• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 2,605 Views, 170 Comments

Just Us Little Ponies - GrassAndClouds2

Raindrops, Carrot Top, and Cheerilee must partner with a government official and an old enemy to get to the bottom of a series of mysterious disappearances in Canterlot.

  • ...

Just Desserts


The weathermare barely registered the voice next to him. Her gaze had narrowed until all she could see was Mareio's trembling visage. Dimly, she heard a soft growling sound and knew that it was coming from her own throat, but she didn't care. Let's see you suffer a fraction of what you've put all of us through!


Raindrops brought her head a little closer to Mareio, as if about to bite his head off. She increased the pressure on his throat by a tiny amount. The mafioso gulped and said something that she didn't care to listen to.


The words finally broke through the weathermare's focus. "What?" she snapped, looking to her side. Cheerilee was there, a concerned expression on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Nothing." Raindrops turned back to Mareio, who squeaked slightly. "Don't worry about it."

Cheerilee's hoof touched her shoulder. "It's over," she said, in a calm but firm voice. "We're done. We can stop fighting now."

"It's not over," Raindrops murmured. "How can it be over? He hasn't paid for what he's done yet."

"He will. We'll take him to jail--"

"Jail?!" It was as if the single word had broken through the last of Raindrops' self-restraint. She whipped her head around and glowered at Cheerilee, eyes blazing. "Yeah, that's worked real well so far, hasn't it! Not one of these corrupt donkeyspawn paid for their crimes so far, but I'm sure they'll start now! I'm sure if we drag this smuggler, this hitcolt, this beast back to jail, Luna won't send him on his way in a week with a gold star for good behavior!" She was pushing Mareio hard enough that he was pinned against the wall. "How do you know he'll actually get punished this time?"

"Because I'll make sure of it." Baron Max, trotted up behind Cheerilee. He seemed to have recovered most of his demeanor, and despite his cuts, his bruises, and the utter mess that had been made of his coat and mane, he stood noble and strong. "Raindrops, I will personally assure you that I will monitor each and every one of the cases here--and should I see anypony getting off easy undeservedly, I will protest it until the matter is resolved. I will not let any of them skate unjustly."

"'Unjustly?' What, so there's some way for them to get off that's just?" snapped Raindrops. "if you really wanted to enforce justice you'd tell me you'd see to it that they get locked up forever!"

Max shook his head. "A life sentence might not be the result, but--"

"Why should they get a second chance at life after they spent so much time ruining other pony's first chance at lives? Who cares if they repent when they get out?" Tears were forming in Raindrops' eyes. "Mareio said they'd be willing to abduct foals if that's what it took to get out of jail. I don't care if he's sorry now! Get rid of all of them--"

"Does that include," said Cheerilee, in a quiet voice, "Ponies who maim schoolyard bullies?"

Raindrops' voice caught for a moment. "That's different," she said, in a low voice. "I was a foal then. The Lucas and all the others here aren't. They're grown. They know what they're doing." Except Goliath... but I wasn't talking about him! How can they possibly object if I rough Mareio up a bit? Her eyes narrowed. I'll bet a broken leg would get him to think long and hard before he hurt anypony else!

"Okay," said Max. "Does that include me?"

"I'm talking about criminals, Baron, not random ponies that annoy me."

Max nodded. "Yes. And Princess Luna criticized all her nobles--myself included--for our criminal actions and misconduct." He paused. "I was part of that, and I deserved it."

"You? What did you do?"

"Something that Luna, legally, could have stripped me of my title for." Max paused. "Do you want me in jail, Raindrops? Or dead?" He did not add, 'What would have happened to Snails in the train station had I not been there and fought to protect him?' He didn't need to.

"Look," said Raindrops after a few moments. "This isn't the case of one mistake. This guy had a career based around breaking the law!"

"So did I." Raindrops looked to her other side, where a cream-colored pony with the remains of glasses around her ears was approaching. "Used to, anyway."

"Do I know you?"

"Duty Enpay. Cheerilee and I go way back."

Raindrops curled her lips. "The smuggler. The one who got away with it."

"Uh huh. Wanna know why?"

"Let me guess. You said you were real sorry."

"No." Duty glanced at Cheerilee, looking slightly nervous, but the teacher nodded encouringly. "There's a city in the Crystal Empire that sits in a valley amidst the mountains. Three years ago, they got hit by a plague. It shot through them so quickly it almost totaled the populace of the city. The few crystal ponies still healthy enough to fight quarantined the place and sealed off the passes so it wouldn't spread, even put in some kind of impenetrable cloud overhead so nopony could fly in or out. Of course, that meant once Equestria came up with medicine, we had no way of getting it to them." She approached Raindrops. "I knew the secret routes through the mountains. When Luna asked if there was anypony who could save the city, I volunteered. I knew she'd find out I was a smuggler--no other pony would know those routes. I didn't care. There were tens of thousands of lives on the line.

"I ran the medicine through the blockades, through some of the most impassable mountains in any settled nation. I ran the blockades, knowing that if the medicine didn't work, if there had been a mistake, I'd only be infecting myself too. But I made it, and I delivered the medicine. And that's why, when I returned to Equestria, Luna told me that my punishing for years of ignoring tariffs laws and border patrols was a few months in jail and not to do it anymore."

"That's different," hissed Raindrops. "That--it's not like what this guy and his brother did!"

Max gestured at Goliath and Sneak Attack, both unconscious at one side of the room. "So you agree with them?"

"No! I--look." Raindrops took a long breath. "Maybe they're wrong about Duty and Aranqueur and the other small-timers. Maybe those ponies only deserve jail. But this guy? Him?!" She shook Mareio, who squealed. "He's willing to hurt foals to get what he wants! He's willing to hurt Snails! His ponies might have already done so! Snails has suffered all day because of these ponies, because of Sneak Attack and Goliath and every single pony they captured! He doesn't deserve that! Why should Snails have to keep suffering for their sakes? Why can't they suffer for once?"

"Raindrops. You don't want to hurt Mareio," said Cheerilee quickly. "You're upset because Snails was in danger today, because of a bunch of bad circumstances. I understand that. But--"

"Even now, Snails could be in Stompina's hooves because of ponies like him!" Raindrops was almost screaming. "Maybe I want my little brother to have a good life without worrying about ponies like him! There's nothing wrong with that!"

Cheerilee gently turned Raindrops' head so they were looking at each other. "Do you want Snails to live in a world in which any pony he offends can decide for themselves that he should suffer?" She swept a hoof out at the rubble, the ruined furnishings, the destroyed columns, and the shaking prisoners who had been within moments of death. "Is this the world you want to prepare for your brother?"

Raindrops said nothing for a long moment. Her tears continued to spatter against the ground, but otherwise, the mare was silent.

And then, with a roar that almost shook the room, she slammed both forehooves at Mareio--but punched them into the concrete wall behind the stallion, driving through it and not stopping until she had touched the rock of the Canterhorn. She screamed for almost a full minute, because she did despise the criminals and vigilantes in the room--as much as Sneak Attack, if not more--but she knew that, if she indulged her anger, she'd only be hurting the ponies she loved. She knew that it wasn't worth it to hurt any of them--not the criminals, not anymore, rationally she knew they were not responsible for having been abducted--not atGoliath, who had the mind of a foal and was not responsible for any of this--not Sneak Attack, a pathetic lump at the side of the room who was not worth the effort of detesting--because, if she did, it would hurt Snails and the other innocents who would suffer in a culture that accepted vigilantes as justice. She hated them... but she wouldn't act on her anger. Because, as much as she hated them, she loved Snails far more.

Cheerilee hugged her, absorbing her few spasms and resting the weathermare's head on her shoulder. "It's okay," she said. "it's okay."

"It's not okay. He's my brother, I'm supposed to look out for him--"

"You helped protect him from ponies that some of the city's strongest criminals couldn't even put up a fight again. You beat Goliath to keep him safe." Cheerilee smiled slightly. "You did fine."

"But he... he's innocent and pure and I let him get hurt--"

"You saved him, again and again." Cheerilee hugged her friend. "And if you don't believe me, we'll go back to Greengrass's garden right now and he can tell you himself."

"What if the mafia attacked?"

"Then Carrot Top fought them off. Raindrops, Snails is my student. I care for him too. Do you honestly think I would leave him anywhere that I didn't know was safe?" She paused. "And I think you know it too, or you wouldn't have let us leave him there either. We'd have found somewhere else if we had to. We knew we didn't have to."

Raindrops said nothing. She felt very empty, all of a sudden. Rationally, she knew it was unlikely the mafia had found Snails, and even less likely that they had taken him--Greengrass had destroyed the crane in the freight tunnels so he was clearly a capable fighter; Twilight was brilliant and could probably be useful even without magic; and Carrot Top had battled alicorns, demon rams, and the other assorted monsters that had threatened Equestria. Scruffy mobsters wouldn't threaten them. But she still couldn't help but worry. "I just--"

With a blast of magic, a piece of parchment appeared in front of them. Cheerilee reached over and plucked it up. "Looks like Twilight got the ring off," she said merrily.

"Huh?" said Raindrops.

"Twilight just teleported us a message. It says that Carrot Top helped her get the ring off with a potion to drain her magic. and now she can teleport Carrot Top and herself here to help us fight--or just teleport us healing potions if we need them. We just need to write down anything we want on the back of this letter, and it will teleport back to her in--"

"Did the mafia attack?" asked Raindrops. "Does it say?"

Cheerilee looked back down at the letter. "Yes. Some ponies showed up and tried to abduct Carrot Top and Snails--"

Raindrops' mouth dropped.

"But the good ponies won. The mafia was defeated, and Twilight, Carrot Top, and Snails are unhurt." Cheerilee smiled. "See? I--"

The rest of her words were cut off by a bone-crushing hug.


After that, all that remained was wrapping up.

There had been one hiccup as Max tried to organize the prisoners to get out of the airship docking bay. Manetelli Luca, grabbing a short razor from the tool cabinets at the side of the room, had seized the aged Fetlockson and tried to escape with him as a hostage. The remaining Elements and Max were so worn from their earlier fights that Luca might even have been able to escape--but no sooner had Manetelli left through the maintenance door that he found himself in the hooves of the prison guards Max had summoned. They had arrived several minutes after the Elements and had set up a perimeter while figuring out what to do next; as a result, Manetelli Luca was once again apprehended before he could escape to continue his life of crime. After that, none of the prisoners gave them any trouble.

Two guards remained in the airship docking bay to sift through the rubble and look for the third abductor, the one that had apparently been buried; the rest worked with Max and the Elements to get the abductors, ex-cons, and criminals to the main Guard station of the city. Ultimately, the Elements, Max, and five of the guards walked with the vigilante's victims, one carried the unconscious Sneak Attack, and the last four lugged Goliath. They did have to wait for a few more minutes once they reached the Guard station, as Archduke Fisher and his Factory Security forces had just arrived with twenty bound cultists, a newly-recaptured Soleil Supreme, and enough captured explosives to level half of Canterlot Castle. Fisher had seemed overjoyed at his victory, and had gone on about how his forces had stopped the Sun Cult and saved every pony in the city. His expression quickly changed, though, when Max made his way through the crowd and presented the captive Lucas, the ponies that Fisher had shut down the city to find, to the Guards. Neither of the Elements had been able to resist chuckling--or outright laughing when Carrot Top and Greengrass showed up with a cart full of more unconscious mafia ponies, including the Canterlot boss Stompina, whom Fisher's forces had utterly failed to find. It wasn't a good day for the Archduke in terms of publicity.

