• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 1,155 Views, 3 Comments

Flipped - zyr1987

While the mane six vacationing in The Crystal Empire on "official business," a bright light shines through the empire and causes everyone's opposite sex self to appear within.

  • ...

After Lunch

Author's Note:

I'd like to admit right now that this chapter is very plot light, due to the plot being stalled for the most part until Luna leaves the empire. Because of that and the fact that I chose not to skip that far ahead (perhaps a dumb decision), this chapter is mostly dedicated to starting or advancing some subplots. Also, I finally worked in the whole wing preening explanation, though I'm not completely satisfied with it (I was rather tired when I wrote it and simply did my best to fix it up rather than rewrite it, which left it a bit rough).

Don't worry the plot will pick up again in the next chapter.

An hour or so after lunch, and a few hours after confirming that the entire crystal Empire's population had doubled, Fleur, heading to the castle gardens to see Fluttershy, stumbled upon Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, and their opposite sex selves sitting at a table which was covered with papers and figures. When they all turned to look at her after she sneezed, she said, “Oh sorry. I was told this was the quickest way to the gardens.”

“Don't worry about it. And yes, this is the quickest way to the gardens. Just go out the far door and the first door on your left will take you out to them,” Cadance said.

“Merci. By the way, is all this necessary to solve the empire's little problem?”

“Actually, this is everything we need for a game of Castles and Centaurs. Since no one here knows anything about dimension magic, we're a little stuck on the issue of how to get everyone back to our dimension until Luna and Nocturnus go get Celestia, so we're just passing the time right now,” Shimmering Shield said.

“Ah, so no crisis management or anything like that?” Fleur asked.

“No, we told the guards to keep order, arrest lawbreakers, and explain that we're working on getting everything back to normal as quickly as possible. That, reorganizing the guards' schedules so there's enough free beds, and managing ponies' positions here in the castle is all that's really needed on our part for the moment. If other issues arise, we will, of course, respond to them, bit for now, we have nothing to do, assuming no other crises come up.”

“Ah. By the way, why do we have to stay inside the empire's borders until the crisis is resolved?”

“We don't know the long term effects of allowing those from other dimensions spend time in our own for extended periods so we're trying to keep everyone corralled until we can get them home to keep anyone from getting stuck here. Also, it's a simple way to show that we're taking the issue seriously.”

“Oh, okay. Well, I'll leave you to it, then,” Fleur said, as she opened the door to the next hallway and wondered why they were so open with her about their reasoning for doing this.

When she reached the garden she saw three figures sitting near the fountain in the garden's center, one somewhat larger than the other two. She made her way over, assuming Fancypants had taken the opportunity to relax a bit.

However, when she got close enough, she realized that it wasn’t Fancypants, but Regal Splendor sitting by the fountain. Fluttershy and her opposite sex self, whose name Fleur didn't know yet, were sitting nearby, playing with a few squirrels. She loudly cleared her throat, and got all three ponies' attention.

Regal spoke before anyone else could, saying, “Oh, Fleur. I was hoping to speak with you. There's been something I've been wondering about.”

“I'm listening,” Fleur said.

“Well, the Prince and Princess said that opposite sex copies of everyone appeared here, yes?”


“Well, if we're copies of each other, then why is is Ecusson is my coltfriend, while you, his apparent opposite sex version, are Fluttershy's marefriend?” Regal asked.

“Uh, are you sure I'm the one you wanted to ask about this? I don't know anything about other dimensions or anything related to them.”

“Neither do I. I mostly asked you because you're the most notable difference between our two dimensions, outside of gender. Also, as far as I know, my sweet Eccy is completely straight.”

“Well, I admit I wanted to go out with Fancy, who already knew of my bisexuality, but a minor misunderstanding on my part put a lid on that. I ended up with Fluttershy instead, after Rarity set us up on a date. So maybe Eccy is just hiding his bisexuality?” Fleur suggested

“...Maybe. By the way, do you ever wish you ended up with Fancypants?”

“Sometimes I wonder what could have been between us, but I think being with Fluttershy broadened my horizons far more than being with Fancy ever could, and she is just so wonderful to be with. Really, I wouldn't give her up for anything.”

