• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,535 Views, 7 Comments

A Rarity to come by - multibronybrony

Fluttershy stops by Raritys botique for a visit. She needs some Romantic help.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rarity was working on a new design for a dress in her boutique. It was late afternoon and the sun had almost set. She was having some trouble starting because she was somewhat distracted. She kept on thinking that her dress needed to be pretty. "Well, Obviously it needs to be pretty Rarity, there's no point in saying that." Rarity thought. "It would be nice if it were especially elegant though. Similar to Fluttershy. Ah Fluttershy, so graceful, and glamorous, and cute. I had almost believed the rumor that Fluttershy had tail extensions. But Fluttershy is also quite experienced in animals. She can nurse almost any animal back to health. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack don't understand what it means to be "gentle". Not the way me and Fluttershy do."

Rarity's visits to the spa, with Fluttershy, were originally a way just to catch up with her friends, but now she enjoyed them specifically because Fluttershy was there. They truly were the very best of friends. In fact it almost seemed like they were a little bit more. It almost seemed as if somehow she and Fluttershy were... were... "No, no, Rarity. You know you're a huge romance fan. Your desire to see an engaging plot is clouding your judgment." she scolded. "Focus on the dress."

Her thoughts had been looping like this for quite some time. She had just restarted the cycle when she heard a knock on the door. "Huh? Oh, I'm Coming." She said, slightly glad for the distraction. Rarity answered the door and saw Fluttershy. "Uh hi, I'm not interrupting, am I?" said Fluttershy. "What? No! You're not interrupting anything at all darling! Come in, sit down, get comfortable." Spewed Rarity, with a bit more enthusiasm then she may have intended. Fluttershy entered the boutique, and sat down in a chair with a glum look on her face. Rarity sat down in a chair, facing Fluttershy. "So Fluttershy, what Brings you to my lovely boutique?"

"Well actually Rarity, I'm having some... colt problems." Rarity's eyes widened considerably. She was extremely eager to hear about any relationship, let alone one of Fluttershy. "Oooooooh, I didn't know you had a colt-friend." Exclaimed Rarity, with extreme fascination, and a hint of disappointment. "Well, my problem is that... I don't have one" said Fluttershy, lowering her head, and looking glummer than before. "I do have a special someone in mind but, I don't know how dates work." she explained. "Well you came to the right place. I know all about romance. I can teach you the basics." said rarity. "I knew you would." said Fluttershy, with a smile. "But let us go up to my room first." said rarity, standing up. "This isn't the sort of thing I want Sweetie Bell walking in on." Fluttershy blushed a bright red, her face filled with shock, and her wings rising slightly. Rarity giggled at this, both amused by Fluttershy's innocence, and slightly intrigued on a personal level. "Follow me." said Rarity, as Fluttershy followed her to her room. Rarity was glad that she was in front, so that Fluttershy couldn't see Rarity's blushing face.

Once situated in Rarity's room, Rarity decided to start with the basics. "So, tell me, what common ground do you and this pony have?" Questioned Rarity. "Um, shouldn't we start with breaking the news to..." started Fluttershy "Good! It's always good to have a common ground." interrupted Rarity. "But I never..." "And make sure the date is at night, at a fancy restaurant," interrupted Rarity. "Ooh! And it has to be under a moon (full moon preferably). If you're lucky he'll already have arranged that, but you can never be to careful". "Um, okay." said Fluttershy, submissively. "So, you want to start with small talk. Ask him about his job. Give him some feedback to show that you listened, then tell him about your job. It's a sort of, give and take pattern. He talks, you talk, he talks, he talks. Some ponies like to talk a lot about themselves. This is okay, but is a sign of self-centered-ness, so be wary" Monologued Rarity. "Right." responded Fluttershy with a determined look.

