• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 1,820 Views, 115 Comments

Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree - BronyDad

Applejack is lost deep within the Everfree and must find her way home, even as something unspeakably evil hunts her.

  • ...

An Unexpected Inspiration

Chapter 4

An Unexpected Inspiration

As the rooster began to crow, Apple Bloom was already lying on her back and staring up at the canopy of her bed. With a miserable moan, she pulled the pillow over her head, as if simply blocking out the light would somehow prevent the start of the new day.

She had spent the entire previous day in bed, crying and refusing to respond to either Big McIntosh or Granny Smith when they checked on her. She only got up a couple times to use the bathroom. And one other time.

Around midday, Apple Bloom had noticed a flashing light outside, and knowing that it was time for the second sign of the arriving zap apples, she had gone over to the window to watch.

Outside, dark clouds had suddenly formed over the orchard, and Apple Bloom had stared in awe as the trees began to spark with energy. With several bright flashes, the trees abruptly sprouted hundreds of leaves, and moments later, the clouds dissipated as quickly as they had appeared.

Although the spectacle had been impressive, Apple Bloom had felt nothing inside. Even something as magical as this annual event was meaningless without her big sister by her side.

Slowly climbing out of bed, Apple Bloom walked to the window and watched as the sun slowly drove the shadows from the farm. As her eyes landed on the distant orchard, she felt another sharp stab of sorrow.

The zap apple harvest was the largest source of profit for Sweet Apple Acres, closely followed by cider season. The Apple family needed every bit they earned from making zap apple jam to pay for repairs and ready the farm for the winter. But now, thanks to her, Applejack wasn't here for the zap apple harvest. Apple Bloom knew that even if Big McIntosh worked harder than he ever had in all his life, they would still only harvest half of the zap apples that they usually did.

Half a harvest meant half the profit, and Apple Bloom didn't need to do the math to know that it wouldn't be enough to see the farm through the winter. Not even if they had an exceptionally profitable cider season.

And it was all her fault.

Without warning, something streaked past her window so fast that all she could make out was a colorful blur. Surprised, Apple Bloom stumbled back, then looked down to find Rainbow Dash standing by the front door.

"Rainbow Dash!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, suddenly feeling excited. "If she's here, then she has some news! Maybe they found Applejack!"

Shaking with anticipation, Apple Bloom raced out of her room and down the stairs. At the front door, she found Big McIntosh and Granny Smith standing outside with Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, thank Celestia." She heard Granny Smith sigh with relief as she joined them.

Upon hearing Granny Smith's reaction to the news, Apple Bloom felt a thrill of joy. "Did you find her?!" she asked eagerly.

As soon as she asked the question, the smile on Rainbow Dash's face faltered as her ears drooped and she lowered her gaze to the ground.

As Big McIntosh turned to her and sadly shook his head, Apple Bloom asked in confusion, "Then...what was Granny Smith so thankful about?"

"Well..." Rainbow Dash began. "Thunderlane found the balloon stuck in a tree, and the rope that had caught Applejack's leg looked like it had been chewed through. He also found some broken branches and the bushes under the tree had been flattened." Rainbow Dash stepped forward and placed a hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder. "So we know that she got out of the tree and she's okay. Now, we're going to search the forest from there to here in grids. It's a lot of ground to cover, she's pretty deep in the Everfree, but I got Twilight to help organize everything, so you know we're gonna be thorough."

"How deep is she?" Big McIntosh asked, reaching out and pulling Apple Bloom close.

Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment. "I've actually never even heard of anypony going this deep into the Everfree. Not even Zecora has gone that far in."

As Big McIntosh and Apple Bloom shared frightened looks, Granny Smith hugged the Pegasus. "Thank you kindly, Rainbow Dash, for everythin' that you're doin'."

Smiling at the Apples sadly, Rainbow Dash leaped into the sky. "I'll let you know the instant we find her!" she called down as she rocketed away.

Apple Bloom was filled with mixed emotions as she watched Rainbow Dash fade from view. She was glad to know that Applejack was okay, but she was still out there somewhere. She knew that the Everfree Forest was a dangerous place where anything could happen, and nothing would make Apple Bloom feel better until her sister was home.

