• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 1,526 Views, 153 Comments

Half-Baked Biscuits - Admiral Biscuit

A collection of unfinished early stories by the Admiral.

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Centorea Shianus in Equestria

Centorea Shianus in Equestria
Admiral Biscuit


Her morning exercise had started out normally enough. She’d left the house and headed toward the park, despite the slight chill in the air and the thick fog. After all, it wasn’t the first time that she’d been this way, and there probably wasn’t anything in the fog to fear.

Still, the morning air was chilly and foreboding, and she clenched her arms around her chest for a moment, before giggling at her silliness.

The sound of her hooves on concrete were strange in the thick fog, and it wasn’t until she was almost at the park entrance that she realized that she wasn’t hearing them echo back to her.

Cerea flicked her tail as if to dismiss the strange feelings, and turned towards the park entrance.

The gate loomed up over her, and then her hooves were on the soft grass of the park, and she relaxed at the familiar—if mostly unseen—surroundings.

She hadn’t been in there too long; even without checking the time, she knew it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. But it was long enough to somehow cross the barrier between worlds.

As she rounded a bend around a copse of trees, a strange, alien face suddenly loomed at her through the fog. She thought she could dimly make out a building where there shouldn’t be one, and then another shadow-shape flittered across her vision, this one above her, and she panicked and broke into a full gallop.

What happened next was the tragic yet inevitable result of physics and physiology. As her equine body went down, her unfettered bosoms went up.


Twilight woke to the sound of panicked screaming outside her Crystal Castle. This, unfortunately, was not an unusual event, so after peering through the window long enough to determine that all the celestial bodies were still where they belonged and that the town wasn’t on fire, she made her way slowly and deliberately down the stairs, pausing long enough to use the bathroom and make herself a cup of tea on the way.

By the time she reached the base of the stairs, she was suitably refreshed.

The Cutie Mark Map wasn’t flashing any urgent messages, and the hooves pounding on the front door hadn’t even reached a level three emergency yet, so she waited until she was nearly to the doors before grasping the handles in her aura and pulling them open, sending one panicked petitioner to sprawl out on her floor.

“Tirek is back!” he gasped, before fainting dead away.

“He’s going to take our cutie marks again!” a voice wailed from outside her door.

Twilight took one final sip of her tea before setting the cup aside. Ponies never liked seeing a princess panic. “Where is he and what is he doing?”

The resultant explanation was a typical insight into herd behavior; Twilight eventually managed to determine from the various roundabout explanations that the crowd offered that somepony’s friend or sister had heard from some other pony that there was a monster in the Everfree and that it was a centaur. Also that it was wearing clothes.

In Canterlot, that would not have been worthy of mention; in Ponyville, it was.

As Twilight had been interviewing the crowd, her friends had shown up as well. Pinkie and Rarity were the first: they lived in town and could hear the worried mob just as easily as Twilight could. Rainbow saw them from her cloud perch, and Applejack just had a sort of sixth sense about that kind of thing.

Fluttershy arrived at some point as well, or else she’d been there all along and nopony had noticed.

Going trekking off after some monster or friendship problem or whatever other situations might happen to arise was old hat to the girls, so after all six of them were gathered together they immediately headed off to the forest, with the town slowly returning to normal behind them.

Unexpectedly, Fluttershy found Cerea first. The shy pegasus was instinctively drawn towards injured creatures, after all, and Cerea fit the bill.

She was sprawled out on her side, not terribly far in the forest. Applejack immediately noticed the trampled underbrush that marked her path from the edge of Ponyville.

“It’s a centaur,” Rarity said, a tone of surprise in her voice.

“At least the panicked mob got something right,” Twilight muttered.

“Poor thing’s out cold.” Fluttershy put her head up against Cerea’s cheek. “I think she’s been in a fight, maybe. She’s got a black eye.”

“Are we sure it’s a she?” Rainbow crossed her hooves and then zoomed over Cerea’s prone form for a closer look.

“She’s got bigger udders than Daisy Jo. Ain’t no stallions I’ve ever heard of that—”

“I had them as a biped—”

“Definitely a mare; she’s got an innie and not an outie.” Pinkie dropped Centorea's tail and pronked back around to her head.

“These are very well-made clothes.”

“Um, maybe we should focus on the patient and not on her clothes?”

“Sorry, darling.”

Twilight nodded her assent. “You’re right. We can discuss other issues later, once she’s back on her hooves. For now, let’s focus on getting her comfortable.”

“Ain’t too much comfortable in these here woods. If’n Ah was hurt but not too bad . . . “

Five pairs of eyes turned to Fluttershy, who wilted slightly under their gaze before she squared her shoulders. “AJ’s right. I think her recovery would be quicker if she were in an actual home and not out here in the forest.”

“Do you think it’s safe to move her?”

“I can’t find any serious injuries. Some bruises and small cuts, and of course she’s knocked out, but I don’t think any bones are broken.”

Now every eye turned to Twilight, and with good reason. If Cerea were to be moved, it was going to be up to the young alicorn—the other five together didn’t have much chance of lifting her, given her size.

“Fine.” Twilight’s horn lit, and a moment later, a magenta aura twined around the fallen centaur, but nothing else happened.

The glow intensified.

Still nothing.

“Oof, she’s heavier than she looks.” Twilight scrunched up her muzzle and stuck her tongue out and added a little bit more magic to her telekinesis spell, and a moment later, Centorea Shianus’ limp body lifted up off the dirt.


As luck would have it, Twilight had gotten some Yak-sized furniture, and since her Crystal Castle wasn’t lacking for storage space, she still had it. The couch was large enough for Cerea to fit on somewhat comfortably.

Fluttershy continued caring for the centaur, with Rainbow’s help. Applejack and Pinkie Pie went off to the kitchen to make snacks for when she woke up. Twilight found a book on centaurs and started reading it, and Rarity did what she could for Cerea’s grass-stained clothes. Luckily, she knew a few spells for removing stains from clothes and coats, spells which had been learned as a direct result of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

They hadn’t been back for too long before Cerea’s ears started twitching, followed by her tail. Pretty soon, she was moving around a little bit on the couch, and by the time her eyes fluttered open, the Mane 6—now with a freshly-baked batch of cookies—had arranged themselves in a semicircle around her makeshift sickbed.

To her credit, Cerea didn’t flip out when she saw them. She grabbed a carrot out of Twilight’s vegetable bowl and started munching on it, much to Pinkie Pie’s dismay.

Since she wasn’t freaking out, Fluttershy gave her a bag of ice so that she could nurse her black eye.

“So how come you aren’t afraid of me?” she asked around bites of carrot. “After Tirek, I’d think that you’d fear centaurs.”

“Putting aside for now the question of how you know who Tirek is—since you’re not a native of Equestria—we ponies are just naturally inclined to be more receptive towards other females, since we live in a matriarchal society.”

“How did you know that I was female?”

Twilight gestured towards Cerea’s enormous breasts, Fluttershy blushed slightly and pushed the thermometer under the couch, and Rarity shoved a hoof into Pinkie’s mouth before she could open it.

Author's Note:

I will downvote you through the server and bedrock until you land in 4chan.