• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 3,095 Views, 34 Comments

The Eternal Knight - Nerom_Fencer

The fist story of The eternal knight. Nero a human found in and rescued from the everfree joins the ponies in their lives. But will the trouble he brings be worth it for them or even him?

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Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and it’s creative properties is owned by Lauren Faust and Hasbro, not me.

Luna awoke by a magical disturbance that rippled through the air. Whats the time?... Never mind its too early. Then she felt it again, That tingling sensation that something was using a tremendous amount of magical energy. "I better go and see Tia about this." Yawning and stretched herself in the bed. She got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom door while trying to rub the sleep from her eyes, this was surprisingly easy to do despite walking on three legs."I hope that it not something to serious this time" we don´t want another Discord insident on our necks

She remembered what an hassle the whole ordeal had been. Shortly after the spirits of harmony had left the castle, Discord had altered her elder sisters mind into thinking it was heart and hooves day and that one of the Lunar guards by her door was Twilight Sparkle. Leaving Luna in charge of the kingdom. She shuddered at the shear thought of it.

Well anyway now i need to talk to Tia about this disturbance... After I´m finished with my mane. She giggled at the last thought. When did she starting to care about her mane in front of her sister. Well it was a high chance that she was located in the throne room. When walking out of her chambers two guards was stationed outside. "Where can I find my sister at this hour?" She said to the left guard.

He looked a little nervous and his eyes wandered over to his fellow guardspony. But said with a firm and professional voice, "I believe you can find her in the dining hall at this hour, it is time for her Majesties lunch if I am correct."

Luna gave the guard a light nod and started to head to the dinning hall on the other side of the castle. Of course she just had to be at the other side of this ridiculously big castle, guess I have no choice then.

When Luna rounded the corner her horn lit in a dark blue color and a light but dark blue mist enveloped her.

A small gasp came from behind her when the mist subsided, behind her stood a light brown mare and looked like a mule with her jaw dropped. Luna threw her a glance and a small smile when she noticed who it was. "Tinder Wood what a pleasant surprise."

The mare regained her composure. "May I ask why you are up this early m´lady?"

Luna groaned at the word m´lady never liked it but this time she said nothing of it. "I am looking for Celestia is she having her lunch right now or do i have to scold the guards by my door?" With that a guard ran into Tinder and knocked her over.

"Excuse me miss I´m sorry but have you seen Princess Luna by any chance? She left her chambers and disappeared into thin air."

Timber lifted a hoof gracefully and pointed it at the alicord. "May i present Princess Luna, Princess of the night." Luna couldn't help herself to a small laugh. The guard spun in a half circle.

"Princess i recommend that you don´t go up in smoke next time" the guard looked worried.

Luna silenced her low laugh. "My night guards have no problem with it and you know were i was going so i see no fault in it. and I add that it was you who decided to run here." She said the last part with a low chuckle. "Now miss Tinder is my sister in the dining hall or not?"

"Indeed she is your Majesty" she gave Luna a graceful nod,Luna returned the gesture and proceeded to the door.

The doors to the dining hall swung open on its big hinges. Celestia looked over at her sister standing in the door. "Oh my Luna what are you doing up at a time as this? Its just past noon."

"I was awoken by a magical disturbance sister. a big one!" Luna looked over at her sister with serious eyes.

"Are you certain? If you were sleeping it has to be a strong spell, and I did not feel anything major. Well there was a report that I just got. I haven´t read the report myself yet, Care to join me dear sister?" Luna walked over and sat by her sister, Celestia levitated the scroll in front of them.

Anomaly magical report. It read.

"Ha I knew it!"

"Now now dear sister it seems you were right." They continued to read the Report

To her majesty Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Numerous reports of students and professors, at the School for gifted unicorns as well as eyewitnesses, Have reported to me in concern about a magical surge that ripped trough the air only ten minutes ago.

I will also add that the majority of these ponies that felt the surge are majoring in shadow magic.

This is the reason why I address this letter to both of princesses and not only to you princess Celestia. The Information that I have gathered on short notice, shows that its likely an extremely powerful transportation spell that have been used and to feel it from here when the surge originated, (known thanks to the eyewitnesses) in the Everfree forest.

The spell was measured to be able to relocate a smaller army of ponies, To be estimated five thousand beings.

I sent this in form of an emergency report because of this matter if an unknown enemy has relocated itself to the Everfree forest, then Ponyville will be its first target. I urge your majesties to send troops to scout out the area of origination.

The rest of the report was a small calculus of were the spell was cast and under that a small map of the Everfree forest with a small red cross roughly ten minutes walk into the forest.

"A pressing matter indeed sister." Luna looked concerned at sister that her eyes closed.

"You are right Luna and no wonder that I did not fell it strongly when I my self govern light magic." she opened her eyes and saw Luna´s concerned face, she gave her sister a quick but gentle nuzzle.

She straitened her neck. "Captain order a scout party to the Everfree forest immediately. to these coordinates" she levitated the report over to captain Silver Charger.

"Yes ma´m said the stallion." After he left the dining hall he was already shouting orders, this wasn't the first day on the job for him.

I better send a letter to Twilight to make sure that she is alri... The thought was interrupted by Luna.

"I think you better send a letter to Twilight Sparkle about this, she is a spirit of harmony after all."

" My thoughts exactly dear sister." Celestia responded when a quill a paper and a bottle of ink materialized before her. I don't know what I will do if she comes to harm. With these thoughts she was not the only one with a concerned frown on her face.

The manticore slowly made its way towards the two smaller beings, to day it wanted lunch and look what had been served. the yellow pony was slowly backing of, the manticore didn't care it was set for the target on the ground. It looked over to the pony again, bad mistake!

The manticore froze were he stood staring into the pony eyes. he wanted to strike but could not move an inch. it fought the stare, inching closer to the ground with its paw. a minute passed and it broke free from the ponies stare.

The manticore screamed in agony when it grounded target drove something through its paw, the blade. It reared backwards making it slice its own paw more.

"That´s what you get for being greedy!" The man was not amused not only had he been kicked in his private parts by a pony but also assaulted by a beast. "And whatever you did Fluttershy thank you. it did not mangle me." The man got to his feet while saying this. The manticore roared again looking furiusly at the man. "Yet!"

"Don´t hurt it its just an animal and its just a cub." Fluttershy was surprisingly out of breath he noticed.

"I think we are a little to late for that now my little yellow friend, seeing that it already impaled its own paw on my rapier"

"your what? Ohh you mean that knife thing. what an awful thing to do, he is probably just hungry."

"Well I´m not becoming lunch to an over sized lion!"

The manticore lunged at him, he side stepped the charge and got struck by a Bat wing. he grazed the beast in its side, and did not see the scorpion tail that headed and struck his shoulder.

"ouuuuch! that stings!" The tail had retracted as fast it came. the man took his turn in assaulting the beast cutting it in the shoulder and all the down to its knee. The manticore decided that the tall one was to much of a pain to deal with literary, so it jumped on its three remaining legs to towards the pony.

"Fluttershy watch out!" The pony made an eep sound and soared to the sky.

Well thats nice but what about me. I don´t think i can deal with this on my own! Just when he finished that thought he was lifted through the air.

"Hold on I get us out of here its not that long to my cottage, I have some manticore antidote I think" she said rather strained by the weight.

Poisonous lion just my luck! I sure hope she can make it and that this thing don´t follow us there. his consciousnesses started to fade away again.

Rainbow Dash was soaring through the sky towards Fluttershy´s cottage. "whats that? and I wonder what Fluttershy is doing over the Everfree forest?

She soared closer in her usual high speed, but she slowed down when she got closer to Fluttershy. "Hey Fluttershy what are you doing over there? and what is that?" She was referring to the now unconscious human Fluttershy was struggling with.

"Some help over here he is hurt? If you don´t mind that is."

"Course I help you Fluttershy." She grabbed one of the creatures forelegs. "What is this thing anyway? I have never seen anything like it."

"I don´t really know I did not ask it" Fluttershy said now with less strain on her voice. "He got poisoned by a manticore so we must get him back to the cottage, I think I have some there."

Rainbow Dash shock her head a little. "Don´t you remember Fluttershy. You gave that to Zecora the other day you told me that yourself."

"Ohh no i totally forgot that!" she cried "What should we do?!" Rainbow stuck her chest out and proudly pointed to herself.

"After we get to your cottage I will go to Zecora and get that antidote." She proclaimed this plan with great pride.

"Well you Better go then we are here now, thanks for the help Rainbow." Fluttershy said timidly. As they set down the backyard of her cottage.

"No problem what are friends for anyway, and lets say that its payback to you for taking care of Tank while i was of in Cloudsdale. Were is the little bugger anyway?"

