• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,360 Views, 48 Comments

No Matter The Cost. - Cyan rainbow

A changeling tired of chrysalis' schemes decides to go against her in one final stand.

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Chapter 2

I walked glumly back towards my nest, my memories focused anxiously on what my queen meant by 'the corruption of my mind.' What could she have meant by 'my origins corrupted me?' I pondered what I knew of changeling origins. Out of all the history I know of my race, I have never heard of another hive existing nor of another race crossing with our own. I dwelt upon these thoughts as I walked glumly back to my nest. Perhaps this was not the time to think such complicated thoughts.

I gazed around myself to see, to my expectation, all my siblings giving disapproving glares towards me. It was as if they simply refused to believe Queen Chrysalis would just let me go after defying her so openly. One thought crossed through my mind at that moment – that I needed to avoid their surely oncoming wrath until Queen Chrysalis got back from the invasion. If there is one thing she doesn't allow to happen between us, it's unnecessary violent conflict.

I turned down the corridor towards my nest, promising myself only to linger for as long as it takes for the changelings to take off for the planned invasion. My siblings already trudged down the corridors, the higher ranks in the front donning their plated armour.

After several minutes I peered around the corner of my nest. I noticed several of my siblings standing alert in front of the entrances to each corridor of the hive. I stared, cursing myself for being such a fool thus far. I should have known Chrysalis would have left over a dozen of her greater soldiers to guard the hive. Swearing to myself, I stepped out from my position and gave a cautious glance, careful not to reveal myself to the guards of the current corridor I resided in.

The guards stood fully alert, surely not falling for the old 'throw a rock trick.' I took a cautious step back into my nest. I may be able to take a few of the lesser guards if I could take them by surprise, for I was not a lesser soldier myself. However, I shuddered at the thought of Droid finding me, for he had always been the better soldier. He was the cat and I was the mouse, hiding around the corner in wait for my inevitable fate should he discover me. I knew I would have to get moving eventually, for if he had got left to guard the hive he would check this location given enough time. Not willing to chance a cruel fate, I racked my brain for something to distract the guards.

I had remembered someling mentioning something about talented unicorns being able to teleport small objects over a short distance, though it was just a myth within the hive. No changeling I have ever known has been able to use the teleportation spell. Still, I glanced at my guard duty weapons behind me. Perhaps I could be the first? I levitated the weapons within my grasp, floating over to the entrance to my nest. I dug deep into my mind for the possible symbols that could make up a spell to teleport objects a short distance out of my line of sight. I pieced together a short list of modified symbols out of the few symbols I knew, tilted my head with the weapons in my grasp, and concentrated with more might I ever have before.

Initially, I thought it would work flawlessly. But then came the wrenching sensation as if my horn was going to burst from my head. I had never performed such a complicated spell in all my existence, though I had never expected it to be this concentration and energy consuming. Dropping all other thoughts currently within my mind, I focused my gaze and thoughts upon the weapons reappearing around the corner in front of the guards. I continued to channel my magical energy through my horn, determined above all other things to keep my promise of saving the ponies. Finally, the energy within my horn burst through the barrier within my mind. I felt the chitin on my horn split, and with a screech of pain, I found myself along with my weapons on the other side of the designated wall.

Immediately I heard a pair of hooves come running down the corner towards my direction. I never had time to realize I had teleported myself as well. Immediately I stood up in an attempt to run into the corridor I knew guards were never set to patrol, though regretted the decision immediately as a head splitting pain erupted near the base of my horn. I began dragging myself towards the corridor, determined to not fail after making it past the most difficult part of my journey. With one final drag I latched onto the corner I was aiming for and pulled myself around, just as I saw the guard's shadows appear around the previous corner. Then, to my absolute disgrace, I realized I had left my weapons behind.

"Aren't those locust's weapons?" I hear one of the guards ask. I immediately began an attempt to pull myself into a crevice I had spotted along the wall near my current location, fearing what would happen if the guards had caught me in my expedition.

"I think so. Should one of us go check on his nest?"

"Yes. I will go, you go search the area for any signs of him. I'm still determined to put him in his place, and now is my chance with his foolishness at breaking the queen's command."

"As you wish, general Droid."

