• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 6,834 Views, 54 Comments

Triple Threat - scoots2

Cheese Sandwich babysits and plans a very small and very important party. Some unexpected guests appear. His in-laws. And they are not in a party mood.

  • ...

Invitations, Introductions

Cheese Sandwich planned things for a living, but none of this was something he’d planned. He hadn’t planned to be the part owner of a joke shop. He hadn’t planned to have a permanent home base. He definitely hadn’t planned on this bit. In fact, this bit was distinctly unplanned, and fell more under the heading of “oops.” Still, he mostly really enjoyed it, except for moments like this, when a tiny, sharp hoof was poking his nostrils.

“Ouch,” he said, and then added, turning towards his own rear, “Daddy only has one tail. Please leave him some of it.” Still, Pinkie had been with the triplets all morning, and it was only reasonable for him to look after them while she took a bath. He hoped she’d remember to brush all the flour out of her mane before she got it wet, but if a mane full of library paste made her happy, then it was ok with him. It was her birthday, after all. And theirs.

It was very lucky that the foals had been born on Pinkie’s birthday. For some reason, the Cheesy Sense had always mercifully left him alone on that one day. The first time, it pushed him back to Ponyville to throw her a party. The second time, he somehow just happened to need a magical recharge right around then. By the time the third birthday rolled around, he knew that he was going to Ponyville to spend Pinkie’s birthday with her for no other reason than that he wanted to. He’d never missed her birthday, not once, and because of that, he’d been there when Cheesecake Surprise, Sachertorte, and Silly String came into the world. She never remembered her birthday, for the same reason that he never remembered his own, but she wouldn’t forget theirs. He sometimes wondered if she’d arranged this somehow. He tried not to be suspicious about the triplets, but he couldn’t help but think that this too was something she’d arranged, simply because she thought it would be hilarious.

He wrapped his tail around the colt who was trying to yank it out by the roots, pulled him around so he was directly in front of his father, and began a rapid fire series of the goofiest faces he had, up to and including the mouse on his tongue playing a tuba. It was different to make your own foals laugh. It was less of an adrenaline rush, but in a way, it was more gratifying. Besides, they were a much tougher crowd.

“Daddy silly,” said Sachertorte.

“No!” insisted the pink-maned yellow filly clinging to his mane, who lowered herself by her own tail until she was upside down next to her brother. “Me Silly!”

Cheesecake Surprise squeaked and simply became airborne, right up to shoulder height. There was no other way to describe what she did. She ought to have crashed back down to earth, but she just didn’t. Cheese had quit panicking about it long ago, and now usually reached out a convenient leg or tail to catch her if necessary.

“You are all absolutely ridiculous,” he said sternly, “and Daddy is extremely proud of you.” Silly String and Sachertorte immediately latched back on to his mane and tail, chewing and making “nom-nom-nom” noises. It was completely understandable, since the smell and taste of punch and fondue always lingered, and they were teething, after all.

He yawned. He’d gotten home extremely late last night. This time, he’d barely made it back from a hootenanny in Vanhoover. He knew he’d be back in time, because he always was. Still, it was a relief to arrive in the wee hours and find that the lights were on and that Pinkie had been waiting for him. He hadn’t seen his wife in what felt like an awfully long time, so, of course, the foals had woken up, right on cue, and demanded to be played with. They’d all gone to bed way past everypony’s bedtime, so there wasn’t much time to plan a very small, but very important party. He was just about to lie down so the foals could play one of their favorite games, Let’s Find Out New Spots Where Dad Is Ticklish, when he heard a knock at the door.

When you planned a party, you had to think about what the guest of honor needed, and in this case, the guests of honor would be good for about twenty minutes before they would need a nap. In fact, Pinkie and Cheese would probably desperately want one by that time, too. He knew from hard won experience that it was not a good idea to get year-old foals too wound up, especially now that he didn’t have the ability to hand them back to their parents and scram. All they intended to do was to have a birthday cake, give each foal a simple present, and romp with them until they were tired out. After that, they’d put them to bed. They’d insist that Daddy play his accordion until they fell asleep, because they always did, especially when Cheese had just gotten home after a long trip. A lot of guests would only complicate things, they’d agreed. He didn’t remember having invited any guests, unless Pinkie had invited somepony and forgotten to tell him. Nevertheless, even though he was encumbered by one small filly glued to his left front leg, another drooling into his mane, and a colt hanging off his tail as though water-skiing, he managed to get to the front door and nose it open.

