• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,337 Views, 114 Comments

My Life, Recreated - Ephraim Blue

I never wanted any of this to happen... no, I did not. But who can blame me really? I didn't ask to be transported to Equestria, transformed into a pony, and have to relive my life from the beginning. It just happened.

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Prologue - Ten Flowers On A Dreamy Hill

Author's Note:

Okay, a few things to note about this story before we get started.

1. This story is in 1st person perspective. Meaning it won't use the main character's name unless called.

2. This is a self-insert. If you didn't already get that from the description, you know it now.

3. The story tags.
A. Tragedy - Something bad happens to me and I have to live with it.
B. Comedy - I tell some jokes in the story. Some might be funny and some might not be.
C. Random - Random events happen, and 4th wall breaking.
D. Adventure - This is basically a big adventure I go through.
E. Alternate Universe - As it says in the description, I head to the My Little Pony universe. Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.
F. Human - If it wasn't obvious enough in the description, I am a human that heads to Equestria.
G. There could be more tags, such as 'Dark' and 'Sad', but I'm not supposed to have more than 6.

4. This won't be like my other stories, that are usually 1000ish words long per chapter. I plan to have it around 3000+ words per chapter. That would mean it might take longer to update than other stuff.

5. You people can put it into any group you want. It basically just adds publicity to my story, which I would like.

That's about it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story. Please don't hate this right away. Give it a chance. It might be better than you take it for.

My Life, Recreated

By: Ephraim Blue

Prologue - Ten Flowers On A Dreamy Hill

Try and remember the first memory you had in life. Go on. I won't blame you for anything.

Got that in your head? Good. Now, was it a good memory or a bad memory? Doesn't matter if you tell me what it is. I have no real desire to know. If you really want to tell me, you can do so in the comment section below.

Now, was it a good memory or a bad one? Now for the next question.

Was it a real memory, or a dream?

Don't think I'm crazy here. There are a few people who have their first memories a dream. I know this because I'm one of them.

I believe that your first memories in the world help define who you are. If it was a good memory, you might think more positive in life. If it is a bad memory, the opposite happens.

Dreams don't really effect your life all that often. You might sometimes act out a dream, but other than that, nothing in a dream usually effects your life.

Remember how I said my first memory was a dream? Well, that was half true.

It was a nightmare.

Now, imagine being a small kid, with no other memories in the world, no realization on who you are, and have a nightmare. That's what I was like. I woke up screaming: "I want my mommy! I want my mommy! I want my mommy!"

Now if you were a three-year-old and had a bad dream, you might say the same thing. Its also kinda strange that if you just wake up in a place that you have no memory of before that day, how do you know its your home?

Answer: Your parents.

They always tell you what you know, who you are, and all other stuff about your life that you can't remember. But that doesn't exactly explain how you know how to speak English in the mouth of a three-year-old. Apparently, you just know how. You don't get a real explanation on why or how you know how to speak the language. You just, apparently, inherited it from your parents.

But I'm getting off topic here. Why did I ask you to remember your first memory and if it was bad or not? No reason. I wanted to give you a real feeling about how I've felt.

As I said, my first memory was a nightmare. Also, as I said earlier, it means that my life hasn't been all that great. I'm not going into detail on that. Don't ask me to.

Fat lot of good my memories have done me, especially after my life slightly changed.

Let me ask you this: If you woke up in a strange world with no memories of your past, would you think that place was your home? I probably would too.

The exact opposite of that happened to me.

Instead of forgetting all my memories, I remembered them. I remembered my first day at school, my first birthday, and even being a human.

What, you thought that you would stay the same if you were taken to another world? Think again. That didn't happen to me. I probably wouldn't have liked being any more different than I already was. Think about it. If you were an alien race, alone on an alien planet with thousands of aliens (to you) all looking directly at you, do you think they would stay still and let you inhabit their planet?

Probably not, and that is why it was a good reason I changed. However, it probably would have been better if I stayed the same age, had almost the same size that I originally had, and knew what in the world had happened to me.

But I'm not going to get into too much detail on that right now. This story I'm telling you hasn't exactly started yet, and I don't want to spoil anything.

Well, for whatever reason you're still listening to this, here is the story.

But do think about this. How has your first memory affected your life?

My Parent's House February 19th 2014

I sat in the basement. Not the most comfortable place to be, but it was still a nice place. It's also where my room was. Yes, I live in the basement of my parents house.

I had moved into the basement about 3 years ago. I wasn't sure if it had been longer, but I decided to not question my horrible memory. It was a pretty comfy place, compared to all other areas of the house. For some reason, it was always warm in the winter, and cold in the summer. Again, not questioning anything.

My Surface was on my lap. I did what most people would do on something like that. Games, YouTube, and very recently, FimFiction.

I was really new to the site. I had found it about a week ago, but only got an account recently. The first thing I did on it when I got the account was write a story.

It was a story that I thought about ever since watching Equestria Girls. I wanted there to be a story about Twilight traveling back in the future to stop a new threat. So that's what I had done. Two and a half years... was my first fiction. I had a big sequel planned for it too. In fact, that is what I was working on.