My heart froze in place with icy terror the moment the words 'put him in his place' were mentioned. Out of all the places I would have thought Droid would be at the moment, I would have guessed, without a hint of doubt, he would be at the changeling invasion. I dragged myself with one final pull into the crevice near me. With all the might I could muster I forced myself deep into the crevice, tucking my tail and wings in so as to camouflage with the black cave wall, I braced for the worst.

To my utter surprise, I caught a glance of the oblivious guard walking straight past my crevice, my only thought of how much he must have slept through shape changing school. I may not be an expert shape changer, but noticing one within my midst has always been my strong suit.

I dragged myself out of the crevice and continued down the corridor towards the exit of the hive. That is when I heard the cry of both rage and excitement from the direction of my nest.

My ears swivelled around to catch the source, and my already icy heart formed another layer of despair around it. I dragged myself faster, refusing to stop until I fulfilled my promise. I tried one last time at standing, and found, relieved, that most of the headache had subsided in the matter of minutes it had took me to flee from my quarters. I began a slow, brisk walk, though much faster than my pace of drag. Slowly I began to speed up down the hall, being ever so perceptive of my surroundings should a guard suddenly appear around the corner. I dashed faster, increasing speed as I went towards the exit of the hive.

A chirp of joy escaped me, as I saw the guards around the hive I had been sneaking past start to move away from their posts, likely in an attempt to find me. I turned a corner to the last set of ramps leading up to the surface above the hive. Excitement filled me as I began to realize I just might make it out. I leaped over the last stretch of the last ramp and around the corner towards the exit.

It was then I came first face into Droid.

"Going somewhere?" he asked immediately, yet with more malice I have ever heard him contain. "It's thanks to you I don't get to participate in this invasion you know. Queen Chrysalis sent me to lead the guards preventing you from escaping and ruining her perfect plan, and now I get to take out all my anger of missing the invasion on your foolish lack of loyalty."

Droid was speaking with so much anger at the thought of missing the invasion that I could swear I could feel an aura of menace spreading outwards from where he was centred. Only one thing stuck within my mind at that time, and it came out as a long stutter.

"Y-you... my nest... what?" I stood dumbfounded at how fast he had managed to cross the expanse of the hive.

"One with years of training can travel much faster without a major injury," he gestured at my split horn, a wicked grin crossing his muzzle. "You'll never escape this hive alive so long as I still stand."

He lunged at me, though I was ready this time – I would not fall for his predictable move again. I lunged to the side, only narrowly dodging his lunge towards me. I may have expected the attack, though Droid was much faster than anyling I have ever known. If I were to win this fight, I would have to win with the power of wits.

I fired a blast of green energy through my split horn, of which had much more raw energy than the normal blast due to the channelling barrier being split. Though immediately I felt a sting of pain from within the base of my forehead and was deprived of much of my original magical energy. I watched dizzily as the blast narrowly missed Droid's chest, causing him to laugh momentarily. Then, to both of our surprises, the bolt ricocheted off the wall behind him, losing half it's power in the process but colliding with the back of Droid's head. He staggered forward, looking like he was about to fall over from dizziness.

I took this as my chance.

Leaping towards the door, I propelled my wings towards the exit of the hive. With one last push, I rushed past the last expanse of hive-ground. I smiled with a rush of joy. I was going to make it...

If Droid hadn't shot a beam of sticky webbing towards me, pinning me securely to the ceiling of the hive.

"Rule number one of escaping, make sure your opponent is properly disoriented before even attempting it," he grinned wickedly. "Though I must say, I am impressed with the amount of power that was within that blast of yours. Most changelings couldn't even dream of it. It must have something to do with that split horn of yours." He laughed crazily as I struggled out of my bonds. Slowly but surely I wriggled free. With the help of my remaining magic, I got my upper arms out of the web and planned to escape at the first chance I got.

Droid simply fired more webbing towards over my upper limbs as well as my horn. "I suppose I shouldn't give you any more chances at slithering away," he said annoyed. He fired a blast of his own magic in the direction of my split horn, the bright-leaf-green bolt colliding directly at the base of it.

I howled in absolute agony.

At no point in my life had I ever felt this much pain. It was like having a Knife driven directly into an open forehead wound, though living at full attention throughout the whole ordeal. The pain continued for another half minute or so, prying screams from my inner being throughout the whole time. Then with one last shudder, I began to lose focus to my surroundings.

Everything faded to black.

Author's Note:

sorry the update took so long. I've been lazy with writing this week. Also I feel this chapter was rushed, especially in the middle. Any thoughts?