• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 7,116 Views, 157 Comments

My Little Luffy - Fluttrick

  • ...

The Sweet Feast

A/N Sorry everypony for the long long long hold up. I just got caught up with my other fictions until I realized how many people favourited this fiction, and so this is my top prior! So enjoy!

Luffy, with a handful of bits he'd stolen from the gang members(well he is a pirate) he cheerfully strode into town, heading for the nearest fruit cart. Upon seeing one, he noticed the theme of the cart was not a fruit but a, bonbon?
Walking up to the cart he asked. "You sell bonbon's here in Equestria?"

The pony behind the counter nodded and replied. "My name's Bonbon actually, and yes, I sell them. It's my special talent! Wanna see my Cutie Mar-"

"Can I have some!?" He asked immediately. "I haven't had any other kind of food except fruits, and vegetables, which I, don't tell anyone this, don't really like. So, how much for one?" Luffy asked again, holding out some bits.

"Oh, that'll be about five bits sir." She said with a smile as the two exchanged bits and a bonbon. Unwrapping the multicolored wrapper, Luffy flung the small candy into his mouth. His expression was blank for a moment until he jumped upwards so high he hit a cloud.

"Boy was that amazing! I'll buy another for sure!" He shouted to the world when he reached the peak of his jump, and then eagerly descended back to the ground where the sweet treats awaited. "Just a few more feet!" His feet flat, ready for the impact, but just before he landed a sudden change of wind flipped him over onto his head when he touched ground. "Wait!-I!-Can't-Stop-Bouncing-Damn-It-All-Arrrrr-" And so his cussing and bouncing lasted way over an hour and by the time he settled down the sun was setting.

Trudging carelessly to the cart, he threw all his bits on the counter then horded up all the bonbons and left a dumbfounded Bonbon standing in place, too stunned to react, and too frightened to tell the young man that the bits he left didn't cover the amount of bonbons he took.

Once he settled on a nearby bench, he dropped the bonbons onto a space next to him and unwrapped one very slowly, then inserted it into his mouth.

Just then the sugar rushed through him once more and he turned to the pile of sweets that awaited him. A wide psychotic grin crept across his face as he unwrapped all of them in a matter of seconds and then took them all and plunged them into his mouth.

Once again.


Very very regrettable.

For the first second he sat there, just plain old Luffy.

For second second his head turned to Ponyville. All the closed carts, filled with even more sweets maybe!

For third and final second, he launched off the bench......sprinting across the roads, rampaging throughout town.

The Sweet Feast had begun.


At first, the only real threat was the noise Luffy was making during the night. Sure to wake up everypony, and so he did. The next threat was the danger of somepony standing in his runway. And the next threat? Well, nothing special except DESTROYING ALL OF PONYVILLE! Out of nowhere, left and right, buildings fell to Luffy, whom was mad with the power of the sugar rush!

It was mayhem! Ponies rushing left to right, in search of a place to shelter themselves from Luffy's rampage. Only pockets of peace came, only when Luffy stopped to throw all the food in a cart into his mouth, then after that, he continued his unstoppable search.

And then, just when all hope seemed lost, when the Ponyvillians had no place to hide, when all the food was gone, a bright light appeared in mid-air, and in the middle appeared none other than Princess Celestia. Luffy turned his head to the Princess, his eyes white with power. With a stern look, Celestia's horn lit up with a green aura which surrounded Luffy and levitated him up towards her to meet each other eye to eye.

"You will pay for what you've done," She looked to the devastated town, then said. "When the time is right." Dropping the rubber man, she concentrated all her magic to her horn, and then in a flash of blinding light, Ponyville turned back to normal. The houses and buildings the same, and the other properties such as trash cans and benches restored and untouched.

Once again, Celestia turned to Luffy, who was now out of his sugar rushy state. Dazed and not noticing the large concentration of magic Celestia was about to beam at him until a voice called out.

"Stop!" The princess turned to the familiar voice and was surprised to see Twilight Sparkle and her friends dash in front of the human that had destroyed their town in defense.

"Twilight Sparkle! What is the meaning of this?!!" Celestia's voice roared out across the town in frustration. "This fiend, this monster! He tried to destroy your home and your friends!" She tried to reason, but despite the fury, Twilight was still not phased.

"He's our friend! And I don't care whatever reason he did this, but I'm sure it's not his fault."

"Then who's is it then?" The princess asked in a concerned voice. Twilight bit her lip in response, out of ideas to reason with her.

"I- Er- I don't know." The purple unicorn hung her head in defeat as the princess charged her horn once more for an attack.

"Then you have no reason to protect him! Now stand aside or else I'll have to make you Twilight."

"But-But he's our friend, all our friend." The group behind her nodded in agreement. Fluttershy shyly walked up ahead of them and said in her usual calm and quiet tone.

"He may be energetic and maybe a little too feisty with others, but I'm sure he would never do anything to hurt his friends." Now Applejack walked ahead of Fluttershy,

"And he may be one heck of a trouble maker, but it's always all in good fun." The others remained silent, but that was enough to satisfy Celestia for the moment.

"Well Twilight Sparkle, actually all of you! I'm quite surprised you managed to make friends with a human." The others recoiled in response. Just then Rainbow dashed forward.

"Y-You mean you know about humans!?" Her voice clearly filled with anticipation.

"That is another story for another time Rainbow Dash, but back to the point." Her expression serious once more. "I better have a well written letter to explain the cause of what happened this day, Twilight Sparkle. Do I make myself clear?"

Twilight, relieved that she was off the hook replied with a sigh. "Yes Princess Celestia, I promise. And thank you."

With a nod, the princess disappeared as she had appeared in the first place, same old flash of white light and then poof.

"Wait, what just happened?" Luffy asked out of nowhere as they all turned back to him.

"We should be asking you that!" Twilight nearly shouted.

Luffy scratched his head for a moment then began his explanation. "Well I remember I ate a bonbon, from, well Bonbon. You know, the pony Bonbon that sells bonbons. Do you guys ever find that a little confusing? 'Cause I think-"

"Get to the point."

"Okay, okay! Sheesh! Okay so I ate a bonbon, and boy was it amazing. So I bought all of them, and then left." The others nodded, realizing where this was going. "So then I went into town and, well, ate them all then I don't remember what happened after that. Time for you to explain now."

But by that time they all knew what happened.

"Oh! Well that explains everything!" Twilight said cheerfully. "That should make a quick letter to the princess. Come on girls we're leaving!" And so they did.

"Hey wait! You didn't tell me anything! Did I do something wrong?"


Back at Twilight's tree house, Spike stood ready with a quill and some ink for the letter to the princess. And so Twlight began.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that you should not give Luffy sugar.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle"