• Published 21st Apr 2014
  • 613 Views, 17 Comments

Night Fright - Peewee the Dragon

the story tells of a small town that is very much bothered by a very strange and weird Pony living in a haunted house.

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Who's the Freak Now?

Author's Note:

I apologize for the loooong wait but I've had to deal with some private matters anyway I do promise that the next chapters won't take soooooo long

In one quick motion, Night Fright grabbed his tail, pulling it off. But instead of stopping, he continued to pull and within a second, he had removed his skin and everything else. All that was left of him was his skeleton.

I looked at the place where there used to be his beautiful eyes, but now there was only the dark hole that was his empty eye socket. He cracked his neck and the sound of bones grinding together filled my ears, making me cringe.

He once again began to move and with each step, I could hear his bones clacking together and his joints clicking into place. But even with those noises, he didn't fail to impress; his moves put every dancer in the world to shame. He began to sing again for us, though this time, it was to mock my mother.

Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh
Am I scary for you baby
Is it scary for you
So tell me am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for ya baby
Is is scary for ya baby
Am I scary for you
I don't wanna talk about it
Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you
I'm tired of being abused
You know you're scaring me too
I see the evil is you
Is it scary for you baby

Part way through, he removed his head, as a gentlecolt would have done with his hat. The other Ponies looked disgusted, but the young Colts and I only grinned.

When he was finished, he sauntered towards Mom, who was clearly terrified by the expression on her face. She was nearly shaking as well. Night Fright grabbed onto her collar, pulling her forward until they were in the middle of the room. I blinked, but saw only my mother standing there.

Night Fright let out a yell, making my head snap up to look at him, where he now stood on a ledge high off the ground. He let out a low cackle in a voice that was so unlike his usual soft tone. He flicked his left hoof, making all of the Undead Ponies look at us, making a variation of terrifying sounds.

At once, one of his family members zoomed toward Mother. Instead of attacking, he stopped in front of the cowardly Mare that I was ashamed to call my family. When my mother didn't run away screaming, the ghost-like Pony looked back at the Night Fright, who sent another. This one had a goblin-type creature come out of its mouth, but when her received minimal response, he scowled and replaced his eye piece.

The two beings stood on either side of my mom, waiting for their next command.

Night Fright yelled again, making the creatures look back us, growling. They turned back to him for a moment before dropping to the ground. They looked up at us, sending chills down our spines. The townsponies were frozen in fear. I felt as if my own Hooves were stuck, like they had been glued onto the floor.

Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't we have just left the Night Fright alone? So badly did I long to see his kind face instead of the hard white skull that now took its place.

The creatures began to stomp their Hooves against the black and white tiled floor. The sound filled the room and I had to cover my ears when it became too much to handle. The others did the same.

As they continued to make the awful sound, they moved closer to us. They would stomp their Hooves, then grab the floor in front of them, before pulling themselves forward. They continued with the pattern, coming closer and closer, until they fell back, motionless.

Suddenly, they jumped up and began to dance. A Pony dressed up as a court jester looked at us and flicked one of his bells that was hanging down on his hat. The young Colts were smiling and the adults seemed to clam down the slightest, yet I was cautious; I knew Night Fright finished yet. Nevertheless, the sight was amusing, making me smile.

Slowly, they began to approach us, making the adults panic again. They came closer and closer to my mother, who was standing there, terrified. She turned around, about to make a run for it, but two of the things blocked his way. They began circling around her, while they made many intimidating sounds.

Mother whipped her head around frantically, looked for a way out, without success.

Night Fright stomped his bony hoof, making the creatures stop to look at him. All was silent, except for the fierce blowing of the wind.

They all cleared a path for him as he suddenly appeared before my mother. He was clothed again in his usual attire. But his skin was far from normal. It was rough and wrinkly, with an orange tint to it.

He looked like a monster. His face resembled that of a goblin, yet he was at least five times larger than any goblin that I had ever read about. He was easily ten to fifteen feet tall, making him tower over my mother, who was cowering in fear.

