• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 1,591 Views, 54 Comments

The Day - Regidar

Lyra Heartstrings has been told that today would be the day everything would change.

  • ...

The Morning

Lyra Heartstrings awoke, her horn crackling faintly with the arcane energies that unicorns typically used when employing their magic. Smiling as the familiar tingling sensation filled her up, she slowly rolled out of the warm folds of her bed. This was going to be a special day; she had been promised that.

Her hooves touched the ground, feeling the cold wooden tiles pressing against them. Lyra groggily walked to the bathroom and took a hard look at herself in the mirror. Her mane was unkempt, and the little sparks of energy on her horn were visible every now and then, causing her mane around it to frizz as if it were affected by static cling. Her smile didn’t falter the entire time.

The voices in her head had promised that today was the day everything would fall into place.

Levitating a comb with her magic (was it stronger than usual? The comb felt lighter in her grasp), she began to brush her mane down. The hairs in her mane close to her horn merely frizzed back up again, and after several slightly-frustrated run throughs, Lyra gave up on pushing them down. She was in far too good a mood to let this annoy her too much, anyway.

Skipping downstairs, she found that Bon Bon was packing up a large box of assorted candies. The earth pony looked up at the approaching unicorn, and smiled a tired smile. “Hey, Lyra.”

“Hey, Bonny!” Lyra exclaimed happily. “Big order at the shop?”

Bon Bon nodded. “Yeah... I’m a bit frazzled, actually. I got zero sleep last night. We got the order from Sugarcube Corner, so Caramel and I were up all last night, and I had to make more here at home.” She sighed, looking down at the box. “I think they came out well, though.”

Lyra eyed the box hungerly. “Maybe I could sample one?” she asked craftily, a sly smirk sneaking into her face. “Just to test their quality?”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “Nice try, Lyra.”

Lyra pouted, jutting her bottom lip out and enlarging her eyes. She batted her eyelashes rapidly, and Bon Bon could swear that her eyes were sparkling. “Pwease?”

Bon Bon set a hoof to her chin, then looked back at Lyra. “Nope! Sorry, these gotta make it to Sugarcube Corner.” Lyra glanced down at the floor in mock sorrow, heaving an artificial, overly dramatic sob to enlarge the effect.

Bon Bon sighed. “But I suppose if you came in at about, a little after lunchtime, I could spare you an extra candy...”

Lyra bounced up from where she was, and slid over the table, her fore legs outstretched. Bon Bon cringed in surprise, and grabbed her large box of candies quickly, before Lyra Collided with her, giving her a large hug. “You’re the best, Bonny!”

Bon Bon blushed, leaning into the hug. “Th-thanks, Lyra...” Lyra squeezed the mare tighter, and Bon Bon’s eyes began to bug out of her head. “Lyra! Air!”

Lyra relinquished her hold on Bon Bon, and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, got carried away.”

“I swear, you could give Pinkie Pie a run for her money in the affection department.” Bon Bon smirked, jostling about slightly to make sure she still had feeling everywhere.

Lyra’s grin widened. “Only with you! Are the candies alright?”

Bon Bon looked down at the package of sweets in her hold. “Yeah, I think so. Box doesn’t show any signs of damage, and the candies are set apart equal distances with little dividers, so I don’t think they’re hurt at all. It’s really quite an ingenious design, if I do say so myself!”

Lyra raised an eyebrow. “You come up with it?”

Bon Bon nodded, setting the package down on the table. “Yup! Both Caramel and I noticed that the candies were getting smashed together and starting to stick together because they were too close to each other. I reasoned that if they had a little divider and some extra space, the product wouldn’t get hurt. Sure, it costs a little more, but I like to think that putting quality over quantity is a good thing.”

Lyra smiled brightly at her. “I totally agree with you. But um, listen, I gotta get out. Today’s a big day!”

“Oh?” Bon Bon raised an eyebrow.

Lyra nodded enthusiastically. “Yup! It’s the day!”

Bon Bon sighed. “Oh. That.”

