• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 2,692 Views, 40 Comments

Somewhen, Somewhere - Leftover of Saikano

Nothing will stop Flash Sentry from trying to reunite with Twilight Sparkle. Not even the Alicorn Goddesses

  • ...

Battle on Hallowed Grounds

Somewhen, Somewhere
Chapter 2: Battle on Hallowed Grounds
By Leftover of Saikano

In the middle of the Everfree Forest, the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters stood as a shadow of it's glory of centuries past. One single figure could be seen walking to the entrance.

"So, this is the castle of the Sisters," Said Flash Sentry to himself, looking around. "Nopony seems to be around, but there are hints of recent activity."

"Ah, you finally show yourself here, Flash Sentry. We were told to wait for you," a voice said from some unseen point above Flash Sentry.

Flash Sentry looked around, but could not find the source of the voice. "Who's there?"

"Don't you recognize my voice, Flash? After we have known each other for so many years?"

A wisp of cloud floating near one of the dark towers disappeared, blown away from the inside by a gust from a pair of wings. From where the cloud was, a white pegasus descended, surrounded by the mist left from the cloud. He was a big, athletic stallion. He wore golden Guard armor, and carried an equally golden spear.

"Ozone Scent. Glad to see you are on our side," said Flash Sentry to the stallion he recognized despite looking exactly like any other of the hundreds of Royal Guards.

"You are wrong, Flash Sentry. No one is on your side here. This castle has been reclaimed by the Princesses, and every one of the rebels that were here were sent to the Canterlot prisons. I made sure of that myself."

"You sent a bunch of civilians to the dungeons... Because of this stupid conflict?" Flash Sentry adopted a more defensive stand, not as comfortable with his fellow guard as he was a moment ago.

"While I agree this all started for a dumb reason, these ponies did seriously rise against the Princesses, and have to be punished. Still, I suspect this was all an excuse to rally the people in a revolution against the Princesses. The mastermind behind this must be among the Elements of Harmony. I would not doubt Twilight Sparkle is behind everything. That clever mare could have been taking advantage of Princess Celestia for years, in preparation for this moment."

This touched a nerve in Flash Sentry. "Do not dare talk about Twilight like that!" He prepared to pounce on the other stallion.

"Don't move another step!" said another stallion, that Flash Sentry didn't see coming, and hit Flash Sentry hard in the chest with a front hoof.

"You are..." Flash Sentry said to the stallion, while trying to recover his air. "I don't know who you are."

In front of him was a big, athletic, gray unicorn wearing Guard armor. He looked like any other of the hundreds of unicorns among the Royal Guard, except for a little smirk that showed he could not keep his composure like a Royal Guard should.

Ozone Scent approached. "He is Acid Bomb. Fresh from the Academy. He-"

Acid Bomb interrupted his senior, showing once again he still lacked the Guard discipline. "How funny that, as my first mission as a guard, I have to terminate Flash Sentry, a former guard." His smirk turned into a big grin.

Flash Sentry retorted. "I am not a former guard. I am still part of the Royal Guard, assigned to guard princess Twilight Sparkle."

"There is no princess Twilight Sparkle anymore, Flash," answered Ozone Scent. "She abdicated in exchange of her friends being pardoned. And you are a guard no more, Flash. And you have no business in Canterlot anymore."

"No. That must be a lie. Tell me you are lying!" Flash Sentry jumped at Ozone Scent, only to be shoved aside by a light push of Acid Bomb, who started laughing madly.

"Look at yourself, Flash." Said Ozone Scent, always stoic. "You are all battered and bruised. You cannot even use your wings. Even this rookie here could get rid of you." Flash Sentry rose to his four legs again, with difficulty. "Let's do something, for all those years. Forget about Twilight Sparkle. Leave this place, and promise to not get near Canterlot ever again, and we will let you go."

"Sorry, but I cannot do that. I have to find Twilight."

"So stubborn. Had you said you would leave, I would have looked away long enough for you to find your way to Canterlot. But you cannot keep your mouth shut, and that will only end with you getting killed if you go there now. I’ll have to stop you here so you don’t suffer anymore."

