• Published 24th Oct 2011
  • 21,085 Views, 409 Comments

Number One - Whirring Gears

[2nd Person Perspective] A tough pony from the city moves to Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Again

When you run your idea to apologize to everypony past Pinkie Pie, she seems more than happy to help gather attention at the beginning of the party. After one apology, you're free. You don’t know how she does it, but she manages to gather a few party favors including streamers, balloons, and invitations in a shockingly short amount of time. On the invitation was written:

You are invited to a welcoming party!

hosted by the premiere party pony, Pinkie Pie

Festivities begin at 7 o’ clock PM in the park.

Featuring a public apology from the Not-So-Big Meanie

Asking to take one of the invitations with you, you put it in your saddlebag to hoof out to a certain pony, who, as you leave the bakery, comes from the sky and starts flying behind you.

“Aw... I missed it?” a voice from behind asks, heavy with disappointment. You take out the invitation and give it to Dash. Balancing it with her hooves, she opens it and reads what’s inside while still flying and keeping pace.

“No way... You’re really going to apologize to all of Ponyville?”

“Yep,” you respond simply. With a snicker and smile Dash lands, tucks the invitation away under her wing, and begins to trot beside you.

“So where are we going?” she asks.

“Well, I needed to go-” You stop in your tracks. “We?”

She nods.

“Nothing else you could be doing? Nopony else to see?”

“Well, I cleared the sky in no time and all my friends are busy. Besides, if you’re really going to apologize to everypony you can’t be that bad.” She gets close and wraps a hoof around your neck. The shiver returns at her touch through your jacket. “And maybe I want to get to know you a bit. What do you say?”

You close your eyes. “No.”

She doesn't speak at first, but her hoof is still around you. Finally you hear her say, “Why?”

“Because,” you start. “I’m going to apologize to everypony in Ponyville, like you said, so you can leave me alone.”

She takes her hoof away from you. Looking angry, she almost says something before her emotion changes to something more calculating. She just looks at you and says, “Well, you haven’t apologized to everypony yet.”


“So... I still get to follow you.”

Letting off a loud sigh, you continue down the road, follower in tow.


“Here are some cheap cups.” Rainbow Dash points out the red plastic cups on the shelf.

“Um... wow, they’re small. Plus they have that lip in the bottom you can never get clean. First thing I pour into it is going to stay there forever.”

“Are you going to throw out all my suggestions?”

“Only if you keep suggesting stupid stuff,” you say while selecting three glasses and putting them in the basket. You have to admit, spending the day with Rainbow Dash isn't as bad as you imagined. You mostly talk about what sort of things you need from the general store, but you delve into a few personal topics as well. She talks about her dreams of the Wonderbolts, her friends, and some crazy adventures she’s gone on.

You tell her your name. That was it.

She tries to get more out of you, but she apparently can’t be happy with the huge step you give her. It's easy enough to keep her talking about herself, though. It's actually somewhat nice to have somepony to listen to.

“So, you have cups, towels, plates, silverware, toothpaste despite my recommendation-”

“That Wonderbolts stuff was training toothpaste for fillies.”

She rolls her eyes. “So what does that leave?”

“I think that’s everything,” you say, glancing out the window. You can see the clock tower and see that you barely have enough time to get home before when you stated customers could drop off items at your house. You walk to the counter with your purchases. The grey and brown maned cashier looks at you for a moment, annoyance revealing in his features.

“Are you serious?” he asks. “You think I’m going to serve you?”

“He’s cool,” Dash says before you can respond. She walks up to your side. The cashier laughs.

“After last night? Yelling at literally everypony in Ponyville?”

“He’s going to apologize at the new party tonight. Just let him buy his things.”

“New party? I haven’t heard anything about-” Suddenly, a flash of pink appears with a stack of envelopes.

“Here is your singing invitation!” Pinkie Pie says before taking a deep breath.






She points to you while giving an invitation to the cashier. He opens and reads it.

“Well, I still have many more to give out, so I’ll be seeing you at the party!” she says, bouncing away.

“See you later, Pinkie!” Dash says. You just wave a hoof as goodbye.

Turning back to the cashier who has finished reading the card presented to him, he looks at you before giving a snicker.

“Apologizing to everypony?” he asks, putting your items into bags. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. That’ll be eleven bits.”

You put take the number of bits out of your bag and put in the things you bought. Dash is trotting along beside you and as the minutes pass, neither of you say a word since exiting the store.

You look over to her. You are honestly impressed. Although the exchange with the cashier was short before Pinkie Pie showed up, she still tried to stick up for you. You can only remember one other pony who ever did that back in Clopton. At that point, the scar around your neck starts to itch. You raise a hoof to scratch it and decide to break the silence in order to keep your mind away from certain thoughts.

“Hey.” Dash looks up at you. “Thanks.”

She smiles. “You should thank Pinkie Pie. She’s the one who had the invitations to convince that guy.”

“You still tried,” you say. Coming up to your house, it was a few minutes after you wrote on the flier for ponies to drop off their broken items. However, nopony was there.

“Well, looks like I didn’t miss any customers,” you say, opening your door. Dash chuckles.

“Nopony’s going to come to you until after the party,” she says, following you into the house.

“How do you know?” you ask.

“Trust me.”

You shake your head and go into the kitchen to put away some of your new things. Dash stays in the living room and looks around at the streamers still on the floor.

“Haven’t cleaned up yet?” she asks.

“Was going to later,” you respond. “Something to do until the party.”

“Can I help?” she asks with surprising enthusiasm.

“Go ahead,” you say. Less work for you is always good. “I’m going to keep putting things away, though.”