The Prologue for it was finished. I was busy working on the first chapter, since I needed 1000 words in order to have it uploaded for the public to see, and I currently didn't have that. Then, at about 7 o'clock PM, disaster struck.

I don't exactly know what happened. I think I accidentally hit 'control' and 'up' and then typed in a letter. That had deleted over half the chapter.

"No!" I said to myself. "No!" I hit the refresh button and hoped that I had saved most of it.

Sadly, I didn't.

"No..." I said weakly. Even though I was in the basement, other members of my family could still hear me if I was loud enough.

Frustrated, I turned off my Surface and plugged it into the wall to charge.

I'll work on it later, I thought. I don't like reworking things over again, but this is an exception.

I walked upstairs to the main floor. To the right, just outside of the kitchen, I saw my mom's computer sitting on it's small desk. As I figured, my mom was on it, doing homework for college or something.

I went to my left and traveled outside. The harsh winter we had made the outsides cold, but it wasn't anything I hadn't dealt with before. The snow had already melted and left several puddles in the grass.

I walked into the grass, ignoring how wet it was against my feet. I looked down at the grass. Then, I brought up my left hand and took a look at it. Same hand that I always had. I may be right handed, but that didn't stop me from looking at my hand.

I walked back inside and debated on what I should do. I could play on the Nintendo 64 my family had, or even the Nintendo GameCube. I decided not to because I had already beaten most of the games we had for it. The others I didn't like.

I thought about playing Minecraft. I had bought an account around Christmas when I had enough money. I looked back over to the computer and saw my mom still doing homework.

I decided to just head back into the basement and get back on my Surface. No, I wasn't working on the story again. I was still depressed about the deleted portion of the story.

I went onto YouTube. There wasn't mush stuff to look at, since I had seen most of it before. I went onto the YouTube channel of SkyDoesMinecraft. Not the best content to look up, but still enjoyable.

I have no idea how long I was watching the many videos on YouTube. I just know that it was almost bedtime when my mom called down the stairs and told me to do the dishes.

I hated doing that job, but she didn't care. I had to do them. I had only gotten my Surface in November, and I had borrowed money from my dad to pay for it. Doing the dishes was one of about three jobs I had to do to pay for it.

My back started to hurt about halfway through the dishes. It always did, right down my spine. I endured it, like everything else I went through.

School was horrible. All the people who make fun of me, the homework that you had to do in order to pass the class, and even some of the learning styles were difficult. The only thing that school did for me in the past was keep me away from my siblings.

I had three brothers and two sisters. One brother and sister were older than me, and all the rest were younger. Them, plus me and my two parents, made a grand total of 8 people in my family. And let me tell you, it is not petty having a huge family.

I finished the dishes around 9:50. I was supposed to have them done by 9 sharp, but I was on YouTube, remember? After I was done, I went back into the basement and returned to my previous business. After probably an hour of wasting time, I had finally decided to go to bed. Tomorrow was a school day after all.

I have a small case of Insomnia, which I believe is the disability to sleep. I could still sleep perfectly fine, but it took forever to actually fall asleep.

I twisted and turned in my bed. When I couldn't fall asleep, I thought about my life like I always did. School, home, siblings, ect. I hated my life.

I wish I could have a more peaceful life, I thought as I tried to sleep. Mine hasn't been the greatest out there, and I wish I had a better life.

I lost track of time, like I always did while falling asleep. That was about the time I actually did fall asleep.

Dream No Time

What a strange thing to experience, a dream. A commonly average experience for every average man.

Sadly for me, I wasn't an average man.

I stopped having most of my dreams about a year ago. There were few that I still had, but they were mostly my thoughts of stuff right before I was actually awake, so they weren't really that long.

What made most of my nights worse was the way I had to wake up on school days. For my church, there is a special learning session that all high school students in the church go to really early in the morning. I mean, really early. I had to wake up around 5:30, get dressed, eat, and have my mom drive me toward the house some of us met up at.

I never liked getting up early. I loved to sleep in, especially since I usually stay up until 11:00 before actually getting in bed. In fact, because I woke up early most of the time, my body got used to it and woke me up like 5 minutes before actually getting told to wake up from my mom. That was horrible, especially since my mind was trying to tell my body to go back to sleep that entire time.

Most of my nights are blank, empty spaces of nothing. Much like Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot. She never had dreams until she had it programmed into her.

But this was one of those rare occasions that I actually did have a dream. I dreamed that I was in a small field with some flowers blowing in the wind. I walked on my two legs toward those flowers.

There were exactly 10 flowers, all a different color. All of them were in groups of two. One was purple, while the one next to it was white. The second group was orange and pink. The third group had one yellow flower and another blue. The fourth group had the colors light gray and brown.

The final group was the strangest. One of the flowers was black, and the other was dark gray. Now I wasn't an expert on flowers, but I knew for a fact that some of these flowers' colors didn't add up to real life. Although, this was a dream, so I didn't question it.

There was one last thing to note about the flowers. On each of them, there was a small shape of something inside the center of the flower. In the purple, it looked like it had a star. The white had a diamond, the orange had an apple, the pink had a balloon, the yellow had a butterfly, the cyan had a lightning bolt, the light gray had a darker gray circle, and the brown had an hourglass.

