• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 399 Views, 9 Comments

Shackled Heart of Ice - Flare Rain

Lost and confused Roman awakens in the middle of Everfree Forest with no memories of his past or where he is from. Little did he know that with him came a new threat Equestria had forgotten long ago. This is his journey.

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Blizzards in Bliss

Author's Note:

So sorry for the wait! Computer problems just made this go on forever, and a bit of writer’s block. Enjoy, and R&R!

Shackled Heart of Ice
Ch.3: Blizzard In Bliss

“No... No no no....this can’t be...” The dark blue unicorn stared into his book, reading the text. He sat on a hill with a lone tree, which overlooked the Everfree Forest.

Long distance teleportation is only successful with a –
“Psychic dual movement!?!” He barked, furious from reading this “Who needs two ponies to do magic?!” he was steaming, anger coursing through him. He had searched for an hour, and the answer wasn’t even positive. He breathed in and out, trying to cool down until he just sat down. He had a blank face; something he usually did when he was a young colt.

The filling of emptiness began to overwhelm him, the stallion lost in sorrow and pain, the fear, the sins, the madness, it was powerful! The wave of horror and the feeling of terror ripped him apart limb by limb! Oh the insanity! Oh the dismay! Forget fright! Fear is nothing but hoping it doesn’t cause pain, then what will you call it? When death is inches away? When fear does finally bite, is it bitter? Is it dreadful? It’s cold I tell you! Oh it’s so cold... a barren feeling of nothing... There’s no point... Maybe I should just- though the cold never let him escape its icy grip, crushing him to the very marrow ‘till nothing but an empty shell of who he used to be...

“Excuse me?” The unicorn jumped, startled by the voice,
“Oh! Sorry!” Fritz turned to see the pony from the library. “I hope I wasn't disturbing your reading...”
She noticed the book was thrown against a tree with a few pages ripped out.

Fritz shook his head, smiling a little. “No thank you, it’s fine. I just have some... I’m sorry; I haven’t even properly intruded myself. General Fritz Sapphire.” He bowed, getting a surprised look from the Alicorn.

“You’re a general- oh.” She did a little bow, earning a small chuckle from Fritz. “Sorry. I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

She picked up the book and held it out to Fritz. He blinked, staring at her action. “... Do you still need it?” Twilight asked awkwardly, as Fritz still stared blankly.

Is this a trick? Or is this a type of civility? Is this an evil plot waiting to happen?

“No... I mean yes! Sorry, it’s just... No pony has ever been so... Kind to me before.” Fritz pondered at the word for a second, then took the book and put it aside.

“So, what’s a general doing here in Ponyville?” Twilight asked curiously, sitting next to the unicorn. Fritz tried thinking of something, trying to do something many ponies do around him: con-ver-say-shion.

“Well, I needed to do some research for some modern day spells. I’m from the Crystal Empire.” Fritz said somewhat smugly.
“Sadly, our library is outdated, well, you should know about that. I had to find a spell to easily deal with long-distance transportation. I wonder if you can help out Miss Sparkle?...” Fritz asked, getting a giggle from Twilight.

“You can call me Twilight. Now let’s see if we can find anything...”

Roman and Rainbow Dash both flew around the storm, trying to move the sheer force. The storm was at the edge of town already, covering Ponyville in a layer of white snow.

“You know, I figured moving a snowstorm would have been easier!” Roman shouted, as they tried to unravel the blizzard. “Does it look like I know how to stop this!?!” Rainbow shouted back, shivering a bit.
Burr....Rainbow Dash thought, as she and Roman tried to move the swirling blizzard. For some reason, it just seems too freaking cold!

So far the storm kept coming, howling winds shredding through the sky, irrelevant to Rainbow Dash’s and Roman’s attempt to steer it.
“Rainbow Dash!” Roman yelled, the sound of the hurricane grew. “What do we do now Rainbow Da- Look out!” a large shard of ice flew at her, spiraling towards her from behind.

Why do I have to be the hero? He thought as he flew behind Rainbow Dash, causing the shard to crash into him. He screamed, the piece of ice cutting a large gash through his wing.

“Roman!” Rainbow Dash shouted as Roman started to fall, the ground started to spiral closer by the second.

Well, look at the positive side of this. At least it’s covered in snow- THUD!

“Wow! It worked!” Twilight half-shouted, Fritz cringing. “We are in a cave” Fritz responded, shaking his head.

“Sorry” Twilight blushed. They practiced teleporting to a nearby cave, which was in a large mountain. Twilight had gone on about how she and her friends moved a dragon, as Roman laughed at some parts. He was now staring at a natural fountain, water continually pouring into it, as he was sitting motionlessly.

