• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 3,454 Views, 42 Comments

The Ballad of Dusk and Dawn - Shatterpath

The sequel to Out in Ponyville.

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Chapter 6

++ Applejack ++

Honestly, I'm getting mighty sick of these sorta shocks. Really, how much can a pony take? There is a babble of shocked voices that hush quickly, while I ignore them and cling desperately to the unicorn who stole my heart. "Y'all never cease shockin' the daylights outta me," I murmur hoarsely and dimly note Celestia smothering a small sound of amusement.

"It's all right, Luna dear," the elder sister says quietly. "They simply did not know. Give them some time to recover from the shock."

"Yes..." Luna hesitates and I glance up to take in her baffled and traumatized expression. "Yes, of course, sister."

"It's a'right, princess," I sigh and loosen my grip on Twilight into less of a clutch and more of a cuddle. "You'd think ah'd be used to shocks bein' around this one." Twilight smiles luminously at my affectionate squeeze. "And bein' an Element of Harmony. Now, no offense to anypony, but ah think it's time for me and my love here to go have a long, quiet talk. If y'all will excuse us."

There are murmurs of acknowledgment even as I imperiously herd my giggling lover towards my room. My mind is still whirling like Dash at her most hyper at the shocking revelation. Me? With foal? The idea isn't unpleasant, but as I've never been with a stallion, I sure hadn't expected it. Twilight is humming to herself, practically dancing on the tips of her hooves.


Laughing giddily, Twilight grabs me into a tumble embrace through the old wooden door to my room that turns into a cuddle on the battered old rag rug. "Happy? Oh, Applejack, I'm thrilled. Not only is this the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me, but now I have an explanation as to why I've felt so odd since the equinox! It's been driving me crazy like a stone in my hoof and I couldn't figure it out. I never brought it up to anypony because I didn't have a clue what questions to ask and that was as maddening as feeling odd in the first place!"

Really, I can't help it. From a place so deep down inside my body and soul I don't know that it's ever been touched before, hearty, cleansing laughter erupts. It's exhilarating and exhausting, a great wave of energy that Twilight joins in on, her sweet, girlish laughter delighting me even further.

By the time we wind down to a comfortable quiet, both of us are panting like we just did the Running of the Leaves. "Whoo wee, that's the best laugh ah've had in years. Maybe ever. Ah love you, Twilight Sparkle, ah sure do."

Still chuckling quietly to herself, Twilight snuggles in beside me, legs draped over my chest and belly. "And I love you right back, Applejack. So, you're okay with this?"

Just like that, she sounds worried! It takes some effort to squash down more laughter and I roll to my side so that we can cuddle properly. "Of course ah am, Sugar. Ah was just shocked, that's all. Just because ah'm mostly used to the chaos of bein' around you, doesn't mean that it don't catch me off guard sometimes."

"That's fair," she agrees happily and quiet falls again for a moment. "Babies."

The awe in her tone reflects my own feelings and I can't help but glance down where our legs are intertwined. Neither of our bodies has changed yet, no obvious indication of the magical pregnancies. Only magic could have made this happen.

"D'ya think they'll look like us?"

Yes, that was my voice that calmly asked that in a conversationally curious tone. No indication of the obvious stress and shock that this day has been to us. Certainly not all of it bad!

Rolling to her customary kittenish pose, Twilight nuzzles me, still wildly grinning. "Guess we'll find out around the next Winter Wrap Up, eh?"

Chuckling at her delight, I nuzzle her flirtatiously. "So, you've been thinkin' that somethin' more than the jewelry happened at equinox?" Even as she tilts her head to allow me better access to her sensitive neck, Twilight goes into lecture mode and rambles on and on about magical unicorn things I have no hope of understanding. Not that I mind listening to her. Even when I don't understand the details, some of the information always seems to sink in. And who knows? With this new revelation, I might need to understand!

In the wee hours of morning, the darkness only just giving way to dawn, a peculiar sensation wakes me. Astonishingly, Twilight is gone, and has been for some time as the sheets are cool with lack of her body heat. Yawning, I roll to my feet and quietly trot through the house, noting that the princesses and one guard are missing as well. Bet my girl is being social with her teacher. It's too rare an occurrence for her and the visit has come at a perfect time. Those two smarties will have a far better chance at figuring this out than earth pony me, but that doesn't mean I can't add in my two bits!

In the cool stillness, I trot about on light hooves, euphoric with happiness and lingering shock. To think that there's a new life growing inside me, echoed in my beloved. Everything seems new, the air and the light, the scents of my adored home. New babies!