Lyra’s brow furrow. “Bon Bon, come on. I thought you were past that.”

Bon Bon sighed, exasperated. “Look, Lyra, I love you and all, but this is still... weird. I mean, voices in your head telling you that today’s going to be ‘the day’? That’s usually a sign of mental illness.”

“Do you think I’m crazy, Bon Bon?” Lyra asked earnestly.

Bon Bon gave Lyra a scrying look. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

The two shared a laugh.

“Oh jeez,” Lyra said, looking down, a blush evident on her face. “Look, I know it sounds weird, but these voices haven’t been saying anything harmful, honest! They’ve just been preparing me for something big and important happening on this date!” She looked at Bon Bon, her amber eyes gleaming in a ray of sunlight that filtered in from a kitchen window. “And they showed up the same time that big rock fell in the center of Ponyville! The two are probably related! How could I be one to ignore obvious evidences put in front of me? You know me... Twilight Sparkle’s been helping me research it and everything! She already checked to see if I were crazy, and the tests came up negative!”

“Because we all know how sane Twilight is...” Bon Bon heaved a heavy sigh, and rolled her eyes. “Alright, Lyra. Whatever. As long as you aren’t getting hurt, or hurting anypony... I guess I can’t complain. Just stay safe, alright? Your cryptozoology thing gets me frightened you'll go off and get murdered by ghosts, or something.”

Lyra nodded. “I always am safe! Also, I know better than to annoy ghosts. That’s cryptozoology 101. Gosh, Bon Bon.”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes, and giggled despite herself. She then set the package on her back, and trotted towards the door. “I’ll see you after lunch, then!”

Lyra waved her hoof in farewell. “Miss you!”

Bon Bon smiled, and trotted outside, the door slamming shut behind her.

Lyra walked over to the fridge, her stomach rumbling with hunger.


The town square was mostly devoid of ponies, Lyra found, as she walked out into the center. It was as if they knew that something big was approaching, and were taking shelter inside just in case that something turned out to be something bad.

Towards the far end, behind the fountain, it sat. Towering the height of two-and-a-half adult ponies, it was the rock that had brought Lyra her voices. It was a light grey in coloration, and half buried in the dirt of the square. Walking slowly up to it, she set her hoof against the rough surface.

The voices in her head buzzed, as if jolted to life.

today’s the day, today’s the day

“Yes, I know,” Lyra mumbled out loud to the voices. “But what is it the day for?”

today’s the day, today’s the day

“Yes, but for what?” Lyra repeated, anxiously. Other ponies would have been annoyed by the constant vague, unanswered babbling in their heads, but not Lyra. She took this as a gift: as being picked out because she had something special to offer or receive, and she was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

today’s the day, today’s the day

Ignoring the babbling now, she removed her hoof from the stone, and they quieted. Gazing upon its surface, she let her mind swim with a thousand questions about what all of this meant.

“Is there something inside of the rock?” Lyra tapped it, and got a dull clunking noise that most ponies got when hitting a rock. The voices buzzed to life and then died down again with each press and release of the stone, sounded not unlike static in the space between radio station with their quick crescendos and cut-offs.

Lyra's horn, which had still been tingling with magical charge, lit up, encasing the rock in her aura. She ran a basic detect magic spell, hoping to get any information.

It came up empty.

Just like the other ten times she had tried it in the past.

Lyra groaned, disheartened, and kicked a small pebble that lay close to her. She knew something was going to happen related to the rock; why would the voices lie? They were obviously connected to the object, and they’d have no motive as to get her hyped for nothing. She just had to be prepared for whatever that something was.

“Hey! Lyra!” she heard a voice call from across the square. Turning around, she saw the form of a lavender pony, wings tucked neatly at her sides, and horn protruding from the center of her forehead, parting her mane.

“Lyra!” Princess Twilight Sparkle called out again. “Come over! I’ve got something to show you! It’s about the rock!”

Lyra’s horn sparked excitedly.

Comments ( 51 )

Oh shit. This looks good.