She sat next to him, as she thought of doing her crazy stunt. Well, actually, it was completely based on the romance novel section of the library, which she so loathed, though does come with its tips here and there. Here goes nothing.

“So... are you okay?” Twilight asked sheepishly, getting a concerned look from Fritz. “Umm... Yes. Why did you ask?” He went back to staring at the fountain, thinking hard.

He seemed to ponder on a thought, occasionally shaking his head. Twilight walked over to Fritz, her expression covered in concern, and she thought of something that she regrets to this day. She leaned onto Fritz. Fritz’s eyes widened, his mind concocting in confused emotions, a feeling to baffling for him. He jumped, turning to her.

Fritz stared as she gained balance, pulling back.
Fritz froze in place, his face still in shock.

“...well?” Twilight asked nervously, hoping he would feel better.

“...I HAVE TO GO!” Fritz practically shouted, using a quick teleport. Twilight sighed, looking down at the on the stone floor. “Well, guess that qualifies for the failure list.” She mumbled, picking up a stick and writing “Twilight Sparkle” in the dirt above the fountain. In case you ever come back...

“What... what was that?” Fritz asked himself, seeing Twilight leave the cave in the shadows. “No... I enjoyed that feeling so much!” He laughed to himself, getting up and galloping after Twilight. “Twi! Wait I-”

a dreadful feeling began to overcome Fritz, his body shuddering. He felt himself grow cold, coughing painfully. He kept going, his steps slowing down, his motivation escaping his body. It was as if a force pulled him back

Just where do you think you’re going? Hehehe... the voice was deep, seeping in venom,

“I’m going to get her back... before it’s too late!” Fritz told the hidden voice, which now chuckled.

Late for what? It’s not like you really need her... Oh, though I do like this self-confidence! Where did that come from? It cackled teasingly, Fritz stopped and turned around.

“I have the rights to do what I want!”

Do what you want? Do you even know what you want? I have such a difficult time making decisions for you alone, though you think she will be there for you? I have but turned you into a soldier and made you the stallion you are today, and you think you can do it yourself? You really are the irresponsible, sickling brat they think you are...

“No! That’s not true! She really liked me! I think we could... I don’t know... Be friends?”

Oh! Since when are you so bloody positive! This mare is really doing a number on you! Perhaps I should take tender loving care of her. Which do you prefer, body in the river or in an alley? I always think disposing the corpse in a dumpster is too easy to find.

“You are NOT me! I will not fall for it! This is what you always do! Well I won’t fall for it again! I will get to her!”

...Just what is it that you want to do?

“I wanna be free! I want to break free from this lies you’ve put on me! I want to be myself!” He shouted, getting a scoff from the voice.

Oh shut it. You are a foolish colt who never got to live a dream. You sicken who you are and what you live up to. I despise having to keep up with your reckless behavior.Now STOP!

“No... I... I got to... keep...” Fritz was lost in an evil torment, his willpower crushing him.

Yes Fritz. Good bye. Hehehe...

Fritz looked down in defeat, wiping a tear. “Good bye, Twilight. I hope... we will meet again.”

Two days later... Somewhere in Ponyville...

Where am I? Gah! My wing feels like it’s on fire... Got to wake up... come on.... there!

Roman opened his eyes, seeing where he was. A white room, which looked much like a clinic. He was on a bed, a window to his left with its blinds closed and a counter against the wall in front of him.

“Could be a hospital room,” Roman muttered, trying to move. He winced in pain, looking down to see his wing bandaged up. He remembered crashing into the ground after getting impaled by a shard of ice. The door opened, Roman looking over to see a white pony, with a pink-like mane. She also wore a white nurse’s hat with a red cross on the top.

“Ah, good to see you’re awake.” The pony walked in (who Roman guessed was a nurse due to her outfit) and came over. She looked a little worn out, though still managed to maintain a smile.

"A Pegasus brought you in. Apparently you were hit by a large piece of ice. It tore up some ligaments here and there... yada yada” She seemed to have a smile with a snarky tone, seeing as she had absolutely no care for it. “You are already stitched up, though you won’t be able to fly for a few hours. Also I’m letting Rainbow Flash, or whatever her name is, in.”

She left rudely, letting a disheveled Rainbow Dash in.

“Hi Rain- oof!” he coughed as Rainbow Dash hugged him. She pulled back with a look of concern. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have taken you into a blizzard! I hope it isn’t anything permanent!” Rainbow Dash rambled, earning a grin from Roman.