"Glad to see you're up outta bed," Granny Smith commented, interrupting her thoughts. "You want some breakfast?"

"I don't know," Apple Bloom replied. In truth, she didn't have much of an appetite, despite the fact that she hadn't touched any of the food Granny Smith had brought to her room the previous day.

"I understand how ya feel, pickle pear," Granny Smith told her, "but you've gotta eat somethin'. How's about a bit of oats?"

Apple Bloom shrugged and followed her grandmother back inside the house and into the kitchen. While Granny Smith was getting her oats ready, Apple Bloom's eyes strayed to the glass jars that were set out on the counter; fully inspected and awaiting the zap apple jam. She could also smell the honey that was in a large bucket off in the far corner beside the counter.

"Here ya go, half-pint," Granny Smith said as she gave Apple Bloom the bowl. "Now eat up."

Despondently, Apple Bloom carried the bowl to the table in the dining room and began eating. Even though she didn't even remotely enjoy the food, putting something into her stomach made her feel better.

Finished, she pushed the bowl away and announced, "I'm going outside for a bit!"

"Alrighty then," Granny Smith replied, sticking her head into the room. "That fresh air will do you good."

Apple Bloom stepped outside and breathed deeply. The air was crisp and filled with the sweet scent of apples. The early morning sun spread warmth throughout her body while the singing birds filled her with peace. Closing her eyes, she could almost forget her pain and lose herself in this pleasant day. Almost.

As she opened her eyes, Apple Bloom caught sight of Cheerilee and Big McIntosh talking beneath the arch that marked the entrance to the farm. Cheerilee smiled sweetly and waved before trotting over to her.

"Good morning, Apple Bloom," she said brightly as she approached, carrying a small stack of papers. "We were just talking about you."

Apple Bloom forced a smile. "Good morning, Miss Cheerilee."

"I know that you probably won't be attending school for the next few days," Cheerilee explained. "So I wanted to stop by and bring you this week's homework assignments. I understand how upset you must be, but you shouldn't let your education suffer. I know that your sister would agree. Besides," Cheerilee added with a wink, "losing yourself in your schoolwork just may help you forget your worries for a while."

Unsure what to say, Apple Bloom accepted the papers. "Thanks..."

Cheerilee lifted a hoof and stroked Apple Bloom's mane. "Don't worry about when they're due. Just work on them when you feel like it and turn them in when they're done." Slowly backing away, she gave her a small smile and Apple Bloom could clearly see the sorrow in her eyes. "You try to have a pleasant day now."

She turned to Big McIntosh and gazed at him for a moment. Suddenly, she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the muzzle. "Stay strong," she spoke softly, and then trotted back down the road.

As Cheerilee walked away, Apple Bloom looked down at the small stack of papers that she was holding, and then studied the quiet orchard around her. After only a moment's hesitation, Apple Bloom made her decision.

"Wait, Miss Cheerilee!" she called, and rushing into the house, quickly tossed the stack of papers onto the couch and hurried back outside.

"I'm coming with you," Apple Bloom explained as she approached the awaiting teacher. "I wanna go to school."

"You sure?" Big McIntosh asked, sounding worried.

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure."

With a grin, Big McIntosh ruffled her mane. "Behave."

Apple Bloom reared up and hugged her older brother fiercely, then followed Cheerilee off of the farm.

Cheerilee studied her intently as the two of them walked down the dirt road. "I'm happy that you're coming to class today, but are you sure you're ready?"

"I think so," Apple Bloom replied. "I just wanted to get away from the farm for awhile. Now that Applejack is missing, it feels so...empty."

Cheerilee mused over her words. Finally, she said, "Apple Bloom, I want you to know that you're welcome to visit me at home if you ever need to talk. Anything at all you need to get off your chest, I'm more than happy to listen."

This time Apple Bloom's smile was genuine. "Thanks, Miss Cheerilee. You're the best."

As they continued toward the school in silence, Apple Bloom noticed that everypony they passed on the streets reacted to seeing her. Some gave her sad smiles, some turned their gazes to the ground, and Filthy Rich patted her shoulder sympathetically as she walked by.