"You look happy, Applejack."

The gentle voice doesn't startle me, merely makes me stop and look up to see the Princess of the Sun hovering above me, smiling benignly. "G'mornin' yer highness. Is Twilight with you?" Silent as a feather, she lands beside me and shakes her head with a smile.

"She fell asleep some time ago and my sister is watching over her. How are you feeling?"

"Happy. And b'wildered."

"That's completely understandable. May I have a magical look at you?" It's an odd request and my expression must say that because Celestia smiles wider. "With this being such an unprecedented event, you can't blame an alicorn for being curious. I merely want to learn what I can and to ensure that you and the foal are healthy and coming along nicely. I suspect you are, for Twilight checked out fine to me."

"Sure, go ahead."

With a glowing horn, Celesia peers at me intently, her expression one of concentration. "They're both shy. I could learn nothing of Twilight's child either." The puzzlement in the immortal's tone is actually pretty funny. Bet she doesn't get baffled very often! "You all seem healthy and there is no indication of alarm. Congratulations, by the way."

"Why thank ya, Princess," I laugh in delight and only later will be taken aback by the friendly nuzzle I get on the forehead. Seems I've gone from one family to three!

Well, four really, because the girls are like family to me. To say they're excited by the news is an understatement, the whole gang of them practically suffocating Twilight and I in the ensuing happy pony pile. Everyone we care about has doted on us, even if we both had to kick some tails to be allowed to continue our lives like normal. The days are growing long and hot now and the farm needs me. The slowly growing weight of the foal is not going to slow me down for a long while yet. Though, I already know that I'll have to concede the coming apple buckin' season. Oh, I fully intend on grumbling about it, but I'll allow myself to be taken away from that much loved task. No pony will stop me from helping to haul in the fallen crop though! Even Twilight will be out there, she's looking forward to it as much as I. But for now, I concentrate on the heartbeat of Sweet Apple Acres, tending the trees and fruits and vegetables that are our lifeblood and livelihood. Some nights I go to town to sleep at the library and some nights Twilight comes to me, but neither of us likes to be apart for very long. It's love for sure, growing deeper with time.

We have plans to spend the week around summer solstice in Canterlot with the princesses and Twilight's folks. It promises to be an interesting trip, a chance for her folks to get to know me better and for me to hang out with Luna some more. The mysterious Princess of the Moon has dropped by the farm a couple of times, just to chat and observe the night time activities. When I asked, she told me that the bright day makes her faintly uncomfortable, particularly when the days are so long. I hope she will accept my offer to come hang out during harvest as the weather cools and the nights grow longer.

"Spike! Have you seen the A Magical Almanac of Wacky Weather?"

Rolling his eyes expressively and making me swallow a laugh, Spike calls back into the depths of the library. "It's packed already! I've checked twice."

My girl is getting worked up and I hook a foreleg around her neck as she trots by and yank her tense body into a hug. "Sugar, please relax. There ain't nothin' in this library that ain't gonna be in Canterlot."

"The Elements of Harmony weren't," she sulks and I chuckle softly.

"Okay, ya got me there. But ah'm still mostly right."

With a gusty sigh that ruffles my mane, Twilight finally relaxes. "Yes you are. I think we had better get going before I drive Spike out of his mind."

"Please!" The little dragon agrees vehemently as he drags over the laden wagon. There's a bit more fussing over what is to be brought along to reduce the weight and we're ready to get going. Twilight gets to pull the wagon first, due to her hyperactivity, and I'll save my strength for the steeper parts of the journey. Spike's dozing weight is a comfort on my back as he was up far too early this morning.

"Have a safe journey!" Rarity calls out as we pass through the town square and we happily call our thank yous. Pinkie pops out of a tree to drop a pair of cupcakes on our noses and she tells us to enjoy and vanishes just as quickly. The hearty laugh raises our already high spirits and makes for an excellent start to our long walk. Through the leafy wonderland that is our homeland, Twilight and I good-naturedly discuss and even argue esoteric points of magic and history. I've learned an impossible lot about both since handing my heart to this smart filly and she's always delighted when she can verbally spar with me like this. It bores Spike to tears, but he brought his comics so he's fine.

We bed down in a well marked rest area just off of the road, joined by a cute family of unicorns on vacation and a couple of tired delivery ponies. It's a pleasant evening and a quiet night among strangers.

But I cannot shake the faint, niggling feeling that something big and ominous is headed our way.