By the time the Elements, Greengrass and Max returned to the warehouse, the city was coming to life again, the Friendship Express was rolling out of the train station, and the sun was starting to set. Raindrops, however, did not notice any of this. She found her pace quickening as she approached the warehouse until she was flying down the stairs. "Snails!" she called. "Snails, I'm back! Snails--"

The little colt jumped on her just as she pulled out of the stairwell, and the two rolled to the ground in the middle of Greengrass' prized begonias, smiling and hugging and having a blast.

"Did you save the day, sis?" asked Snails. "Twilight said so, but I wanna hear it from you!"

"I sure did." Raindrops ruffled Snails' mane. "Beat up the big bad ponies. They won't hurt anypony ever again."

"How big?"

"Oh, they were big alright. I've gotta tell you about the one I fought some time." Raindrops sat up. "And how'd you do? Feeling better?"

Snails bobbed his head up and down. "Uh huh."

"Think you're a good little brother?"

"Oh, I'm a great little brother. In fact, I think you're lucky to have me around!" Snails laughed and then began running circles around Raindrops. "I'm good with bugs and I know cool magic and when I grow up I'm gonna use all my skills to do really awesome stuff!"

"Glad to hear it!" Raindrops held out a hoof and caught Snails, then began tickling him. She knew that the other Element,s Max, Twilight, and even Greengrass were looking at them with bemused expressions, but didn't care. "What changed?"

Snails laughed until Raindrops stopped tickling, then said, "Carrot Top and Mr. Greengrass and Miss Twilight showed me how even really silly talents can be way cool!"

Raindrops looked up to see the three ponies in question exchanging glances. Greengrass finally said. "I'm not sure I'd phrase it quite like that, but yes, we did demonstrate how 'weeding' and 'herbology--'"

"And physics!" chimed in Twilight.

"Yes, that too, were useful in fighting some very mean ponies. He seemed to take it well."

Raindrops looked back at Snails, who was grinning as he nuzzled up against her foreleg. "Yeah, I'd say so."

Baron Max watched the scene for a moment, then turned to Cheerilee and waved her aside. "Dame Cheerilee, a word?"

"Yes?" asked the teacher.

"I just wanted to say..." He took a breath. "Look, I know the government wasn't terribly helpful today. Frankly, it was almost useless. And so, I want to apologize." He bowed. "Both for the failure of the Court and for my own own earlier attitude. I... know I was dismissive of your feelings when you said you did not see any point in asking the Guards or the Court for help. Now I know why you did it."

Cheerilee thought for a moment. "It's true that our interactions with the government have typically been less than useful. Your help, however, was invaluable. If we had refused to work with you, Snails might have been captured... and we might not have been able to find the abductors' hideout at all, let alone defeat them in combat. And if you hadn't gotten those prison guards, I'm not sure we could have stopped Manetelli Luca from escaping" She bowed her own head. "Thank you for providing the government resources of yourself, your guards, and your records."

Max blushed. "There's no need--"

"Wait." Cheerilee raised up again and smiled. "In the future, you don't need to worry--I promise that we'll at least make an effort to enlist government resources for this kind of thing before doing it on our own."

The Baron slowly nodded. "And for my part... I will continue doing whatever I can to improve the government such that it becomes more useful. So that the situations last year with the relief funds in Ponyville, or the one today with the Guards all being unavailable, never happen again." He smiled faintly. "It'll probably take a long time. But I won't back down. I'll keep going--and so will the other good nobles in the Court, such as Duchess Posey, Vicereine Wallflower, and so forth. We'll get it done."

"I believe you, Max." The two bumped hooves.

Across the garden, Greengrass was looking ruefully over his garden. Most of the plants had survived, but the casualties... torn out by the roots for Carrot Top's potions, crushed by stampeding mafia ponies, even eaten by a certain unicorn foal who had apparently gotten peckish. "My garden," he sighed. "Alas, I barely knew ye."

"Excuse me." Greengrass turned to see Raindrops and Carrot Top, with Snails perched on his sister's back. Carrot Top smiled politely, then continued, saying, "We'd like to say something."

The gardener straightened. "Certainly."

Raindrops took a breath. "I still don't like you," she said. "What you did to Ponyville, and what you tried to do to Lyra, Carrot Top, all of us... it's unconscionable. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive that." She paused. "But you did fight to protect Snails. You kept him safe from the mob."

"And you did help me realize how I could be useful even if I'm not great at hoofcuffs," said Carrot Top. "Albeit in a rather insulting way. So we wanted to thank you--" began Carrot Top.

"While first pointing out that 'not turning a foal over to organized crime' is not exactly a high ethical bar to leap over," interjected Raindrops.

Carrot Top nodded. "Yes. With that in mind--thank you."

"Oh. Well, it was my pleasure, really." Greengrass gave a slight wave of his hoof. "Happy to help the sibling of Equestria's greatest heros and all that. I'm sure you'd have done the same if I had a little brother."

"Of course," said Carrot Top, cutting off Raindrops. "We would."

Greengrass smiled slightly, then turned back to his damaged garden.

Twilight watched the scenes, slowly letting her smile fade away from her face. Finally, she knew she couldn't wait any longer. She approached Max. "I guess I should get to that hearing now. For inadvertently violating my house arrest."

Max turned from Cheerilee and looked at Twilight. "Right, that. Yes. I'll walk you to the station myself. Don't worry. I'll see to it that they understand what happened. You were lied to by Sneak Attack. They can't hold that against you."

The mage nodded. "Thanks."

Max began to walk Twilight to the door. "I can personally testify to what happened, to Sneak Attack redirecting your mail, everything. No reasonable judge would hold it against you."

"Which judge do you think I'll get?"

"Probably the same one who tried your case originally. Or--"

"Actually, it will be Princess Luna Herself."

Max stopped talking and looked at the Night Guard who had entered the garden. So did everypony else.

The Night Guard smiled and bowed. "My apologies. Princess Luna has just returned and she desires to speak with you at her earliest convenience. She's been given to understand that you were behind some of the... events of the day, and would love to know more."

"Understand? From who?" asked Raindrops.

"Oh, you know. Prison guards, clerks, postal employees, a few ex-cons who seem to think you had a little more to do with saving their lives than the esteemed Archduke Fisher." The Night Guard turned and inclined her head. "She'd love to hear all about it from the seven of you."

Snails did a quick count. "Seven? Even me?"

"Of course!" the Night Guard said. "Even you."

The foal grinned. "I get to see the princess! AWESOME!"

He began to scamper after the Night Guards. With varying degrees of smiles, the rest followed.


"...so that's what happened," finished Raindrops.

Princess Luna Equestris, sitting atop her throne, nodded slightly. She had asked each of the seven ponies to describe the events they had seen and participated in that day, from when they awoke until when Luna summoned them. "Very well," she said. "Thank you for your testimonies. I am ready to render judgement."

The ponies looked at each other. "Judgement?" echoed Max.

Luna flapped her wings and got to her hooves. "Of course," she said. "Dames, I would like to begin with you. Dames Raindrops, Cheerilee, and Carrot Top. Approach."

The three knights stepped forwards.

"Once again, you have done your nation proud. Your conduct has been brave, righteous, noble... in a word, admirable." Luna smiled at the three ponies. "You have saved twenty-five lives, including those of two ponies behind you in the train tunnels, and have brought monstrous criminals to justice. Once more, the nation is in your debt." And she bowed her head.

Raindrops blushed. "Uh, thank you--"

"We accept your praise with gratitude, Princess Luna," said Cheerilee. She bowed so low her head almost touched the ground. "We are honored."

"It is I who is honored," Luna nodded at the Elements. "You may withdraw. Snails, come forth!"

Snails, looking very puzzled approached. "Um, yes Princess?"

"Though still a foal, you provided a vital piece of evidence which allowed for your sister and her colleagues to determine the identify of one of the abductors. This was a crucial piece of information needed to resolve the case. I thank you for your service as well."

Snails blushed a bright scarlet. "Uh, uh, you're welcome, your royal, uh, majesticness! I mean, uh--"

Luna laughed. "In addition, as your actions were not only courageous and noble but both far more so than your years, I am willing to consider a request for a royal boon."

"A boon?" Snails blinked. "Um..."

"It means a gift," chimed in Twilight. "A present."

Raindrops blinked. Please don't ask for some gigantic bug that's going to rampage through Ponyville, eat all our food, and abduct other foals. Even if it abducts Diamond Tiara.

Snails furrowed his brow in deep thought. "I'm thinking," he said, as if worried about being timed. "I'm thinking--"

"Take your time," said Luna. "I would not want you to rush such a request."

"It's just--there's two things I want and I don't know what to ask for!" Snails turned to Raindrops, then looked back at Luna. "Can I ask my big sister? She's really smart!"

Luna grinned. "You may."

Snails nodded and turned to Raindrops. "Okay, so my first idea is--a really cool bug! A bug that has cool powers, and is totally awesome, and that nopony in Ponyville's ever seen before! One that would make a great friend!" He paused. "And the other thing was a spell that would let me eat all the ice cream I wanted without getting a headache. Raindrops, which do you think is better?"

There was silence for a moment--and then Luna laughed. "I can manage both of those, young Snails. You will have your boons within a week. You may withdraw."

Snails, looking like his brithday had come early and had involved a free trip to the mythical Isle of Gigantic Bugs, bounced backwards.

"Twilight Sparkle," said Luna. "Step forwards."

The mage did so. "Princess Luna? If I may--I know I violated my house arrest, I know I shouldn't have, but please--"

Luna looked at her with a gentle smile. "Twilight Sparkle, do you honestly believe I would punish a pony for something that was in no way her fault?"

Twilight shook her head no, a few tears falling onto the floor. "No. Thank you, your Highness."

"But I wish to speak of another matter. After learning the true situation, many ponies would have tried to hide the problem by fleeing back to Ponyville, thereby hoping to prevent anypony from noticing a violation of their house arrest, however accidental. However, you remained and chose to follow the lawful procedure for what to do when this situation arises. My understanding is you would have followed that procedure even if you had been required to turn yourself in immediately."

"Yes, your Highness. I... I've learned to stop running from my problems."

"You certainly have." Luna smiled again and tilted her head upwards, as if thinking. "When is your next shift at the Ponyville library?"

"Ah... two days from now, starting at nine in the morning."

"Well, when considering your exemplary conduct today, your growth over the last six months, and the truly excellent reports I have received on your conduct from the Ponyville Town Council... provided you return to Ponyville in time for your next shift, you may spend tomorrow at your parents' estate in Canterlot. I am sure they will be--"

Twilight's eyes immediately began to water. "Thank you!" she gasped. "Princess, thank you so much! I--I promise I'll make the most of this opportunity."