All the townsfolk felt sorry for her, and she couldn't stand it.

She didn't want their pity, she didn't deserve it. She wanted somepony to yell at her for taking the balloon, she wanted somepony to tell her that this was all her fault. How could nopony say it? It had to be what was on all of their minds.

Just then, Apple Bloom spotted Cherry Berry on the other side of the street and dashed over to her. "I'm sorry about your balloon, Cherry Berry."

"Oh, uh..." Cherry Berry glanced around nervously. "That's okay, Apple Bloom. It was just a balloon."

Surprised by her indifference, Apple Bloom stammered, "B-but, you put so much money into it...how can you say it's okay?"

Cherry Berry shuffled her hooves. "Well...I'm just not worried about it."

Apple Bloom's anger began to rise. "You were angry with Spike when he rode it into the Everfree Forest that one time, and that was an accident. I took it on purpose, why aren't you mad at me?"


Suddenly furious, Apple Bloom demanded, "Why do you feel sorry for me?! Why won't you yell at me for stealing your balloon?! You know this is my fault, why won't you just say it?!"

"That's enough, Apple Bloom," Cheerilee said sternly as Cherry Berry began to cower before the infuriated foal.

Without warning, Apple Bloom burst into tears and galloped away. Turning down the first alley that she came across, she dropped to the ground and covered her face with her hooves.

A short moment later, Cheerilee was beside her. Wordlessly, she scooped the little filly up off the ground and held her tightly.

Apple Bloom squeezed her back as she let out a shaky breath. "Why isn't anypony mad at me? Why won't they blame me?"

"Maybe because they feel you've suffered enough," Cheerilee said gently. "Or maybe because they don't blame you."

Perplexed, Apple Bloom drew away from her teacher. "What do you mean? This was all my fault. They have to realize that."

Cheerilee look her straight in the eyes. "You made some bad decisions, that much is true. But sometimes, bad things just happen, and it isn't necessarily anypony's fault." She stroked Apple Bloom's cheek tenderly. "Applejack is always looking out for others, and she made a choice to act. It isn't your fault, or her fault, or anypony's fault. You can't blame yourself, you know Applejack wouldn't want you to."

"Yeah, I guess so." Apple Bloom sighed.

"Now, come along," Cheerilee said. "We need to get to class. Mingling with the other foals will make you feel better."

Following Cheerilee toward the schoolhouse, Apple Bloom thought about what her teacher had just said. Was it possible that Cheerilee didn't blame her for what happened? And if so, then the other townsfolk didn't either. Apple Bloom wasn't sure how to feel about that. It didn't seem possible.

Before she could dwell on it for too long, however, they arrived at the school.

As she entered, her classmates grew silent and watched her solemnly as she crossed the room and took her seat between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Purposefully ignoring Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom said, "Hi, Scootaloo." She saw Sweetie Belle's face fall as she drooped in her seat miserably, but pretended not to notice.

While Cheerilee was preparing to start class, Scootaloo leaned closer. "You heard the news, right? They know your sister landed in a tree and got down safely." When Apple Bloom nodded, she continued, "Yeah, Rainbow Dash told me. She's been searching for Applejack constantly. Rarity says that she gets up at the crack of dawn, gets all of her weather jobs done in record speed, and then searches the Everfree all day and most of the night. She's only sleeping like two or three hours a night and hardly eats."

"Wow...really?" Apple Bloom asked, deeply touched that the Pegasus was putting such tremendous effort into finding her sister.

"Yeah," Scootaloo confirmed. "Her friends are getting worried about her, but I know that she can totally handle it. She's always pushing herself to her limits, that's why she's so awesome."

"All right, class," Cheerilee interrupted them. "We're getting a late start, so I want to skip over yesterday's homework assignment and get straight to today's lecture."

As Cheerilee lectured on, Apple Bloom soon realized that she was beginning to feel better. By returning to school, it felt as though she had returned to the normal routine of her life, and she was able to take comfort in the familiar.

Before she knew it, she was as enthralled by Cheerilee's engaging antics as she always was, and was soon participating in the class. She raised a hoof to answer questions, volunteered to solve a problem on the chalkboard, and even laughed when Cheerilee cracked one of her silly jokes. Without even noticing, Apple Bloom was temporarily distracted from her sorrow and guilt.

