• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 683 Views, 16 Comments

Paying the Tab - NoteSoup

Berry seems to finally be at the end of her rope. With little more to be had by her, she goes to a bar to drown her sorrow. Only when she wakes in the morning does she find out she finally might be saved.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rain clattered on the windows of the bar, a great storm taking place outside. Of course, a very drunk red pony had that thought at the very back of her mind. She was trying to blot out all other thoughts with the alcohol that was now coursing through her body. Thoughts further clouded, she turned to the bartender.

"Oh keepbar, can ah get another glass... jus' another?" the very inebriated pony slurred from the other side of the bar.

"Sorry Berry, I think you've had plenty. Not to mention that I can't have you get lost in this storm while you're drunk." The bartender concluded.

Knowing that her usual tricks wouldn't work, she decided to move on to other thoughts. A great music was coming from the piano at the wall on the other side of the bar. Had she been sober she probably would have recognized it as a ragtime, or maybe jazz from the days of big bands, or even a classical piece. She got up to get closer to the piano and maybe even be able to see just who was playing such vibrant music.

Setting her left fore hoof down first, she didn't notice the puddle of water that had accumulated behind her stool. When she went to take another step she quickly came to that realization. Her chin now bloodied, Berry Punch sat up and put a hoof up to the gash. Nothing major, but it may still need attention.

"Jeez berry..." the bartender came up to her. "I told you that you needed to call it a night long ago." The earth pony let out a hoof and helped bandage her chin.

With her self now bandaged, she sat in a different stool, this one closer to the piano. The music was now clearer to her, but she was still to drunk to discern exactly what was being played.

It wasn't long after she was set down did she decide that the party was over and she should probably head home. Getting up and heading through the door she allowed her mind to wonder. Great... another night in that empty house. She let out a discontented sigh. That bed was so cold without another pony to share it with.

Berry opened the front door to find the storm that had engulfed the town of Ponyville. She would have to make it home though the rain of all things.

Not even twenty hoof-lengths from the bar she fell into a puddle of mud. All that drinking had certainly caused her to stumble on her own hooves. Berry finally let the sobs por from her eyes. None of this would have happened if I hadn't given up on my dream. I would be happy, sober and own my own vineyard a-and I wouldn't be in this whole mess.

Defeated she began to wail out in her sorrow, only to be drowned out by the storm that was taking place at that moment. Berry continued for several more seconds before she noticed the dark object hovering above her.

"Whoa there, are you all right?" the mysterious and deep voice questioned her from above.

Berry didn't respond. Caught at a weak moment she only looked up at the mysterious stallion above her. She might have tried to get up on her own had the stallion not beat her to it. Of course, that wasn't how she viewed it.

"Get off o' me you rapist!" she pushed off of him only to fall back into the puddle.

"Hey there... calm down, I'm only trying to help." the voice reasoned in a soothing tone.

Defeated she began to cry. Berry allowed the stallion to help her up and they began to move.

"I promise I'm only here to help you home." the stallion assured her. "Can you tell me where you live?"

"Jus' down da street, 4972... Oak wood road."

Now informed of their destination the stranger began to lead Berry down the street she had just informed him of. She felt herself begin to slip off hes side from all the rain that had been pouring on them since she left the bar. A leathery blanket-like item then draped over her, holding her next to the stallion.

She began to feel the warmth of the stranger settle over her and she nuzzled her head into his neck. His fur was soft, but it was also matted and soaked with all the rain that was pouring. Then she didn't feel the rain pelt her, but the familiar feeling and warmth of her house.

The stranger led her upstairs and past the master bedroom to the bathroom that connected with it. She was helped into the shower where the stallion turned on the water and began to help her clean off all the mud from the puddle. Now in the light she took a glance of her savior, he had a very dark blue coat, a blonde and orange mane, but that was about all she could discern.

Berry really didn't care who he was, but he had helped her and she also saw the mud the had been inadvertently smothered on his side.

"Come on in her' bigguy... ah don't bite." she ended with a sly and disorderly smile.

Tossing her legs around the back of his neck she tried to pull him in... he however wouldn't budge. However Berry wouldn't give up so easily and she brought out another trick to get him in the tub. She pushed her face into his and closing her eyes she met his lips. All resistance from him melted and he was pulled into the shower.

A few soap filled minutes later they both sat on the bathroom floor. Berry's stranger had already dried himself and was wrestling to dry her off with a separate towel. When he began to toss the towel over her back and dry her off again she used the opportunity to sneak another short kiss from him. That seemed to sate her thirst for interaction with him for the moment.

The deep blue stallion led her back into the bedroom wher he tucked her in under the blankets on the bed. Berry didn't want to spend another night in her bed alone, so she thought of the next thing to get him in it.

"Won't 'cha jus' climb in already... i's cold in dis here bed." still slurring her word she pleaded with him.

Her answer wasn't one with words but with the warmth of another body crawling in from the other side of the bed. It seemed to stay off to it's own side even as the lights turned out and she was still cold, so she turned over and began to put her arms over his torso. Giving up the stallion turned to face the mare he had helped home and put his arms around her.

Berry finally had what she had needed for some time now. With sleep in sight she kissed him one last time and nuzzled him under his chin. The last thing she felt before sleep met her was the familiar feeling of the leathery blanket-like thing wrapping around her side.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy this one. I take certain things from my life, though most are pretty well hidden. I don't know if it will be all that likable but please keep an open mind to my story. Even if it doesn't seem to be too well regarded I should have chapter two by next week.

And finally, if you have any questions comments or criticism them feel free to leave it below.