"Excellent. You may withdraw." Luna turned to one of the two remaining ponies. "Baron Maximus. Step forwards." When he was kneeling in front of her, she said, "Baron, your conduct too has been exemplary. You worked tirelessly for the ponies in this city, fought for justice heedless of personal risk to yourself, and assisted the Elements in saving several lives. For once again embodying the nobility that I hope to see in our Court--I thank you."

"Thank you, Princess!" said Max.

"However, I would ask a question." Luna paused, and then her horn flashed, producing a silvery dome around the noble and the princess. Max realized that he couldn't hear anything outside the dome, and guessed that they were now safe from being heard by the others as well. Luna added, "This is the second time in six months in which you have been involved in an... adventure like this. And, of course, I am familiar with a few other, more minor adventures in that time span. Do you enjoy them?"

Max had to think about it. "They tend to hurt, but... each time I've gone on one of these quests, I've saved lives or helped ponies. Yes, I enjoy that."

The alicorn nodded. "When I... ennobled you, Baron Max, I was thinking primarily of the benefit you would bring to the Court. I confess that I perhaps did not consider your own desires as much as I should have. If you would prefer to serve the ponies of this nation by battling those who would hurt them in a more... direct manner, I would not want to stand in your way."

Max paused. "I don't understand."

"If you desire, I am willing to make you a knight errant instead of a noble. You would be free to wander the land, fighting monsters and villains as you did today--and as you did six months ago, with the Opelick conspirators. I can find another pony to govern Nulpar." She smiled. "I hope you will decline this offer. You have done much good for Equestria on the Court, and I anticipate you doing still more. But if it would make you happy, Max, I will make the switch. You have earned it..."

She trailed off. Max was clearly struggling to avoid laughter. "I fali to see the humor in this situation."

"It's only... that's the same argument Greengrass made to me right after the Opelick thing, when he was trying to talk me into leaving the Court. He said I'd be happier wandering around and saving foals that fell into wells, than doing paperwork in Canterlot."

Luna said nothing for several moments. When she spoke again, it was with a very un-princesslike, "Seriously?"

Max got himself under control and nodded. "My answer is the same. I won't deny that I liked saving the would-be victims of the Opelick ponies by punching the cultists more than I enjoyed writing a bill for the Night Court. But I know that the bill will do more good than personally shutting down even a dozen criminal groups. I can help more ponies by learning to pass good laws and repeal evil ones than I could by patrolling the nation and looking for criminals to kick." He smiled. "I am learning to enjoy how the things I do effect the ponies of this nation, to feel happy after rewriting a bill for the twelfth time and getting it right so that, once it passes, it will improve the lives of as many ponies as possible. That's what I want, Princess. To maintain my post and continue to do whatever I can to improve the lives of the ponies of this nation. That's what's best for everypony, and soon, that's what will make me the happiest as well."

The alicorn looked at him for a moment and then grinned. "Very well. I am glad you feel that way. But--in that case--I think I will assign a few Guards to your staff that you can use for... investigative purposes. I'm sure Duchess Posey wouldn't mind you being able to send in some trained ponies the next time you uncover a criminal conspiracy, instead of going yourself."

Max blushed, remembering how Fragrant had reacted the last time he'd been kicked around when fighting the Opelick conspirators--and the reaction she'd have now if she saw him like this. "Thank you, Princess."

Luna dropped the shield and sent him back. "And finally, Greengrass. You too defended innocents today, risking your own safety when battling the mob, and also the crane operator in the freight tunnels. Your heroism is appreciated."

"Oh, you know me," said Greengrass. "If there's a chance to do something honorable and dangerous, then by gum, I'm there."

"We are sure," said Luna. "It would be wrong for you to suffer for your heroic actions. I will ask the castle gardeners to visit your garden and restore it to its full glory."

There was silence for a moment.

Then Greengrass smiled brilliantly. "Actually, as long as you're considering requests...?"

"I will listen to a request, if you have one."

"Then might I suggest, in view of my stunningly meritorious conduct, that you restore my influence in the Court? All I request is a few words simply stating that you support me, and I could manage the rest."

Luna closed her eyes for a moment. "Duke... you know that this is not how I run my Court."


"Furthermore," she said, almost gently, "While your actions today were meritorious, and I am truly glad to see how you have changed since the Gala... it cannot entirely make up for your earlier misdeeds. As much as I want to see you fulfill your dreams, just as I wish for every single one of my subjects to do the same, it would be unjust for me to exempt you from the consequences of your own actions" She smiled slightly. "I too have made mistakes, and have learned to live with the results. Duke Greengrass, you must do the same. Move forwards. Use the power and prestige you retain in order to improve Equestria. I am confident you can still do much for the nation if you turn your talents towards good."

For a moment, silence filled the room--and Max understood why today was supposed to be the worst day of Greengrass's life so far. Greengrass was still smiling, still standing strong, but underneath it, he suddenly looked almost broken. Greengrass...

"Thank you for your testimonies," the princess said to the room at large. "I believe I now must deal with some other affairs... including that of a certain Minister of War. Elements, Snails, you are invited to reside in the Castle overnight if you wish. Twilight, a Guard will escort you to your parent's estate." She rose. "Good day."

Greengrass was out the door first, speaking to nopony as he hurried away. Max paused, glanced at the knights--and then hurried after him.


The Fisher Estate was a stately old building high up on the Canterhorn, overlooking the city of Canterlot and the plains of Equestria beyond it. Archduke Fisher rarely used it; he took pride in eschewing luxury and frequently noted how his living quarters were little different than those of the middle-class citizens in his province. The estate, built by Fisher's grandfather, was elegant and luxurious, and thus generally ignored by Fisher unless he had to entertain important guests. But this night was an exception.

Fisher stormed into the estate and flung his hammer to the ground in a rage, not even noticing that it cracked the stone floor. Patches of his fur were blackened, his armor was dinged and burned, and he was missing a chunk of hair from his tail--Soleil had fought hard--but he didn't even seem to notice. "How dare she?" he hissed. "After all that I did! That pathetic absent old nag!"

"Sir?" Volk, Fisher's bodyguard, followed him into the Estate. "What happened?"

"Princess Luna thinks I went too far," Fisher growled. "Too far! Too far in protecting the lives of her idiotic knights!"

Volk said nothing.

Fisher slammed a hoof into the wall. "I tried to tell her that I caught Soleil, that I shut down the Sun Cult presence in the city. That they would have killed hundreds had I not intervened. She didn't want to hear any of it! Do you know what she said? That my actions were reprehensible because I almost let a bunch of worthless criminals die!" His voice steadily grew into a roar. "As if a bunch of criminals could possibly matter as much as the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!"

"Sir, please. Calm yourself. You're the Archduke of Rushia, you're justly revered for all your selfless acts supporting the nation. This will blow over."

"Will it?" Fisher gave Volk a black look. "Captain Armor formally petitioned Luna to remove me from my post as Minister of War. She told me that she is accepting the petition. Viceroy Night Light will take over as the interim Minister of War until they find a permanent replacement, which could take months! And in the meantime, Night Light..." Fisher trailed off into an inarticulate growl.

"Well, he's been responsible for keeping the griffins out--"

"Corona is another matter entirely! It's one thing to deal with a bunch of scruffy birdbrains. If they ever attacked, Luna Herself could annihilate their armies. That tends to keep them... wary of provoking us. But the Tyrant Sun? She has no such fear of our strength. Viceroy Night Light is not prepared to engage such a foe." Fisher shook his head. "Nopony is... except for me."

Silence stretched across the room. Volk eventually ventured, "Sir, you still have influence. This isn't the end of the world--"

"Isn't it?" Fisher's voice settled into a soft, hateful tempo. "It was I who worked twenty-one hour days designing the weapons and armor that our soldiers use. I who invested millions of my own bits in my Arms and Armor research labs, not to mention investing in every other technology that makes Equestria strong. Every military advance in the last twenty years has come, indirectly or directly, from me! I am the rock upon which Equestria rests! Without me, there would be NOTHING!"

The Archduke approached Volk. "If I'd wanted to, Volk, I could have had an easy life of luxury. I'm smarter than Night Light; I could have forced him out and made Viceroy years ago. I could have lived a life of hedonistic dissipation. But I refused. Because--unlike every single other pony in that Court--I understand my duty. I know that a noble must be willing to sacrifice for the nation! Those noble fools who think themselves generous, because they're willing to give a little of their money to charity--I'd give all of my money, my sleep, my health, my freedom, even my life for this nation! Would any of them be willing to do that? Which ones? Would Viceroy Night Light break the law and risk incarceration if it had to be done, if not doing so would result in another nation obtaining a key military advantage over us? Would Vicereine Puissance give up one jangle if it would prevent the Tyrant from killing us all? Would Duchess Posey be willing to die for the citizenry? Would the esteemed Baron Max be willing to give of his conscience, do something he felt was wrong in order to serve a greater good? No? Then they are not qualified to rule! And they most certanly are incapable of DEFENDING EQUESTRIA!"

He said nothing for a few moments, looking out over the city. "The Tyrant is coming, Volk," he said at last. "She will not hide forever. Already she is marshalling her forces. If we do not have a noble at the helm who is prepared to do what must be done, who is willing to sacrifice everything he has in order to achieve our salvation... we are doomed."

"Well, at least you'll still be free to protest," said Volk. "I mean, you can petition--"

"Free? Oh, didn't i tell you? It seems those abductions that Baron Max were looking into were actually real. And being caused by one of my ponies. Goliath. Princess Luna advised me to retain counsel, just in case her investigation turns up 'evidence' that I was more involved."

"But..." Volk's face grew pensive. "Goliath doesn't have the brains to abduct anypony on his own. He might hit 'em, sure, but--"

"He was working with a Shadowbolt--who, incidentally, was investigating my properties in the city before he went rogue, if you can believe that--and one unidentified pony that they're trying to dig out of an airship docking bay." Fisher shook his head. "My mining security chief, my Shadowbolt, my explosives too... and Luna said she wondered if I hadn't 'misdirected' the Guards because I was trying to throw them off! I'm probably going to be indicted, Volk. Can you believe it? Celestia at our gates, and they want to indict me as some kind of mastermind vigilante executioner! Because of a bunch of coincidences, or possibly even a frame-up job!"

Volk turned and moved to the window with Fisher. "I know you won't like me asking this, sir, but... did you do it?"

"Of course not!" The horror on Fisher's face was genuine. "I had no idea anything like that was going on! How could I? We had a more important problem!" He glared down at the castle. "I focused on the Cult and on the mafia ponies whom I had very good reason to believe attacked the Elements. I made the right decison. I'd do it again." He chuckled ruefully. "Not that I'll get the chance. I'll retain my seat, I'm sure, and the charges will never stick--being innocent does still count for something--but I'll have no power to direct the nation's defenses. I'll just be watching as Night Light, Puissance, and Wallflower run them into the ground..."

"It's too bad you don't have the Elements, sir. Luna would have to let you fight the war then."

"Well, I've had my best research scientists study if there's some way to transfer them, but so far, nothing." The Archduke shook his head. "It's all for nothing. I gave my soul to this nation, and this is the thanks I get. Ponies don't understand that these days..."

He trailed off again, and Volk turned to go. On his way out, Fisher raised his voice slightly. "By the way, Volk, how did your hunting go? Find any Cultists?"