“It’s okay Dash. Wait, what happened with the snowstorm?” She grimaced, walking over to the window and opened it. Roman gasped, looking through to see Ponyville. The skies were bright white, cottages and buildings covered in deep snow. Hail banged against the window, the hospital shielding its patients.

“I thought we could handle it...” Rainbow Dash muttered, fixing up her mane. “But it kept coming. It’s been sitting here for two days now nonstop. I even gathered all the pegasi in Ponyville and Cloudsdale to move it, and no luck. It’s like magic.”

Magic? Wait... Ice magic?

“Have you tried any other ways to end it?” Roman asked hopefully. Rainbow Dash gave a cocked eyebrow, frowning at his lack of common sense. “Don’t you think I would have tried that already?”

She trotted to the window, staring at the hail, which constantly banged against the glass. “It’s almost similar to what Discord did. I think we have to go to Twilight.”

In Canterlot...
Celestia’s Throne wasn’t in the best of shape. The blizzard had swept past Canterlot, causing the mountain to be covered in snow. The train tracks were buried beneath pounds of sleet, all transportation outside of the city was futile, besides the means of magic. Princess Celestia sat reading a light blue letter. She looked up suddenly, shock at the last words.

“Princess Luna!” She stated, and an alicorn walked in. She had a dark blue, almost black-like coat, with a mane which looked like the night sky. On her flank and neck is a white design of a crescent moon

“Sister? What is the matter?” She was worried; only major problems would make her like this. Celestia stood up, her rainbow like mane flowing.

“We have a situation in Equestria. We need to gather the Elements of Harmony.” Princess Luna’s face flustered.

“Sister, what is troubling Equestria? I thought we already dealt with all of our enemies.” Celestia walked over to her sister in the middle of the throne room, leaning in to whisper.

“All but one. One we forgot long ago.” Luna stared at her sister strangely. She’s a little off today...

“Who? I really have no idea who it is, and you, the all-knowing, seem to be leaving the worst hints.” She stated rudely, getting a sigh from Celestia.
“It’s the Crystal Empire’s former king.” Princess Luna scoffed, shaking her head chuckling. “Sister, King Sombra is dead. There’s no way he’s still a threat.”

Celestia walked over past Princess Luna, looking towards the door. “No, before Sombra, the king who ruled the land before. We have to lock down the castle before-

“Hello!” A voice came from the entrance of the room, startling the two sisters. A deep blue unicorn stood at the door, his light blue eyes piercing at Celestia. His mane was a sky blue and slicked back. Behind him were five guards dead behind him. His coat was covered in blood, and a toothy grin remained on his face.

“Oh Celestia! It has been too bloody long! and please forgive my pun” He laughed, walking over goofily. “You got your sister back too! Oh though I do miss Nightmare Moon...”

The unicorn looked around the throne room, shaking his head. “Your taste in wallpaper is absolutely horrendous though! Hehehe!” he chuckled to himself, then turned to Celestia with a wicked grin.

“You know it would have been a bit courteous to answer.” Celestia, still stunned, shook her head a little, then gained back her posture.

“Who are you? How did you get into the castle?” The unicorn burst into a fit of laughter, falling to the side in hysteria.

“You...Hahaha....Don’t even remember me?” He then jolted up flatteringly, trotting up to Celestia and looked her straight in the eyes with irises that were ice cold, a grin creeping across his face. “Why, I am the young colt you killed many years ago.”

Celestia eyes widened, her face in utter shock as she stepped back in panic, trying to get away from him.

“No! You should be dead! You can’t- No! How did you?” The unicorn kept towards Celestia, as Princess Luna looked at both of them baffled.
“Who is going to tell me what’s going on?!” The unicorn looked at the pair; a toothy grin of sheer hatred sketched on his smile, and chuckled.

Hello sisters.”

Comments ( 5 )

5626589 :derpyderp2: I seemed to have forgotten to fix that. Thanks for pointing it out though ^ ^ ((I believe I planned for a sword with a rose around it)) I'll be sure to fix it.

“It’s the Crystal Empire’s former king.”

Called it last chapter! Knew it was Sombra!

“No, before Sombra, the king who ruled the land before. We have to lock down the castle before-

Oh...okay, I didn't call it. Also, you're missing a quotation mark at the end of that sentence.

“Hello sisters.”

Dang, the amount of crazy theories I'm going to get from that one sentence is insane.

5626657 yeah, that about sums it up (The truth is in disguise :moustache:) . And I'll edit that quotation. Thanks for the advice :pinkiehappy:

I just found your story. It's really good shame it's on hiatus:fluttershysad: have a follow. I look forward to future works

If you'd like to collaborate let me know Tata:yay:

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