• Member Since 30th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen March 16th



Comments ( 43 )

This was everything a story on this genre should be. Well done.

Very well done :)

I'm not the biggest fan of diapers, but that was incredibly hot! :pinkiehappy:

Looking forward to your next chapters

This was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, hot I loved it!

Great job, I loved everything about it. Looking forward to the next chapter.

This is incredibly romantic! So much trust and love between these two mares. You've done this just right. They've got an uncommon fetish, but it's still love and care, and it shows. Your descriptions were also quite to my taste. The house felt like it was their house, rather than an anonymous house. The town felt like a warm and living place. And I especially liked the magelights, for some reason. Very well done!

very, very good.

A few improvement points though: the story is fairly large so it would greatly help if you split it up and use a line between them. I don't mean that you should make it multiple chapters but just some kind of in-chapter division would greatly help. Also it tended to get a so poetic and symbolic at times that it was sometimes hard to understand what exactly was actually happening. Those two things made it a bit strenuous to read.

Just small stuff really, great story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Brain shut down system active-rebooting

Sorry bout that I kind had on of those:rainbowderp:moments

Good story

I'm happy you like it.

I completely agree with you, that's something that should really be improved.

49k words in one chapter? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Seriously, break that up into a few chapters so we can actually read that please.

Well that was quite a read, and thoroughly enjoyable. Curious statement at the end, but I suppose it ties in with the 'subtle magic' mentioned way earlier.
I liked the nightmare/dream at the beginning as well, could resonate with some folk in these here parts.

Some might have an issue with the chapter length, I don't, but then again I'm from the land (history) where 20k chapters aren't too unusual and probably expected. Also you're focusing on a day-to-day thing, which means some days have more events than others, and would have a correspondingly longer description of said events during that time scale.

Oh yes, the descriptions of the recycling methodology and industry of Equestria was well-written, interesting, but seemed a tad out of place in a fic such as this... I did appreciate it, but others probably won't.

I look forward to Celest/Sunday, whenever that may be or however long that may be.

This was freaking adorable! Given the constant talk of their diapered butts, I hope there will be some rimming and other diapered butt action later on!

This please. I mean 5 10k chapters would be amazing.

I do think you should split it up.
40.000+ is just too much. It should be less than 15.000 at most.

This has become my favorite story on the site, couldn't have enjoyed it more.

Man I love this story, your way with words is great!

I could read 40k more words of this no problem. :derpytongue2:

>50k word chapter
largest chapter on site?......

I'm very glad the story can please.

Topics like that should be tied in more elegantly, I agree.

I am of the same opinion that the entire thing should be less unwieldy to read, regardless of the actual length. On the other hoof, this particular story doesn't lend itself well to being split up without taking away from it. I definitely now know to keep it in mind when laying out a new story.

I split up one of my chapters in parts A and B.
Maybe you could try something like that. I would think 4 parts would be good, part A, B, C and D.
Almost all of my chapters were split up, with minor modifications it's fairly easy.

Absolutely beautiful, your prose is pure art. Thank you for making and continuing this like you have, i don't know what else to say.

Did I just read 50 thousand words of pony adorableness?

I've gotta go take some insulin now.

the recycling thing was a little weird. I would think Bonbon would be totally in her 'foal' mindset. I would think that with Bonbon once she get's into her 'little filly' mode she is completely in it. She sometimes was responsible and sometimes a complete foal. I would think she would go fully into being a foal and foals can't speak (except maybe the name of their caretaker). I would expect Bonbon to not speak and only make foal sounds when she truly got into it.
Also why are they eating grass like that? I thought ponies didn't eat grass unless they had no choice. Ponies after all would prefer more processed foods.
I would think North Wind would be more shocked about what she is seeing. That she's completely at a loss for words.
I don't get why Bonbon inability to resist her diaper makes it Lyra's property. Can you explain that?
It's still a little difficult to make out what exactly is happening. Just where they are and what is going on.

You aren't dead are you? I am really curious as to where this story was going.

Thanks! I finally found the time to tackle this chapter. Thanks!

I'm just slow. Thanks for sticking around.

They're not like that


WHOA!!! that's a hell of an update. glad to know you are still alive and kicking.

Sweet sweet awesomeness. One of my favorite tales is back, and still on a really high quality! I look forward to reading the rest of the chapters soon. Thanks for all your hard work MEGA!

My goodness it updates! Thanks!


They're not like that

what do you mean? I said multiple things so what are you refering to?

Oh my goodness this great!

Hehehe. Most ponies are very understanding. Silly Bon Bon

to go out alone wasn't a very smart move on Lyra's part. You should never go alone into something like that, always make sure you have someone with you.

This was a really good story. Excellent writing. Excellent capture of Age Play!

Sweet celestial that was good. I was worried that the nagitivr comments pushed you away but then you come back with this crazy adventure! Thank you

This story's always been a favourite of mine; the ABDL side of things is done to perfection.

These new chapters have taken the story in a new direction, which is rather jarring compared to the first 2 chapters, but I must say I'm enjoying them immensely! I do like reading creepy scary stories.

I loved it are you going to make a sequal?

Thanks for reading and thank you for your opinions.

There'll be likely no sequel.

No problem, it was a great story

This is such a good story I had to read it twice well after a few months but still a great story I loved it keep up the good work

Oh my…

Well done!!! This is INCREDIBLY hot!

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