• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 5,672 Views, 282 Comments

Light's Shadow - Jorofrarie

Taken from a dying world, Light turned up in somewhere quite the opposite...

  • ...

Chapter 5

This particular chapter was a nightmare to re-edit, and even now it's a blemish, so if you notice any problems just leave a comment or something.
-Jorofrarie, 30/10

Never let them tell you that losing a friend doesn't hurt. It does, more than you could ever imagine...

Chapter 5

Major Pains

Everfree Forest

The Elements and the Princesses galloped as fast as they could through the forest towards the fight that was happening in the distance. Faint bursts of light could be seen shining through the trees, dimly illuminating the whole forest for the duration of each flash. Roars of pain and anger were echoing everywhere. The sounds became ever louder as the group came closer to their destination. And then, they were in a clearing.

The sight was shocking. An absolutely huge Ursa Major loomed over their heads in a fit of anger. All of the ponies ducked behind cover to avoid being seen and attacked, but there was no chance of that happening anyway. The Ursa was already distracted.

A blot of light and shadow was whirling around the Ursa's head at a ridiculous speed, dipping in towards the beast to attack and quickly darting out. It spun faster and faster, disorientating the lumbering bear. The blot gained speed, and started to look like a tornado of Shade. A ghostly sheen enveloped the Ursa's head, and small bolts of white and black lightening shot out, spearing the Ursa, and making it more angry. Then the bear had had enough. it reached down and plucked a sapling from the edge of the clearing and swatted at the blot, which the blot promptly smashed into. It started to fly towards the ground.

Right towards Luna.

It impacted with amazing force just in front of Luna, creating a small crater. Luna crept forward tentatively, not willing to approach the thing too quickly. The dust was only now starting to clear. Luna started to lean over an-

Light's head popped up over the lip of the crater. He looked around to see what was happening, and then he spotted Luna, and froze, dumbstruck.


'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck that is one massive bear!'

I swooped in to deliver another blow to the thing's face when a tree of all things appeared out of nowhere and introduced itself to my face, and not very politely. I fell towards the ground, changing back to my human form, but softened just before impact to lessen the force. Nonetheless, I created a decently large crater when I landed, and let's just say that it wasn't the least painful of impacts.

'Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oooooooooooow...'

This train of thought was the only thing going through My head for about 10 seconds, before I realised that I was still near the giant bear thing. I snapped up out of the indent in the ground and came face to face with-

My pursuer from earlier.

Somehow, this pony had found me. Not surprising considering the size of the blue bear attacking me. The pony looked startled... and slightly scared. But at the same time it was pretty stunning. it's hair was the deepe-

I shook his head and changed my train of thought as I started to blush, and averted my gaze. After I had recovered, slightly, I looked back to the pony and grinned maniacally, and lot a little insanely. I waved quickly.

The pony just looked confused, and I took this as my signal. I jumped out of the crater and, before I had even landed, phased into my light form and flew back to confront the giant bear, leaving a very stunned blue pony behind him.

And then I got back to the fight.


'What just happened?'

luna stood, rooted to the spot as she recalled what had happened just seconds earlier. This strange thing, Light, had popped its, his, head out of the crater, completely unfazed, and just waved. And then he had just turned into some weird blob and flown off.

Her sister walked up beside her.

"Luna, what just happened?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out..." Luna replied, shaking her head.

"Did you get a good look at that thing?" Celestia, straight to the point.

"Well, he looked strange, but not like a monster. And he acted rather nicely..."

"Hmmm, Light... Wait, did you call it? A he?"

"Uhh, yeah? He did seen to look and act like a male. He even looked pretty cool..." Luna looked into the distance, not even thinking about the phrasing of her compliment. Celestia raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment, possibly the wise option.

This Light creature was incredible. Any ordinary animal would have absolutely no chance against an Ursa. Hell, even her personaly student had only just managed to calm one, not fight it, and that was a Minor. And yet this thing was taking on an Ursa single-hoofedly and was holding it's ground. It even looked like it was winning! But the two forces looked for the most part evenly matched.

And then Light lost his temper.

The blot stopped. The Ursa took advantage of this and swatted at it, but the giant bear's paw just passed through this creature. It stopped and looked at the blot curious. And then it looked at it's paw, and roared, furious. Where the bear's paw had touched Light, there was only a massive hole, smoke rising from the already cauterised wound. Then Light attacked.

The blot became razor sharp and darted in. Again, and again, and again. Each time, blood spurted from the Ursa, as Light swept in, slicing first it's wrists, then it ankles, and then everywhere else, dark flames writhing and clinging to Light's 'body' and searing the blue bear on contact. The Ursa keeled over, unable to stand from the massive blood loss and burning, and fainted.


'That's it, I've had enough.'

'This stupid bloody bear is just a bloody nuisance and needs to be put out.'