Should I fap to this?

:rainbowkiss:I'm liking this already.

The Marker returns! I look forward to seeing necromorphs invade Ponyville.

aCB #6 · May 2nd, 2014 · · ·

The human skull I cuddle in bed every night often tells me that today is the day, as well. It usually quiets down after I make out with it a bit though. :pinkiecrazy:

This looks promising.

Soon, young padawan!

Interesting. Let's see where it goes.


>Regidar story
>ambiguous first chapter
This is either going to be intensely feelsy or completely ridiculous. I am prepared for either. :raritywink:

I have a bad feeling about the voices in her head and the rock. I hope that the rock is not full of MidiChlorians.

Tentative favourite. I'll have too see chapter two before I decide if I'm sticking with it.

If anyone happens to read this, Regidar is a better writer than you.

So far, so good. Looking forward to the next chapter already.

I am prepared to submit myself to the writing god.


your body is ready

Your cryptozoology thing get me frightened

should be "gets"

Lyra found, as she walked out into center.

I'm guessing there should be a "the" or "its" in there.

that most ponies got when hitting a rock

I feel this is a reference to Maud Pie? Perhaps this is a tiny version of Ponyville situated on the floor of her residence and the large boulder is in fact a piece of her shit that missed the oatmeal. :pinkiecrazy:

Welp, color me intrigued. :pinkiehappy:

The voices in her head had promised that today was the day everything would fall into place.

I'm so happy, 'cause today I found my friends. In my head...

This rock is either some kind of Colour out of Space, or it's just Tom who decided to visit Rarity...

4326327 woah, good job turning this really dark really fast

I like the image of Lyra.

Faving so I'll actually read it later, since I never seem to touch my Read Later list. <.<

today's the day, today's the day

I read that as this...

That time when Lyra was really the Master. :trollestia:

Buuuuuuut... this is going to be slice of life? I'm confused.

>>>lavender pony>>>


I couldn't resist. :trollestia:

Cool, are you gonna continue this, because I want to know what's up with the rock. :rainbowderp:

Arrrgh. A mere 1561 words and you stop right in the middle of a scene without reaching a plot point?

And you were doing so well. :fluttershysad:

:flutterrage:As the bard of Avon said " CRY HAVOC AND UNLEASH THE DOGS OF WAR!!!!!!!! " :flutterrage:

4332116 you should have know better than to expect good things from me


Ah, Regidar. We meet again.

It's funny, I never seem to check who the author is before I post my comments.

I'm reminded of this song

Good story though :yay:

Go on....

Lyra Heartstrings awoke, her horn crackling faintly with the arcane energies that unicorns typically used when employing their magic. Smiling as the familiar tingling sensation filled her up, she slowly rolled out of the warm folds of her bed. This was going to be a special day; she had been promised that.

Her hooves touched the ground, feeling the cold wooden tiles pressing against them. Lyra groggily walked to the bathroom and took a hard look at herself in the mirror. Her mane was unkempt,

Up until then, I was expecting this to be a ponified version of the shaving story you blogged a few months ago.

*Reads first chapter*
"huh? What the hell just happened?"
*Looks at tags*
Just slice of life. No random, no comedy, no sad, no dark. Just slice of life
*More confusion ensues
Looks at progress*
"ohhhhhh! Okay. Nothing to see here"
Please, do go on.

Alright, i'm waiting, I thought today was the day.

Like Lyra, I am intrigued, hopeful, and mildly annoyed. Looking forward to more.

I wonder if this will update. Hmm, That will be the day, eh? :trixieshiftright:

4547580 I'm actually writing an update as I type this

No Idea what the fuck you are going for, but it has Lyra so I will fav to see where this goes.

4328034 BWAHAHAHA:trollestia:


Uhm... I'm gonna guess this one's dead.

6075152 assumptions make an ass out of you and me

6075576 Been over a year with just one tiny chapter... at the very least it's in a chronic vegetative state. :trollestia:

or just never written in general lmao

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