• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 36,854 Views, 1,022 Comments

Scootamom - Richardson

Scootaloo really wishes her mom would be a little less... regal, and more normal. Yeah, right.

  • ...


Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

The guardspony turned about, eying the ceiling carefully. The little nemesis foal had been brought to the Castle once more, and already the sounds of her annoying gravity-defying walks were echoing through the halls.

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

She might have fallen off on Blueblood's face last time, but not this time. Neither cloud, nor rain, nor lunar rebellion, yea not even a rain of foals would prevent him from securing the Castle. Nothing got past Commander Eaglehoof, no matter how sneaky that blasted foal became. His eyes turned to the guard posting at the end of the hall, the grey-coated unicorns nervously looking towards him.

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

He couldn't help but think the infernal racket was coming from two directions as he trotted up to the guardsponies, gruffly looking each in the eyes. The two straightened up to attention, one saluting him as the guard commander pointedly looked. "Guardsmen, have either of you seen Scootaloo? Her antics are disturbing the princess!"

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

The two nervously passed a look between each other, knowing the commander wasn't going to like what they had to say. Finally, the one on the right spoke up, looking about as he spoke. "Sir, Sunbeam's foal headed for her room an hour ago. However, she never came back out before the sounds started up again." The guardspony on the left glared at his partner on the right, nudging him with his shoulder.

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

All three of the guardsponies looked up once more, looking about for the source of the suction cup noise. Vigilant in their every movement, knowing that at any point the dreaded foal could come crashing down and force their less noble duty of being the royal foal-catchers to come into play. The commander shifted uneasily as he waited for the hooves to drop. "You realize, Private, that the foal's room used to be Luna's royal apartment, correct?"

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

"Princess Celestia is going to kill us."

Thop! Thop! THOPTHOP!

The commander glared at both of them angrily, jabbing his hoof towards the door to the royal wing. "Hunt her down, get her OUT! Nothing is to disturb the new Princess's rest!" He could just imagine the royal banishment ceremony already, the little foal at the front of the line, then her mother, then HIM! Not while he still drew breath would it happen!


"Where is that little foal? We have her this time, she can't be far!" The guard commander all but bowled over the two enlisted ponies before him to jump at the source of the sound, growling angrily as his look beyond the doors turned up nothing. The sound had grown obnoxiously loud, and the new Princess Luna was bound to turn up at any moment and demand the incompetent in charge of the guard detail, namely HIM.

"Uh, sir..."

"Don't sir me, get moving! Bring me Scootaloo!" Eaglehoof stomped a hoof against the carpet, ignoring the dull thumps of two jumping ponies.

"I'm right here, Commander EaglePoof. What'd I do this time?" Scootaloo slurped at the straw of her drink hat, looking up at the ceiling expectantly as she stood behind the frazzled guards. Eaglehoof twirled about, staring at her for a moment, most noticeably her lack of suction cup hoof sleeves and the fact that she came from the kitchens, not the royal suites. He knew his eyes had to be twitching as the filly began to try and go around him to the royal suite. "I need to finish unpacking, would'ya move?"

"No! You're going right back to your mother, delinquent! Your rule of terror over this poor castle has reached it's end! Princess Luna will not be disturbed, you will be assigned to new quarters later today!" Eaglehoof ignored the splutters from the guards behind him as he reached towards Scootaloo. The little filly easily dodged his grab, dancing to once side without spilling either of the drink containers she was carrying, both the one still mounted on her head and the one she balanced on her back.

"What's that supposed to mean? I don't even know what deliquncish is supposed to be!" The pegasus filly duck and wove once more, hopping up onto one of the guardspony's back. A quick hoofpress slid her liquid-filled hat back into place from where it had slid down, letting her look into Eaglehoof's face once more.

