• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 542 Views, 1 Comments

It Began With a Choice - Someother Pony

A girl is given a great choice to change the world in which she lives.

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Conversations with nonexistent things

“Hello, it is good for you to have finally joined me.” said a voice from nowhere. This confused me as I searched around for who was talking. I was unable to see anything but a blank whiteness.

“Where am I? Who are you? Where are you?” I questioned back.

“Oh, a rude one then, not a greeting back. Well, as to where you are the answer is simple, nowhere. As to who I am, that is also simple, no one, and thusly I am also nowhere. I’m sorry but I brought you here for a purpose and that is not to answer a lot of questions about nonexistent things. So, to speed things along let me preempt all of your remaining questions. No, you aren’t dead. I am not god nor am I at all powerful. This is not a dream and I mean you no harm.”

Then there was a pause and as I finally gained the courage to speak, the voice spoke again. “But… I do need something from you.” There was a pregnant pause after it said this.

I finally understood it was waiting for me to ask, “Well, what is it?”

“I want to share your existence. Or perhaps body would be a better word.”

“Wai-“ I angrily started but the voice interrupted me.

“I do not mean what you are thinking. As I have said before I am not a who, but I am a what. If you agree to this I would not take over your body or your life. To better understand what would happen I shall tell you what it is exactly that you are currently talking to. I am magic, and before you start saying that magic isn’t real let me just agree with you. Yes, I am not real.” I almost made a sarcastic comment but I couldn’t form the words fast enough. “I do not have an existence. This is why I would like to share yours. You would not become any less real, but I, magic, would actually become real, for the whole world after a time. I just need to be let into existence. That is what I need from you.”

“So… what you are saying is that you are asking if you can… be real through me?” There was a suddenly a memory of someone nodding that entered my mind. “That’s freaky… don’t do that again.”

“Sorry. But yes that is what I am asking.”

“Then what would that make me? A wizard or something?”

“Well, if you are asking if you would get magic abilities then… maybe. I am not sure. If you do gain any magic it would be weak at first. As I would be as a newborn.”

“How are you talking to me if you are magic?”

“I am not really. I can’t even grasp the concept of words. What you are talking to is your subconscious as I probe you from outside asking to be let in. I could just force this onto you, but I wanted to give you the choice. Have you not realized that the voice you are speaking to is your own?” It was then when I realized that it was right. That was my voice it was speaking in.

“…” I go silent I have to think on its proposal.

“Take your time. It is a major decision.”

It took a while as I thought, and I figure it could probably hear them since we are in my head and it high jacked my subconscious , but I finally had what I wanted to say down.

“Magic, can I ask you a few things before I decide?”


“If magic was given to the world could you guarantee it would never be used for the wrong reasons? What I mean is… could you limit yourself to only helping and never hurting?”

“…No, This would be impossible.”

I give a deep sigh, as I get ready to turn down the greatest power in non-existence, but then it continued.

“I could make it very tough to do so though. I could make it so the stronger side of magic is tied to something pure and good.” It offered. I thought about that for a second.

“Could it be multiple good qualities?”

“Yes, I could do that.”

“I would like to make it the strongest magic then tied to 5 key elements of a good person. With a sixth that is fueled by using all of the together to help others. Could you do this?”

Magic paused as it considered. “I could do this I believe.”

“Good then… The elements should be the best traits a person can possess: Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, and Laughter. I believe these to be the best values to offer. The unifying principle should be…. Friendship.”

“That sounds suitable. Do I have permission to share your existence with you then? I do not know the full effects that my existence will have upon the world, but it will be positive with those guiding elements. All I need is your permission and I will enter you and through you, the world.”

I considered one last time. “Yes magic, you have my permission.”

- ☼ - ☼ - ☼ -

I woke up in a beautiful field of flowers. It’s dawn and the world is bathed in the shining beauty of the sun. There is rolling hills of green grass for as far as I could see. I begin to wonder if I was dreaming before, and if I was still dreaming. The world I lived in did not look like this… Everything was dark, grey and ruined. An ugly world that could never had had anything like what was before me.

I stand but then I double over in pain as I feel my body shifting and morphing. My eyes bulge, my back twists oddly, I lose all of my fingers, and I feel parts of my body being stretched and elongated. There is something odd happening to my shadow it’s becoming solid and taking a small form. Before it is complete, I pass out from a massive spike of pain from my forehead and back.
I wake up for a second time in a beautiful field of flowers. I try to stand but I fall over onto my face. I push against the ground not registering why it looked strange. I can’t seem to stand to full height though, I look around in my not as awkward as it should be posture. That’s when I heard soft sleeping sounds of a very young child.

It was right in front of me, a sleeping infant horse with odd dark blue colorings. Its colors isn’t what shocked me about the foal though. For on its back was a tiny pair of wings and on its head was a small horn.

I reached my hand out to pet it and that was when I finally noticed it… my hand was gone and in its place was a white hoof…
Now I was never that fond of how I looked, but this was a radical change. Before I was only a small girl, the last born of my village. My birth marked the death of the last woman who was able to bare children. Everyone else were men, and old ones at that. None of them were going to make it to their thirtieth birthday, but then they didn’t even have that long. The men all died when an acid fog rolled into the village when I was 8 years of age. I was to be the last of our village. I had never seen any other villages so I was perhaps the last person on the whole world.

I was going to use magic to make it all safe and good again. I was going to use magic to bring it all back and make it good and perfect again, with no wars, and peace and happiness for everyone, no more suffering and no more pain…
This however, was a big change… I was a horse now… A white one, with pink hair. I even had wings and a horn like the small foal in front of me. It was too big of a change. The magic had lied to me.

Then I heard a slight whimper come from the small foal. And I looked at… her. It was a her, my heart told me so. Then I looked over her and saw the beautiful landscape… My wish for a better world had come true after all… And me and this small filly are going to shape it.
I sigh and say contently to myself. “Thank you magic.”

Author's Note:

I used first person present tense for the intital part and first person past tense for the second part. Let me know if that was a grievous unforgivable error. Any additional chapters should be in thrid person past tense for ease of reading and writing. Point out any errors to me either in a Private Message or in the comments. I will be sure to fix them right away. Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 1 )

so far so good. on my read list

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