“...Then, should I be concerned that Eccy and Butterscotch are such close friends?” Regal asked.

“Why are you asking me? I may be a different version of him, but that doesn't mean I know what he's thinking.”

“Er...good point.”

Fleur nodded, and went over to her marefriend, deciding she had had had enough of Regal for the moment.

The squirrels Fluttershy and her opposite sex self had been playing with had wandered off, apparently too tired to keep playing, and there weren't any other animals in sight at the moment. Before they could decide what to do next, Fleur made her presence known a second time, this time by verbally greeting her marefriend then giving her a quick peck on the lips.

“Hi, Fleur. What did Regal want to talk about?” Fluttershy asked.

“She was wondering how it was that you and I are together, since my opposite sex self is with her. Before you ask, I don't know. Anyway, I can see your enjoying some time with yourself.”

Even with Fleur's silly grin, it took Fluttershy a second to figure out what she meant. When she did, she said, “Oh, yes. It's wonderful to be able to spend time with somepony who knows as much about animals and is as passionate about them as me.”

“You know I'm working on that,” Fleur said, feeling the slightest twinge of jealousy.

“I know, but in the meantime...”

“Yes, yes. Anyway, to step away from my being a work in progress, there is something I've been wondering about since last night.”

“Yes?” Fluttershy asked.

“First, let me apologize if this isn't the sort of thing you discuss in polite company, but is there some sort of special significance behind you asking me to preen your wings? Or were you just nervous for some other reason?”

Before Fluttershy could respond, Butterscotch, in a moment of boldness, said, “When a pegasus asks you to preen their wings, their saying they trust you deeply. They're essentially saying, 'I trust you enough that I'm going to entrust you with helping keep the things that make me a pegasus in order without damaging them.'”

“Yes, what Butterscotch said,” Fluttershy said.

“Wow, suddenly I feel honored,” Fleur said, not sure how to react, and making a mental note to ask Rainbow about this later. “Um...anyway, do you want to go into town? We can see those sheep you told me about seeing the first time you were here, and do some shopping.”

“Sure. Do you want to come, Butterscotch?” Fluttershy asked, turning to face the other yellow pegasus.

“Um...no, thank you. I think I'll spend some more time here in the garden,” Butterscotch said.

“Oh, okay. I'll see you later, then.”

“Keep this up, Flutters, and I might stop thinking you're a lesbimare,” Fleur said with a wink.

Fluttershy ignored her mischievous prodding, and started walking out of the garden, wondering if there were now twice as many sheep as before in the market.

Meanwhile, entering the garden was a pair of blue pegasi having a loud conversation As they drew closer, Regal Splendor could start making out what they were saying.

“-way you could ever be faster than me!” Rainbow Blitz stated.

“Yeah? Prove it!” His female counterpart said.

“Gladly! How?”

“I challenge you to a race. From here to the edge of the Crystal Empire and back!”

How did they get all the way out here, arguing about who's the fastest and only now decide on a race? Regal wondered.

“You're on! But we need someone to keep time,” Rainbow Blitz said, before looking around. Regal noticed he spent a rather long time looking at Butterscotch.

Honestly curious about how this would turn out, and not sure if Butterscotch had a bias that would affect the outcome, she said, “If I may offer my services, I think I can accurately time you two.”

“I didn't know you had a talent for timing, Regal,” Rainbow Blitz said.

“I don't, but I do know a simple spell that I can cast on a pair of flagstones. Whichever one is touched first will glow green and the one touched second will glow red, because I'm assuming you two will have a close finish. Fair?”

“Sounds fair to me. Which two?”

“These two,” Regal said, pointing to the two next to her. “Also, I would advise stopping short of the edge. I think Shimmering Shield put up a shield to let her know if someone tried to leave.”

“We're not going to touch the shield, don't worry.” Rainbow Dash said, “but how do we know you're going to be honest?”

“Simple. Rainbow Blitz and I aren't friends, so I can't really be biased in his favor. Also, I'm honestly curious as to how this will shake out.”