He bent down slightly so he could look Mom in the eyes. He could easily see that he had won the game, yet he wanted to hear my mother surrender. He smirked, "Are you scared yet?" His voice was gruff as he spoke. He laughed as he placed his Hoof on top of Mother's head. He transformed into a watery figure as he pushed his body into her open mouth.

Mom gulped as if she had just taken a drink. After a moment, she turned to us and nodded, seemingly fine. That is, until her front leg moved. She forced it back into it's original position but the same thing happened again. She seemed to be having a battle with herself. Or should I say, a battle with Night Fright?

Her body wanted to dance, but she tried to keep her composure and act normal, without luck. She began to dance unwillingly, yet Night Fright must have taken over, because she seemed to be enjoying it. The townsponies were now smiling as they laughed. Button Mash and his mother were both clapping along to the rhythm of the music that had began to play. Some of the moves that she did made me want to rip my eyes out; there are certain things that a girl should never see her mother do. Once I loosened up some though, I began to laugh too, lightly clapping along to the song. Night Fright's sweet, smooth voice filled our ears, yet my mother's lips weren't moving.

There's a ghost down in the hall
There's a ghoul upon the bed
There's something in the walls
There's blood up on the stairs
And it's floating through the room
And there's nothing I can see
And I know that that's the truth
Because now it's onto me
I don't understand it
I don't understand it!
There's a ghostly smell around
But no pony to be found
And a coughin and a yawnin
Where a restless soul is going
Don't understand it
Don't understand it
And who gave you the right to shake my family?
And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Mother seemed to have gotten control over her body again; he threw her front legs into the air and yelled at the top of her lungs, "Stop!"

All of the creatures retreated to where ever they had come from, becoming clear orbs as they went into the fireplace and the furniture.

The townsponies stared at her silently as her stomach began to move. It seemed as if something was moving around inside, trying to break free.

Suddenly, a Hoof burst from her stomach, holding an antique mirror. The Hoof held it up so Mother could see her reflection. Within a few seconds, her face transformed until, she herself was the one that looked like a monster.

She began to speak, but by the words that were being said, I could tell it was Night Fright talking.

"Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freak Show. Freak circus freak! Who's scary?" he shouted at the mirror, "Who's weird now?" he began to chuckle, making some sort of guttural noise. he dropped the mirror, making it crash onto the ground and break into many small pieces.

I felt no sympathy for my mother. It was his own fault that this happened.<br> The clear watery figure blasted out of Mothers mouth, leaving her looking disheveled, though back to his Pony state. She slowly put on her glasses. Even that small action seemed difficult for her. When she looked up, she froze.

There stood Night Fright. His back was turned to us as he stared at my mother, yet I could tell that he was smirking. He circled around the terrified Pony until he was on the opposite side. Slowly, He extended his left leg out and bowed. When he stood tall again, he crossed his legs.

"So, do you still want me to go?" His question pierced the silence. The young Colts vigorously shook their heads, letting him know that their answer was no.

"Yes! Yes!" my mother exclaimed, nodding her head.

"No," I spoke up, my voice soft, nearly inaudible, but I could tell that he had heard my by the way that he looked into my eyes. He looked so sad.

"Fine," he spoke, "I'll go." I shook my head, silently pleading for him not to leave.

In one swift motion, he went down to his knees and brought his right Hoof down onto the floor. It smashed against the surface and turned to a sand like substance. I covered my mouth with my Hooves, shocked. He did the same with his other Hoof. He looked up at me, as if reassuring me that he was going to be okay, before smashing his head down to. He lifted it up and looked at my father as his face crumbled away to nothing and fell back onto the floor. I felt several hot tears run down my cheeks.

He couldn't be gone. He shouldn't have had to go like that. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

The wind seemed to get stronger as it blew into the room. Night Fright's body became nothing but the sand like matter, even his shirt. The wind carried away his remains, until there was nothing left except a bare black and white tiled floor, not leave a trace of the horror that had just happened.