He’d only met Pinkie’s family once. They hadn’t exactly been a barrel of laughs, but he couldn’t remember them being this grim before. All of them stood rooted at the doorway, shoulder to shoulder, their otherwise impassive expressions lit up by glares strong enough to peel paint. At the rear stood Pinkie’s older sister Maud. She merely blinked, but her mouth was wrapped around a pickaxe. A horrible suspicion dawned on him.

“Pinkie,” he called, his voice soaring up an octave, “did you invite your family to the birthday party?”


“Did you mention to them that we got married two years ago?”

“Oops! No, I forgot. Silly me! Why? Is it important?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

They stood frozen at the doorstep for a long, terrible moment. What could he say? She’d forgotten to plan a wedding party because it was her own wedding? That wasn’t going to make sense to anypony who wasn’t a party pony. She’d hadn’t mentioned that they were married because she thought it would be obvious? That wasn’t going to make sense to anypony, especially not her own family. Then, down on hoof level, he heard a sniff and a long, deep inhale. He knew that sound. It was Cheesecake Surprise trying to decide if she should cry.

Before she could let out that first wail, however, Cloudy Quartz lowered her head, and blinked at the little filly through her glasses. “My goodness,” she said, “you remind me so much of your great-great grandma Surprise.”

“Her name is Cheesecake Surprise,” said Cheese, his throat still dry with panic.

“Grandma Surprise,” said Cloudy Quartz, glancing up at Cheese, “was a Pegasus.”

Oh, thought Cheese. That would explain a lot.

“Ouch!” The filly had grabbed her glasses with her mouth. She tried chewing on them for a moment or two, decided they weren’t as tasty or soft as Daddy’s mane, and threw her front legs around Cloudy Quartz’s muzzle for a hug.


Pinkie trotted out to the landing not five minutes later, still extra pink and warm from her bath. She stopped on the landing.

There was Cloudy Quartz, lying on her back and giving Cheesecake Surprise a hoofy ride, while the little filly spread her front legs as though she were flying, crying “wheee!” Marble and Limestone were deeply involved in playing “where’s Auntie Pie?” with Silly String, who was shrieking with laughter and rolling around in a tiny ball. Sachertorte’s head was completely covered by Grandpa Igneous Rock’s enormous hat, his hoof possessively planted on his first-ever pet rock. And every single one of them was smiling. Even Maud.

Cheesie came out of the kitchen balancing a birthday cake on his hindquarters. Four candles: one for each of the triplets, and one for her. She’d had to bake it herself, because he still could not bake anything without burning down the kitchen, and after a few near misses, she refused to let him try. But he was still the bestest party pony she knew, and he could make anypony in Equestria happy, including her. Including extra especially her. He looked up at her with big soft eyes.

“Come on, Pinkie,” he said. “Come make a wish, and blow the candles out.”

“Don’t need to,” she sang, and tripped down the stairs.

Author's Note:

This is my entry for the CheesePie prompt/contest, “What does Pinkie most wish for?” The thread is here.. But it wouldn’t have been be possible without lots and lots of ideas from other people!

First, the artists, all of whom graciously gave their permission:

The cover art was drawn by DragonFoxGirl. I mean, it’s so obviously a very personal party they’re planning, isn’t it?

Silly String belongs to PolkaHorse, and Cheesecake Surprise to Batman Brony. The latter’s headcanon is that Surprise is actually Pinkie’s grandma. I pushed it back to great-grandma, so that there would be a chance that Pinkie wouldn’t have met her, but come on—the idea is just irresistible. Sachertorte’s my own idea. A Sachertorte is a dark chocolate cake with a raspberry filling. I don’t have a design for him, so feel free to make your own!

EDIT: Ooops. Sachertortes have apricot filling! I like their taste a bit better. Never mind--his name's still Sachertorte.

Both Polka Horse and FillyBlue have the headcanon that Cheese cannot cook to save his life, and this made sense once I thought about it.

Sketcha-Holic added the detail that teething foals would like party pony mane and tail especially because they would smell and taste nice.