I sharpened my body and covered myself in fiery shadows to heat the edges to a blistering temperature. I stopped flying and instead hovered motionless in mid air. The bear took this as a sign to attack.

Big mistake.

I saw the giant paw barrel towards me and pass straight through my body. Minus a chunk of blue 'flesh'. The Ursa didn't seem to be made of ordinary material, it had more of a insubstantial skin. Solid, but insubstantial. A bit more like my own body. But this didn't stop it from being sliced and burned. A small shower of blood flew past me as the wound closed itself almost instantly, cauterised from the contact with my dark flames.

I then flew to the wrists of the beast, slitting them, and then the ankles, cutting the tendons, and then to all of the other less important areas of the bear's body. Soon the bear became overwhelmed by the sheer number and seriousness of the wounds that were covering it's body. It slowly collapsed, a cloud of dust rising up, obscuring it from sight. From the edges of the dust cloud trickles of blood could be seen trickling away. I lowered myself inside the dust cloud and positioned myself next to the bear's head to deliver the killing blow.

I almost fell down immediately due to the fatigue that sprang up from my energy use, but I struggled on anyway, there was a job to finish.

My flames illuminating the inside of the dust cloud with a dark light. I reached down with his fiery hand to touch the bear's neck and kill it. Then the dust cloud parted.


The canary yellow pegasus watched in fear as Light flew up and redoubled his attack on the Ursa. She cowered in fear as he suddenly grew impatient and felled the giant creature. She saw the dust cloud that arose after the Ursa touched down.

Then the dust started to swirl, some inner turbulence disturbing the still cloud. The dust parted for only a moment, revealing-

Fluttershy let out a small gasp and darted into the fray, not caring for self preservation. This Ursa was in danger. Her friends watched, stunned, as the shy pony neared the strange and dangerous creature that was about to kill the Ursa.

And then Fluttershy reached Light.


I was about to kill the bear when the small yellow pegasus from earlier appeared next to me. I paused, my hand mere inches from the neck of the behemoth.The pony looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me not to kill the bear. I moved his hand slightly away, but close enough to be within reaching distance, and extinguished the flames around my body.I even went so far as to change back to my human form, floundering as my energy use became even more apparent.

I stood and waited for the pony to make a move, but she just stood there, nervously waiting for me to do something. I kneeled down next to Fluttershy and looked at her, my face asking the unspoken question.

Fluttershy swallowed, afraid of this flickering thing that looked more like part of the dust cloud than real.

"I want you to l-l-leave that U-ursa alone..." She trailed off quietly.

I looked behind him at the strange bear the was lying on the ground behind me. it looked to be as good as dead anyway, but I decided to humour this pony and leave it. I turned back to Fluttershy and nodded slightly. Fluttershy looked immensely relieved and visibly relaxed. And then another pony appeared. It was the white one from ealier. And it looked angry.

And slightly afraid.

I watched it as it made its way through the cloud. It halted in front of me and addressed me in an incredibly loud voice that threatened to damage my ear drums. How she managed it, I will never know.

"Foreign creature, you will surrender yourself into our custody and allow us to take you to Canterlot for examination. Do you accept?"

I shuddered. This brought back memories.

Somewhere in the Center

"Fire, you sure that this place is safe?"

"Light, stop worrying, I've been to this place heaps. No-one has ever found me here."

"Maybe they know this place and they think that more of us might be coming..."

"Light, just shut up already."

I raised my arms up beside my head in a sign of surrender, eliciting a small chuckle from Fire, "Woah, don't go for the sceptic..."

He shook his head, but there was smile there anyway.

Me and Fire were walking down a decrepit side street. It was completely empty, old banners and messages hanging from the buildings on either side. They stopped in front of a particularly run-down building. I looked questioningly at Fire, who just looked back at me and nodded. This was the place. The door was closed, but unlocked, and the pair of us made our way deeper into the bowels of the complex. We found a staircase, and walked to the third level, stopping at the landing.

The corridor was incredibly old and looked like it had been deserted for a very long time. The rug, which might have been red, was threadbare and the plaster was peeling. Doors were placed at irregular intervals along the length of the corridor. Our feet made small thudding noises on the old wooden floor. Fire stopped at the fifth door on the left. I was completely lost in a daydream and bumped into Fire, causing a small glare to be shot in my direction. Fire returned his attention to the door and reached above the sill at the top, his hand returning with a small key, which he inserted into the lock. A small clicking noise signalled his success.

The two of us walked over the threshold, and into a small room, about 10x10. There was a small stove and something resembling a kitchen, a small couch, and a window that overlooked a busy street, the other side of the building. A door to the left of the entrance led to a bathroom. Fire made his way over to the stove and lit it, "Well, welcome to your new home."

I looked around, dumbstruck. Fire just watched me, a small grin on his face as he saw the reaction his new friend had to his new home. I was about to say something when some small thudding noises echoed up from beneath the floor. I looked at the floor, and then at Fire. The thudding noises became louder, and clearer, until they could be distinguished as...