“So where’s your broom?” she asks. You stop before going into the hallway. A moment of silence passes before she finally asks.

“You don’t have one, do you?”

You sigh. You were just at the store, but now you had to wait for potential customers, despite anything Dash says about it.

“I’ll go back to the store tomorrow and- hey, what are you doing?” You see Dash start using her wings to sweep up the streamers.

“I said I’d help you clean up. No big deal if we don’t have a broom.”

You don’t know how to respond. You simply walk back to your room and put down your purchases before going back to help. In the short time you were gone, Dash had actually gotten a good amount into a pile. Going into the kitchen to bring out a trash can, you begin scooping up the streamers Dash swept up with your hooves and throwing them away.

“Can I ask you something?” Dash says.

You shrug. “Go ahead.”

“You’re not really sorry, are you? For last night?”

You kept silent. If she thinks your apology to everypony isn’t genuine, she might not leave you alone. She’ll keep following you like she did today...

...Except today wasn’t bad. She was pleasant to talk to, she stuck up to the cashier for you, and she’s helping you clean. She’s doing a lot for you despite yelling at her and her friends.

“How do you do it?” she asks.

You look at her confused. “How do I what?”

“Yell at everypony. Then not feel sorry for it.” Her tone isn’t sarcastic at all. She sounds like she is really curious.

“I don’t know... a whole bunch of strangers just showed up in my house out of nowhere. I really don’t think I did anything wrong.”

“Oh. Then why are you going to apologize? Is it still to get rid of me?”

You turn away and keep silent again. You don’t want to tell her that was why because, at that moment, you are not really sure that’s what you want.

“Because it’s not going to work,” she says.

You look back at her. “What?”

“I said apologizing would be a start,” she says with a smile. “There’s more you’ll have to do.”

“Like what?” you ask. You are feeling a little annoyance towards the blue pegasus again like this morning.

“I don’t know. We’ll see.”

With another sigh you pick up another scoop of streamers.

Sometime later the rest was picked up and in the trash. You notice Rainbow Dash eyeing the clock at the far wall of the room the folding table was pushed against.

“Look... I better get going. I’m going to help Pinkie with setting up the party.”

“You sure? It’s still a few hours. Also, the party was planned today and Pinkie never even asked you for anything.”

“I just...” She runs a hoof through her mane. “Kind of owe her a favor. Besides, there are places a pegasus can decorate much easier than an earth pony.” She walks up and put a hoof around your shoulder again. This time, she pulls you toward her in a half-hug. “I’ll see you at the party... right?”

There was something oddly calming about the weight of her foreleg resting against the back of your neck and the warmth you can feel from her body through your jacket. The shiver ran up your spine again.

“Of course.”

“Great,” she smiles and lets go of you. “See you there!” she says, walking out. You nod and close the door behind her, smiling as soon as you’re alone.

With the time remaining before the party, you put away the rest of the things from the store and, despite what Dash said, keep an ear out for any potential customers.


Walking through the streets of Ponyville once again, you notice that it was empty. Considering how close it was to the time of the party, everypony was probably in the park waiting for you. Even though it irks you that Dash had been right about having no customers, you at least have the party that you are honestly looking forward to.

You are walking by Sugarcube Corner exactly like this morning. However, while you are looking at the bakery, you notice something you didn’t before. The lamppost next to the bakery was bare.

Wait, didn’t I put a flier there? You think to yourself. You shrug and keep walking. There are enough fliers up for your business.

In the middle of town, you notice another place a flier should have been is gone. The park was just a little ways away, but you are a bit early. You could afford a little walk around if you were quick.

With a canter, you look around town at everything you could remember putting a flier on. There are simply none anywhere. Where did they all go?

You can’t dwell on it for now. You have a party to get to. With a gallop, you go back through the middle of town and run towards the park. Still the worry is at the back of your mind. On top of that, you couldn’t see anypony when the park was in view. Taking a few hoofsteps in, you look around.

Great. I’m in the wrong place, thinking to yourself again. Is there another park in this town, or-


Ponies, streamers, banners, and tables of food started popping out of every tree and bush around. A couple held up a cake with a likeness of your face with a smile that had “WVLCMME TV PVMVVIMWWE” scribbled around it. Pinkie Pie was bouncing out of the center of the crowd towards you.

“You made it!” she says, still bouncing. You were still in shock from how those ponies did everything you just saw. “So now, let me get everypony’s attention so you can tell them how sorry you are!”

She starts calling at the crowd, but you feel uneasy. Your mind was still curious about the missing fliers. You try to go over any probable causes in your head.

“Attention everypony!” Pinkie Pie calls out.

Could the weather have blown them down? No, it was a clear day today. Did somepony take them all down? Was there something wrong with where you posted them? No, there were other fliers around where yours were. If somepony did take them down, who could it have been?

“The guest of honor has something he’d like to tell you all!”

Nopony in law enforcement you hope. There was that one the Rainbow Dash had in her mouth this morning-

Rainbow Dash.

“Nopony’s going to come to you until after the party.”

“How do you know?”

“Trust me.”

“And now, without further ado...”

You could see her at the punch bowl smiling. She knows. She took them all down. She tried to sabotage your business. For what? Why would she do that?

“The moment you’ve all been waiting for!” Pinkie points to you and you notice everypony was looking expectantly.

“Hello,” you start. “I, um, I just wanted to say...”

Because she was mad that you didn’t like ponies breaking into your house? Was she going to tell you? Was she going to put them back? Was she just going to let your bits run out and leave you to suffer?

“Um... to say that...” Every word was becoming more strained.

And now, the same ponies who were in your house uninvited were expecting you to apologize?



“...you can all go buck yourselves.