"It'll be what you'll be now that you won't be able to hide behind your mother and the princess anymore! Princess Luna will not tolerate your antics, now get down!" The tawny coated guard captain swooped his hoof out with the speed and grace of his namesake animal, missing Scootaloo by mere fractions of an inch as the filly jumped back. His growl of frustration was matched by the yelp of guard Scootaloo had been standing upon as he dove out of the way. Scootaloo toppled over in a heap from her momentum, the sticky feeling of malt chocolate spreading through her fur as she rolled to her feet.

"Eeeww. Now how am I supposed to deliver a triple mocha chocolate malt to Princess Luna? I just got that!" Scootaloo pressed a hoof to her darkly stained chest, inwardly groaning at how nasty she felt. In her distraction the little filly failed to notice Eaglehoof pouncing her way, his several hundred pounds of bulk rapidly pinning her to the ground in the spreading puddle of cold drink and ice cream.

Growling, Eaglehoof picked her up from the growing stain in the carpet, glaring at her eye to eye as the little filly dripped with gooeyness. Scootaloo didn't flinch from his gaze, calmly taking a single slurp from the straw still sticking from the containers in her hat. "You will not be doing anything near Princess Luna. She will be provided the respect due her position, and you will be escorted back to the children's wing, understood?"


The two junior guardsponies jumped in their armor, twirling about in search of where the noise had come from. Scootaloo leaned in closer to Eaglehoof, her tail flicking instinctively as a small rivulet of liquid chocolate ran down it. "You should probably get that." A wry and knowing smile slowly spread across her face as she looked up, seeing the pony above her.

The guardsponies all followed her gaze to the ornate ceiling, and the unicorn mare there gleefully giving rational physics the bent hoof salute. The dark blue mare grinned down at the awkward group, her moonlight blue mane hanging down from her like a fine moss from a tree branch. "Is there a problem, guards?" She began to step away, the amusing and obnoxious 'Thop!' of the suction cups on her hooves echoing in the still hallway as she did.

Eaglehoof dropped Scootaloo in surprise, the filly bouncing lightly on her rump for a moment before she started running, realizing who the sweatervested 'unicorn' really was. It might have been wrong of her, but payback was a dish best served royally. And Eaglehoof? Eaglehoof was known in the guard and amongst the general populace as a jerk, a blowhard, and an overall poor commander who only got the job because his 'old blood' family put him up. Siccing her new favorite 'big sister' on him was the best thing to happen between the two of them in the three years they had known each other.

Torn between his old nemesis and his new challenger, Eaglehoof hesitated for several crucial moments indecisively trying to determine his target. Finally, his hoof stomped against the luxurious carpet, angrily pointing towards Scootaloo's trail of dripped chocolate and glaring at the junior guards whom she had run past. "Catch her! I'll deal with the new one!"

With that, he spread his tawny wings, launching into the air after the rapidly retreating form of the deep blue 'unicorn'. The two junior guardsponies, clad in the standard cosmetic enchantment, looked at each other with worry. The crazy little filly was nuts in the good and the bad way. They nodded to each other and briskly trotted after the little orange filly into the royal quarters.

"Scootaloo, we need to talk. You and Commander Eaglehoof have got to stop baiting each other before something happens." The slightly larger stallion of the pair carefully peeked his head around the corner into the back of the royal apartment complex in search of the little filly, his hoof motioning to his junior partner for him to check in the other direction.

"What do you want now, Tenderhoof? I didn't do anything to him this time." Scootaloo sat in the baths, wiping off most of the nastiest portions of the formerly delicious muck from her form.

"It's Lieutenant Tenderhoof, kid. I know it's not your fault and I can't blame you for being mad at him, but you're giving him more fuel to go after you with." The strong city twang of the guardspony was comforting for her as he scruffed the thick towel into her sides to help out.

"Yeah, thank you. I know, I know. He doesn't know how to stop and I've gotta do what a filly's got to do. It's not like mom can do anything to him." Scootaloo squirmed under the scruffing being inflicted upon her as she spoke, indignant from the attention. She was all too familiar with the speech and the reasons the commander couldn't be removed from the palace guard.

