• Published 12th Apr 2014
  • 6,826 Views, 144 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Suicide Psychosis - Facemelt91

Pinkie Pie battles with ongoing depression while her friends struggle to deal with the aftermath of her suicide attempt. This is a pony intent on ending their own life - can Rainbow Dash stop her before it's too late?

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Rainbow Rampage

Chapter 6 – Rainbow Rampage

I wish you hadn’t.
I wish you hadn’t.

There were enough ponies at the church service to justify an unfulfilled life.

Rainbow Dash had been up all night writing a speech, and when the time came to get up and say what she wanted to say about her dear friend, she broke down into tears and had to be carried off the altar by Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Rainbow hadn’t been able to speak, and nobody else dared say anything in her place. Not even Princess Celestia, who had cancelled an ambassadorial trip to Stalliongrad had the gall to say anything in Rainbow’s place.

The service ended with the vicar giving his blessing: may she find peace in heaven.

Twilight Sparkle almost choked: Pinkie Pie would have never wanted such a pretentious, miserable and above all, religious funeral. She would have wanted loud music, delicious cake and party cannons blasting streamers across a great hall, not this sombre affair.

When Big McIntosh rolled the coffin out on the hearse, hordes of ponies who couldn’t have fit in the church were waiting outside to give their condolences. As Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy followed the hearse out of the church and into the cemetery, the crowds started dispersing, until it was only the five of them.

Rainbow Dash watched as they lowered Pinkie’s coffin into the ground. She stepped forward, her throat dry and sore and looked down into the hole.

“You stupid mare,” she croaked. “We could have worked it out. We could have done something about it.”

Applejack put a hoof around Rainbow’s neck. The earth pony glanced over at Rarity, who was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue and then to Fluttershy, who was crying softly into Twilight Sparkle’s chest.

A cold breeze swept over the five ponies. Rainbow Dash instinctively glanced up to the sky and saw the dark clouds that were forming above. She feared for a storm, like the one that had struck Ponyville the same night that... she blinked back the tears.

“I wish we could have done more for her,” Rarity whispered. “If only she’d reached out. We could have done something, anything to help her.”

“I think that by the time she was ready to talk to us,” Twilight said carefully, her concerned gaze flickering from the coffin to the despondent Rainbow Dash, “I think that it was already too late. She had already decided what she was going to do and she did it.”

“I hope Princess Celestia shuts down that beastly hospital,” Rarity said, “Doctor Freud Shetland indeed. More like Shit-land.”

Applejack almost smiled. It didn’t feel inappropriate either, because she knew that deep down, the Pinkie they loved would have wanted them to laugh at her funeral if it helped them cope with the sadness.

“I’m going to clear those clouds,” Rainbow said.

“Woah there, Nelly,” Applejack said, placing her hoof on Rainbow’s tail. “Just simmer down. Plenty of time to clear the skies when we’re finished.”

“I am finished,” Rainbow insisted, pulling against Applejack’s hoof, “I can’t stand to be here any longer than I need to be.”

“We all feel the same way, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, “it’s not been easy for any of us. I know exactly how you feel.”

A sense of fury washed over Rainbow Dash and she yanked her tail out from underneath Applejack. Before anypony could make a move to stop her, Rainbow launched herself at Rarity, seizing her by the throat and pinning the helpless unicorn against the ground while she pressed her face close.

“What the hell do you know about my feelings?” snarled Rainbow.

Rarity struggled against Rainbow Dash, but the blue pegasus was far too strong. It took the combined efforts of Applejack and Twilight Sparkle to drag the furious Rainbow away from Rarity. The white unicorn leapt to her feet and scurried behind Fluttershy, as Rainbow struggled hard against the other two mares, fighting relentlessly against their grip.

“Fuck you!” roared Rainbow. “Fuck all of you!” With a burst of power, she threw down both Twilight and Applejack with two, quick, brutal strikes from her front legs and floated upwards to avoid their further efforts to restrain her.

The remaining four mares huddled together beneath the blue pegasus. Fluttershy quaked with fear as lightning flashed and thunder exploded above them, shaking the discordant, black skies. The heavens were in turmoil.

Rainbow’s eyes seethed with fury. For a minute, Twilight thought she was going to have to cast a calming spell, but the blue pegasus must have seen the fear in the eyes of her friends and realised what she was doing.

Without a word, Rainbow Dash took off towards the violent, crackling cloud formations before she could cause any further problems.

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy breathed, watching the pony leave.

"Let her go," Twilight said. "She needs to cool off."

“Aw, hell,” Applejack growled, “Why’d you have to open your big mouth, Rarity?”