Rarity started pacing around the room, due to excitement. "Then after a while you move to your common ground. What did you say yours was again?" asked rarity, as she paused. "Um, we're both..." said Fluttershy, in thought. "Gentle."
"Excellent." said Rarity, and she resumed pacing. "Now talk about it. Tell him how handsome he is. Tell him how he's different than other ponies. Tell him how you understand him better." said rarity. "Um, you're uh... gentler than other ponies." said Fluttershy exampling what she would say. "Tell him how he's gentler than the other ponies! Tell him how he's cuter than the other ponies!" Shouted rarity, getting extremely worked up, and practically dancing around the room, using body gestures for almost every adjective. " You're one of the most generous ponies I've ever met! And you are extremely beautiful!" Exclaimed Fluttershy, getting caught up in Rarity's enthusiasm. "Tell him how you think he's cute when he's embarrassed! Tell him how you love his way with animals!" Shouted Rarity, pausing at 'animals' to shove her hoof straight up in the air. "I have to hold my wings down every time I see you! Your dress making skill are amazing!" Screamed Fluttershy, now pouncing about with her own hoof shoves, and excitement. And the whole time Fluttershys wings started getting higher and higher, growing larger and larger. In addition, Rarity's horn had begun glowing, slowly brighter, until several small objects started levitating. And if you must know, they were indeed getting "wetter" by the second.

The two ponies were now almost completely oblivious to each other. "Keep talking and talking, let the emotions flow until you dare to talk about FEELINGS!" shrieked Rarity, now at her enthusiastic capacity. "You know so much more about feelings than the other ponies! Twilight knows about friendship feelings, but nothing beyond that!" exploded Fluttershy, having past her enthusiastic maximum. Both ponies came to lean on either side of the bed to rest. After resting, Rarity resumed her speech, still oblivious to Fluttershy. "Then you lean in close to him," Both ponies leaned. "Look deep into his eyes," Both ponies stared. "And Say you'd like to meet his bunny,"

"I love to see your dress collection," said Fluttershy, her mind automatically translating Rarity's words. "And then you..." Fluttershy interrupted Rarity by diving in and kissing Rarity, while simultaneously flinging her arms around her. Fluttershy was acting on pure, aggressive instinct. Rarity's brain, which was set on default "no Fluttershy" mode, was at first freaking out, and Rarity's face showed nothing but shock. Then her brain was reminded that Fluttershy had kissed her, not the other way around, and relaxed. So Rarity wrapped her arms around Fluttershy, accepting the vigorous kissing, and started kissing Fluttershy back, partially due to instinct, and partially due to the intense, concentrated, passion coming from both ponies.

After about ten seconds Fluttershy broke the kiss. Both ponies were blushing, panting, and sweaty. At first both ponies had a look of extreme pleasure, a sly grin on their faces, and their eyelids half drooped. Then Fluttershy, returning to reality, gasped with wide eyes, and mouth agape, although still clinging to Rarity. "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry if I was... O my gosh. O MY GOSH. OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH..." Fluttershy said, reflecting on the situation. Rarity shoved a hoof into Fluttershys mouth. "Oh please darling, don't be so modest. You were quite excellent!" assured Rarity. Rarity considered the possibility that her love for Fluttershy made her biast, but decided that now was not the time to tell Fluttershy that.

Rarity was now fascinated with Fluttershy's fully erect wings, and reached her hoof out to investigate. "Oh my, Fluttershy, your wings are as hard as ... Diamonds!" exclaimed rarity after halving felt the tender appendages. "And I like diamonds!" Said rarity, in a mischievous way, that could easily be described as foxy. "So," started Fluttershy ,who now accepted the fact that Rarity accepted her, and returning the suggestive manner said. "Then what should I tell the mare?" asked Fluttershy, emphasizing the "mare". "Well, first of all..." began rarity, which began there beautiful night in which the two ponies engaged in long and intimate intercourse.

The next morning they did some romantic shit, and became married, and had a million babies because one of them grew a penis or something. I dunno. The end.

Comments ( 7 )

I giggled. Thanks for the laugh. Keep the beginning and middle. If you want to write a serious fanfic you can just take this story and flesh it out. I think you're a good writer, with what I've seen here.
Stay awesome.

It's actually a good story if you wouldn't have dedicated the last few lines to trolling :twilightsheepish:

that last line was funny

I don't get the negativity you're receiving this is actually really good.
Especially the last bit.

Maybe just go through and capitalize all the under cased names.

Futashy XD

Best ending EVAAAAAARRRR. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Lol classic

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