"Inside he was playing with Angel last time I saw them. I let him know that you are coming by to pick him up later, I´m sure that he will be happy to see you again."

"No doubt about that, whats is there to not miss!" She proclaimed "Well see you later Fluttershy"

"Be careful Dash" Fluttershy said doubting that rainbow heard her.

Seeing the rainbow maned Pegasus take off she started to drag the male creature to the cottage, she started to blush a little remembering where she had kicked him. Well i didn't mean to do it it just happened. Still i better tend to his wound. If only Rarity was here she always know what to do with clothing

Somewhere in Ponyville a white and purple unicorn sneezed. A pink pony bounced in behind her followed by a orange mare

Dash was speeding through the forest, lucky for her the path to Zecora´s hut was easy enough for her. This is going well I just need not to crash into the hut after this next turn she braked a little to late and crashed trough the door. Shot not again The zebra looked at her.

"Ya should really star´t looking were ya flying Rainbow Dash" Apple Bloom walked in to the hut. "Hi Zecora, ah have the sup´lies that you wanted" she walked over to the zebra

"Ah Apple bloom you have my shroom I smell and do tell why are you here rainbow dash or are you out and being brash?"

Rainbow got on her hooves

"I need some of the Manticore antidote that Fluttershy gave you, a weird looking creature was poisoned by one according to her. It was unconscious when we got to Fluttershy´s home. She told me that she gave it to you two days ago"

"Sorry I am but the antidote i don´t have."

"So its gone?!" Dash almost yelling now.

"No that was not my intent the holder of the antidote is your friend Twilight."

Apple Bloom intervened here.

"Ah went an gave her it my self earlier."

"Why would twilight want antidote for poison?! never mind i need it. Thank you Zecora see you around Apple Bloom."

Rainbow dash took of again this time she went flew through the leafs of the trees and proceeded to fly to ponyville. This is going to be a long day. Well its always fun to have a reason to fly in high speeds. She speed to ponyville and was soon preparing to land outside the Tree Library. She crashed through the split door again for the forth time this week.

"Rainbow Dash! what have i told you about crashing into the library, anyway did you need something?" she looked at the pile of books and rainbow mane.

"Yea Fluttershy needs the manticore antidote that Apple Bloom gave you earlier sick patient" Dash scuffled out of the pile

"Oh so she don´t need so much then or is it some big animal?"

"Its pretty big almost a third taller than a pony I´d say. I think it might been almost as tall as Celestia. Well manticore poison is pretty strong so I need to hurry!" A loud burp and flaming noise came from the kitchen. A moment later spike came with a letter.

"Ghee! Twilight not every day Celestia sends you a urgent notice. a blue string was attached to the letter.

"Give me that spike, I wonder what can be so urgent. I have not seen one of these sense discord broke lose."

"Well that´s cool and all but I need that antidote for Fluttershy"

Twilight finished her letter. "Well about that animal I think I need to go and see it for my self. Princess Celestia, and Luna for that matter is worried about an magical anomaly." So that was the magical disturbance earlier today? "I´ll just get that antidote." Her horn lit in a warm lavender, A small gray bag floated down from her room on the second floor loft. "And now let´s go to Fluttershy´s." Her horn glowed brighter and spike was now alone in the library.

"Nice gets left behind agai.." Spike disappeared in a magical flash,

"Sorry spike I almost forgot about you." Said a snorting Twilight

"A little warning next time if you don´t mind. That was a real shocker."

"Sorry again spike" She levitated the small dragon to her back and put the small bag in his hands. "Hold this. . . And don´t drop it" She added.

"Me? dropping something?! Twilight I´m your number one assistant." He said this while almost dropping the small bag.

Before Twilight had the chance to knock on the door, Rarity opened it. "Pinkie said that you were coming and that something big was happening, so she want and got me and Applejack. And now we know why she said that we did not need to go and get you and Dash."

"Well are you going to stand in the door all day or let us in?" Rainbow was inpatient as ever.

Rarity moved from the door "If this wasn't a emergency Rainbow, I would have said. Patient is a virtue."

"You just did! And your right this is an emergency." Dash looked at Rarity with a really smug face and a smile. In the background pinkie was giggling.

Spike was already in the room with Fluttershy and held the now open bag. Fluttershy gave a sigh in relief.