“I was trying to be considerate!” Rarity exclaimed furiously.

“Y’all wanna be considerate? Don’t say anything at all. That mare’s more volatile than a zap apple tree wrapped in dynamite.”

“What?” Rarity demanded, irritably. “Please give me that again in plain English?”

“Rainbow’s on a short fuse,” Twilight said, staring down Applejack before she rose to Rarity’s comment. “She was a lot closer to Pinkie Pie than we were, especially these last few months.”

“They were friends,” Rarity said, “I understand that, but we all were her friends.”

“Umm... I think what they had went a little... deeper?” Fluttershy said quietly. “I don’t know... I haven’t spoken to Pinkie Pie in a long time.” She sniffed hard.

The words hit Rarity like flying bricks and she immediately reined her neck in. “I... I didn’t know.”

“That’s why Rainbow’s taking it harder than the rest of us,” Applejack said.

“Why am I the last to know?” Rarity demanded.

“Because like the rest of us, you were too wrapped up in your own life to realise that one of your friends was struggling with theirs,” Applejack replied bluntly.

Rarity lowered her head in shame. “I’m sorry.”

“We’re all guilty,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I just don’t think any of us thought she’d ever go through with suicide.”

“But she did,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I can’t believe she’s gone.”

“She’s been gone for a long time,” Twilight said miserably as she stared down into Pinkie Pie’s grave. “We just didn’t realise until it was too late.”


Rainbow Dash slammed the diamond dog’s head against the wall of the large stone cave. Three of the creature’s teeth came loose from the back of his broken jaw and fell uselessly on the ground. The blue pegasus brought her back hoof against the dog’s stomach and kicked his battered body into his larger friends who were approaching with spears. She spun around to deal with a second, knife-wielding attacker. As the dog thrust his knife towards her throat, Rainbow deflected his knife-arm down with an inside defence. She followed up with a strike to the dog’s elbow, breaking his arm in half. As the creature let out an agonized wail, Rainbow Dash seized him by the throat and pulled his body against hers, facing forward and ready to meet the eyes of the two spear-wielding dogs.

The creatures hesitated when they saw that the small pony was holding one of their own hostage. How she was able to get a five-foot diamond dog into a headlock was beyond them, but before they could calculate the logistics of their assault, a roar that erupted from behind them prompted the two creatures to charge mindlessly towards the blue pegasus.

With a crazed, merciless smile, Rainbow Dash twisted her hostage’s head sharply with her forelegs. There was a sickening crack as the dog’s vertebrae snapped in half and his entire body went limp.

The other dogs let out roars of furious anguish as their comrade’s life faded.

Rainbow dropped the dog’s lifeless body to the ground and ducked out of the way of the spear-wielding dogs. She slid across the ground, smashing her bag leg into one dog’s knee, shattering his kneecap from the force. She kicked his companion in the stomach and rose from her lying position, throwing the disabled dogs to the ground. Rainbow whipped around, feeling the presence of the two dogs behind her who approached warily with blunt, metal objects. Rainbow’s mouth contorted into a demonic grin as she threw herself at them. She drove her left front hoof into the face of the first dog and struck the second in the throat with a chop with her right. Their bodies hit the ground.

A pack of four dogs advanced rapidly with pointed spears. Their jaws hung open, eyes wild with hatred.

Rainbow Dash leapt into the air and flapped her wings, sending powerful surges of air towards the approaching pack to unbalance them. As they struggled to stay upright against the oncoming gust of air, Rainbow swooped down and took down the entire pack with an earth-shattering stomp that rippled outwards, cracking the ground into pieces and knocking them all down. Rainbow delivered a series of punches and kicks to the disabled opponents who surrounded her. She struck throats, heads, groins and knees: with each brutal strike from one of her deadly hooves, a bone was broken with a splintering crack and an agonised yelp. As one by one, the dogs fell to her merciless onslaught, Rainbow began to grow more and more frenzied, laughing demonically as she crushed their bones under her hooves.

Her eyes darted wildly, looking for a new target. They locked like laser-sights on a large dog that crashed through the crowd of filthy beasts that had gathered around the little, blue pony. His powerful arms were adorned with dark tattoos and battle scars from previous victories. His wrists were encased with spiked metal cuffs and his fists were the size of boulders. Around his neck was a chain made of pony skulls. He was at least four times the size of Rainbow, and must have weighed at least twenty of her. Rainbow scraped her front hoof against the ground and smiled slightly, her large eyes burning into the dog’s.

The creature roared at Rainbow Dash, his breath alone enough to send her tumbling backwards. He charged madly at the helpless, blue pony, ready to tear her tiny body into shreds.