Finally, here is a link to the Giant Thread O' Brainstorm Sketch-A-Holic started, in which a lot of CheesePie shippers threw around a bunch of headcanon and some ideas for some cool AU stories.

It’s not really a part of the continuity for what I’ve been doing. It’s just a bit of fluff, but then CheesePie is just made for fluff.

Comments ( 54 )

Squeeeeeeee~! :heart: *rides Hype Train and commences read*

I feel so bummed out that I can't upvote more than once. :raritydespair:

Wow. You're writing is truly impressive; I'm humbled. Amazing job, and I loved the sappy goodness. Always a treat to get comments from you, and I'm excited to give you one in turn. You played out the scenes so well, and made the characters so believable that I became completely immersed in the story. I especially loved how Pinkie's family accepted that Pinkie was married with foals, and went on to have a great time with everypony. So adorable! A definite upvote and favorite from me :pinkiehappy:

Well, it seems that none of the emotes are good enough to convey how much my heart is melting.

This. Is. So. CUTE. I was not prepared for this level of cuteness.

I especially like how the Pies pretty much fell in love with the triplets. :twilightsmile:

Very cute, bravo. Though do you deliberately not state the foals' pony types?

“You are all absolutely ridiculous,” he said sternly, “and Daddy is extremely proud of you.”

:rainbowlaugh:Bwahahaha of course

“Pinkie,” he called, his voice soaring up an octave, “did you invite your family to the birthday party?”


“Did you mention to them that we got married two years ago?”

“Oops! No, I forgot. Silly me! Why? Is it important?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

:ajbemused:Why am I'm not surprise Pinkie did not tell her family about the marriage.

“Grandma Surprise,” said Cloudy Quartz, glancing up at Cheese, “was a Pegasus.”

Ironic since Pinkie was suppose to be a Pegasus in the show during early production.

I really love this, although I kinda wish this was longer but I'm probably just spoiled (I really love your Cheesepie fic by the way). But what it shown is very sweet and funny.

Also, Cheesecake Surprise I LOVE YOU LITTLE FILLY!

Love it

Omg for the first time thus cheese pie story made me squeeeeee all the way to the finish!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

This is several kinds of adorable. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

(Also, until notified otherwise, I'm assuming Sachertorte somehow goes back in time and becomes Discord. Because chaos.)

I dunno, you guys. I think maybe I didn't make it cute enough.

4312367 Aw. Glad you liked it!

4312443 Thank you! It is definitely nice to be able to read each other's work again, isn't it? That's one of the challenging things about writing for the same ship--on the one hand, you WANT to read it, but sometimes you can't. The current thing's been tough to get going and I'm always afraid I'll let something drop. Yes, well--they were cool with it once they realized that the Pie version of a shotgun wedding wouldn't be necessary!

4312467 I still think it could have used more cute.:rainbowwild: Oh, sure. Actually, one thing I like about your version of Cloudy Quartz is that she's relatively approachable--for a tough as nails rock farmer lady. Plus, the triplets are adorable.

4312571 Thanks! They're all Earth Ponies. Cheesecake Surprise just has a little bit of extra loft. Like Mom, only more so.
4312635 Aw, thanks! Yeah, Pinkie was basically supposed to be Surprise. I love the idea that she's Surprise's great-granddaughter or something. And I adore Cheesecake Surprise. :pinkiesmile:

4312905 Thanks!

4313037 Thank you!

4314460 Aw, thanks. And well, why not. Given his mom and dad, anything could happen, I guess!

Oh my gosh! :pinkiegasp: Sounds so cute! Must read later! I really wish I could right now hnnngh

This was so sweet. I have to say you made a good use for my picture.

I loved it. It made me warm and happy.

4316087 Hope you like it!

4317021 Aw, that is GREAT. I love to hear that from artists: I always hope they'll feel that I used their art in a good way and one that feels right to them. (I enjoy some of your other CheesePie pictures, and they fit a bit with this story, too, so I hope people reading this will check them out.)

:pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

I loved this. No words... So happy you wrote it. All those warm fuzzies have me grinning from ear to ear. They're all so cute. I love this entire family! And of course she would have triplets on her own birthday.

Gotta love being related to Surprise (even though she sort of exists in canon, but that stuff isn't nearly so official and there is probably more than one Surprise.) I think Pinkie probably has the most amazing lineage in the history of lineages. That's my theory.