“If you say so. Anyway, on three we take off and you cast the spell.”

“Okay. Move to your positions.” After they did, Regal said, “Okay, one, two, three!”

Butterscotch, who had been watching from nearby, asked, “You're not cheating for Rainbow Blitz, are you?”

“Not at all. Don't worry. I simply wish to sate my curiosity as to which is faster.”

In Rarity's world, things were going swimmingly...ish. She and Elusive had decided to collaborate on one interdimensional dress while things were being figured out, and since they were opposite sex versions of the same pony, this looked like it would work out perfectly...Except they couldn't agree on some of the details, specifically hemline, and color. They were close, but couldn't come up with a compromise.

“I really think we should go with the cinnamon and a floor length hem,” Rarity argued.

“No, I'm telling you an ankle length hem in cherry would look much better.”

What sounded like two explosions in rapid succession prevented further arguing. Rarity asked, “What was that?”

Elusive said, “I'm going to guess that Rainbow Blitz and Rainbow Dash have decided to race, and those are sonic rainbooms since I doubt there's anything else that could cause large airborne explosions,” Elusive said, pointing out the nearby window.

“That makes sense, I guess.”

A tall, pink maned unicorn stallion walked in after Rarity said this, saying, “I did see them bickering a few minutes ago over something, so it seems likely.”

“Oh, Ecusson. I'm glad you're here. Can I borrow you for a second?” Elusive asked.

“That depends. Will Regal approve of whatever your borrowing me for?” Ecusson asked.

“Don't worry. We just need an opinion. Which do you think looks better, this dress in cinnamon with a floor length hem, or this one in cherry with an ankle length hem?”

“I'd say the cherry one, though I think it would look better with a floor length hem, rather than ankle length.”

The two dressmakers looked at each other, then seemed to consider it. After a moment Rarity said, “Yes, I think that would work just fine.”

Elusive said, “Yes, I agree.”

“So, who'll be modeling it when you finish it?” Ecusson asked.

“I was thinking Fleur. She always looked good in red. Maybe, Regal Splendor could model it with her, since they look like they have about the same build,” Rarity said.

“Actually, that would be perfect,” Elusive said.

“Well, if you want to suggest it to her, be my guest,” Ecusson said.

Fancypants was bored. He had planned to enjoy himself by watching the jousting tournament they were planning on having during their stay, but those had been canceled due to recent events, and although there was talk of bringing them back the next day with a revised structure, that didn't help him now.

At the moment he was browsing the Crystal Empire's library in an attempt to learn more about the history of the place. Or read lurid tales from another time. He hadn't decided yet.

After a few minutes of searching through one of of the massive bookshelves, he found a book called “The History of the Crystal Empire from the crowning of Queen Amore to the rise of King Sombra”. Making a mental note to ask what the other universe's version of Queen Amore was named and wondering how this book survived King Sombra's reign, he went to the front desk and asked to check it out.

“Certainly. Just return it in one week's time. And do not damage it. This is the only known copy to escape destruction by King Sombra.”

“Don't worry. I take very good care of my books,” Fancypants said as he placed it in his saddle bag. He then made his way outside and quickly bumped in to two of his friends.

“Hello, Fleur, Fluttershy,” he said.

“Hi, Fancy. What are you up to?” Fluttershy asked.

“Honestly, not much. I planned to go to the jousting tournament before they canceled it due to all this business about dimensional travelers and now I'm just trying to pass the time. You?”

“We were going down to the market to see if we could do some shopping, then see about stopping at the petting zoo since Fluttershy wants to spend some time with the sheep there,” Fleur said. “Would you like to join us?”

“Well, I have nothing else going on...sure, why not?” Fancypants said.

Fleur and Fluttershy both smiled as they quickly started trotting to the market, with Fancy following not far behind, surprised at their speed.

A short time later, Fleur asked Fancy, “So, I know Rarity is one of your best friends, Fancy, but I'm curious, what do you really think of her?”

“What do you mean? She's a dear friend of mine, nothing more.”

“I see, never mind.”

Fancypants looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but said nothing.