"Four or five, sir. They're all in custody. Your own?"

"I managed fine without you for the day. We did at least take down the Canterlot remnants of the Cult. Two of my mares were injured badly enough to need a doctor; I got off with a few dents in the armor and some burned fur. It's funny how many ponies underestimate my skills as a fighter. As if all I did was push papers." Fisher shook his head again, then looked over at Volk. "You're limping, though. Did somepony hit you?"

"Yeah, you could say that. But don't worry about me. I'd do this even if it killed me. That kind of fight... it's the kind of job I love." Volk grinned. "If you don't mind me asking, sir--what do you love?"

"Protecting this nation at all costs," growled Fisher. He was in no mood for rhetorical questions. "Keeping its ponies safe. Making the sacrifices to support Equestria as a whole. Others might turn from it--but I won't. That's what it means to be a noble." He shook his head. "Anyways,get some rest. If I only have a few days left as Minister of War, I intend to make the most of it. Tomorrow, I'm having you meet with Captain Armor to schedule a time to train his officers in combat. Make sure they at least have half a clue."

"Yes, sir."

On his way out the door, Volk stopped suddenly and turned. Fisher wasn't sure why he thought he saw a faint smile on Volk's face; when he looked again, it was gone. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to say... I know right now it looks bad, sir. I know it looks like you've been forced out of your position, that Equestria has lost its Minister of War right when it needs it most. I know it looks like a big blow for the nation that couldn't have gone better for Equestria's enemies if she had orchestrated it herself. But I promise you, I will stay by your side and do everything I can to see things turn around." Volk's eyes gleamed. "Honest."

"Thank you, Volk. That means a lot to me." Fisher settled down on the ground. "You may leave me for the night."

Volk turned and left the Estate, smiling to himself. He touched his back right leg, winced a bit, then resumed smiling. Damn, Max, we gotta do that again someday. I had more fun than I've had in a real long time. He chuckled. Course, if there's a next time I'll be bringing a lot more friends. And I won't get caught on a collapsing column again. I wonder if they still think I'm stuck in that rubble?

Volk hurried down the path. His real superiors would want to hear about what had transpired. Things had gone much better than after their last operation, that Opelick mess, and they would just love to hear all about it.



Archduke Fisher looked up from his simple meal of raw vegetables and grass. "Greengrass," he growled. "This is my private estate. You have no right to be here."

"Very true," agreed Greengrass. The brown-coated earth pony beamed as he walked up to Fisher's table. "But, thanks to your windows being surprisingly breakable, here I am."

Fisher said nothing for a moment, concentrating on swallowing another bite of spinach. "Here to gloat?"

"Gloat? Me? Just because you decided to let my secretary die rather than imperil a meaningless spy operation on the Opelick nobles, and I vowed that I'd see you ruined one day, and now you've lost almost everything?" Greengrass laughed. "Do I really seem that petty?"

"You are nothing if not petty." Fisher bit into a carrot. "What do you want, Greengrass?"

Greengrass said nothing for a moment, only turning and leaving the dining room to go to the living room, which overlooked the city. "You know what I want," he said at last.

"Your influence back, I'm sure." Fisher stood from his table and trotted over to Greengrass. If I threw him out the window, I might actually earn some points with Luna... he thought. "Bribes are getting hard to come by, I suppose."

"Oh, it was never about the money." Greengrass grinned. "The power to manipulate ponies like chess pieces? Certainly. But money? Not as much--"

"I really don't care to hear your motives," snapped Fisher. "Throwing you from the Court was the one good move Luna's made in the past few years."

"And here I thought we were such good friends," said Greengrass. "Remember when we worked together to deny Ponyville relief aid? Good times--"

"I did that to gain control of the Elements so I could train them! Protect them!" Fisher raised a hoof and had to seriously struggle with the urge to slap Greengrass. "I didn't have a thought of personal profit in my mind! I'm not like you or Blueblood, who just wanted to pass your own political bills and accrue power! I did what I did for the nation!"

He took a few deep breaths, but when he looked at Greengrass, the earth pony seemed nonplussed. He's strangely calm, Fisher thought. He looked so ragged when I saw him last...

"Either way," said Greengrass at last, "We do share an understanding. Which is why I've come to you." He was silent for a moment, looking out over the city. "I want my power back, Bobbing. I thought I could get it back by doing something heroic, but Luna just about told me tonight she won't restore it even if I personally defeat Corona, Tirek, and the Smooze all at once. If I'm to get it back, I need to go around her."

"I have no power to help you with that, and I wouldn't--"

"I know full well that one of the subprovincial nobles in Caneighda, Viscount Fudge Ripple of Manetreal, is under your hoof. He'll do whatever you say. Including resign." Greengrass smiled. "There's an old, obscure rule that applies in Caneighda and its surrounding provinces. If a subprovincial noble resigns without an heir, Caneighda gets their vote--and committee and ministry seats. Thanks to your machinations, Fudge Ripple's on some prestigious ministries. Unless Luna wants to violate her own rules, she'll have to let me take his place." His eyes gleamed. "And my influence will be back."

"And why would I destroy a useful ally for your sake?"

"Because I can destroy Baron Max."

Fisher turned his head to Greengrass and said nothing.

"Max is happier with his saving-ponies thing than he is doing paperwork. I have influence with him, and Luna has officially offered to replace his title of Baron with that of Knight Errant if he wants it. I can persuade him to want it. Failing that... he's as open as a book. I could wreck his career in a dozen ways." Greengrass chuckled. "He told me how you fretted about Nulpar having an insecure border."

"Max refuses to muster any soldiers. He insists that his other priorities--transportation and other such nonsense--is more important than having a fully-monitored national border. He lets griffins wander his province without care that they might be spies." Fisher scowled. "He knows nothing."

Greengrass shrugged. "I won't insult you by offering you anything for your own gain. I'm aware of how selfless you are. If you help me, I'll get the committee appointments I need--and I'll help you get Max out. I'm sure you already have another pony installed somewhere in Nulpar who can become the next Baron and will adopt a more secure border policy." He raised a hoof. "Deal?"

Fisher paused. His horn glowed as he checked his house's magical sensors. They would alert him to any kind of magic spell--such as, say, a recording spell--active in the area, and would also go off if they sensed pegasi flight magic outside or earth ponies anywhere on the plateau with his house. But the sensors showed nothing. Unless somepony had climbed up the sheer cliff face for several hundred meters and was currently dangling below him, there was nopony else around to hear.

"Deal," he growled. If I instigate a disturbance in Nulpar, once Max is out, I--the closest noble--will have to deal with it. I can buy some time, maybe even show that I know what I'm doing about security. "Bury Max."

"It," said Greengrass. "Will be my pleasure."


Greengrass had just finished descending the path and had reached Canterlot when Max hopped off the mountain from right above him.

Greengrass reared back and put his hooves to his mouth. "Dear me!" he said. "Could it be that you were listening in on that?"

Max stared at him. "You knew that I was following you," he said. "You knew it ever since we left the city."

"Who, me?" Greengrass shook his head. "Alas, now my wicked corruption is exposed. I suppose now you'll run along to the Princess and report to her how I'm still the debased stallion she knew me to be--"

"What are you doing?" asked Max. "I mean, you just got Fisher to agree to fraud. If that was your plan, you should have cleared it with the Guards. Or me. Luna just assigned me a few ponies specifically for things like this--"

"Where's the fun in that?" asked Greengrass. "Now, remember, you need to act indignent to sell this. Raise your hoof. Stomp around a little. Make sure to mention how you never thought that I, your friend, would pull such a dastardly--"


The Duke stopped talking and looked at Max.

"Tell me what's going on," said Max.


"Tell me as your friend."

Greengrass was silent for a few moments. Then he said, "You know, before I lost my influence, I was having a wonderful chat with Fancy Pants. Smart pony, by the way, always seems to know what's going on in the Court. He had some small suspicion of what I'd planned to do and he asked me why I was doing it. It was almost like he thought I was some utter bastard who would never sacrifice his own desires to help a friend."

"Imagine that," said Max.

"So I explained to him that I never really saw myself as a Courtier. I, as it happens, am a gardener. And a gardener doesn't sacrifice his most precious flowers just because the ground gets a little rocky. A real gardener does what he has to do in order to make sure his flowers flourish.

"Well, Fancy Pants, he didn't like that at all. He told me that gardeners had to admit when it just couldn't be done. Sometimes, environments just aren't fertile, he said; a proper gardener knows when to give up and move on. What would a gardener do, he asked, if he had no water with which to nourish his fields?" Greengrass nodded. "It wasn't a hard question. I told him he would use his blood."

The two were silent for almost a full minute. A soft breeze blew past them, and Max realized that Greengrass seemed to have almost a tender expression. "Greengrass?" he asked. "Why did Notary leave you?"

The gardener smiled, as if this was the truly important question. "Remember," he said. "We didn't know you and my father were coming. We were trapped in the Sun Cultist hideout, thugs everywhere, and all of them ready to kill us. Now, Notary, she's quite good at sneaking, she could get out without trouble--but you know me. I'm quite incapable of it. Had I gone with her, I'd likely have gotten us both killed. So I sent her on without me."

"And she just went?"

"Not at first. As it happens, she refused for quite some time..."


The pony locked inside what had once been a junior manager's office looked, at first glance, like a large blanket or a big pile of white-ish rags. She seemed to blend into the background of the room, as much a piece of furniture as the tables and desks that had been shoved to one side. On closer inspection, though, one could see an off-white mane that hung limply over a face and neck, a tail swishing slightly back and forth, and a slight body that seemed too tired to be able to get up and move anymore. This was Notary, and this was the pony Greengrass had ruined his career to save.

The Duke smiled slightly as he looked in through the window, then rapped a hoof on the window. Notary glanced up with a tired expression, stared for a moment, and sprang to her feet. "Sir!" she gasped.

Greengrass gave her a cheerful wave. "I hope you didn't think I forgot about you."

"Not for a moment!" Notary ran to the door, her mane uncharacteristically askew. "Sir, how did you get here? Are Guards coming? Are--"

"In a moment, Notary," said Greengrass. "I just need a moment to open the door."

"Of course, sir," said Notary, with a shocking amount of professionalism considering the circumstances.

Greengrass smiled and reached into his mane. He had tucked a few tools within it even before he had entered the Court for the final time; he had known, should his motion pass, that the Baronetess of Opelick would immediately seize him and drag him to their hideout, and had also known she would be too panicked to properly search him. He quickly found the screwdriver he was looking for and went to work on the hinges; the door was taken out of the jam within three minutes, and then Notary was leaping at him in a gigantic hug. "Sir!"

The Duke smiled and gave his servant a long hug. "It's good to see you again, Notary."

"I am sorry I got captured. It was--"

"Entirely my fault. I underestimated the Cult, and you paid for it... but I'm here to stop payment." Greengrass held her for a moment longer. "Did they hurt you?"

"No. They wanted me to join them willingly. But... the Baronetess threatened to kill me if I did not cooperate soon."

"She'll pay," said Greengrass, in a simple tone that brooked no possibility of argument. "But enough about that. You're not injured, are you? Did they feed you? Did--"

Notary laughed. "I'm fine now, sir. Thank you."

