• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,744 Views, 70 Comments

Friendship is Shining: Cutie Mark Rising - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Twilight starts school, and trying to get her Cutie Mark

  • ...

Wandering Wondering

Twilight was not paying attention to where she was going, or how long she had walked. The filly had not noticed the other ponies moving around her, when she reached the edge of Ponyville proper, or when she was just walking through grassy fields. It was only she reached the gates for Sweet Apple Acres that she realized how far she had traveled.

Maybe Apple Bloom will have some idea.

Twilight ran through the farm, looking around for her friend. She caught sight of a large red earth stallion pulling a plow in a field.

"Excuse me, Mister Macintosh," she called out. "Do you know where Apple Bloom is?"

"Last I saw," Big Macintosh answered, "she was headed to the south orchard." He pointed in the direction.

"Thank you," she said before running the direction pointed. It was easy to get through the orchard.

Twilight had gotten to know the layout of the farm pretty well from exploring it while playing with Apple Bloom. She had even started working on a map of the place. It still needed a lot of work, but she had the edges marked out as well as the house and the main barn. The most tedious part would be marking all the apple orchards. The south orchard was the one she knew best since Apple Bloom wanted to got there the most often for some reason. That made it easier to guess where she would be.

Sure enough, there was Apple Bloom playing with Winona. The dog stopped and let out a bark, running toward Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight." Apple Bloom said as she came up to her friend. "What brings you here?"

"I just kind of ended up here," Twilight answered as she petted Winona. "I was just kind of walking around thinking."

"'bout what?"

"How did school go for you?" Twilight asked. "Did that ... uhm... crown.... pony.... filly..."

"Diamond Tiara."

"Yeah. Did she give you any trouble?"

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No," she answered. "Well.... not directly anyways. She was too busy showing off some new outfit she picked up from... I don't know... Manehattan or something. Some fancy thing from her travels."

"When she does bother you," Twilight continued, "how do you deal with it?"

"Applejack says to just ignore and she'll get bored." She shifted, looking at Twilight curiously. "Why? Some pony picking on you?"

"No," Twilight answered. "I mean... not really. It's just... I was working on some homework with Pound and Pumpkin when I ran into a filly from class. She got me really confused, talking about Shiny being jealous of Sunset Shimmer and me being jealous of her because she has her cutie mark."

"Why do you care about that?"

"I don't..." Twilight shifted. "Or... I didn't." She looked at the blank spot on her purple flank where the cutie mark was supposed to be some day. "I mean I didn't until she started talking about it. Now... I kind of wish I did have it. It's like she got under my skin. Something I never cared about before is suddenly the most important thing in the world."

"Don't know what that's like," Apple Bloom said, "but I can kinda relate to the cutie mark thing. I mean most of the ponies in my class have theirs. I just hope I get mine before Diamond Tiara gets hers, or I'm never going to hear the end of it."

"I doubt it would be that bad. I mean she wouldn't make fun of you all the time for not having a cutie mark, would she."

Apple Bloom looked at Twilight, but said nothing.

"Apple Bloom!" a familiar feminine voice called out. "Apple Bloom, where are ya?!"

"Applejack's home," Apple Bloom squealed out. She started running, heading back toward the main house of the farm. Winona let out an excited bark before chasing after her. Twilight came with them as well.

As the house came into sight, so did Big Macintosh and the orange form of Applejack. Apple Bloom tackled her older sister, hugging her tightly around the neck. Applejack let out a chuckle as she hugged Apple Bloom back.

"I'm glad to see you too," the orange earth pony said with a smile. Several bandages covered her flank and back on one side of her body.

"What happened?" Twilight asked, looking at the bandages.

"What?" Applejack said before looking at the spot. "Oh. Well somepony, and I ain't sayin' who, thought it would be a good idea to kick the dragon right in the nose. Turned out it weren't too happy 'bout that and we got knocked 'round a mite." She put a hoof around her sister again. "Fortunately Fluttershy was there to give the fella a right talkin' to."

"I need to go," Twilight said. "I have to get home and make sure that Shining Armor is okay. I'll see you later."


But the filly was already running off at full speed back toward the Ponyville library.