• Published 24th Apr 2014
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Soviet Equestria, The Rise of Communism - CommunistTaco

The citizens of Equestria are unhappy. Their once glorious mon/diarchy is beginning to become corrupt and weak. A new movement is rising in Equestira, and its leader Iron Curtain is determined to bring Celestia's faltering empire to its knees.

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"Citizens of Equestria! I am very proud to announce that we are close to achieving victory against the griffons! Your constant support is much appreciated and I'm afraid we must ask for more. Rations will be low, supplies will be low, but all in the name of achieving victory for our great nation! Donate your clothing, your pots and pans, your food, anything helps. We must not forget the brave ponies fighting for our nation as we speak. I thank you my citizens, you are the backbone of this nation, and you are our key to victory."

As applause erupted from the ignorant crowd below, Princess Celestia returned to her private quarters to discuss with her sister and generals. She was the co-ruler of Equestria, a nation once in everlasting peace, now bound to the chains of war. Her sister was faltering every day, becoming more and more weary of her rule. She needed a way to restore peace, but now that was not an option.

"Princess Celestia! We were about to begin." General Bronze Dagger announced as she entered the war room.

"Good. So what is our current situation?" Celestia asked with a icy glare.

"Not good princess. I'm afraid we are losing ground every day. These ponies were meant for peace not for war. We may be able to reach a stalemate but gaining any ground at this point is nearly impossible." General Shining Armor stated sadly.

"I want a stalemate reached at all costs. We can't have those idiots outside thinking we are losing the war. I will purge every last peace of bread, wheel of cheese, and bottle of water from my country before I admit defeat." Celestia stated with malice in her voice.

"Sister, maybe we should try to find a peaceful conclusion to this pointless war." Princess Luna stated warily

"No. I will not negotiate with those scum-of-the-earth griffons." Celestia snapped.

Luna sighed. Ever since this war broke out, her sister had become more and more distant and stubborn. It seemed the diarch of the night had almost no say in her own country anymore. All she wanted was to make peace with the griffons and her sister to return to the kind, benevolent ruler she once was.

There were also concerns of revolution. Several movements had started to overthrow the government and establish their own state. Among them were the Crystal Empire Separatist Movement, The Equestrian Liberation Front, and The Equestrian Communist Party. The third was the most troublesome. Rallying around the farmers and factory workers of Equestria making up more than 50% of the populace, they were encouraging defiance of the corrupt government that was currently established. These ponies were the key to sustaining a war of any kind, and if they turned against the government, it could mean disaster.

Luna had held several meetings with the party leader Iron Curtain to try and negotiate more peaceful solutions than all out revolution. Unfortunately, compromise had been hard to come by due to her stubborn sister having final say in all negotiations. Luna was concerned that the Communist Leader's patience was running quite short and it was only a matter of time before he ordered his militia known as the Reds against the government.

After their last meeting, Iron had stated a very clear warning that if no compromise was reached, he would act accordingly to ensure the liberty of his fellow citizens. Not to mention several assassination attempts were made on Celestia by communist extremists which Iron had claimed he held no affiliation to.

Celestia herself was another story. After more than 13 attempts on her life, she had grown paranoid and superstitious. She had arrested several innocent ponies for crimes they didn't commit. Luna had written over 52 pardons to these poor ponies who were just trying to go about their lives.

Several political parties were attempting the sway Luna due to her obvious resentment of her sister's regime. Bribes, letters, and political leaders would reach her constantly and it would take all her will not to turn against her sister. She hated everything Celestia's reign stood for but couldn't bring herself to defy her own sister. And while Luna was unwilling to take action, her sister was pushing all of her country's resources into a seemingly pointless war.

She had broken peace, turned the Elements of Harmony into weapons, and dragged on the war that had no goal or aim. Four of the Elements had already deserted the military and gone into hiding. Only Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash had remained loyal to their country and were still fighting to this day. The military draft was beginning to accept younger and younger ponies and throwing them into battle with less and less training.

Luna was tired of the war of no meaning, and the clock on her sister's empire was slowly expiring...

Twilight Sparkle watched from the sidelines as ponies fought to death against the griffon warriors. Her army was losing more ground every day and her resources were nearly exhausted. Rations now consisted of a slice of bread, and a cup of water to last 12 hours of brutal warfare. Four of her friends had deserted the military and only her loyalty to her mentor and ruler of Equestria Princess Celestia had kept her from following in their hoofsteps.

"Twilight, were losing more ground! We gotta retreat!" Rainbow Dash shouted from above.

"I'd love to Rainbow, but orders just came in from Canterlot to hold our ground at all costs," Twilight stated warily.

"Agh! Dammit Celestia, are you trying to get us all killed!" Rainbow exclaimed before jumping back into the fray.

"I don't know..." Twilight stated sadly looking up at the sky.

Was her mentor really losing grip on what made her the kind ruler of Equestria? Should she continue to fight this seemingly pointless war? Was Celestia just using her as a weapon of war? Twilight could only hope that wasn't the case...

The Griffon Empire was sprawling place of mining industry. Emperor Razorbeak II was a ruthless but overall loved leader. His armies were currently marching against Equestria as well as the kingdom of Prance. After gaining a large amount of ground on the Prench armies, the two armies became locked in a stalemate. His forces in Equestria however, were gaining ground by the day and rumors of revolutions sparking in Equestria had reached the griffon capitol in recent months.

"Emperor, sir. A letter has arrived for you," a servant exclaimed before handing Razorbeak a small scroll. Opening the letter, he found himself quite interested in its contents.

Emperor Razorbeak,

I write to you from Equestria but disregard that fact for just now. I am the leader of the Equestrian Communist Party and I believe that the Equestrian government is corrupt and must be dealt with. I have plans to at some point in the near future overthrow Celestia and set up a new republic. I am writing you to propose a deal. In exchange for your support of the revolution, I will guarantee a quick and peaceful end to the war. I can also offer you some of Equestria's land in exchange for peace if you so desire it. I know your tolerance for the faltering diarchy has been low for so many years now and I wish to get rid of the warmongering tyrant that is Celestia. I await your reply...

Commander Iron Curtain, Equestrian Communist Party

The emperor eyed over the letter once more and smiled to himself. Finally after all these years, Celestia would fall. "Grab me a pen and paper!" he yelled before lying back on his throne with a smug look on his face.

In the capitol city of Saddle Arabia, four ponies sat around a fireplace in the royal palace of Sultan Solomane IV. They were the four element bearers gone missing, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. The sultan had been nice enough to grant them political asylum after they deserted the Equestrian military and fled the country. Now they sat around the fire reminiscing about better times.

Celestia had once been such a kind and benevolent ruler. They still couldn't figure out what went wrong. Equestria had gone to war almost out of nothing. Celestia had refused to make peace and purged her country for all it was worth and left the ponies starving, unemployed, and desperate.

They were currently trying to determine what action to take next without much avail. With two out of the six elements still loyal to Celestia, they could only bide their time. The world was at war, and they could do nothing about it...

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