• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 3,405 Views, 89 Comments

Respect Existence or Expect Resistance - Next Gen Wonderbolt

Bout time the changelings got some respect. All they need is a can of spray paint.

  • ...


I watched as Princess Celestia stood up to the podium. The other princesses were there as well, each must have had some contribution to it. It had been over 3 months since Luna had started helping me with my campaign. Most of the graffiti was cleaned up, leaving bare spots all over town. There was one piece kept though. One I am especially proud of, one that truly conveyed how I felt about society.

The picture was of a changeling, it had a hood on, and was spray painting on the castle wall. It portrayed a a light blue sky with lush green grass running everywhere. The focus was not on the landscape, it was on a changeling and a regular pony. Both looked at each other with love in their eyes, the pony was giving her heart to the changeling, in a physical manifestation. The changeling was doing the same, a physical representation of a heart flowing from it's body to his partners.

When it was first seen most ponies didn't know how to react. In fact, they just stood there and stared at it, like it was an object not of this world.

Guess it's technically true, it is not of this world. It's been unheard of for so long. Changelings and ponies living together. Even to me that sounds crazy, almost like a fantasy that will never be true.

Everyone settles down as Celestia comes to the mic. She has a serious look on her face, her mane shines brightly in the sunlight. She looks more powerful than she really is, almost as if she's a goddess herself, which is what everyone associates her with.

"My little ponies," She begins.

"As you all know, there has been a recent vandalizing of our town's buildings. Up until a few days ago, I too thought that it was vandalism. The picture you see before you is not one of violence, hatred, anger, or disgrace. But one of happiness, tolerance, and love. The changeling attack during my niece's wedding spurred fear from many of us, the fear of being devoured and having our lives ripped right from our hooves. How long has it been since that incident? 8 months? We see changelings as a threat to our society, ones that we should be rid of. To those of you who believe this, I have only one question. What have they done other than that stunt? They have not terrorized us, hurt us, nor attempt to overthrow our government. Time and time again, we close out ponies and living things that ask for our help in a unique way, some more radical than others, but it still remains. Changelings rely on their ability to change, to deceive us, but has it occurred to anyone that that deceit is the result of fear? Fear of being outcast, rejected, hated, by our society? I have never thought of changelings as good, only evil, but that was off of one incident with them. My sister, Luna, was trying to convince me of their good, their joy that they can spread. I didn't believe her until my eyes saw this, masterpiece, you see before you. This not only represents the harmony that can occur between old enemies, but the friendship and love that can occur between ponies of different looks, between ponies whose hate can be changed into love. I am still reluctant to allow this, but I will only know if I try."

I looked around and saw some ponies wiping their eyes. I was confused though, what did she mean by allowing this? What was she talking about?

"Changelings are now allowed to live in Equestria, not as lesser versions of us, but as equals. As the ponies they truly are."

A thunderous applause rose out from the crowd. So many ponies were clapping and smiling. They had truly been turned to allow changelings into their lives. They respected our lives, us as a people. I could not have been happier.

I lowered my hood and walked up towards the stage, towards Luna, towards my new life. I was free, I no longer had to hide who I was, I didn't need to wear this hoodie anymore. Freedom. The word rang inside my head a thousand times, over and over again. I felt completely renewed, because today, I was no longer a changeling, I was a pony, I was equal!

I had achieved my goal, after 3 months of fighting, of hiding, of waiting, I had finally done it.

A few ponies noticed me and gasped, but nothing more. The few that did caused a chain reaction, soon the whole crowd had parted and formed a circle around me. I wasn't nervous, why would I be? I was happier than anything, happier than I hoped I could be. I had a smile on my face as I walked up to Luna. She smiled back at me, and in return I bowed. Celestia turned to face me and gasped herself, as did the other princesses. They all looked at me with curiosity, then Luna decided to break the news.

"Tia, you remember when you asked me if I knew who was doing the graffiti?"

"You don't mean..." She looked at me.

"Yes, Tia, this little pony right here is responsible for the pictures."

Celestia hesitated a bit, seeming to be caught between admiration or shock. I waited patiently, I had waited for this moment for so long, and I finally got it, I could wait for an opinion. Just as she was about to say something, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I looked down to see a red hue trickling down my side.

I turned around to see a white unicorn staring at me with ultimate disgust. His horn had smoke coming from it. He struck me in the back, not only that, he had ripped my wings right off me. I felt myself grow weak, then collapse on the ground, and that's when all hell broke loose. The screams of ponies running in all directions was drowned out by the ringing in my ears. I was awake long enough to see Luna strike the stallion down with so much force that it sent him off the edge of the railing.

There was a large thud sound, confirming the stallion had fallen and hit the ground, hard.

The ringing filled my ears up to the point of no hearing.

Luna grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently. Next thing I knew she had teleported me to what seemed to be a hospital. Doctors rushed to my side and began sticking me with needles and fluids in an attempt to keep me alive.

I was fading, fast, my life flashing before my eyes, then blocked by the brightest light I had ever seen.

One thought kept running in my head, one thought that kept me alive. That was going to keep me going throughout the rest of my life.

The civil war I started with my spray can was not yet over. Even as I closed my eyes I knew this. I knew one thing that mattered.

I still had work to do.

Author's Note:

So what do you guys think? If it sticks and looks good then I'll keep it.

I was listening to Eminem's 'Till I Collapse' which is why this might have a darker tone to it.

Thank you to everyone who made this story a success. Hopefully the epilogue will do good, and yes I know it's a cliffhanger, but for now, let's leave this story as it is.

The original plan was to just have the first chapter be that. No epilogue, no sequels. Nothing. Maybe that'll change later on, but not now.

