• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 6,306 Views, 85 Comments

A role-playing gamer in Celestia's Court - Gsarge9289

A rather nerdy guy wakes up to find he has a new body in a strange land. Even more strangeness ensues

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The Afterparty

Pinkie had managed to get a few of Ponyville's other ponies of note to come and meet me on such short notice. The first I was introduced to was Mayor Mare. I was rather surprised that she had come personally since I wasn't anyone important, just an odd being that had expressed an interest in taking up residence in her town.

"Mayor Mare, this is Onyxian. Onyxian, Mayor Mare." I gave the mayor a polite nod and she returned the gesture.

"Pinkie Pie tells me you're far from home and currently not able to return. As well as interested in staying in Ponyville?"

"Yes, I'd like to have permission to stay in Ponyville proper for a while."

"Well of course you can stay in Ponyville, but you're going to need some way to care for your needs."

"I have a few ideas as to how I might be useful enough to the ponies here that I could make ends meet, maybe even do a bit better." I gave her a bit of a wry smile. She simply smiled back at me, she was a bit harder to read so I did my best to lighten my expression incase that had come off as menacing.

"Very good, welcome to Ponyville."

"Awesome! Now that that's out of the way, let's get you meeting everypony else!" The party continued for a few hours as I had been introduced to a few other background ponies before the party died down to me, the mane six, and Spike. I looked like my time had run out once again and Twilight was ready to give me the fifth degree.

"So, you ended up lost in the Everfree Forest after a failed teleportation, are from a place far away, but have heard of some of the things that my friends and I have done recently. How?" I was still at a loss, I didn't really want to play the 'from another world' card just yet.

"Well, it's not like Nightmare Moon's return and sudden defeat wasn't a big deal. It was the first major threat to the world in nearly one thousand years. The return of the Elements of Harmony is also a big deal. Why don't more of your citizens know or care about such events happening in their country?"

"Stop trying to evade the question!" Rainbow Dash was right, I was trying to evade the question. What would make the most sense for why I would know any of this? A really dumb idea came into my head but I figured it was worth a gamble.

"I'm a wizard's apprentice. The wizard Gygax, is a powerful magic-user and scholar of arcane lore. I had just entered his tutelage before the teleportation spell he was using tan foul and I ended in the Everfree." Twilight perked up as most of the mane six seemed to have only a passing interest after my explanation.

"Oh, so you were learning about magic? Well I guess it does make sense that you could have some knowledge of the Elements then. A wizard, what's Gygax like?" I thought about how to continue figuring I could go with Gary Gygax's famous archmage of Greyhawk, Zygax.

"Well, he's kind of a shut-in, always in his tower performing all kinds of magical experiments and perfecting new magic spells. Not much of a people person, I was very honored that he was willing to take me as his apprentice. I hadn't been with him very long so I don't really understand a lot about magic." To that I could tell Twilight seemed about ready to explode

"I'd be more than happy to try and teach you more about magic until you can return to your studies." I bowed my head to her.

"I'm not sure if I'm meant to go back or if I want to go back. At least I don't want to go back right away. Pinkie took all this effort to throw me this party. Seems like a waste to not see what Ponyville has to offer and what I might be able to offer it." Pinkie certainly seemed to like my answer though I still noticed a look of disdain from Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash.

"And wut about finding a place ta stay?"

"Well, I'd just need a bit of land to build on." Twilight came up at that remark.

"No,no, you can stay here in the library until you find a place. That way you can study more about Equestria and magic." The hour appeared to be rather late and the rest of the Mane Six bid Twilight and I a goodnight as while I wasn't really sure about staying there, I didn't really have anywhere else to go. Twilight still had the second bed from 'Look Before You Sleep' and brought it out for me to use. I sat down thinking about how strange and crazy the last two days had been.

"Something on your mind, Onyxian?" I looked over to see Twilight on her bed. It was strange, I was sitting across from Twilight Sparkle, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"It's been a strange two days since I ended up in the Everfree Forest having to use what magic I had to survive Timberwolves and Cagidiles. Now I'm the houseguest of a princess that's taken it in her hooves to be my mentor. Life is funny isn't it?" Twilight sighed lightly and nodded her head..

"That does seem like a lot to take in all at once. I understand it can be overwhelming. I'm no stranger to rather sudden and radical change. Don't feel ashamed to have to take it rather slow." I nodded in agreement and stripped out of my clothes, folding them up and then slipped into bed. I was out like a light, the feeling of safety was still strange but calming as I felt a familiar feeling in my dreams as I was once again greeted by princess Luna.

"Two visits in two nights? A guy would be liable to think he's special with this kind of attention." Luna quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Well, we hope we are not disturbing you." I gave her what I hope looked like a mock stern face.

"Are you really here on royal business? I'm not going to hold it against you if you speak plainly to me."

"That suits me just fine then. No, I'm not here on royal business I just keep sensing you in the dream realm. Your mind is rather distinct. Why did you hug me like that when we first met? It was as if you knew me or at least more than just of me and you certainly seem to know things I haven't told many people about."

"I'm not from this world, where I'm from, this is all a work of fiction made to sell little girls toys." Luna seemed a bit confused at what I was saying.

"Where you're from, I am only known as a toy? Then why do you care to know about me?" This was getting into rather strange subject matter though for me everything was still strange so I simply kept going.

"Basically, there are a group of young and older adults that enjoy the stories, care for the world and a number of the ponies in it. So well, you're one of my favorite ponies. Certainly my favorite princess. You just always seem so lonely and distant. I guess I gave you a hug because I know the pain of feeling alone as well." Luna pawed the ground in a nervous fashion when I called her my favorite princess. I'm sure she hadn't been told that by too many ponies.

"I see, that would explain why your mind seems so different."

"So, what were you hoping to learn from this little visit?"

"Nothing in particular, like you, I sensed another lonely soul, but one far from his home. Are things going better now that you are among more ponies?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I got a bit of the inquisition from Twilight. I think she thought I might have been some kind of spy."

"Hmm strangely unlike her, but with the loss of the Elements, I can understand her being a bit more worried about oncoming threats. These stories you know, would any of them have to do with events that had not come to pass?" I thought about what I should tell her. Would them knowing or me being here change things?

" I think they might, but as far events soon to happen. None of it will be anything they can't handle. I'd keep an eye on Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle." She bowed her head politely to me.

"I shall do that." I moved a bit closer and noticed we were in a nice spring meadow at night.

" I've always liked the night looking up at the Moon and stars. It's really hard where I'm from to see them unless you go out into the country because we have a lot of artificial lighting in the towns and cities." I sat down in the grass and was joined by Luna with a smile on her muzzle.

"I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the night. Most ponies are asleep by now, well so are you. and they never seemed to enjoy the night as much as the day.." I scooted over and managed to lay against her rather enjoying the moment.

"Thank you for visiting me again. I'd like the chance to meet you in the waking world if you're up for something like that."

"Perhaps, it's not as if I can't send you an invitation to Canterlot Castle." At that I turned to look at her and gave a playfully smug look.

"Princess Luna? Inviting the lost stranger? Oh the scandal!" I began to laugh as she joined me before I turned fully around and gave her a hug around her neck which startled her a bit. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a hugger."

"No, it's fine. I rather like it, I'm just not used to having so much affection directed at me." I let up on her as I looked up at the dream night sky. I didn't want this dream to end but I knew that like all dreams I would have to wake up.

Author's Note:

Thank you for taking the time to read. Any feedback is much appreciated.