The two slowly broke their embrace. Notary, after a moment more of silence, said, "They patrol this hallway every half-hour or so. We have about thirteen minutes before somepony will spot us. We seem to be located in an abandoned office building on the third level of the city--"

"Probably in the poorer section of that level, near one of the older schools." Greengrass had noted the run-down nature of the building, and heard the distant sounds of foals frolicking during their morning recess break. "If I remember the general architectural style of commercial buildings in this part of town correctly, there should be a back stairwell at the end of this hallway, which leads to a large window near the trash disposal area."

Notary nodded. "What is our next move?"

"You're to get out of here as fast as you can." Greengrass smiled. "You're one of the stealthiest mares I know. Given the general caliber of the Cultists, even if they're watching that window you should be able to slip past them."

"Of course," said Notary, nodding her head. "That will not be difficult. And yourself?"

"I have a score to settle with the Baronetess."

Notary paused. "But... sir, even if you defeat her, surely the Cult will attack you in force."

Greengrass shrugged. "Probably."

"Sir, we can both use the back stairs--"

"I'm not as stealthy as you. I would be caught, and you with me. That is not going to happen." Greengrass smiled easily; he had ceased worrying about his imminent doom. He had gotten what he wanted; the rest was meaningless. "I think we both know that there isn't a way out of here for me."

Notary opened her mouth, then closed it. Greengrass knew she was considering any kind of possible way for him to escape, and was realizing that it would not be possible. When she finally spoke, she said, "Then I will stay with you, and we will fight them together."

"No, Notary." Greengrass sighed. "I'm sorry, but it's time for you to find another master."

"I do not want another master!" Notary shook her head. "Sir, we've been together for years. I cannot leave you now."


"I don't care if the Sun Cult wants to kill you, or if Luna still hates you. None of that matters." Notary pressed a hoof against Greengrass's. "We are friends. Just as you would not leave me, I will not leave you for anything. I would rather go down fighting with you than live knowing I had run away in your hour of need"

Greengrass was silent for a moment. "Notary, suppose there were a gardener who cultivated a vast field--and, among that field, the gardener had one flower he loved above all others. It was his most beautiful flower and he considered it to be his greatest achievement. But then came a day when he had to move to an estate in the desert. He knew that, if he took his flower, it would shrivel in the hot sun; it would find little nourishment in the soil; it would, at best, wither and limp along in a stunted half-life, its every moment a pale mockery of what it could have been in a less hostile environment. Now, do you think any gardener worthy of the title would take his flower there? Or would he leave it behind in his greenhouse, even if he never had to see it again?" He shook his head. "I lost my power on the Court, Notary. I have no influence and nothing to offer you. And I made Luna break her own rules to do it, so she hates me more than ever and will never permit me to amount to anything. Nothing you do will matter if you stay with me, and I will not see my most precious flower languish due to her attachment to my person."

Notary shut her eyes. "Sir... I don't care if it makes sense or not. I will not betray you."

"Who said anything about betraying? Notary, when you leave me, I want you to fulfill my final request to you." Greengrass put a hoof on her shoulder. "I've taught you everything I know. Use what I've given you to make your own garden. Go to someplace where nopony has been able to create anything, where even Luna and the imbeciles in her Court are helpless, and grow something beautiful."

"But I... sir, I can't. You know I can't. Nopony even notices me--"

"No, they don't I know it will be hard. But you are a brilliant, industrious, talented mare, Notary, and I am absolutely certain that if you try, you can bring flowers into bloom in the most arid of soils." Greengrass said nothing for a moment. "Go, Notary. Flourish. Stun the nation with the kind of beauty you can create, in places where no other pony could match you. Show the world how incredible a pony you are. And then I will know that, even if everything else about me is ruined, something of me lives on." He gave her one more hug. "This is what I truly want from you, Notary. I don't want you to die just as you're coming into bloom. What I want is to be able to look down from... wherever we ponies go when we die... and to see that you've created something so gorgeous that even the dead cannot help but see it. Can you do this, Notary? Can you fulfill my final request?"

The secretary was quiet for a moment, and a few tears fell to the ground. "Maybe I can, but... but what about you?"

"Me? Notary, I've made peace with what's going to happen." He smiled. "You see..."

You may be master of your chosen occupation.
With several strings of polo ponies in your stable.
You must remember, all the same
That at the crux of every game
Is knowing when it's time to leave... the table.

And it's important, to be artful, in your exit.
No turning back, you must accept, the con is done...
But now and then, you might recall
Those moments when you had it all.
You had the charm, you had the talent--and by the Stars, you had some fun!

It was a ball, it was a blast!
And it's a shame it couldn't last.
But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
It was a joy, it was sublime,
A splendid way to spend some time
For a dirty, rotten colt like me.

Greengrass laughed softly and looked around. "You know, my father asked me yesterday if I regretted anything I'd done. And, besides the investigation that landed you here... I'd have to say no." He shrugged. "I mean, I didn't quite manage to rule the nation, but what would I have done if I hadn't tried? Grown old, fat, and complacent, collect dusty old paintings like Puissance or host frivolous balls like Fancy Pants, sit in my ducal seat and bicker over meaningless nonsense, all the while wondering what I could have done if I'd tried? I'd have hated that life. I'm glad I chose this one."

"I'm glad I was able to share it."

The Duke smiled and continued. "You're not upset either, are you?"

"No sir. I wouldn't trade my time with you for anything."

Greengrass continued:

When you look back on all your conquests and deceptions.
You see a thousand flawless pearls set in a strand...
Laid out from Bierbits to Roam,
Each one as perfect, as a poem.
An opus to be proud of,
Though it's written in the sand!

It was a ball, it was a thrill,
You had the grace, you had the skill
To know exactly what to say and what to do...
You wouldn't trade a single day
Or have it any other way.
For a sneaky, little mare like you.

Notary smiled through her tears and began to sing:

It's almost a religion, the need to take a pigeon
And to play your part with elegance and zest.
And when it's time to cut the act, and your duffel bag is packed,
Take comfort in the fact, that you at last surpassed the best!

It was a blast, it was a ball,
It was a gas, I loved it all
And if we beat Luna at last
Then that's a plus...

Oh, Notary... you have the verve
You have the guts!
You've got the nerve!
You've got the nuts!
And though we're dirty rotten crooks--
Dirty rotten shnooks
Dirty rotten crooks!
Dirty rotten--oh!

They embraced for one last time, then sang together:

It was a trip, it was a blast,
And it's a shame it couldn't last.
Cause it was almost too prodigious to discuss...

And even though we lost the Game
I'm glad we played it just the same!

Dirty! Rotten! Folks! They paused, then finished with, Like us!

The two were silent for a moment more, and then Greengrass said. "Go, Notary. Plant your garden. Grow it. Tend to it. Weed it. Pollinate--"

"Sir, in the name of anything you find sacred, please don't go further what that metaphor."

Greengrass laughed at that. "Make something so beautiful that only you could have made it. And don't worry too much about me. Can you do that?"

"Yes, sir." Notary bowed, lingered for one moment... then turned and ran down the corridor, vanishing into the shadows before she was halfway through the hall.

Greengrass watched her go, not bothering to stop the tears falling from his eyes. Only when he distantly heard a door shut at the end of the hallway did he turn. "Alright," he said. "That Baronetess cost me far more than I ever wanted to pay. Now it's time for a little payback..."


"You really let her go?" asked Max. "I thought you two were inseparable."

Greengrass shrugged. "I knew I was... well, I was certain that the cultists would kill me, and I knew that it would be better for me to become fertilizer for my flowers than to crush them when I fell."

"Can we maybe stop talking in gardening metaphors?"

"No. I told this to Notary. She understood... and she left to plant her roots elsewhere. That's really all there is to it."

"But you lived," said Max, in a low tone. "Because your father and I saved you. Have you reached out to--"

"What for? I was honest with her--she's learned all she can from me. All I'd do now is weigh her down. And besides, 'lived' is perhaps overstating it. I'm still walking around, but I can't grow in Equestria or even Caneighda now--Luna won't let me. Really, from a plant-based perspective, I'm more of a rotting tree that hasn't quite fallen over yet than anything else. But you, Max, you are another rare flower, the kind the Court hasn't seen in centuries. If my destruction fertilizes--"

"Okay, first of all, I am not a flower. Nor am I a weed, a bush, or a ficus tree." Max put a hoof on Greengrass's shoulder. "Second, I am not building my career on your corpse."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Max took a long breath. "We're going back to Luna," he said at last. "We're telling her what Fisher agreed to, because that's corruption and she should know. And, in the interests of complete honesty I'm telling her why. I'm not going to lie and say that I also caught you out in a genuine attempt to ruin me, and hope that her hatred for you elevates me. I'll make very clear that you ran your own sting on Fisher specifically so I would overhear it. Are we clear?"

"Really?" The gardener laughed. "How far are you willing to go with that 'complete honesty' thing? I've been told that I can be quite a bastard, Max. Suppose I committed a genuine crime, one you felt compelled to report? How would you stop yourself from benefitting then?"

For a moment, Max had no answer--but only for a moment. "With complete honesty," he said. "If you commit a real crime, I'll turn you in. And I'll explain why. I'll tell all the world that you robbed orphans or widows or Filly Scouts in order to help me. Luna won't fire me; she knows I wouldn't really be to blame. But the public response, my prestige? I'd suffer for it. And you know it." He smiled. "If you want to raise me by doing something evil, I'll make sure I don't benefit at all from it. Any other bright ideas?"

"But..." Greengrass seemed lost for words. "You can't take yourself hostage! That's not fair!"

Max laughed. "There's only one way you can help me. Make yourself a better pony. Earn back trust and reputation. Use that if you want to support my career. If you try to cheat, I'll expose you myself. And if I get a little embarrassed, so be it."

The Duke shook his head. "You know," he said, "You've got the makings of a very manipulative pony."

"And you've got a better heart than you'd ever admit." Max clapped Greengrass on the back. "So, how about? Let's go talk to Luna."

Greengrass didn't move when Max started to walk. "Max, I..." he trailed off. "Why should you care about saving my career? There's nothing left of it, anyway. I sit in the Court and can't get so much as a traffic bill passed. I have no power or influence, and the only pony I really cared about... I lost her too." He sighed. "What's the point of me staying in the Game?"

"May I answer that, sir?"

Greengrass and Max jumped almost a foot off the ground as they turned to see the little white mare walking out from behind a tree. Greengrass spoke first. "Notary? But--but--"

Notary smiled softly as Greengrass stared. "It's good to see you again too, sir."

And then the two were hugging. It took almost a minute before Greengrass could manage, "I thought you were fixing up Bitsberg."

"And I did. I applied for long-forgotten grants for which there was no competition, restructured the city's civic government to be much more efficient, persuaded the citizens to vote in new officials who would actually lead the town instead of sitting in a stupor, and helped shore up their tax breaks with an advertising campaign persuading a few businesses to move to the city. They're doing as well as any other small industrial town now."

Greengrass blinked. "All that in six months?"

Notary just smiled.

"But... why did you come back?"

"I received a letter from you."

"Probably forged by Sneak Attack," said Max.