At lunch time, Apple Bloom went off on her own and sat on a swing while the other foals went to the picnic tables to eat. Having decided at the last moment to attend school, she hadn't had a chance to grab anything for lunch.

It wasn't long before Scootaloo trotted up to her and presented a paper bag. "Here, Apple Bloom, I saw you didn't have anything and I want you to have my sandwich."

Moved by the generous offering, Apple Bloom reached for the bag but then hesitated. "Wait, what's that on your mouth?" she asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Um, nothing," Scootaloo answered, quickly wiping the petal off her face. "It's just, uh..."

"It looks like you already ate your sandwich," Apple Bloom observed. Reaching into the bag, she pulled out a small piece of parsley. "This is the garnish that Rarity always puts in Sweetie Belle's lunch when she's staying with her."

"Okay, okay," Scootaloo spoke quietly, nervously glancing at Sweetie Belle still sitting back at the table. "I ate mine before I noticed that you didn't have anything, but Sweetie Belle saw and didn't eat hers. She knew you wouldn't take it from her so she asked me to pretend that it was mine."

"Well, I don't want it," Apple Bloom said stubbornly and let the bag drop to the ground.

"Oh, come on," Scootaloo replied heatedly. "She cares about you and she's worried."

"She doesn't care about me," Apple Bloom retorted.

"Yeah, she does. Look." Scootaloo pointed at the bag on the ground. "She was willing to give up her lunch for you, and let me take the credit. She didn't care that you wouldn't know it was from her, she only cared that you had something to eat." Stomping a hoof, she demanded, "What more does she have to do to show that she cares?"

"How about not going to my big brother when I do something she doesn't agree with," Apple Bloom shot back nastily.

"Fine," Scootaloo said angrily. "I'll tell her you don't want it." She scooped up the bag and glared at her. "But think about this. Maybe she isn't the one betraying her friend. Maybe it's you."

Shocked and hurt by her friend's words, Apple Bloom kicked a rock and fumed as it bounced across the playground.

I haven't betrayed anypony, Apple Bloom thought to herself irritably. Sweetie Belle is the one who betrayed MY trust. I have every right to be mad at her. So, why is Scootaloo taking HER side?

"Um...Apple Bloom?" A hesitant voice spoke up, interrupting her musings.

Startled, Apple Bloom turned to find Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon standing before her. She made a face and crossed her hooves over her chest. "I'm in no mood to deal with you two. So, whatever you have to say, I don't wanna hear it. Go away."

As the two flinched at her anger, Silver Spoon whispered, "See, I told you."

Diamond Tiara threw Silver Spoon a dirty look, and then turned her attention back to Apple Bloom. "We just wanted to say that we're sorry about your sister."

Apple Bloom blinked. "Really?"

"Mm-hmm." Diamond Tiara nodded. "I can't even imagine what it would be like if something like this happened to my mom or dad."

"Yeah, it would be awful," Silver Spoon agreed.

"We want you to know that...well..." Diamond Tiara hesitated for a moment. "We hope for the best for your family."

Speechless, Apple Bloom could only stare at the two fillies.

"My father says the Apples are as tough as nails," Diamond Tiara told her. "He says your family will pull through just fine, and that Applejack will be home before we know it."

Silver Spoon nodded. "Yeah, your sister is pretty cool. I still remember how she kept those stampeding cows away from town."

Unsure what to say, Apple Bloom struggled to find the right words as Cheerilee stuck her head out and called them back inside.

"Thanks, you two," Apple Bloom quickly said as they began to turn away. "What you said...it really means a lot to me."

Wordlessly, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon smiled at her, then headed back inside.

Hopping off of the swing, Apple Bloom looked up to see Scootaloo glance at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, then look at her with a quizzical expression. She simply shrugged at the confused Pegasus before trotting back inside and returning to her seat.

Apple Bloom determinedly studied the chalkboard as the other two sat down. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Scootaloo seemed to want to say something, but seeing that she was being ignored, she leaned back in her seat instead.