The last two I couldn't make out. The black one had one of the strangest symbols I had ever seen, and the dark gray had what seemed like an orange circle in it.

Now I know I'm dreaming, I thought. Flowers with pictures of cutie marks in them. This may be new, but flowers don't have pictures of the mane 6's cutie marks on them. But then again, what about these two right here?

Out of curiosity, I began to reach down and tried to pick a flower. But before I was halfway there, a voice came out of nowhere.

"Choose wisely."

'Choose wisely'? What kind of voice comes out of nowhere and announces you to 'choose wisely'? Still, what could a dream do to me?

"Choose wisely."

I ignored the voice this time and continued my hand's decent and reached toward the dark gray flower. I grabbed it and gave it a slight tug. Just like any flower probably would, it came out without a fight.

"You have chosen... wisely."

There's that voice again. But this time, why had it said I chose wisely? I became desperately worried as the previously non-existing clouds formed and filled the sky. A lightning bolt shot from one of the clouds and struck the ground right in front of me, right where the flowers were previously sitting.

But instead of bursting into flames, the flowers grew. Bigger and bigger they became, each taking the form of what I could not believe.

The purple flower became none other than the form of Twilight Sparkle! Just the form. It was purple and had Twilight's wings and horn, as well as her mane and tail style, but it was still only the form of her. It wasn't exactly what I expected, since this was my dream and I should have been able to make her look real if I wanted her to, but a form was better than nothing.

I looked toward the other flowers and saw the same thing happen to each of them. The white one became the form of Rarity, the orange one, Applejack, ect. Pretty soon, the mane 6 were all standing in front of me.

The light gray flower became the form of a gray pegasus. I figured that must have been Derpy Hooves, since there were no other gray pegasus that I knew of. The brown flower became the form of Doctor Whooves. Strangely enough, he had a tie with his form.

The last flower took the form of a pony I certainly didn't recognize. the once black flower was in the form of a black unicorn, with a long, flowing mane and an equally longer tail. Who that was, I had no idea.

"Prepare," the voice said, "for soon your wish will be granted."

"What wish?" I asked to it. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"The wish for a better life. You have chosen your new destiny."

"What do you mean, 'chosen my new destiny'? All I did was pick this flower."

"Prepare," the voice repeated. "Prepare!"

"Prepare for what?"

At that moment, the flower I was holding latched onto my hand. I looked down at it and tried using my other hand to pull it off. But the stem grew, around my arm it went. It got tighter and tighter as it did grow. Eventually, it had bound both my arms so tight, I couldn't move either of them.

It continued to grow. It wrapped around my stomach and grew onto my legs. Within an entire minute, I was entirely encased in a flower's stem.

A dark mist erupted from the flower I was holding. Pretty soon, it too took the form of a pony. A dark-gray unicorn with a flat mane to be precise. It stood in front of me and spoke.

"Are you ready?" it spoke with the same voice from earlier.

"For what?" I asked back.

"He's ready," the voice said, turning toward the 9 other figures.

"I never said that!" I tried to break free of my bonds, but it was of little use.

"Don't worry," the form of Twilight said, with her own voice. "This was meant to happen."

"But why?" I asked her. "Why is this meant to happen?"

"You won't understand at this time. But don't worry, you will know one day Blue."

Blue? I thought. Who's Blue?

"Blue, we can't hold the spell on any longer!" Twilight said. "You must do it now!"

"I know!" the gray unicorn, Blue I guessed, replied.

Wait, did she just call me 'Blue' not 2 minutes ago? I asked myself. Why is she calling him Blue now?

I never got an answer. That unicorn took a few steps back and ran strait toward's me! I panicked, struggling even more against my bonds. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact.

But it never came. Instead of colliding with me, he passed straight through me. He emerged on the other side, but I could not see him.

At that point, all points of my body were squeezed through the tightness of the flower. I screamed in agony at the pain it brought forth. I thought that this would get nowhere in any goal the mist-ponies had for me.

But something did happen to me. My body seemed to shrink and the stem seemed to be loosening, only to become tight again when it closed in.

I could feel every part of my body changing. My hands were compressed into a ball and my feet felt like breaking off when they were compressed. My chest became too small and my breathing became shallow.

It all hurt.

"What's happening?" asked a voice that sounded like Rainbow Dash.

"Everything's fine," Blue said. "This is supposed to happen."

"But is he supposed to be shrinking?" another voice asked, Fluttershy I think.

"Yes, this is all supposed to happen."

"What in tarnation is happenin'?" another voice with a country accent asked. Must be Applejack.

"I'll tell you once we're done!" came an angry reply. "Stop asking me questions, and don't interfere!"

At that point, he ran through me again. This time, I wasn't expecting it, for he came from behind me. More pain, even more intense this time. My fingers and became numb and my stomach felt like giving a hurl.

My face is what hurt next. A weird mist came from the flower once again and flew into all gaps in my head. My face felt like it was changing too.

I don't know how this could happen in a dream, but I lost consciousness.