"Yes, it lacked the code we use. As such, I concluded the message might have been fraudulent, so I took a different train. As it happened, somepony shut down the train station before my train arrived. I only just got in." Notary looked at Greengrass. "Sir, what is going on?"

"Oh, long story--tell you all about it later. But how long are you staying? The next train to Bitsberg--"

"I am staying permanently."

Greengrass was silent for a few moments. "But, Bitsberg--"

"Can get along without me, now that I have shown them what to do. They barely noticed me when I was there, except when my shill explained the things I needed to teach them. He can handle things on his own from now on."

"But you wanted to matter, and--"

"Yes... and I did matter here. But I think I can also matter here." Notary blushed. "I did... I missed you, sir. And I think you missed me."

Greengrass looked away, but Max noted how his eyes seemed to be tearing up. "You have no idea how much I want you to resume your place by my side. But... Notary, I have no power, no influence. I can do nothing for you. You deserve better than to languish by my side."

"That is hardly the attitude I expect to see from a pony who once aspired to rule the nation," said Notary in a mildly reprimanding voice. "Furthermore, you do have something to offer me--your friendship. And I can offer you mine, if you want it."

"Of course I want it."

"Besides. I hardly think it impossible for you to regain what you have lost, even if we must do it in a more... honest fashion."

"Must we?" joked Greengrass.

"Yes, or my wife will kill me." Ignoring Greengrass's shocked look, she added, "Baron Max had no power eighteen months ago, and now he is one of the most prominent ascending nobles in the Court. You are a Duke. Even with no other nobles on your side, you can do things that will force the nation to respect and support you. Especially if we do it together." She paused. "I know your downfall was caused by my capture--"

"No. It was caused by my own mistakes, and I will not hear you criticizing yourself about it." Greengrass was silent for a long moment. "Will you really work with me once again?"

"Of course."

"Then... welcome back." And they hugged.

Max grinned. "Alright, you two. Now. Let's go tell Luna about Fisher's latest crime--leaving nothing out. Okay?"

Greengrass mock-pouted, but he was clearly happy--and in his head, he was marveling at the thought of having just been defeated by Baron Max, of all ponies. "As you wish, Baron."

"After you, Greengrass."


"The evening express to Ponyville is now pulling into the station. It will depart in approximately twelve minutes..."

Raindrops yawned as she looked at the approaching train. A full day had passed since they had talked to Princess Luna, and it had been very enjoyable indeed. After a lovely breakfast in the one of the castle restaurants, the Elements had taken Snails back to the Insectarium, where he dragged them through all the exhibits and revealed his encyclopedic knowledge about all things squirmy. He even listed a few things that Cheerilee claimed not to know, which had absolutely thrilled him. Then they had a very enjoyable lunch at the Pizza Palace, the greatest pizzeria in all Canterlot, where Cheerilee properly introduced Duty Enpay to them and she told them about some of her adventures, including her quest to save the trapped ponies of the Crystal Empire. Next they all took a nice long walk through the Canterlot gardens, where Snails chased more bugs and everypony else just relaxed. After the utter nightmare the previous day had been, it was nice for things to be pleasant again.

"We've got to see each other more often," Cheerilee was saying to Duty Enpay. "It was so much fun catching up with you!"

"Likewise," said Duty. "Maybe next time we can do it without the nutjob vigilantes."

Cheerilee laughed, and the two nuzzled. "It was good seeing you again, DN."

"You too, Cher'."

Carrot Top chuckled at the two and turned to Raindrops. "Wasn't the Insectarium fun? I can't wait to tell the Union of Farmers what kinds of new bugs we can use! Maybe we'll all chip in and get one of those spellbugs that walk over your field and plow it for you!"

"It sounds kind of golem-esque to me. What if they go out of control and start to plow over everything?"

Carrot Top blinked. "...hmm. Maybe we'll stick to that new fencing that's supposed to magically repel bad bugs."

"Probably wise." Raindrops chuckled. "But don't tell Snails. He doesn't believe in bad bugs."

"Raindrops! Raindrops!" Snails scampered over from the newstand, a newspaper clutched tightly in his nascent telekinesis. "Look at the papers! They wrote about you!"

Raindrops turned and grinned. "What'd they write?"

"That you and the other Knights and Baron Max were really super awesome and you saved everypony!" Snails' voice was almost a cheer. "That you went into the Airship place and you beat up all the bad guys and saved a lot of lives and you were super duper amazing and, and..." Snails took a breath, then said, "And that you're the best pony in the world!"

"Really? It said that?"

Snails blushed. "More or less. And if it didn't actually say it, then it should've!"

The weathermare laughed and scooped up Snails. "Anything else in the news, Snails? Any other ponies we know?"

"You might want to check page two."

Raindrops turned to see Baron Max and the Duke Greengrass approaching, smiles on both their faces. The weathermare looked at Greengrass, who was the pony who had spoken. "Dare I ask why?"

"Well, there's just a fascinating story. It seems the good Archduke Fisher has run into a spot of trouble." Greengrass shook his head. "He's not long for the Court, I'm afraid."

"In addition to screwing up so badly yesterday that he would have gotten those prisoners killed if it wasn't for us," said Max, "And the allegations that he was behind the vigilantes since Goliath worked for him, since they used his bombs, etcetera... it seems he made a deal to salvage his political position by destroying me, as well as Viscount Fudge Ripple of Manetrael. That was the final star with Princess Luna. He might be innocent of helping the vigilantes, and the Guards thing might have just been incompetence, but that kind of naked corruption... she said he's done."

"The indictments were handed down this morning," said Greengrass. "He's been asked to set his affairs in order and turn himself in within forty-eight hours. His wife Svelte will likely take up his seat in the Court."

"Good," said Cheerilee. She and Duty Enpay approached the others. "He won't be missed."

The train to Ponyville blasted its horn. "Five minutes!" called the conductor.

Raindrops nodded. "We've got to get going. Baron, thanks for all your help. You're a good friend."

Baron Max bowed. "The pleasure is mine. Thank you for your assistance in protecting the lives of the citizens of Canterlot."

"You should come visit Ponyville sometime," said Carrot Top. "I'm sure everypony would love you."

"Maybe some other time. For tonight..." Max smiled, looking slightly dopey. "Duchess Posey and I have an evening planned."

Greengrass shook his head. "I'm given to understand she doesn't like it when you get beaten half to death on some wild heroic stunt."

"She's not too fond of the beaten part," said Max, rubbing a hoof over some of the bruises he'd gotten in all the fighting, "But the heroic stuff? She loves when I tell her stories about things like that, and then she--"

Greengrass held up a hoof. "Actually, this is the part where I stop asking questions."

Max chuckled. "Turns out the mares likes ponies who do the right thing. You should try it more often."

Raindrops turned to Greengrass. "On that note--I appreciate that you protected Snails. So, thanks again. But I still don't like you, and that isn't going to change."

"Likewise, I suppose."

Raindrops turned to go, then changed her mind and instead walked up to Greengrass. "And so--if you think helping me here means we'll go easy on you if you do something else to us, think again. We've got the Right of Approach. If you hurt us, we will use it and we'll bury you. Okay?" There wasn't as much anger in her tone now--she had mostly gotten rid of her pent up frustrations from the previous day, and she no longer desired to beat Greengrass senseless. But she did want to make sure Greengrass knew he didn't have carte blanche to go after the Elements again.

Greengrass widened his eyes in a good imitation of astonishment. "Why, are you threatening me?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

The Duke shook his head slightly. "Please don't underestimate me, Raindrops. I may have lost Luna's favor and my own political influence, but I assure you, I could make you very unhappy if I so chose, and Luna wouldn't be able to do a thing about it."

Raindrops' eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah? You just try it--"

Greengrass stepped to the side and said, loudly, as if a natural continuation from their conversation, "Why, that's a wonderful idea, Raindrops! I would love to have Snails stop by on the occasional weekend and help me with replanting my garden. His knowledge of bugs would indeed be useful, and I'm sure he'd love to see all the exotic and magical specimins that a garden like mine utilizes!"

"WOW!" Snails spun around and jumped in front of Raindrops. "Oh, can I, sis? Can I come and play with the bugs and help Mr. Greengrass sometime soon? Please?"

"Wha--but--I never--" Raindrops stuttered. Then she made the mistake of looking into Snails' big pleading eyes. "I mean, uh... that is... ARGH!" She threw up her wings. "I give up! I'm going home!"

Cheerilee and Carrot Top chuckled, and Snails--who seemed to think this meant 'yes'--squealed with joy and hopped onto Raindrops' back. "I can't wait! I'll bring you back all kinds of pretty flowers, Raindrops!"

Greengrass burst into laughter, and even Max seemed amused.

The Elements boarded the train, Cheerilee waving goodbye to Duty and Carrot Top saying a few quick words to the stallions. Snails hurried ahead to sit in the best of the car. "Raindrops?" he called.


"I love you." Snails waved so she would sit to him. "And I'm gonna keep being the best little brother I can be."

"And I'll be the best big sister I can be." Raindrops hugged him close. She didn't feel angry at the moment; she had beaten all the villains and protected her brother. That was what mattered. She had kept him safe and helped secured a safe, healthy world for him to grow up in.

She hugged him again as the train began to move. "I promise."


Three days later, Diamond Tiara was still in a bad mood.

First her dad dragged her to the stupid bug museum. Then some stupid criminals ran around town and did stupid things, and all the ponies had to stay indoors, so she and Silver Spoon were trapped in the nearest building--a supplier of stupid sewer pipes. And their fathers had been so intrigued by a business proposition the proprietor had come up with that they had spent the entire next day, after the lockdown was lifted and ponies could do fun things, in the sewer contractor's office. Talking. About. Pipes.

It was the most boring day Diamond Tiara had ever spent in Canterlot, and to top it all off, when they finally came home, Cheerilee was demanding a parent-teacher conference. She completely exaggerated about what happened to Snails, and now both she and Silver Spoon were grounded for two weeks! The trip to Trottingham to sample the elegant cuisine of their farms? Canceled! Their tickets to go on an airship ride from Canterlot to Fillydelphia and back, traveling in the most luxurious accomodations available? Gone! And all because they'd slightly bothered Snails.

It wasn't fair.

She sighed as she dragged herself through her front gate, locked it behind her, and sat down in her yard. Except for school, her father had strictly forbidden her from leaving the family property for the duration of her grounding. "This sucks," she said. "Snails sucks."

"Psst! DT!"

Diamond Tiara's ears twisted. She thought she heard Silver Spoon's voice, but that was impossible--that filly was grounded for as long as she was. "Huh?"

"DT! Let me in!"

Diamond Tiara leaned over the fence and saw Silver Spoon hiding in a bush right outside. "I've got something really important to tell you!" whispered the foal, who looked panicked. "Something horrible happened!"

Diamond Tiara didn't want to get in any more trouble, but she didn't want to leave her friend in the lurch either. She quickly opened the gate and let Silver Spoon in. "What?"

"Check your mail! Now!" Silver Spoon grabbed Diamond Tiara. "Before your dad does!"

Confused, Diamond Tiara trotted over to the mailbox and took out the letters. "What? It's a bunch of flyers and catalogues, and an invitation from Button Mash to do something called 'LARP.'" She wrinkled her nose. "Whatever that is."