Rainbow Dash rose to her feet and jumped, clearing the beast’s head just in time for him to smash his entire body against the cave wall. The pegasus swooped down and drilled into the dog’s back, striking him relentlessly. He bucked and Rainbow flipped backwards off his large body.

The creature turned around and raised his huge fist into the air. With a roar he drove his fist against the ground where the blue pony had been standing, shattering the rock beneath her feet into fragments.

Time slowed to a crawl as Rainbow Dash twisted her body to dodge a further blow from the huge dog. She leapt into the air and kicked the creature in the head, causing him to stumble backwards, momentarily dazed. With a strength born from an unholy rage, Rainbow drove both of her back legs as hard as she could into the creature’s groin and followed through with a devastating uppercut to his falling chin. It was a blow that could have shattered steel and the beast toppled backwards from the impact and fell hard against the cave wall, paws nursing his groin, unwilling to get back up for more.

The diamond dogs looked in horror at the three-foot tall pony who had just destroyed their strongest warrior in one-on-one combat. She was impossibly fast and her strength defied all logic. How could something so small be so utterly deadly?

Rainbow Dash turned to face the remaining dogs, breathing hard.

Predictably, the other dogs backed away from the pony and pushed an elected speaker forwards. He was a small creature, hardly bigger than Rainbow herself, and now he stood, trembling violently as he caught the gaze of the pony. The fury that blazed within her eyes chilled him to his core.

Rainbow stepped forwards, her body smouldering with rage.

“Why are you doing this?” demanded the terrified dog. “We didn’t do anything to you!”

Rainbow said nothing. She sucked in a deep, rasping breath that she expelled through her nose.

“Take anything you want from us!” the dog pleaded, “we won’t stand in your way, just don't kill any more of our people.”

Rainbow didn’t say anything. She glanced at the rows of petrified faces before her. She looked at the wounded dogs who were moaning in pain all around her. She gazed at their healthier friends as they tried to pull their injured companions to safety.

She stared at the corpse of the dog whose neck she had broken. The dog she had murdered in cold blood for no reason other than getting in her way and defending his home.

From her.

She saw her reflection in the eyes of the cowering creature who stood before her. She saw the image of an enraged pony, beset by savage impulses. The pony was a demon – a vile creature that had crawled from the blackest pit of hell. Suddenly, the realisation kicked in, and her mouth dropped open in sheer horror.

Oh my God...

She saw her.

Her eyes welled with tears at the realisation.

What have I done?

She turned around and left silently. The terrified dogs watched as the strange pony’s rainbow coloured tail dragged along the ground behind her as she walked. Some of them contemplated chasing after her, but a single shake of the head from their speaker was all it took to dissuade them: there was nothing to gain in pursuing her, and everything to lose.


Over a large table, Twilight Sparkle spread the messy assortment of papers that, when eventually organised, would become the notes of a lecture she was giving tomorrow. The topic was all about putting the Daring Do books into critical context alongside other great works of Equestrian literature, something that the other faculty members had all sneered about. I’ll show them, she thought to herself as she slammed her dusty, old copy of Fillyham Shakespeare’s Complete Works onto the table and started to flick through.

To be, or not to be? That is the question.

She was half-way through reading Hacklet when suddenly her library’s windows burst open, and a blue pony tumbled through onto her floor.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said, snapping her book shut.

Without a word, Rainbow dove to her feet and ran over to Twilight. She practically tackled the unicorn to the ground with a hug and squeezed her body tightly.

“Rainbow you…” Twilight noticed the bloodstains that adorned Rainbow’s short, blue fur. “What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Rainbow cried, nuzzled her soaking wet face against Twilight’s chest. “Can I stay the night?”

The sadness that festered in Rainbow’s eyes was utterly soul-rending. Twilight pulled her close and stroked the pegasus’ sodden mane. “You don’t even need to ask.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow said, crying softly against Twilight.

It took a while, but eventually, Rainbow Dash fell asleep against Twilight Sparkle. With Rainbow’s sobs no longer punctuating the air, the silence in Twilight’s library was filled with the sound of her soft breathing.

Twilight sat down at her desk and went back to pouring over her work. As she did, she became subtly aware of the tears that dripped onto her lecture notes and formed wet patches.

Twilight rubbed her eyes and cursed herself. She had to keep it together.

After all, working was the only thing that took her mind off things.

Drowning in a sea of logic. This monstrous state of play
Still ill.

Author's Note:

FYI, Rainbow Dash knows Krav Maga :P

This is the last part that References Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis, since Pinkie Pie is now dead