"So this is the animal Dash told me about. quite long if you ask me, is it bipedal?" Twilight entered the room that now served as a sickbay, it was usually Fluttershy´s bedroom

The yellow Pegasus was clearly startled by the sudden question. "Ahh yes it is at least it was when i defended me from that manticore earlier and it has hands with fingers like spike, well it have more fingers than spike ten to be precise. It also wore more clothing before but I removed some so I could tend to the sting wound." She shivered a little

"Must been thought getting it here it quite big, Also i know how you react to blood. Have you already given it the antidote?" She looked at the hairless creature well mostly hairless, it had a silver mane that flowed from its head almost down to the floor from where it laid on the bed.

"Yes, The result was almost instant, but it will keep him sleeping for a while, So all we can do now is wait. A.J said that she didn't want me to stay alone with ''this thing'' in my home, so she suggested that she stayed over to night." She gave Twilight a smile. "So will you stay to, Pinkie want to have a slumber party?! If that is fine with you of course." The Pegasus looked in the ground for a moment. "Rarity said that she will stay to."

"Ah why not!" she rolled her eyes "I want to study this creature anyway, I got a letter from princess Celestia, mentioning a strong magical surge most likely a teleportation spell of enormous caliber. Where did you find him anyway?"

"In a clearing in Everfree forest. it was there the manticore attacked us." and I hugged and kicked him. She blushed a little but looked out the window. Twilight took it for directions to the clearing.

I might check out that place tomorrow, but now this creature is more interesting. It might been a dimensional portal, that is always a plausibility. "Well can i examine, did you say him? now?"

"yes it sounded male when it talked. And it was in pain when i kicked it in the groin. and you can examine it if you like its not much to see anyway. Its things are on the chest in the corner, oh and before i forget that long knife is extremely sharp. ..well all except its jacket rarity had called, its downstairs in the kitchen."

"Thank you Fluttershy I´ll be down in a while. Spike get some writing material I need to take notes for my report to the princess." Her stomach growled lowly.

"Hehe, It looks like somepony is hungry, I will make some lunch then." Fluttershy giggled while she exited the room leaving the lavender pony and the little dragon to their study. "I fetch you when lunch is ready."

"That might take a while came a shout from downstairs A.J has started to make apple-pie!" Rainbow shouted with a happy voice.

"Awesome Apple family pie is the best!" the little dragon was almost jumping with joy.

Twilight shock her head a little and started to focus on the task at head, it was going to be a interesting hour.

Nero... It´s time... Death lingers on you no longer...

The young man woke up panting. What a dream. i swear i don´t ever want to see a manticore again.

He remembered the dream like it was reality, a hell swarm of manticores surrounding him, one after another lunged at him, stinging him allover but he didn't die. He just keep't killing them but they keep't coming with seemingly no end. Then all faded and a dark blue pony stood before him. The pony had a rapier and a crescent moon on his flank, it only stared on him. When he asked what his name was it only smiled and said. "soon." Always smiling.

After what felt like an eternity the pony spoke. chanting rather. "Nero, Nero, Nero." at first it was only that word but soon others followed but it was only a rumble in his head, the man could not understand them. Then he heard it and he awoke in a bed.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The man sat up in the bed. I wonder, am I in the cottage Fluttershy spoke of? A small tingling came from his left shoulder. He looked at it a small puncture wound was located under his left collar bone. He it was not covered by anything from the waist up. something was plastered on his back. He reached for it and grabbed something that felt like a wet cloth.

"Oh this must be the cover for the shoulder wound" Well any way its not like i need it now, and were is my clothes No mater that he never had seen them before, he was not really comfortable without a shirt on when he was awake. That might been because he was so skinny. He was well built anyway but no need to be a D-bag and show it of. He looked around the room and found the clothes, well most of it the jacket... or was it a trench coat it was rather long. Nero started to get dressed.

Nero now is that my name or is it someones else? Never mind that I take what I can get. He clipped the rapier on to the little triangle on his belt with a low click, it was easier this time. I hope that it don't fall of somewhere I don't want that Pegasus to be hurt by it. He had noticed the sharpness of the blade when he ''scratched'' the manticore ripping a large wound down its leg. I wonder if it is alright Fluttershy did not seem to want it harm. animal friend if I'm not mistaken otherwise she would not be that interested and trusting to me, she seemed rather frighted by me.

Nero took a look out the window and was stunned by the beauty of the night sky even when distorted by window plane, after a moment he decided to go outside. He had always loved the night sky and to be fair he was a night person, even if it was a little chilly outside.

He stepped carefully down the steps on the stairs and heard soft snores from down stairs. Does more then one person live here? I better be quiet then. He continued down the stairs only to see five ponies and a lizard sleeping in a circle. One spot was empty, the lizard mumbled some thing about a beautiful mane and curled up to the lavender unicorn. various magazines and what he presumed to be beauty cosmetics was scatted on the table of the room. Heh colorful bunch all that is missing is some one that is neon pink and they can make a stage performance on Broadway. He spotted his jacket but saw that it was going to be impossible to reach it without waking the white unicorn. Hehe, Pegasi and unicorns. a little girls dream!

He slowly made his way to what he thought was the exit. It swung up slowly and a pink pony with even pinker mane. Was sitting and eating a cupcake, with what smelled like hot sauce. Her eyes growed in size and her mouth opened in a gasp. Nero put a finger to his mouth and hushed and pointed to the room with the sleeping. She did not say anything while he closed the door behind him. immediately the pink pony was by him speaking in a hushed but were quick voice. "Ohmygoshyouareawakeandtheothersareasleep! Ohweneedtohaveaparty! doyoulikeparties? Ilikepartiesand..."

Here he grabbed her muzzle and said in a even lower voice "now now pink one why don't you say that again but slower. We don't want to wake your friends, everyone needs their sleep. also why hot sauce and cupcake?" He let go of the pony after he felt that she tried to nod.

"I'm pinkie Pie. and Fluttershy said that you don't remember your own name, is that true? oh and like you parties? she said the last thing with a great smile. "and hot sauce and cupcake is really good trust me I'm a baker!" the pony silenced herself with another cupcake. and looked at him with eager eyes.

"well its true that I don't remember my own name." well i chose to call myself Nero but no need to tell her that now. "and yes i like parties, but just not now its in the middle of the night and I just woke up. Also i wanted to take a walk outside but I took the wrong door it seems." seeing no door in the kitchen he came to the conclusion that he was forced to sneak out of the building through the living room again.

"Why do you want to go outside its night?" she took another bite of the cupcake.

"To see the stars of course. why else should someone walk out for no reason at night?"

"And so you can disappear without a proper party? well I won't allow that!"

"That white one has my jacket and I think I want it back before I leave. Also I need to thank Fluttershy before I that." he crossed his arms and stared at the pink pony. "And I'm not really from Equestria. So I think i need some help on that aspect to. So may I go and see the night sky now?"

Pinkie looked like she was thinking seriously but that look was ruined by her munching on a cupcake.

"alrightydike you can go but you have to pinkie promise that you come back." Her look was dead serious.

"Alright I promise."

"Oh you don't do a pinkie promise like that, It goes like this. Cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." she did movements to the chant. "like that see, no its your turn."

" Cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." This looks ridiculous He did movements to the chant. And rolled his eyes. "May I go now?"

"Jepp, have fun and remember you promised." she gave him a smile. a complete trusting smile. Weird that she trusts me so easily, well never mind.

He turned and opened the door slowly and walked by the wall to the next door this one had a heart sign on it. Must be the toilet. He continued to the door he now thought was the correct door. It opened up to the night sky and he smiled. "Amazing!" he could not help to smile at the crescent moon and the stars that twinkled around it. he walked for a minute and sat down still smiling.

Luna was in eager waiting on daybreak, she had already decided on that she was going to visit ponyville in the morning. In front of her was a very interesting letter levitated.

Dear Princess Luna

It have come to me that it's best to address this letter more personally. This is on the matter of the magical surge that occurred earlier today. It has come to my knowledge that a creature much resembles a primate except minor details, It is hairless for the exception of its head. It also have have the ability to speech and walks on two legs,The creature is very slender with noticeable muscles, and in difference to other primates it has no tail.

It also wear clothing that requires great skill to fabricate. It also wore some pieces that resembled armor of some kind. My good friend Rarity took a great interest in this subject. This is just a quick report him, it's voice indicated that it was a male.

The rest was a report on the creatures autonomy detailing the different parts and aspects of the creature.

A detailed explanation to why she thought that it was a dimensional teleportation spell that was felt trough out Equestria closing in on the subject of shadow magic.

The Creature is housed in Fluttershy's home at the moment due to injuries.

Your faithful subject Twilight Sparkle.

Luna smiled again after she read the letter, it was already known to her that her sister have been given a similar report. Well I want to see this creature for myself so i will go to Fluttershy's home the first thing in the morning She was familiar with the location to the cottage. she closed her eyes going for a quick nap before her visit.