Silver Spoon quickly picked out one of the catalogue. "Look at this!"

"The Foal Free Flyer?" Diamond Tiara examined the cover, which showed a bunch of foals without any dresses, toys, or other things that might be saleable. "What's wrong?"

"Just read page 5!"

Diamond Tiara opened to that page and smiled. "Hey, it's pictures of us!" She pointed at two large images. "They even got my good side!"

"No! Read the text below it!"

Diamond Tiara did so. "It has come to our attention that some of our foal models, particular the 'Diamond Tiara' and Silver Spoon' series, possess several manufacturer defects." She frowned. "Defects? We're perfect!"

"Just keep reading!"

The filly did so. "Ponies from these models may exhibit the following traits: bullying, brattiness, nosiness, noisiness, obnoxiousness, and general misbehavior. In the interest of satisfying all of our customers, we would like to assure you that if your Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon displays any of these behaviors, you may... trade them in immediately for a new model?!" She gaped, then turned to Silver Spoon. "I thought you were making that up to get rid of Snails!"

"So did I! I didn't think foals really came from a store! My parents told me that Princess Luna personally created me and gave me to them as a gift!" Silver Spoon shook her head dumbly. "But it's in a catalogue, so it has to be true! The Consumer Protection Laws wouldn't let them write it otherwise!"

"Maybe the catalogue's fake?" murmured Diamond Tiara, hoping against hope. "Some stupid prank--"

Silver Spoon shook her head. "It's got ordering numbers! Customer service mailing addresses! A survey in the back! It's got everything a real catalogue has! It can't be fake!"

"We could ask our parents--"

"But then they'll think we have the nosiness flaw!" Silver Spoon looked panicked. "We can't do that!"

Diamond Tiara turned a page and read, "Trade-in now and we'll make you a great offer on a top-of-the-line model! If you want compassion, energy, and love, try our Dinky model! If you want speed and power, why not look into a Scootaloo--with scooter included!" She made a mental note of the catalogue number for the latter foal, then continued. "A Pipsqueak can't be beat in terms of good cheer and better behavior! And if only the very best will do, try our princess series?!" A big picture of Alula took up a quarter of the next page. "Trade-in today! Remember, our customers are the best parents--and they deserve the very best foals!"

"What are we going to do?" asked Silver Spoon. "What if our parents trade us in for better foals?"

"They wouldn't. They love us..." Diamond Tiara's voice trailed off. Her father had seemed so angry with her when he'd found out what she'd done to Snails that he'd barely been able to speak. What if he did trade her in for a Dinky? All the adults liked Dinky. She couldn't compete with that! "I mean, we have to stop them. We won't let them trade us in!"

"But what can we do?"

"First, let's burn the catalogues--"

"I already burned the one at my house, but what if our parents get more in the mail?"

"We have to..." Diamond Tiara gulped. She didn't like what she was about to say, but she had no choice. "We have to be nice. We have to not be bratty or bullies or whatever else this stupid thing says we might be. If we're not defective, the company won't take us back!"

Silver Spoon paused. "Isn't it too late--"

"No! We'll be the nicest foals in all Ponyville! Even to dorks like Snips and Snails! We'll be so good that nopony would want to get rid of us!" She bumped hooves with Silver Spoon. "We can do it! We're the smartest foals in town!"

She looked out over the fence and saw some of the foals wandering around, playing and goofing in the nice spring day. I can do this, she thought. I just have to be nice to all of them. But I'll do it! I won't get returned for a better model!

And so, as Truffle Shuffle walked past the house, she made herself raise a hoof and wave. "Hi! Nice day, isn't it?"



Snails grinned as Pinkie Pie set the gigantic ice cream sundae in front of him. It was as tall as he was and was dripping with hot fudge, whipped cream, and crumbled cookies. "I'm so excited!" the pony squeaked. "This is the first Super Duper Ice Cream Amulet Test in Ponyville history!" She bounced around Snails. "Best! Day! EVER!"

"SNAILS!" chanted the foals who had gathered to watch.

"Nopony's ever eaten the Supersized Sugary-Sweet Sundae before!!" said Sweetie Belle. "Everypony that gets close gets brain freeze!"

"I heard even Big Mac couldn't do it!" said Scootaloo. "Or Bonbon or Pinkie Pie, and they love sweet things!"

"Well, I can! Ice cream headaches don't bother me!" Snails held up the amulet that had come in the mail earlier that day, then put it around his neck. "I've got this!" And without further ado, he plunged his head into the sundae and began to gobble.

The foals and Pinkie kept cheering as Snails worked his way through the sundae, forgoing a spoon and instead chewing right through it. By minute seven he had outlasted every other pony who had fallen to the dreaded ice cream headache. By minute nine he had eaten so much that he had to crane his head into the bowl to continue, making it look like it was swallowing him. And the tenth minute had not yet ended when he licked up the last bits of ice cream and cheered. "I DID IT!"

"YAAAY!" yelled the foals.

"That was amazing!" said Firelock, a few flares shooting out of her horn in celebration. "That was so cool! Your amulet rocks!"

"I know! Princess Luna gave it to me!" said Snails. "She wanted to thank me after I helped catch a real bad criminal in Canterlot last week!"

The foals whispered amongst each other at that, and Snails beamed. "And that's not all! She also gave me this little guy!" He opened up his saddlebag and took out a jar which contained a big beetle. He let the beetle out, which scampered around for a bit, and then picked up a stone and hefted it over its head.

"It's a Hercules beetle!" said Snails. "The strongest beetle in Equestria! It's awesome!"

The foals were still chattering about that when Truffle Shuffle ran up. "Hey, everypony, something weird happened! I was by Diamond Tiara's house earlier, and she was actually waved and said hello to me!" He paused. "I think she's been replaced by an alien!"

"Woah!" said Featherweight. "Weird! Why would she be so nice?"

Snails smiled as he listened to the theories. He didn't tell them about the letter he'd gotten from Mr. Greengrass in Canterlot explaining that, seeing as how it was unfair and mean for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to be so horrible to him, they would be receiving a certain catalogue in the mail that would make them much nicer for a while. After all, he'd been asked to keep it a secret. And while he normally wasn't a very vengeful pony, he thought that, in this one case, it would be okay to let the two bullies stew for a couple of days.

Besides, they didn't really matter. What mattered was that he was Snails, a great little colt and a wonderful brother, who had bugs and ice cream and all kinds of good things. He had great friends, a spectacular teacher, and a wonderful town where he lived and learned and played. And he had an amazingly incredible sister, who would always fight the bad ponies of the world to make sure that all the little ponies would be treated with kindness and fairness and justice.

Snails smiled in contentment. I have a good sister. And I'm a good brother. What could be better than that?

"Hey, Snails!" He turned to see Raindrops flying down towards them. "There's a little extra cloud-stuff floating in from the Everfree today. Want me to make you a cloud ant?"

Snails grinned, scooped up his beetle, and ran towards his wonderful sister. More than anything, he thought. More than anything.

Author's Note:

If you're interested in what Max did to get yelled at, make sure you're following 'Climbing the Mountain' by Talon&Thorn. That should come up in one of the later chapters.

It was really fun writing Snails with the ice cream headache medallion, and with bugs, and... actually, he's fun in general.

So, everyone learned a lesson. Cheerilee learned that some ponies in the government can be trusted and should be made use of, Max learned that some ponies have good reason to distrust the government and that he should work hard to restore its reputation, Raindrops learned that forgiveness can be better than perpetuating a cycle of revenge, Snails learned that he's awesome, and Fisher learned that it doesn't pay to be a bad pony. I'd say that's a good set of morals. :-)

Comments ( 34 )

Quick note - I don't think Luna's ever talked in the royal "we" before, except in one imagine spot of Trixie's in LNLD.

Hmmm. I wonder which of Equestria's enemies Volk is working for. I also wonder how badly he'll get singed in the big fight scene.

4328480 : Whoops. Edited so that she uses 'I' consistently.

Am I the only one who see the similarities between Fisher self-delusion as the backbone of Equestria defense, and the belief everything is justified for the great cause, with Applejack´s one back on the farming competition.
Not to mention Corona herself...

*Applauds* Oh bravo, bravo! Everything I could hope for in an ending to such a great story and MORE!

I love that Raindrops was finally able to let go of her anger at the kidnapped ponies--you know, the VICTIMS--and that Fisher finally got his comeuppance. You had me going with Greengrass' deal with Fisher to get rid of Max. I was thinking "Just as I was starting to like him..." and then BAM! Now THAT is how a masterful piece of political judo should go: trapping an opponent through their own stupidity, selfishness, etc.

Volk's role was a very nice twist and he clearly comes off as formidable. I wonder who he really works for...Celestia, as noted in the Opelick scandal, isn't for killing off her ponies. So is it really Celestia? Maybe Chrysalis disguised as Celestia? A Discordian? Or something else all together?

Awwww. Yay for Snails! He's so cute and awesome! And Luna, nice to see her actually taking action when ponies tell her how badly her ministers and viceroys screw up. Ta ta Fisher!

The stuff with Notary...that was really sad and sweet. I hope she's happy, wherever she is. I think that's about it. This was awesome. Bravo, bravo! :heart::heart::heart:

Bravo, Bravo Oncore!

Great story!

Although I don't agree with Raindrop's philosophy her scream therapy (touching the canterhorn) was great.

The final scene between Greengrass and Notary was very touching (I might have gone for some version of 'for good' from wicked for their goodbye though) although I be surprised if she didn't writing to him or something given his current situation.

Volk is the traitor! Dum.. Dum.. Dum...! I'm Interested in seeing where that goes.

Although I think DT and SS should have had a bit more public humiliation for what they did the whole catalogue thing was funny, I can't wait for DT to try and order her own personal Scootaloo.

Okay, I have to go back to work now. In a few hours I'll be off-shift, though. Then I'll a proper response here and over on the Quorum.


In a few hours I'll be off-shit, though.

That sounds a bit painful. :-)

Good luck at work, and I look forward to seeing your response on the quorum.

Okay, now my response here, which just about what I think about the fic in and of itself without regards to larger canon.

I basically enjoyed this. Surprisingly, the song parts kind of dragged - i say "surprisingly" because normally when you write music I find myself very engaged; I can only assume that the sheer length of most of the songs you chose coupled with them being more about the lyrics than the actual music involved, is what caused it.

I don't like Snails getting the ice cream amulet, for some reason...I can't think of why. Also I'm not sure about him using it to basically cheat to win the ice cream eating contest; this is the same foal, after all, who was worried about using his photograph spell to cheat with tests in Magic Tutor. Snails seems to be an honest pony. On that note, I'm also not sure about him being able to "hold" five pictures, nor being able to project them. The memory spell already has basically nothing to do with insects, and magic is supposed to be bound to cutie marks in MLP. Plus, Trixie herself can't maintain more than three imprinted memories, so I'm not sure how I feel about Snails managing five.

On the other hoof, I like the Hercules beetle as being a pet for Snails. It needs a name.

If there was one thing I really didn't like about this chapter in particular, it was Luna, and how she basically told Greengrass to go fuck himself. I went into more detail about that in the Quorum.

