to be at the wedding at Canterlot.

“Seems I was right, this was not just fun for me, you obviously had a Royal blast too!” I pronounced.

“If any other Pony had said that any other day, I would have either ignored it, or stated they were plain wrong. Now I have to agree with you. This is a Royal Treat, like I never had before. Maybe your Enterprise will prove auspicious after all, Pinkie Pie!” Ruby stated with some pride to her voice and wide grin on her muzzle.

“Maybe we could just check if she finished your suits, and rest for a moment at the library?” I suggested.

“After the treat, I'm exhausted. We'll need hours of rest after this!” Wind concluded.

“Checking in on her progress sounds fun. Going there on the way gives us more time to think!” Nimbus pointed out.

“Why did we never have such a feast before, Ruby?” Flames then pondered.

“Because I had no Scratchers available, back then!” Ruby conceded.

“Glad I could bring some light to you. If the Ponies in Manehattan enjoy it as much as I am, you'd be doing quite well!” I said.

“Look at the black suit, this looks stunning. Maybe we could ask her to make more suits for us later!” Wind pointed out as we had reached the window of Rarity's Boutique.

“Since she is already making the first suits for us, I'm sure she would be happy to make more later on!” Nimbus declared.

“Since she is still working on the suits, maybe we should rest at the library!” Ruby suggested.

A few minutes later, I knocked at the door, only to see it open within the minute. Spike opened this time.

“Hiya, Spike. These are my friends, Ruby, Nimbus, Wind, Flame, Hitomi, Chihiro, and Riku. Friends, this is Spike, the Librarians aid and a baby Dragon. If there is a book you like to read, and it is available, he could find it for you!” I said.

Hi, Pinkie, Ruby, Nimbus, Wind, Flames, Hitomi, Chihiro, and Riku. Beautiful Mark you have, Ruby. It reminds me of Rarity!” Spike pointed out.

“Thanks, Spike!” Ruby expressed.

“You're welcome, Ruby. I once gave Rarity a special Blood Ruby, just like the once in your Mark!” Spike pondered as he left to continue his duties.

“Is that the one around Rarity's neck?” Ruby enquired in a curious voice, looking around the library with dreams in her eyes.

“That is the one!” I responded, looking at Ruby as she wandered off towards a comfortable seat.

“I think I found a comfortable spot out of the way. This looks quiet enough for an hour of rest!” Ruby pointed out, just as she planted her rear in a soft reading chair.

“This way, here's the spot!” I quietly called out to the other changed Changelings.

“Yes, Pinkie. This does look like just the spot!” Wind pronounced.

“I'll just pick up something a little for us to snack on, while we wait for the suits to be completed!” I stated, after about an hour, then I bounced out of the library, picking up a batch of Cup-Cakes, before I returned, only making a detour to see how far Rarity had gotten.

Apparently she had finished most of the suits, so I continued to the library again, serving my friends. They apparently did enjoy the Pastries too. I had after all baked them myself, so I guess they had to be good.

“I think it is time to check on the Suits now!”I suggested.

“If you think they are ready, I guess we're ready to move on to pick them up!” Ruby responded.

“Here we are!” I said as I opened the door, all the suits hanging in the window where Rarity had said she would have them hanging.

“They certainly do look great!” Ruby pointed out.

“Yes, they're fabulous, if I could say so myself!” Rarity pointed out, as she saw us enjoying the looks of the suits she had just completed.

“Maybe we could as well try them on right now!” Wind concluded.

“Yes, then I can see how good you look in your Suits!” Rarity responded.

“If you could just pick your respective suit and slip into them so we can see how they would come out!” I pointed out.

Then they all picked a suit, started with slipping the top on, finishing with the skirt. They all fit surprisingly well. Both the colours and fit came together just right on each and every suit.

“Thanks for creating the suits for us, Rarity!” Ruby expressed.

“You're quite welcome!” Rarity pointed out, before I hoofed her a small sack of gems and bits as payment, before she had said anything more.

“You deserve every last bit!” I just told her.

“Be sure to be back again, and thanks, Pinkie Pie!” Rarity said before we leave her in her Boutique.

“Time to head to the Station!” I continued, leading them to the next part of the way.

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