"Good. Now then, go get yourself another shake if it's for the princess. I'll cover for you." Tenderhoof picked up Scoot's drink-encrusted hat as he affectionately spoke, squishing it down upon her head with a brief pat. The little filly rocked back and forth under the pat, hooves clattering slightly on the marble tiles of the magnificent bath.

"Oof! Really?"

The somewhat veteran guardsman smiled, crouching down to look Scootaloo in the eye, squinting to see her face past the glare of one of the sunbeams that always seemed to follow her around. "Yup. Your mom Sunbeam owes me one after I caught her snacking on the Princess's cake. I figure her having to explain to Princess Luna why her daughter tried to feed her a chocolate shake is payback enough. Now get. Unlike 'Commander Eaglepoof', I actually paid attention to the photos we received from Ponyville this morning, and I know she's about to beat you to the kitchen even if she has to run upside down with suction cups on her hooves." He paused for a moment, towel hanging over the gold filigree laundry bin as he realized what had just come out of his mouth.

Scootaloo giggled in her little way, knowing how crazy it had to sound. "Yeah, I get that a lot. See ya later, Tenderhoof!" The clatter of still sticky hooves rushed away past the guardspony, who sat there in thought of how in the bucking blazes did a filly convince a full grown princess to stick suction cups on her hooves and climb up a wall.


'Sunbeam' was busy doing her best not to fall asleep in the stupefyingly mundane and trivial business of the court, busily projecting a more attentive looking illusion of her real self on the throne. After 1000 years of practice with not falling asleep in court, it was disturbingly easy to wing her way through it most days even half-asleep. Blueblood needing something for his house, denied. The annual call for a draft from the pegusi contingent, she didn't have a clue why they thought they needed more ponies at the moment. The guard commander flying screaming through the halls on the far side of the courtyard in the windows chasin-.

"Sunbeam, would you mind seeing what has Commander Eaglehoof worked up today?" 'Celestia' smiled warmly down at her, the orange mare enjoying the odd recursiveness of giving herself orders. Nodding back to the illusion of her real self on the throne, and glad for giving herself an excuse to take a short stroll; she made her way down the center aisle of the court to the front doors of the royal chambers, gingerly opening them with a single hoof to-


She found herself falling solidly onto her rump in shock as Luna ran past in a sweatervest. On the ceiling and floating a chocolate shake before herself in a dark blue field of magic. Some things you just couldn't make up, it seemed. The faint clippy-clop of a foal's hooves grew in the distance, her daughter Scootaloo skidding around the column holding up one side of the hallway junction. Hooves still weren't good for running on polished marble as the little filly found out, having trouble building momentum at first until she at last zipped by her mother. 'Sunbeam' grimaced at the sight of the little filly coated in some form of dark brown stain and wondered what her daughter had gotten into and why she was busily chasing after Luna (on the ceiling!).

"I'm not entirely cer-" 'Sunbeam' began to speak, turning her head back into the court as the little filly squeaked and slid around the other corner; at least until the rustling of a great many wings filled the air. Shock etched itself onto her face as 30 guardsponies followed Commander Eaglehoof screaming around the corner in formation, darkening the halls with their shadows as they stormed past at high velocity. The orange mare stoically glared as they rushed past, her mane twirling into a twisted mess from the wind of their passage. She'd faced down Discord, the Nightmare of the Moon, the Dark Reaper Tirek, even the Demons of Air and Shadow. She would not get angry, not get angry, she was not going to-

"SCOOTALOO! What did you do!?!"


"So, which one of you two would care to claim responsibility for riling up the palace guard?" 'Sunbeam' slid the thick paneled door to Luna's room shut with a gentle push from one of her hindhooves as she gently inquired the guilty looking pair. The fizzle of anti-surveillance spells reestablishing themselves crackled behind her as she strode up, fixing princess and filly in turn.