Overall, though, I enjoyed reading this fic.


Considering the things Greengrass called her in the Gala under the influence of the truth poison, I can imagine why Luna is a bit... sore with the former duke.:twistnerd:

What a great ending all around. Fun rewards for Snails, an actual free weekend visit with her family, and a nice solid kick in the teeth for Fisher. The new Minister of War status for Night Light in really interesting, that had some fun potential for future interactions with the L6 later on in the season. It still grinds my gears every time one of them lumps Twilight's father in with actually bad ponies, so them getting to see him being his normally lawful good self would be nice.

The final interactions between Greengrass and Max were fun too.

I understand that it is a shared universe, so you could not do this unilaterally, but after Princess Luna learned what Twilight Sparkle did, Princess Luna in recognition of her actions and in conceding that Twilight Sparkle is no longer a flight-risk should have lifted the house-arrest. Certainly, Twilight Sparkle still needs to pay restitution by working off her debt to society, but she should be allowed to go grocery-shopping at the farmers’ market without having to wait for the unreliable Great & Powerful Dame Representative Beatrix LulaMoon —— ¡Twilight Sparkle should have starved to death waiting for the Great & Powerful Dame Representative Beatrix LulaMoon to take her shopping!

4521280 : My understanding is they're still bullies, DT's crush on Scoots notwithstanding.

4531667 Ah! Yes now that makes sense.

4328571 No you're not. I was waiting for anyone (mostly Luna) to tell him that his antics remind them of Corona.

Ok, I've read the added Notary section now and ... Awwwww! Its so sweet!

Are you still planning to write the 'Siblings' epilogues and if so as an extra chapter or a separate story?

4651047 : I am still planning to write it. It would likely be an extra story and would be four or five chapters long (Shining-Twilight, Thundering-Fragrant, Juggernaut-Goliath, Raindrops-Snails, and maybe Hirsute-Svelte).

Glad you like the Notary bit. :-)

Okay... I'm not sure what to say here.

There's stuff I liked. Great action, good plot and mystery, good outcome for some of the characters...

But this thing pings a lot of buttons for me.

So Fisher saves Canterlot, stops a cult from blowing the city off the Canterhorn... and Luna dismisses his legit heroic actions and by the end he's forced to resign. Admittedly for his own actions, but he's still screwed over overall.

Greengrass, the utter scum he is, has his star begin to rise and even screws Raindrops in the end with that bit. He deserved Raindrops to DROP him. And then Notary, his accomplice in his criminal undertakings, is back and they're together again! I hate her.

Those criminals... I'm getting pretty damned tired of gray and gray morality dealing with them. And comparing Raindrops to them really sets me off. Making Duty to be some roguish good gal just feels so much like, "See? She's not so bad!" And it doesn't work. It's not a good thing when I'm siding with the 'bad guys' for the story!

Also, no. Diamond Tiara is NOT a bully in the Lunaverse. I don't care what others say about her. She's had more good moments in one story than the Maneverse version's had in four seasons!

I'm sorry, but this fic... it hits a lot of wrong notes for me and in the end left me feeling frustrated and angry. I'm not sure what more I can say other than that.

4675255 : Ah, good. Then it's working. :-)

Okay, I finished reading the story a couple of days ago, but this thought just occurred to me. The reunion between Notary and Greengrass was kind of nice (for their characters, at least) but something about it just felt a little... off to me. Then I got this idea just now, and I'm not even going to ask you to confirm it but... what if Notary isn't Notary?

4713847 : Those two are close enough that I doubt a substitution like that would work. In the quroum I think we also decided that it's probably best to stick with 1 changeling for now.

Ahh, okay. It just seemed a little too good to be true at the time, but if you say she's the real deal, I'll accept that.

I liked this. A good solid Lunaverse story and the characters approached things in sensible ways without making things predictable or boring. Pretty good language and proofing too. You get a zillion bonus points for using "just deserts" correctly. :heart:

I think my only quibble plot-wise was how two groups independently realised the train station freight line closure was a blind, simply because that wouldn't have occurred to me from the evidence available... maybe if, for example, Max's narration had said something like "But he remembered the Captain had said he wouldn't close the station. That was odd..." it would have been a little more clear. I guess it works with Cheerilee because she's pictured as crazy smart in the Lunaverse. Ah well, feel free to ignore my rambling. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Actually, just noticed "just deserts" is used wrongly in the title name. It was spelled correctly in the text, though.

I tell you GC2, it takes skill to take a character you love to hate, and turn him/her around like that albeit slowly and small-wise. Believe me, my last story's mixed reviews showed me that.

Of course in Striker's case, I guess there are some who just don't like the heel turn in proper villains, no matter how subtle they are.

Will we ever get to the bottom of how Max got on the Canterlot Security Ministry?

6808183 At the time when I was reading this, I had never heard of them. I'm sorry to say that this has since changed.

I'm looking back and cringing at my original comment. I'll have to edit it later.

"You're limping, though. Did somepony hit you?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

Uh oh. Is Volk...?

Damn, Max, we gotta do that again someday. I had more fun than I've had in a real long time. He chuckled. Course, if there's a next time I'll be bringing a lot more friends. And I won't get caught on a collapsing column again. I wonder if they still think I'm stuck in that rubble?

Volk hurried down the path. His real superiors would want to hear about what had transpired. Things had gone much better than after their last operation, that Opelick mess, and they would just love to hear all about it.

Oh. Yes he is. :fluttershysad: Darnit.
Wild guess time: Volk is a changeling sowing problematic problems and making sure Fisher doesn't investigate! :pinkiegasp:

Glad to see Luna proving she actually meant what she said about not tolerating the corruption in the Night Court. When you issue an ultimatum like that, it's very important that you actually go through with it if necessary.

So Luna didn't decide to come down on the Night Court. (Puissance needs to go) ... I feel bad that she didn't keep her word, still it's good to see that at least Archduke Fisher needs to go. All that's left is Puissance, and the Night Court will be free of antagonistic and corrupt, cesspools in pony form that Season 1 had.

Or at least enough so that we can focus on things past the NC still having corrupt ponies who get away with it.

And I do like the Greengrass redemption. That was nicely done.


That was very good, and while I don't usually comment on old stories like this, I did notice one egregious mistake in one of Fisher's lines.

Celestia at our gates

That really should have been Corona for obvious reasons.

Also, while it's really not a huge deal and it's obviously far too late to even think of changing it, I'm not a huge fan of how you dealt with Fisher. While he definitely took things too far, there is some validity behind his reasoning and I feel like that should have been acknowledged. I think it would have been more interesting if Max had been shoved into Fisher's old role to force them to work together since Max obviously has no clue about the military, although that does push Max ahead politically too quickly for my tastes.

I am absolutely confused.

Everything. I got halfway through the first chapter, and realized that this story was set in some alternate universe. I did not understand any of the events because this was my first story in this universe.

I'm probably going to be indicted, Volk. Can you believe it? Celestia at our gates, and they want to indict me as some kind of mastermind vigilante executioner! Because of a bunch of coincidences, or possibly even a frame-up job!"

I wonder if Fisher is related somehow. Perhaps not in a conspiratory way. But he said 'Celestia' instead of 'Corona'. I wonder if Fisher is being manipulated or something.

"I had no idea anything like that was going on! How could I? We had a more important problem!"

How could you have known? Perhaps listening to the Baron who actually knew what he was doing. The one who had enough sense to enlist help from multiple sources than just a 'one-and-done' technique.

"I focused on the Cult and on the mafia ponies whom I had very good reason to believe attacked the Elements. I made the right decison. I'd do it again."

His 'very good reason' is nothing more than making an assumption, which was a wrong assumption at that. And an assumption isn't a good reason. When you assume something, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.

Fisher shook his head again, then looked over at Volk. "You're limping, though. Did somepony hit you?"
"Yeah, you could say that. But don't worry about me. I'd do this even if it killed me. That kind of fight... it's the kind of job I love." Volk grinned.

Oh F[:yay:]!

Volk hurried down the path. His real superiors would want to hear about what had transpired. Things had gone much better than after their last operation, that Opelick mess, and they would just love to hear all about it.

OH F[:flutterrage:]!!!

Unless somepony had climbed up the sheer cliff face for several hundred meters and was currently dangling below him, there was nopony else around to hear.

Greengrass had just finished descending the path and had reached Canterlot when Max hopped off the mountain from right above him.

Yeah, I expected that...sorta. I mean Max likes climbing, and then the mention of someone climbing the mountain? Clever, but predictable. Just like Volk.

"What? It's a bunch of flyers and catalogues, and an invitation from Button Mash to do something called 'LARP.'" She wrinkled her nose. "Whatever that is."

LARPing? Really? Well, I suppose it's something other than video games I suppose.

"It has come to our attention that some of our foal models, particular the 'Diamond Tiara' and Silver Spoon' series, possess several manufacturer defects." She frowned. "Defects? We're perfect!"

Oh, YES!!!

"Ponies from these models may exhibit the following traits: bullying, brattiness, nosiness, noisiness, obnoxiousness, and general misbehavior. In the interest of satisfying all of our customers, we would like to assure you that if your Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon displays any of these behaviors, you may... trade them in immediately for a new model?! " She gaped, then turned to Silver Spoon. "I thought you were making that up to get rid of Snails!"

Oh... Please tell me their parents are in on this!!! Please! Pretty please with sugar muffins, ice cream, and a Dinky on top?! Even better, is Greengrass involved?

If you want compassion, energy, and love, try our Dinky model!

Me: "Sold out?! What do you mean their sold out?!"
Retailer: "I'm sorry, sir. But within minutes of that ad being made, the Dinky model sold out. It's amazing how popular that model is."
Me: "But I wanted a Dinky!"

If you want speed and power, why not look into a Scootaloo--with scooter included!" She made a mental note of the catalogue number for the latter foal, then continued.

I'm conflicted between either dawwing about that puppy love, and just facepalming.

"A Pipsqueak can't be beat in terms of good cheer and better behavior!

Warning: May include pirate obsession.

And if only the very best will do, try our princess series?!" A big picture of Alula took up a quarter of the next page. "Trade-in today! Remember, our customers are the best parents--and they deserve the very best foals!"

Alula: "But I'm not a princess... or am I? I'm so confused."

"Trade-in today! Remember, our customers are the best parents--and they deserve the very best foals!"

Me: "What, no Nyx model? Oh well, maybe next time. What's this? A brand new Flurry Heart model?"

"Nopony's ever eaten the Supersized Sugary-Sweet Sundae before!!" said Sweetie Belle. "Everypony that gets close gets brain freeze!"

Why do I get the feeling that the amulet will protect him from brain freeze, but it's not gonna protect him from a tummy ache?

Snails smiled as he listened to the theories. He didn't tell them about the letter he'd gotten from Mr. Greengrass in Canterlot explaining that, seeing as how it was unfair and mean for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to be so horrible to him, they would be receiving a certain catalogue in the mail that would make them much nicer for a while.

YES!!! It's official! Greengrass is my favorite noble! ... Did I just see a pig fly by my window?

And while he normally wasn't a very vengeful pony, he thought that, in this one case, it would be okay to let the two bullies stew for a couple of days.

It's always the quiet ones that you need to watch out for.

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