Footsteps. The sound of Peacekeepers.

Without saying a word, Fire and I sprinted towards the window and threw ourselves out, landing on the fire escape scaffolding that clung to the outside of the building. We heard as the door to the apartment burst open and the Peacekeepers ran in. We froze, trying desperately to not be heard as we climbed higher to the top of the building. It was five stories.

We only made it to the fourth before being discovered.

Fire reached the top of the ladder to the fourth level and turned to help Me up. I accepted the offered hand and pulled myself onto the fourth level. A small pigeon slept on the railing nearby. As I crept to the next ladder I passed by the bird without it waking. Fire didn't have the same luck. The heat radiating from Fire must have disturbed it. The pigeon woke up and became startled, noticing Fire. It flew away noisily. The dootsteps from downstairs stopped.

"They're out on the fire-escape! Quickly, cut them off!"

We sped up the next ladder, and the next, and found ourselves on the roof. Nowhere to go. Fire ran to the far side of the building looking for another way down. There was no way.

A small access door to the roof slammed open, revealing the Peacekeepers, weapons, armour, and all. "Halt!" Fire and Me froze, waiting to hear the proposal, if any, "You two criminals will surrender and be taken into custody, to be dealt with at a later time.

I looked at Fire, and he at me. We both knew what 'to be dealt with' would entail. We prepared to fight, knowing that we would probably lose...

I looked at the large white pony. There was no way that I would surrender and be taken into its, her, custody. I glared at her.

"Fuck you."

With that, I melted into the dust behind me, darkening as I inverted myself to my darker form, hair soaking up the light that flowed upwards from the rest of my body. I disappeared.


"Do you accept?"

Celestia finished her proposal and waited for a reply. The creature in front of her pondered her statement and seemed lost in thought. As it thought, it became slightly angry, and shimmered more and more, until it looked like it was on the verge of breaking up. And then it looked at her.

"Fuck you."

Celestia's jaw dropped. No creature dared to oppose her. Even her own sister treated her with respect. And yet, this thing had just declined her offe- no, her order, and insulted her to boot. She picked her jaw up from the ground and prepared to capture it, but before she could move it just faded away into the dust cloud. It's edges faded until they looked like mist and it became darker, and darker, until Celestia couldn't see it anymore. It was gone. She turned to Fluttershy.

"Quickly now, get the others and tell them to surround the dust cloud. This thing can't have gone very far."

Fluttershy nodded meekly and galloped to her friends, relaying the message that Celestia had given her. In moments, a ring had been formed around the cloud. Celestia waited. And then she walked in.


The Princess of the Night watched from her position around the dust cloud as Celestia walked in, horn ablaze with light. Moments passed, which then turned to minutes, and still Celestia didn't return. Luna became worried for her sister. Then, just as she was about to walk in, bright flashes pulsed from within the cloud, and loud thunderclaps emanated, sounding as if they were underwater. Luna sprinted in to assist Celestia.

She ran towards the source of the commotion and stopped, shocked. Her Sister was fighting the creature. Celestia was firing fire, and lightening, and basically anything volatile, towards the creature, while the thing itself ducked and whirled and dodged every attack easily due to it's lightening speed and lack of form. Luna only once got a good look at it as it sped past her.

It had changed from earlier. The once pristine white had turned to the deepest black, darker even than her night sky. The speck of black the had sat near it's centre had become white instead. It had become a thing of darkness. And then it became a thing of darkness that was on fire, again. The thing became wreathed in black flames that seared the ground as it passed by. Celestia didn't even have time to move before it whipped past, knocking her sister to the ground. Only Celestia's innate resilience stopped her from becoming a pile of ash and bones as the dark fire licked her. Even so, Celestia's white coat browned and steamed slightly. The thing prepared to attack again.

Luna shrieked. And then the thing noticed her.

Well, what's gonna happen next! By the looks of things, chaos!

But I'll just give you a quick heads up. The next chapter may take a while due to some technical problems. And I just ho-


AHHH! Procrastination! Get out of my comment! This part is only for me! Piss off already!

"Awwwww... spoil sport. But I wanna stay for a while! Plz plz plz plz plz come on man!"

No. Absolutely not. This part is only for me. K? No other thin-

"Hey there mister Author person!"

Oh come on! Pinkie too! Hmphhhh. You know what? That's it. I give up. You can stay Cras', but Pinkie, you need to get back in the story. Right Now!

"Okie-Doki-Loki mister Author!"

"Is she gone now?"

I think so... Anyway, how long are you gonna be here Cras'?

"As long as need be..."


And how long is that?

"As long as it takes to piss off the readers..."


Well great, isn't this just fine and dandy... Well readers, have fun waiting while Cras makes my life total hell...