Scootaloo bowed her head in shame as her mother sat down on one of the floor cushions, guiltily avoiding her mother's gaze. Her hoof restlessly scuffed at the thick blue carpet as she cleared her throat as she wondered how much trouble she would get into for dealing with Eaglehoof, again. The chocolate stains were still sticky and all over her back from the shake she had spilled, though they hadn't gotten into her wings.

'Sunbeam' looked towards her young daughter more intensely, noticing her sticky and distressed state. With any chance of being stumbled upon gone, the orange mare began to strip her cover away enchantment by enchantment, her true alicorn form emerging once more. The quiet air of Luna's apartment whispered in the faint breeze of the change, pushing away as Celestia decompressed herself and sprung back to her normal size, glowing with the faint traces of her light. Scootaloo sighed, opening her mouth to admit she had pushed the guard commander's buttons once more.

"As the exalt and bearer of Loyalty and Honesty, we shall not let thy filly take responsibility for our actions. It twas our practicing using her ideas that first agitated thy guards. Scootaloo's actions were in her own defense, and thy wrath should be directed towards our own person." Luna reached a hoof over as she spoke, gently pressing the pegasus filly's mouth shut once more. She leaned back, grimly sitting before the solar diarch in wait of what she had to say.

Celestia, for her part did her best to keep the incredulous look off her face. After all, before her sat Luna; who barely six hours before had said she found the room given back to her to be childish and mocking and its occupant an affront to her. And now? The lunar diarch was defending her, comfortably in the very room she had taken offense in. Her mind sorted through the possibilities slowly as she considered what might have just happened to immediately change the relationship for the positive. "Luna, I'm not going to be that tough on her. Why would-"

"Because we have already said it. We are, nay, were the bearer of Loyalty, and Honesty. We say these things because they are true. We had naught an indication beforehoof that thy guards would be so, excitable." The lunar diarch stood her ground before her counterpart, knowing what she had to say. She'd heard the 'responsibilities' speech before, and it was not about to bug her again.

"Really, Luna?"

"All I did was come up to the front doors with a chocolate shake for Luna. Then he went all 'rawr! Bad Filly! No shake for princesses!'" Scootaloo reared up as she spoke, imitating the angry tones of the guard commander as she did. Her mother gave her only the slightest hint of an incredulous look; more than a thousand years of leadership had given her far stranger examples to gawk at.

"That doesn't explain how you managed to become a friend to her in less than three hours, and succeeded in getting half the castle guard chasing the both of you through the castle and then Canterlot itself. Luna, you said you didn't want anything to do with her." Celestia wanted to massage the growing headache from her mind as she tried to piece together how two plus two became 42 somewhere along the lines.

"Well, I might maybe might have snuck up on her from above and given her the 1000 years of hugs she's been missing. But that would be all sappy and sickeningly cute. And I'm not cute." Scootaloo gave her mother the roughest and toughest look she could; her cool foal reputation was on the line. Her drink hat shook as she did, her hoof reaching up once more to seat it properly.

"Oh, I don't know about that, you look adorable and absolutely messy to me. You almost look like the time Luna got covered in alfalfa sauce, ac-" Celestia lit the ornate lamps around the roof of the room as she spoke, getting a better look at the sticky filly. She jumped slightly as Luna grabbed Scootaloo with her magic and broke out the normally disused royal speaking voice.

"Tis a lie! We never-" Luna stopped as the golden aura of a magical bubble appeared about her muzzle to quiet her down, sourly looking at Celestia.

"Indoors and in private, Luna. And amongst family." Celestia released her hold, letting Luna speak once as the golden glow faded away to the muted flickering lighting of the wall lamps.

"Tis a lie! We never sought out the vile alfalfa sauce! Thy foal has shown great martial prowess and joyous eloquence in the pursuit of giving us hope once more. Even knowing of our foalish ignorant pain, she came to us. We were gravely wrong and have already apologized to her for our slight. And, she became our guide." Luna quietly made her proclamation once more, a muted clap of thunder punctuating her small speech. "We like her, she's trouble." A predatory smile graced Luna's face as she ground a hoof into the plush carpet.