As Cheerilee resumed her lecture, Apple Bloom's thoughts drifted off to the unexpected conversation she had had with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She had always understood that they were more than just bullies, that they were young fillies just like her, but this had taken her completely by surprised. It had also made her feel a lot better about everything.

Everypony in town respected and believed in her family. It had always been that way. She just hadn't been aware of it until now. Understanding this, she was suddenly filled with pride, a pride that she had heard Applejack describe several times but had never actually felt herself.

She had made some bad choices, and the consequences had been terrible, but she was an Apple. Apples always admitted to their mistakes and learned from them. Apples didn't mope about; they were strong, and they stood together against everything that life threw at them. She knew now that she needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and start being an Apple. Her family needed her, and she was ready to stand with them.

When Cheerilee dismissed class, Apple Bloom was the first out of the door. Eager to return home and help Big McIntosh with some of the chores, she galloped toward the street, but came to a halt as she heard somepony call her name.

"I'm sorry about what I said at lunch," Scootaloo apologized as she caught up with her friend. "I was just frustrated."

"It's okay," Apple Bloom replied quickly, not wanting to get sidetracked by a long conversation.

"Great," Scootaloo said, obviously relieved. "So...where are you headed in such a hurry?"

"Well, Big Mac has been doing all the chores for the last two days, so I really wanted to get back and help him."

"Oh...you want some help?" Scootaloo offered.

Surprised, Apple Bloom asked, "You wanna help with my chores?"

"Yeah, sure, it'll give us time to talk about...stuff."

Although Apple Bloom felt pretty confident that "stuff" meant Sweetie Belle, she agreed. "That's fine, but there's a lot of work to do."

"No problem," Scootaloo said. Then, after a brief hesitation, she asked, "Can Sweetie Belle come too?"

"No," Apple Bloom immediately answered.

Her ears drooping sadly, Scootaloo sighed. "All right. Can you give me a minute so I can tell her I'm going with you?"

When Apple Bloom nodded, Scootaloo made her way back to Sweetie Belle, who was watching them from the picnic tables.

They talked for several moments, then Sweetie Belle shook her head and gestured for Scootaloo to leave. As Sweetie Belle turned away, Scootaloo quickly stepped forward and hugged her before trotting back to Apple Bloom.

Without a word, Apple Bloom began to lead the way to the farm. Earlier, seeing Scootaloo hugging Sweetie Belle would have made her angry, but now, it didn't affect her at all. She understood that Scootaloo was trying to be friends to both of them, and she could find no reason to fault her.

As they left Ponyville and started up the dirt road that led to Sweet Apple Acres, Scootaloo suddenly said, "I hate this."

Apple Bloom came to a halt and cocked her head. "Hate what?"

"That we're not all friends," Scootaloo told her. "We were best friends, something like this shouldn't have ruined that so easily. It's just...not right."

Apple Bloom studied her friend, then looked back toward Ponyville. After a moment, she said, "Look, I get that you want me and Sweetie Belle to be friends again. And maybe we will, but right now, I've got a lot to worry about."

"I know," Scootaloo muttered unhappily.

"I just need some time to think about it," Apple Bloom continued. "About how I feel. I understand why she did what she did, but...I'm just so mad at her."

Watching her friend as she sighed and poked at the ground with a hoof, Apple Bloom was about to say something more when her thoughts were interrupted by the loud caw of a crow.

She turned her gaze to the sky in time to see hundreds of crows emerge from the forest around them as dark clouds suddenly gathered over the farm.

"Scoot, it's the third sign of the zap apples!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Hurry!"

The two fillies galloped at feel speed and arrived at the orchard just as the wind grew in strength. Their manes and tails flapping about violently, they stared up at the sky in awe as the crows began to fly circles over the trees in perfect formation.

Without warning, lightning began arcing from the clouds and among the trees as glowing blue balls of energy started to sprout all over the branches. After several moments of this, the balls of energy abruptly burst into blue star-shaped flowers. Then, as suddenly as they appeared, both the crows and the clouds dissipated.

"Just two more days," Scootaloo mumbled.

Yeah, two more days, Apple Bloom thought to herself, and then our chances for making it through the winter will be blown.

Closing her eyes, a single thought resonated in her head.

Applejack, where are you?