One again thank you for everything.


Comments ( 59 )

Oh God, this cliffhanger is worse than the last! :raritydespair:

4319772 :rainbowlaugh:

I'm sorry! :twilightblush:

To those you reading the OPTIONAL Epilogue, there's a good chance of a sequel.

A CHANCE, a good one but it's still a CHANCE.

I'm down with this. :raritystarry:

..This epilogue....It teases us...

feed us...
Feed us!



Ahem, amazing little story here. LOVED it.

-Con Arty

4319807 Fear not, for a sequel is bound to happen. :eeyup:

4319814 It will happen. In due time :rainbowwild:


I will be watching.... :raritywink:

-Con Arty

It's great. I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say that we all want a sequel to this.

Awesome, but you need to make a sequel now.

4320223 I know. In due time my friend! :moustache:

4320228 Good. If you weren't planning on making a sequel, I would have been forced to take drastic measures. Do not ask what my drastic measures are, as I do not want to make you feel threatened (All I will say is I have a small group of hacker friends that owe me a few favors, not that I would use one of my favors on you. I am quite connected to people who can do things...).

4320243 Well...that escalated quickly :rainbowderp:

4320253 Sorry, I have a bad habit of metaphorically 'flexing my muscles' to make a point... Don't be too off-put about it.

4320310 it's fine! I have a pretty good sense of humor. Which means I don't take a lot of things seriously.

4320318 I wasn't joking about the friends who owe me favors and stuff, but yeah, it takes a lot to actually get me to use my resources. I don't actually use them unless I absolutely must, but I can bluff people out with them. Like I said 'flexing my muscles'...

In short, when I put on my serious face, I mean business, but I generally am pretty laid-back.

4320349 You seem like someone who can fake being serious for a good laugh :) that's probably just my over friendliness talking now

4320353 I am only serious when I feel like I need to be. When I 'act serious' I generally mean it. When things get serious, I get scary serious.

Some guy crossed me once when things were serious(this whas back when I went through a whole foruming phase), he ended up ditching his account and leaving the site for good after I 'picturized' him.

This seems like its the intro to a really awesome story of marvelous proportions. We like, more.

are you sh@#$%$& me!? you end it like that?! oh hell no you better make more to his! i mean it ends on such a cliff hanger! not only that who was the stallion?! (shinning)
and yes pizel pony this is WORSE than the last one! XD seriously i am scared for him!

Well I wonder which side Celestia will take :pinkiecrazy:

PERF, 13749534174/10

Definitely do more man. This is pretty good, and I'd like to see where you take it.

sequel please :fluttershysad:


In due time. :eeyup:

There will be one...Eventually :rainbowwild:


Madam/sir you are amazing for even thinking of continuing this story. All I ask is if you post it if a different story, give me a heads up. :twilightsmile:

GOOD! i will be watching to see >:3

i luv dis so much! you get like favorite and follow!:heart::twilightsmile:

An excellent story, featuring my favourite story food stuff, politics!
If I may be so rudely bold, can I suggest he starts up an all changeling band, called "The Beetles"? With their many songs with the word love in the title, It's marvellously appropriate. :twilightsmile:

4322952 that would be interesting. And that was a horrible pun.

Who was that? I think it was Shining, but it could have been Blueblood.

inb4 that white unicorn who shot the main character was Blueblood.

4324016 Seeing as how Luna would find his ignorance and arrogance annoying, yeah you guessed correctly my friend. :moustache:

What have they done other than that stunt?

For goodness' sake. All they did was kidnap a princess, replace her with an imposter, mentally enslave the captain of the guard, incapacitate/attempt to assassinate Celestia, a diarch, and invade Canterlot, causing untold amounts of property damage and an unknown loss of lives.

It's been EIGHT MONTHS. Get over it. It's not like they're shapeshifting mind-controlling creatures that kidnap/kill your loved ones and replace them to feed on you. It was just that one stunt, you know, and Chrysalis wasn't their ruler or anything. It wasn't like they had an army of changelings doing it. It was just a stunt.

I didn't believe her until my eyes saw this, masterpiece, you see before you.

You see? They're not so bad! They can draw! That makes them automatically good, because artistic skills = morality!

Also, you don't really need commas in this sentence.

They have not terrorized us, hurt us, nor attempt to overthrow our government.

Y'know. Other than that one time.

Good story. Most technical skills were spot on. A few grammatical errors here and there, but nothing really to worry about.

4325294 And not to mention those little instances of pointing out stuff in the story regarding the wedding. Keep in mind though that this has been a 8 months and we heard nothing of the changelings since.


It's been EIGHT MONTHS. Get over it.

Don't worry, I remember. :twilightsmile:


Come to think of it, be glad I didn't suggest Bug Marley/Dillon. :derpytongue2:

4327720 8 months can be a long time for everything to blow over. And if they were desperate its only natural to use force, but then again they didn't seem desperate, BUT there was really no explanation of changeling life before hand, and Chryssi could have been happy that the plan was moving along and they would finally get some food or something like that. Who knows?

4327814 true
I'm just saying, they seemed pretty battle-ready for a supposedly starving species.

4327720 and I don't remember them having to pay reparations or be punished for any of that. In fact, I don't think they even apologized. So if I were a pony, I'd probably consider us at war too.

4327720 and I don't remember them having to pay reparations or be punished for any of that. In fact, I don't think they even apologized. So if I were a pony, I'd probably consider us at war too.

4324350 Yessssss. All right.

Alex, this was an amazing story and i hope with all my heart there will be some form of sequel
Nice job sir you deserve THREE mustaches:moustache::moustache::moustache:

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