With a strong gust from his wings, Ozone Scent lifted the front of Flash Sentry's body, making him stand on his back legs. Then quickly turned around and bucked him in the chest. Flash Sentry landed some distance away, his back to the cliff that surrounded the old castle. Ozone Scent then flew over the level of the tree tops, and launched himself at Flash Sentry. His spear dug deep into the ground between the stallions, and separated the rock Flash Sentry was standing on from the rest of the ground, sending it and Flash Sentry to the bottom of the abyss.

Acid Bomb looked down, seeing only darkness. "Should I go look for him?"

"No. Let's get out of here."

"But what if he...?"

"Let's return to Canterlot." Said Ozone Scent, already extending his wings. "The Elements will surely try to go there too. We cannot lower our guard."

On the shore of the creek that carved the canyon around the castle, Flash Sentry crawled over the rocks. The entrance of a cave could be seen from where he was, so he moved that way. He had to force himself to stand up, as the water level in the entrance would be over his head otherwise. He moved in the darkness inside, following one of the walls, until he felt a sand bank, and laid there to rest.

"Who's there?" Said a voice in the darkness. A voice he recognized from somewhere.

A green flame lit a torch, along with it’s rippling reflection a couple of feet below, and Flash Sentry could see a little dragon behind the light. Spike walked up to him, showing his teeth and one clawed hand, trying to look intimidating. His face turned to a more calm one once he was close enough to illuminate the pony’s face.

"Flash?" Said the young dragon. "You're finally awake! I wish I could say you are looking great."

"Spike. What are you doing here?"

"I was with the FlashLighters when the guards attacked. I hid in a hole, and it led me here. Have been hiding here since then."

"Wait. The... The FlashLighters?" Flash raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, from 'Flash' and 'Twilight'. All those who joined against Princess Celestia for trying to separate you two. I came up with the name. You like it?"

"Yes, sure," lied Flash Sentry. "Listen. I have to find a way to reach Canterlot. Are you the only one here?"

"I think all the others were captured," said Spike, more seriously. "But I know a way you can go to Canterlot real fast."

"You do, Spike? Please tell me!"

"Ok, ok. I will tell you. But it is not pleasant."

"I need to find Twilight. I will take anything."

"Just don't tell Twilight. She forbid me to use this on living beings.It will hurt, Flash. You will feel all your body burn, and you will feel your soul burning too."

"I understand, Spike. I still have to take it."

"Ok. But don't say I didn't warn you. But first, I found something that can be helpful for you."

Spike pulled something from underwater. Flash Sentry looked at what Spike was showing him. "Uh... a shoe?"

Spike kept pulling more parts from under the water. "This fell from up there during the battle. After it was over, I took it inside so, if any guard returned, they would not see it from above, and from there, the entrance to this cave."

Spike placed all the armor pieces in front of Flash Sentry. The armor was light gold, and had a red star in the chest. Other than that, it looked just like a fancier version of the armor Flash Sentry had been wearing since the Academy.

"This is a Rocinante-style guard armor. But how?"

"Yeah, one of the FlashLighters said it was that. You have to remember this castle is at least a thousand years old, this is not the only weird old thing we found here. I just hope you can use it without the helmet. You see, it had this big, shiny gem, and I have been here since yesterday."

"Don't worry, Spike." Flash Sentry smiled. "You are already giving me more help than I expected to find here."

Without any more words, Flash Sentry covered himself with the armor, and prepared for Spike's trick. He flinched when he saw it come as flames out of the mouth of the little dragon, but could say nothing before finding himself on fire. He was about to scream, but the flames soon engulfed his head, and he turned to ashes, that flew to the cave entrance.

Spike was once again left alone in the cave. "Take care, Flash. I wish I could have sent you directly to the castle, but I’m sure all the guards there are alert. I hope the aqueducts are good enough for you."

Author's Note:

Second chapter, guys. Don't expect Spike to appear again for some time.