Cheese is best daddy. :yay:

Same here. :fluttershysad:

AWWWWWWW!!!:heart: The.Cheese.can.cook. Maybe not that well, BUT I CAN COOK!!(Kinda...):twilightblush:

Wait she tripped down the stairs!? :rainbowlaugh::pinkiegasp:

4317985 Oh, I dunno. I think the cute could have been jacked up a bit more.

Agreed. If he got around to it, he would be an exceptionally affectionate daddy, although I can't help thinking both of them are a bit on the flighty side for it at the moment. The main problem I could foresee with both him and Pinkie is that their kids would get the worst nutrition ever.

4334227 It's a slightly less well known use of the word, meaning to dance or walk with light steps, and I think it describes her walk when she isn't pronking pretty well. I was afraid that if I had her skip down the stairs, she really WOULD trip down the stairs and fall.


The main problem I could foresee with both him and Pinkie is that their kids would get the worst nutrition ever.

I think the Cakes might help. Or pretty much any of Pinkie's friends. Mommy would certainly give them tons of treats and so would daddy, but I'm pretty sure Ponyville in its entirety would make sure they don't live on cake, cookies, and ice cream. Like, neighbors sneak them some spinach and healthier flowers and somewhat healthier hayfries. Kind of the reverse of what you'd expect. :trollestia:

Pinkie: Now don't ruin your appetites with all those delicious daisies. I have chocolate frosting for the chocolate chip muffins we'll be eating for dinner! :pinkiehappy:

Depending on what their kids are like, they might get tired of all the sugar after awhile. They beg the neighbors for alfalfa and get strange looks from the neighbors' foals. :rainbowlaugh:

I bet those kids were fed mostly on ice cream instead of mashed up baby food. The apple sauce was drenched in sugar too. Applejack cried a few times while watching Pinkie feed them or when asked to baby sit them once or twice. It was a crime against apples. :yay:

4338676 I was thinking specifically of "tired of eating snacks made by your Mom?" but Pinkie clearly thrives on a diet that would kill most other ponies. Look at the stuff she eats in Maud Pie, including an entire bag of sugar. Cheese is probably wired along the same lines, only the guy version: less sugar, more salt.

I understand that early in development, Pinkie was supposed to have Sugar Rush superpowers and the Cakes would be constantly replacing their front door because she'd be breaking it down, but for some reason, they dropped it.


I was thinking specifically of "tired of eating snacks made by your Mom?" but Pinkie clearly thrives on a diet that would kill most other ponies. Look at the stuff she eats in Maud Pie, including an entire bag of sugar. Cheese is probably wired along the same lines, only the guy version: less sugar, more salt.

He supports a lively addition of popcorn, chips, and that most important of vegetables: pizza. Preferably not from Slice of Life. :trollestia:

Pinkie will make sure all pizza slices contain the necessary amount of cupcakes on them.

I understand that early in development, Pinkie was supposed to have Sugar Rush superpowers and the Cakes would be constantly replacing their front door because she'd be breaking it down, but for some reason, they dropped it.

It was supposed to be like a "hummingbird" mode, so when she lost the wings, she lost that ability. I'm sure the Cakes are grateful and have no idea why. :pinkiecrazy:

I definitely liked this, but it feels like the beginning of a story - incomplete. Is this being added to in some fashion?

4352159 It was a short vignette for a contest with a prompt. I don't intend to extend it for now, except to the extent that almost all my CheesePie stories work together. Right now, I've got the big thing going on!

I should probably note that this isn't a certain future for them. It's cute, but I reserve the right for other stuff to happen instead, and building on it would make it more real.

“Pinkie,” he called, his voice soaring up an octave, “did you invite your family to the birthday party?”


“Did you mention to them that we got married two years ago?”

“Oops! No, I forgot. Silly me! Why? Is it important?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

Well yes, that would explain why they were less than happy with Cheese when they opened the door to behold their three, year-old children frisking around them. :rainbowlaugh:

4378213 Still, they should know their own daughter better than that. Tsk, tsk. I've always agreed with you that Promiscuous Pinkie is about as believable as Alicorn Tank. It's just that in all the flurry of exchanging rock candy necklaces, things like marital status is a minor detail.