"Really?" Celestia's eyebrow raised cautiously, the horrifying realization that the two of them had joined forces working its way through her mind.

Scootaloo hopped up and down in annoyance, wings buzzing slightly in her agitation. "I am not! I only wanted to cheer her up, since I've gotta stay with her." The little filly's voice was indignant at the suggestion, Scootaloo's seat softly fluffing with each hop.

"Thou hast fooled us well, then." Luna carefully levitated in a bowl of familiar green gloop from the balcony outside, keeping it under Celestia's line of sight as she did. A small, slight glance to Scootaloo confirmed her own plan. The lunar diarch understood deception far too well; especially the art of hiding in plain sight. "Well, then this brings us back to the point of Commander Eaglehoof. Why hast thou not replaced him already?"

Celestia narrowed her eyes for a moment at Luna, suspecting the younger alicorn had something on her mind. "He's one of the old families. I've tried before, but after signing several agreements to prevent civil war when you had your indiscretion I am afraid I cannot simply fire him." Celestia looked to the wall of legal documents, one of the few concessions to the fact that this had been Luna's room at one point. She couldn't remember where, but the original copy of the treaty between herself and Eaglehoof's bloodline was stashed somewhere within.

"Tell me about it. Why can't we get, I dunno, Shining Armor or Tenderhoof to take over?" Scootaloo scrubbed at the sticky mess on her chest once more, glad that her rump was dry. Taking a shower with a pillow stuck to her butt would be awkward.

Luna looked at Celestia gleefully, thinking of the punishments of old. She couldn't imagine what 'firing' somepony meant, but it had to be good if Celestia considered it a worthy punishment for such a loathsome creature as Eaglehoof. "Tell us, what does this 'firing' consist of? We hath no recollection of such an intriguing sounding punishment. Tying him to a spit roast until his fur is crispy? Forcing him to drown two whole bottles of the purest rainbows and shaking him well? Perhaps tying him to the sling of a trebuchet and launching him from the castle?"

Luna settled down from where she was nearly levitating at the thought of showing the proper consequences of unfairly disturbing a foal when she noticed the shocked and horrified looks on the faces of her family. Her mass slumped back to the soft starry cushion as she realized she wasn't going to have the enjoyment of making a royal example out of Eaglehoof for disrespecting her and her family. "And, judging from thy looks, 'firing' hath nothing to do with such amusing pastimes even if we were allowed to have them."

"Why is my whole family crazy?" Scootaloo carefully edged away from Luna for a moment, putting some space between her and the still medieval minded lunar diarch. "Mom, you should have mentioned the fact that Luna liked doing... things to everypony."

Luna grinned as Celestia began rubbing her face in frustration with the strange direction the conversation was headed. "Yes, I should have. Luna, firing means to dismiss him from the job with immediate termination. Well, I suppose I could start rigging up the trebuchet for removing peg- oh no, Luna. No. I'm not playing this game." Celestia gave the younger diarch the most pointed stare she could conjure up, the faint rattle of something nearly upending behind the dark blue mare barely noticed behind the choked squeak she gave.

"Moooom! You're doing your scary face again!"

Celestia eased up immediately as she realized she had unleashed the glare of kindness, her counterpart giving an annoyed look in return as she tried her best to straighten her now unruly and disheveled mane. "Tia, after all this time thou still hast the power?" Luna slid her surprise a little closer to Scootaloo as she tried to distract her elder counterpart once more.

"Yes, we still have the blessings of the Elements, Luna. Now we're- now what?" Celestia turned her head to look out the windows, in the direction her daughter and fellow princess were staring, wondering what they had suddenly found more fascinating than their discussion. Beyond the fading sunset and the stars emerging from the night skies once more in the most brilliant night in 1000 years, she couldn't tell. A sudden rustle and rattling of ceramic on marble and carpet surprised her as she did, the elder alicorn turning back to see a horrific sight that had replaced Luna and her daughter.