I'm only half-kidding. I think it IS the kind of thing Pinkie might overlook as unimportant, whereas it is something Rarity would never forget to mention!


Oh, and let me add that this was a very funny scene. Even funnier because I could just envision Pinkie's family glaring daggers at their daughter's "evil seducer" and Cheese, in an increasingly-worried version of Weird Al Yankovic's voice, speaking those lines.

Dawwwwwwwwwwwww! :pinkiesmile::heart:

Aww, this story is just too cute! I love the part that you say that the triplets fall under "oops", I laughed out loud and scared my mum when I read that!

I have an idea for what Sachertorte looks like. I'm currently drawing that, so I'll post a link once that's done, but for now I'll describe her.

She has Pinkie's pink mane, but with a few brown parts. It's also straight like Pinkamena, but not cause she's depressed or anything. It just is. Plus it looks really pretty. She has Cheese's yellow coat and Pinkie's blue eyes. (When she's older, obviously,) her cutie mark consists of six lines ending in stars, sorta like a firework (it'll be clearer when the drawing is done) and her special talent is explosives, which she obviously uses for the joke shop products and enhancing the party cannons and bomb. She takes her talent very seriously. When she's doing cool sciencey explodey things, she wears a white labcoat (for the look), glasses (she got that from her dad), and goggles ('cause, y'know, explosions) and ties her hair back in a ponytail.

D'ya like her?

4571243 That sounds neat! I don't think I've ever seen a CheesePie foal that looked like that, let alone a scientist, although Sachertorte's actually a colt. Let me know when he's done. And I'm very glad you liked it.

4381515 Cheese is Worst Evil Seducer. The post-party shenanigans and the "oops" was mutual, but the triplet part is all on her, and besides, they were quite married by then.

Oh, alright. I can't recall you using pronouns, I just sorta assumed they were all girls. I'll change her gender. (But this drawing's super cute. I'll keep it as his r63 version) :pinkiesmile:

4593976 now you have to send me the link!

Oh dear, why haven't I read this before? So sweet and happy. :pinkiesad2:

(Although I have to mention: If this would be the ending of your main arc it would be... abrupt? Disappointing? I don't know. It's just too short...)

4765781 Nope, it's not! It's just a humorous glimpse at a possible future. You're just in time to see two short fics related to this, but they're out of continuity--not really part of the main arc. That's all I'm going to say about that right now, but I think one of them will surprise people quite a lot.

I'd like to think that there's a lot more to love than getting married and having adorable foals, and assuming I do get them there, there will be more to it than this. I just thought it would be a cute idea on its own.


I'd like to think that there's a lot more to love than getting married and having adorable foals

Well, you left out the part that requires a mature tag, but even if you add that, there is still a lot more to love. I'm glad you see it that way. Looking forward to your new stories. :twilightsmile:

4766008 Let's put it this way: I know exactly how they wound up with triplets, and it begins with "Cheese travels a lot" and probably involves kitchen utensils and frosting, but I'm probably not going to write that!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this was written for a contest with the prompt: "What does Pinkie most wish for?"

4766025 I never said you should! Please don't even think on it. If you ruin your beautiful CheesiePie love story arc with a clop story, I'll... I'll... cry. :fluttershyouch:

4766040 no worries. It's not going to happen.

4766040 Oh, and here's why it's not going to happen:
1. I know I have readers who like things the way they are, and I don't want them to feel uncomfortable or as though they have to stop reading;
2. I have a seven year old nephew and a four year old niece, and Pinkie Pie is their favorite pony. I don't want to write anything I'd be ashamed of if they found it.

. . . also, I'm vain enough to think I can write a good story without it. :twilightsmile:

That was a sweet story. I approve. Great job.

Aww, cute! I love it!
And the trip at the end :pinkiehappy: so great.
Another job well done, glad I finally got around to reading it!

Its beautiful.... I like how Pinkie and Cheese would act as a married couple, almost as if they were still dating. Love it, you did this so well :raritystarry: the OTP feels are too much for me, I'm gonna go and scream internally as I eat chocolate.:heart::derpyderp1:

This is sooo cute! X3 :raritystarry:

5969052 thank you!

So adorable!

6210644 Thank you! Glad you liked it!

This story gave me diabetes.

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