Two voices rose up at once as their bearers leaned in towards her, a viscous green mask upon both their faces as eldritch voices spoke. "Bleagh-bleagh-bleagh! Alfalfa Monster!"

"Ew! Noo-OooooO!" Celestia reared back in shock from the close encounter, rising to her hooves before lurching as the inconveniently placed footlocker at the base of the room's bed arrested her rearwards movement. With the rest of her still moving backwards, Celestia yelped in surprise as she tumbled backwards, sprawling out into an awkward and shocked daze upon the bed. Small twitches of her hooves showed that she was still alive as the rest of her family approached in worry and surprise over how well their prank worked.

"Wow. You're right, she does just fall right over. When she snaps out of this, you know she's going to kill us both, right?" Scootaloo carefully nibbled some of the alfalfa off of her face, wiping much of the rest of it back into the bowl that Luna had proffered. The little filly approached her mother, leaning over the side of the bed to poke her once in her trim belly for a moment to see if she would snap out of her shocked stiffness.

"Nay. Perhaps maim us, but not kill. She hast always been too sweet-hearted as the former bearer of kindness and friendship. But we feel that sometimes revenge is a dish best served cold. Very, very cold." Luna gave a mischievous smile as she looked over Celestia's shocked form, nibbling on a bit of alfalfa she had licked into her mouth. A mind that had long ago been sharped into a razor point rapidly considered ways that she and her accomplice in crime could finish the rather horribly cruel and lighthearted vengeance upon their mutual family relations without turning the affair into a grudge match of ever more expansive pranks. "Now then, pray tell us, doth the castle carry a pink fur dye within it's cosmetic supplies?"

If she could have looked, Celestia might have shivered slightly at the wide grin upon her daughter's face.


The morning court started as any other would, petitioners slowly filing in past the gathered nobility and assorted high ranking figures of Equestria beneath the gaze of the rising sun shining through the windows. Concerned whispers murmured through the crowd at the sight of the oddly... pink sun that was rising in the east, the morning light tainted by it's color. Ponies whispered in confusion, wondering if the sun had been pink before the banishment of the mysterious Princess Luna, or if some strange illness had befallen their beloved Princess Celestia. Either way, all conversation ceased as the diarch of the day was announced by the triumphant fanfare of a hundred horns, the crowd parting for the mighty and majest-

The whispers returned tenfold as Celestia walked down the red-carpeted aisle with as much majesty as she could given her unusual condition. When she had come to that night, Luna had informed her of the punishment for so many year's worth of pranks and jokes and assorted slights that she was going to be bearing for the next week. And, since the castle was most unhelpfully lacking in stocks of certain colors of fur dye, the lunar princess had seen fit to add a distinctly personal touch to the punishment and had directly applied a cosmetic spell to the solar diarch. One that only turned an ever brighter shade of pink with each attempt to remove it, as Celestia had found to her perpetual annoyance. By morning she was almost glowing after a futile night of attempts on her part and that of her staff to remove the spell.

Luckily, she still had it in herself to bluff her way through the crisis at hand as well as plan her own revenge upon her family. She wasn't certain what that revenge would be, but it would have to be most exceedingly pointy and memorable. Celestia sat down upon her dias, the illusion of her alter ego running up from the court offices conjured up as a final touch to the preparations for the morning work. She bowed her head, the faint golden glow of her magic reaching forth to draw the remaining curtains upon the windows open, flooding the room with her light and warmth. "I hereby call this court to order. Petitioners, come forth and make thy grievances known."

"Your majesty, why are you pink?"

Celestia closed her eyes in annoyance at the question, a single thought running through her head. 'This is going to be a long, long week.' Her mortal illusion shook her head, facehoofing in expression of the annoyance Celestia wished she could fully unleash.

Next Time, on Scootamom: PROGRESS! Celestia vs. Knitting!